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British police arrive in Thailand to observe Koh Tao murder probe

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The British police will have been well briefed , certainly they will already know far more than any of us here. They are probably the best chance we have of seeing justice done so lets wish them luck and happy hunting.

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I don't believe that it is a waste of time. The officers will examine evidence and procedures, compare with what they know and do in Britain, and tell the world what they think. How can that be a waste of time?

........."tell the world what they think".....Sorry....they cannot do that...even with proves that those guys are innocent. The Thai Police and UK Police have exchange agreements in good standings, and NEVER the UK Police will create confrontations..... The only thing they may do is to provide unofficial evidences and opinions to help the defense and human rights team...but I doubt they will take the chance to upset the Thai Police.

After the arrest, suspects "confession", and police declarations, this case is already CLOSE.


"The police inquiry into the deaths of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge met international standards and was unequivocally fair, he said." Except the bits like securing the crime scene, planting evidence in suitcases, refusing to DNA a suspect because he's the mafia boss's son and so on.... I think it will be an eye opener for the British police, they are not stupid as Chainarong seems to think. They can't actually do anything but observe and there's nothing to observe now really but my guess is they'll be asking RTP cleverly masked questions and won't be taken in by the b/s and bluster they'll get back in return. On another not the boys are being visited by their families and representatives from their embassy, let's hope they think to take swabs with them to take their DNA to give to the Brit police.

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I don't believe that it is a waste of time. The officers will examine evidence and procedures, compare with what they know and do in Britain, and tell the world what they think. How can that be a waste of time?

........."tell the world what they think".....Sorry....they cannot do that...even with proves that those guys are innocent. The Thai Police and UK Police have exchange agreements in good standings, and NEVER the UK Police will create confrontations..... The only thing they may do is to provide unofficial evidences and opinions to help the defense and human rights team...but I doubt they will take the chance to upset the Thai Police.

After the arrest, suspects "confession", and police declarations, this case is already CLOSE.

Think you might be in for a surprise , IF the UK police discover a cover-up and associated corruption with this particular despicable shamble.

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The great British police who couldn't find the body of a young girl in a canal only yards away from where she was murdered or the body of the chief suspect hanging in trees in woods they had allegedly searched - excuses they used - "she was hidden in bushes and weighted down with logs in the water so we couldn't see her hmmmm" - we were searching the floor not the trees" hmmmm. We couldn't find her for 4 weeks as we aren't used to such big searches hmmm - How the idiots think they will be able to solve a murder(s) in a foreign country is beyond belief, no wonder they are only allowed to be there on "Holiday" (sorry" to observe") I would trust the Thai police more than them actually.


"The police inquiry into the deaths of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge met international standards and was unequivocally fair, he said." Except the bits like securing the crime scene, planting evidence in suitcases, refusing to DNA a suspect because he's the mafia boss's son and so on.... I think it will be an eye opener for the British police, they are not stupid as Chainarong seems to think. They can't actually do anything but observe and there's nothing to observe now really but my guess is they'll be asking RTP cleverly masked questions and won't be taken in by the b/s and bluster they'll get back in return. On another not the boys are being visited by their families and representatives from their embassy, let's hope they think to take swabs with them to take their DNA to give to the Brit police.

I have had two or three run ins with the British police in the past. All non serious stuff.

These guys are trained, and they are trained very well.

The will question the RTP in a very clever way, the RTP won't have a clue they are actually making official statements.

Once the Brits have the full statements on how the RTP investigated and and came to their conclusions on who 'is' and who 'isn't' guilty. The Brits will then use all the glaring evidence that is completely contrandictive of the RTP 'statements'.... Then they go back to the police with a very long list of contradictions and ask them to clarify why they said this and that when the evidence clearly contradicts their statement.

That is how it is done in the UK.

One thing is for sure, there is no way the Brit police are going to be courteous to the RTP or Thailand's issue with 'face'. They will make their true beliefs known once they return to civilisation. The rest will be the media and British public putting massive amounts of pressure on Cameron who at the moment is having major problems with the British public shaming him as a weak leader who has no power on the international stage (EU for example).

Cameron isn't going to care two shits about Thailand, he needs to be seen to be a very strong international player on the world stage if only to save his own career. Here is an opportunity for him to really put his foot down and really cause Thailand a world of hurt, because that will gain him back some of his lost respect.

Trust me, Thailand is not more important to him than his own career.

100% agree. I would also add that there is NOTHING more important to Cameron than his career!


