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Can Thai royal police raid for work permit checks?

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Yes indeed they can and do this on a regular basis where i am situated,but never me because i am normally sat outside enjoying a beer as one has to,1 time i was working inside omg did they ? me but thanks to my lady who rushed to my aid she turned the situation around and the outcome turned into whether the goods on sale were copy copy umm best be silent here lol,but i do make a point now of greeting the kind gentlemens visit now and when i see 2 cars pull up laden with police i hastily go warn my indian friends who somehow dissapear into the night,idk how they manage it with no back door lol.

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sorry but he sat at the receptionists desk, he is asking for trouble, if he had sat in a chair on the other side of the counter it would have been okay.

Like someone else said, if a customer would have come in and asked questions, would he have answered them, my guess is Yes, therefore he could have been done for not working with a work permit.

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The RTP. can and do anything they want , and do, the name of the game is money

Actually they can't but they think they can. Intimidation is one of their weapons, and of course their outright corruption allows them to get away with murder.

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How can they extort money when uou provide the documentation everything is legal.

Sitting at a desk relaxing and waiting for someone looks different from someone dressed for work and sitting in a business manner.

You would think the can tell the difference

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. If no work permit you cant do anything if you have bar guest house etc you cannot move a chair pick a glass up or even talk with customers. You are a customer only

How can they extort money when uou provide the documentation everything is legal.

Sitting at a desk relaxing and waiting for someone looks different from someone dressed for work and sitting in a business manner.

You would think the can tell the difference

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It seems that every endeavor a foreigner engages in is subject to a shakedown by official thieves...why on earth do you put yourself in a position to be hassled, extorted, jailed, fined, and made miserable in this country...This is Thailand...a low profile helps keep the corruption to a minimum...

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Yes they can do this and they are acting within the law. In the past this has happened and people have been arrested and charged with not having work permits. Generally speaking, this kind of raid is usually the result of some kind of tip off from either a business rival or someone with an axe to grind against the company as a result of a personal grudge or something as trivial as a parking space.

However, extortion is obviously illegal but reporting it without strong evidence can be hazardous unless you have a lot of witnesses etc.


What law exactly? Under what jurisdiction? The police have no lawfull right to touch anyone unless there is a crime. To have a crime there must be a injured victim. Please explain where you get this from.

To have a crime there must be a injured victim

Where and when did you dream that one up?

There are countless " victimless crimes"

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The problem here is that if you pay, it is only a matter of time before he comes back demanding more. That is pretty much guaranteed. This is not like a traffic stop where you pay a hundred baht and go your way. He knows where you work, if you pay he knows you are weak and that he can intimidate you, and this will become an ongoing thing.

I would call his bluff and let him present his bullshit story to the courts.

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Yes they can do this and they are acting within the law. In the past this has happened and people have been arrested and charged with not having work permits. Generally speaking, this kind of raid is usually the result of some kind of tip off from either a business rival or someone with an axe to grind against the company as a result of a personal grudge or something as trivial as a parking space.

However, extortion is obviously illegal but reporting it without strong evidence can be hazardous unless you have a lot of witnesses etc.


What law exactly? Under what jurisdiction? The police have no lawfull right to touch anyone unless there is a crime. To have a crime there must be a injured victim. Please explain where you get this from.

To have a crime there must be a injured victim

Where and when did you dream that one up?

There are countless " victimless crimes"

To be charged under criminal jurisdiction there has to be a injured party. I dont dream things up. Study law and you will see.

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Not too sure if police have the power or the knowledge, however DSI can.

20000 is the going rate

more like 100,000 and 2nights in immigration centre if your caught then you can haggle and they will accept 60-80k but then every month they'l be at your door for their little sweetener


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To be charged under criminal jurisdiction there has to be a injured party. I dont dream things up. Study law and you will see.

Please stop posting absurdities because you will be attacked and reduced to bits. If you like that and enjoy senseless debates post in another area or even better another forum.

Most of his posts are deleted. Maybe the mods have just given up!

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If not for the purpose of extortion or a complaint from competition or angry employee it seems to be their job to do random checks.

Not sure if this is the policy, but would be valid.

I once sat in the employee area of a print shop specifying how I want my cards to look.

If raided would it look like I was working? (Casual dress clothes might be a clue)

I don't think most police are bad but that is because never had any interactions with them

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Hi, today 3 royal thai police cam to my company and said we had been reported for working without a permit.

My solicitor had both my passport an permit so I rang him and he spoke to the officers.

He said okay fine.

However while our receptionist took her son to the hospital my husband ( he's on a ret. visa) sat at her desk and was watching stuff on his iPad. So the officer said he was working.

We explained that I had staff and that my husband just sits in the office until I finish so we can go for dinner.

He said he didn't believe us but would go away for 20,000 THB.

Can he do this? He said if we don't pay he will arrest both of us because I could not produce my paper work.

Any advice?

We are both British nationals.


20k is not much.

I know ppl paid 200k

I think thay can raid mostnof time with immigration police.

But offten its scam.

Some thai who know u and know that police man give him tip so they share 20k.

I think u cant win it.

Pay and learn ur lesson

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Don't know where you are, but this has all the trappings of an extortion attempt (particularly the 20,000 THB to 'go away')..

My understanding is that officers from labour/and or immigration departments need to be present at such a raid.

Did you check IDs and write down names? There have also been several cases of fake police doing this trick.

Feel free to video them or point out if you have CCTV, they might just get a little nervous and leave...........

Chances are the people who came were 'working' on their day off, small businesses are their favourite.

When i witnesed one ride tnere was police and immigration staff.

They were taking photos of ppl involved..

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He said he didn't believe us but would go away for 20,000 THB.

He said if we don't pay he will arrest both of us because I could not produce my paper work.

Did you pay the 20K or did the policeman give you time to decide while you checked with posters on Thaivisa?

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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We could do with a few more more permit checks on Samui right now. It seem that there are a lot of Farangs blatantly working in jobs that would not have a work permit for. Stalls in Big C, mobile cocktail vans, touting for cosmetics shops down Fisherman's village. Strangely, they all seem to be women with East European accents.

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We could do with a few more more permit checks on Samui right now. It seem that there are a lot of Farangs blatantly working in jobs that would not have a work permit for. Stalls in Big C, mobile cocktail vans, touting for cosmetics shops down Fisherman's village. Strangely, they all seem to be women with East European accents.

Ain't no feeling like snitching feeling, I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...
However while our receptionist took her son to the hospital my husband ( he's on a ret. visa) sat at her desk and was watching stuff on his iPad. So the officer said he was working.

And in another thread you stated a few days ago your former landlord arrived with the police at your "new workplace" because you were in breach of contract, leaving rented accommodation after 3 months into a twelve month contract and had also left without paying final electricity & internet bills, supposedly because you lost your job.

Could this be the REAL reason for and the person that reported you to the police? Is the previous landlord the person with the axe to grind? It sounds like perhaps that that landlord got pissed off that you left him in the lurch and tried to hurt you because he knows your "business" weaknesses. Could this be the case? It seems also a possibility that the police sees an opportunity to make some money and is more interested in that than being a tool of the landlord.

Personally i wonder about paying extortion for anything. Doesn't that leave you open for more extortion from the same person? Is that 20000 bht a one time deal or whenever the police needs a little more cash? What about his buddies? I would be very careful about paying any extortion. It sounds like a slippery slope. Does any one have insight? I am just wondering.

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