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The Exploited Kids Selling Roses to Tourists On Khaosan Road

Lite Beer

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So just Khao San road?....Pattaya, Khon Kaen, Chiang Mai..Hua Hin..........everywhere......and everyone turns a blind eye......cheap, forced child labour!....all a part of the cause of global condemnation towards Thailand....and the authorities still try to convince the world of their ongoing efforts to stamp it out, but it's simply just talk!

If you read the story it says there are around 500 of these kids around Thailand

This story happens to focus on what happens on Khao San road, i'm sure the charity's that are trying to help these kids are aware and are trying to help kids in other city's to

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I have actually seen a kid curse at a farang who refuse to buy a rose, the kid was being a pain and the farang kept on saying no, kid say f' you and went to bug someone else. I would say the kid was only around 12-14, clearly many of these kids are headed in the wrong direction. But I understand its not their choice, but this job is molding them into kids who will be trouble makers down the road.

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Part of the problem is the foolish farang who believe they are helping these children and their families by buying flowers. They are only keeping the children on these streets and in some cases the money could be going to a pimp who simply sits at home, then takes his cut when the child returns and the rest may go to the mother.

The problem could be eradicated by the police situated on KSR, but as we all know they don't care enough to make the effort to ensure kids are not operating on this street and other localities.

All things considered we can't rely on the police to police. So if nobody buys a rose then there is no market. THE END

Edited by EASYDOGG
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Here's a solution that will probably go over like a turd in the punch bowl.

If I travel to Outer Slobovia (work with me here- I don't want to get too specific) and boink a few kids, there's a pretty good chance I'll get pulled aside at immigration when I get back to my home country, for some extra latexy scrutiny (and a few years in the custody of the government).

Since it's a pretty good bet that any kid I'd be buying a rose from after, say, 10:00 PM is an exploited kid, it only makes sense that my country can impose some kind of penalty on me if I'm seen contributing to the exploitation of the kids- even kids in a foreign land. Maybe not the latex gloves and lockup, but perhaps a $1,000 fine when I cross back into my home country?

Half a dozen newspaper articles about exploitative tourists getting fined when they get back home, and a few horror stories on some of the travel blogs about what happens to ME when I contribute to the exploitation of kids would certainly make me think twice before committing such an act.

Trying to dry it up on the supply side doesn't seem to be working. Perhaps it's time to dry it up on the demand side. Just like exploiting kids for sex.

Edited by impulse
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Any civilized society would impose heavy penalties on the parents who allow minors to work like this but in Thailand effectively no one cares that's why this continues so its not the fault of any German or other tourist that chooses to buy.

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