And anyone who thinks the British police are beyond reproach to corruption and political influence must not live in the real world. In many cases particularly involving demonstrations and protests they have been caught withholding information which vindicated the accused, or simply appeared to have lied as this week a judge accused a senior policeman of doing over a student protest.

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Im over this, Im over the corruption, the lies, the everything that this case and many more involves. I think the whole thing stinks and I feel for those two boys and their families. If the Thai Police come out being the winners I spit on them...no they aren't worth my spit. But if they come out as the losers proving that they have lied and cheated all along, WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?


"The police inquiry into the deaths of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge met international standards and was unequivocally fair, he said." Except the bits like securing the crime scene, planting evidence in suitcases, refusing to DNA a suspect because he's the mafia boss's son and so on.... I think it will be an eye opener for the British police, they are not stupid as Chainarong seems to think. They can't actually do anything but observe and there's nothing to observe now really but my guess is they'll be asking RTP cleverly masked questions and won't be taken in by the b/s and bluster they'll get back in return. On another not the boys are being visited by their families and representatives from their embassy, let's hope they think to take swabs with them to take their DNA to give to the Brit police.

I have had two or three run ins with the British police in the past. All non serious stuff.

These guys are trained, and they are trained very well.

The will question the RTP in a very clever way, the RTP won't have a clue they are actually making official statements.

Once the Brits have the full statements on how the RTP investigated and and came to their conclusions on who 'is' and who 'isn't' guilty. The Brits will then use all the glaring evidence that is completely contrandictive of the RTP 'statements'.... Then they go back to the police with a very long list of contradictions and ask them to clarify why they said this and that when the evidence clearly contradicts their statement.

That is how it is done in the UK.

One thing is for sure, there is no way the Brit police are going to be courteous to the RTP or Thailand's issue with 'face'. They will make their true beliefs known once they return to civilisation. The rest will be the media and British public putting massive amounts of pressure on Cameron who at the moment is having major problems with the British public shaming him as a weak leader who has no power on the international stage (EU for example).

Cameron isn't going to care two shits about Thailand, he needs to be seen to be a very strong international player on the world stage if only to save his own career. Here is an opportunity for him to really put his foot down and really cause Thailand a world of hurt, because that will gain him back some of his lost respect.

Trust me, Thailand is not more important to him than his own career.

Do you know how difficult it is to ask ' clever ' questions using an interpreter ?

Will the BIB be making ' official ' statement as in written and signed to be taken away and used to highlight incompetence etc. Both sides will be very careful what they say to each other and verbal interchanges can so easily be denied or blamed on mis-interpretation. How are they official ?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The great British police who couldn't find the body of a young girl in a canal only yards away from where she was murdered or the body of the chief suspect hanging in trees in woods they had allegedly searched - excuses they used - "she was hidden in bushes and weighted down with logs in the water so we couldn't see her hmmmm" - we were searching the floor not the trees" hmmmm. We couldn't find her for 4 weeks as we aren't used to such big searches hmmm - How the idiots think they will be able to solve a murder(s) in a foreign country is beyond belief, no wonder they are only allowed to be there on "Holiday" (sorry" to observe") I would trust the Thai police more than them actually.

And anyone who thinks the British police are beyond reproach to corruption and political influence must not live in the real world. In many cases particularly involving demonstrations and protests they have been caught withholding information which vindicated the accused, or simply appeared to have lied as this week a judge accused a senior policeman of doing over a student protest.

Wow! Been in trouble with the British cops before?

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And anyone who thinks the British police are beyond reproach to corruption and political influence must not live in the real world. In many cases particularly involving demonstrations and protests they have been caught withholding information which vindicated the accused, or simply appeared to have lied as this week a judge accused a senior policeman of doing over a student protest.


No actually I work in security and my Masters is in criminology so I sort of get the picture of how the police are politicised in the UK. We also come into contact with criminals during our work so I suggest we have a reasonable picture of how things are. We should as well during these posts send our sincere condolences to the family's and not forget the utter devastation these murders will be having on them and the way they are been handled. It's interesting how the UK government have dealt with this as well, as they seem to have until the press pushed it been fairly low key as much goes on behind the scenes

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Hmm that's not an uncommon story we hear all the time, the British police are fairly under paid so this is reflected in their ability to recruit. However, there are many good and dedicated police officers in the UK who probably share many frustrations on how they have to deal with situations, such as the recent cases of Pakistani gangs raping thousands of young vulnerable white girls and largely going unpunished due to what appears to have been an attempt not to upset immigrant Pakistani communities and working in a 'politically correct way.' In fact they arrested the father (Reported in press) for trying to rescue his daughter and until recently even this post may have led to my arrest for ' inciting racial hatred' although now all I am doing is reporting fact.


I searched Google to see if i could find anything about Chris Ware's statement to Scotland Yard

I found a link to Daily Mail in UK

But the site is blocked but Thai information ministry

www.dailymail.co.uk [/size]

If the Thai Information Ministry can block a British national newspaper site to stop people in Thailand reading the statement of Chris Ware, How far do you think this cover up is going up the ladder of power in the RTP and Government

For the RTP to backtrack now is impossible and admit they made a mistake about the perfect case, I would like to be proved wrong but and see justice done but the power from Koh Toa has very long arms, 30 years in this country and I think that to much loss of face for the RTP and our beloved PM for them to change there lies now, Like I say I hope to be proved wrong. Good luck to the British police.

This blocking pre-dates this case. It goes back to the Mirror showing Fi-Fi's birthday party.

It does go all the way up though

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Wonder if the plods asked the Carabinieri to track McAnna down in Italy so they could have a chat with him. Even if he sounds a bit incoherent, it might be worth the price of a budget ticket to Italy to find out what he has to say.

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Im over this, Im over the corruption, the lies, the everything that this case and many more involves. I think the whole thing stinks and I feel for those two boys and their families. If the Thai Police come out being the winners I spit on them...no they aren't worth my spit. But if they come out as the losers proving that they have lied and cheated all along, WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?

Tut tut. You`re talking about the honest and hardworking RTP. rolleyes.gif

What happens to them? Moved to inactive posts maybe. No,wait a min, the good PM is Supreme Commander of the Police. His handpicked appointee, the good Police Commissioner General Somyot, has been in charge of this perfect/complete case as publicly announced by both of them.

Can hardly move themselves to inactive posts.

In same places at other times, top brass do the honorable thing and .............

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The British press self censor many items as well and the government do get involved and can and do issue what is called a "D"notice which prevents certain stories been published. Many stories are not published in the UK involving the rich and famous as they often get super injunctions to prevent it or can influence in other ways. So the UK press are not entirely free.


Im over this, Im over the corruption, the lies, the everything that this case and many more involves. I think the whole thing stinks and I feel for those two boys and their families. If the Thai Police come out being the winners I spit on them...no they aren't worth my spit. But if they come out as the losers proving that they have lied and cheated all along, WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?

Hopefully extinguished and replaced - not inactive posts


In fairness to the Thai police I have never had an issue and have never been asked for a bribe or even had it suggested. In fact I have been surprised how courteous they have been and have always co-operated in anything we have needed. However, I have also never been accused of a crime. I am sure there are good and bad in all areas of life including the police, but my experience of the Thai Police had always been positive.

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The stuttering parrot, on 24 Oct 2014 - 07:22, said:

How much input will they be allowed?

If just observing then they might as well stayed at home.

As for setting up a police station well that horse as truly bolted but I suppose anything is better than the current set up.

Still the RTP reckon they have the guys and the DNA so innocent until proven guilty but if they are then throw the full weight of the courts at them

I was under the impression there are police "stationed" there, if so, what difference will a "new" station make. A "station" is only a building, policing is done by competent, trained, disciplined and honest people.

I suspect the major change would be a more senior policeman in charge. This would place them in a better position to resist an outsider arriving and trying to enforce an honest investigation (which was actually seen for a few days in the David and Hannah case until corruption from on high was able to quash it).

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Im over this, Im over the corruption, the lies, the everything that this case and many more involves. I think the whole thing stinks and I feel for those two boys and their families. If the Thai Police come out being the winners I spit on them...no they aren't worth my spit. But if they come out as the losers proving that they have lied and cheated all along, WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM?

Hopefully extinguished and replaced - not inactive posts

Replaced by whom? Can hardly replace themselves can they. See #173 above.


I hope the British police have access to CCTV footage captured on the island the night of the murders and can manipulate the image to home in on who it is running from the crime scene that night. Also dna swabs from the murder weapon, semen found and the prime suspects in the case would also be helpful.


Wonder if the plods asked the Carabinieri to track McAnna down in Italy so they could have a chat with him. Even if he sounds a bit incoherent, it might be worth the price of a budget ticket to Italy to find out what he has to say.

For sure they did.


Maybe they can find out what happened to all the evidence this officer claimed to have.


I remember reading this report and feeling like justice would be done.

Then it all changed someone else was put in charge of the case and it went in a different direction.

After reading it again this man seemed very confident he had evidence placing certain people at the crime scene and cctv footage of the same people.

I hope all avenues are explored.

I still have no idea who did these crimes but I am very hopeful stuff like this will be looked at again.

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