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Koh Tao murders: Influential island figure vows to clear his son's name


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Why does it matter? Conspiracy nuts will just not believe and demand more proof only to then go on and disbelieve that.


What kind of results are these people thinking will happen ... that somehow the two DNA samples collected at the scene will somehow match a third person making two people who don't even share the same heritage having identical DNA. THEY ALREADY MATCHED THE DNA and this kid was not even on the island at the time of the murders. At least their is tough defamation laws in Thailand and this is a perfect example of when they should be used.

Check your facts, again you are back tracking your original thoughts on this forum and others.... which remain anonymous due to mod requests....

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I can understand it .. if the guy is innocent and some internet hero's destroy his image.. id be pissed too.

If the guy is innocent?? Well yeah, but if he was innocent he would of submitted long ago to a DNA test.

Why ? Because some people don't believe him ?. This is not trial by media. I know that I would be real wary giving off my DNA to the Thai police who knows what happens with it. If there is no real good reason for it I would certainly never give of DNA to satisfy some internet group.

Who knows how convincing his real evidence was for being in BKK. The stuff you guys have not see. It is as if everyone thinks that they are entitled to all the evidence and know the same stuff as the police.

I have a police friend buddy (back in my birth country) he tells me that even there what is printed in newspapers is often far from what has actually happened. I find it amusing to say the least that people think they can do an investigation from behind their computer instead of having the real facts the police is privileged too.

I make no claims about this guy either way, but his reputation is toast either way. This will hunt them for a long time even if not guilty.

But many farangs hate rich Thais with a vengeance because then they cant feel superior. Admit it its much nicer if some HISO is guilty instead of some lowly worker. So there is prejudice too.

If were suspected by many to be the culprit of any crime, I would rush to the police station to show I'm innocent giving tons of samples of my DNA. I would not hide somewhere, unless I had something to conceal, in this case, or in another.

Wouldn't you do so?

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Why does it matter? Conspiracy nuts will just not believe and demand more proof only to then go on and disbelieve that.


What kind of results are these people thinking will happen ... that somehow the two DNA samples collected at the scene will somehow match a third person making two people who don't even share the same heritage having identical DNA. THEY ALREADY MATCHED THE DNA and this kid was not even on the island at the time of the murders. At least their is tough defamation laws in Thailand and this is a perfect example of when they should be used.

If the matches are so certain, why has the prosecutor sent the docket back THREE times?

I think the only DNA match is between the cigarette butts on the beach and the 2 Myanmar guys, and they have already admitted they were on the beach. This is why the prosecutor keeps asking for more evidence - I have never read that they have a match between the Myanmar and from inside Hannah . Big man will have paid the local police to make sure that any DNA that is tested isn't actually from the son. There is no point in the Myanmar guys denying it if they did it, because they would know that their DNA was inside Hannah. Only the son of the big boss would rape and expect to get away with it.

No, I think there was a DNA match claimed between the cigarette and the semen. Whether the claim by police that this DNA matches the Burmese suspects is a true claim is the big question.

Unless the Brits have already been remarkably influential themselves and forced this test, why do it? Isn't the likely answer that the influential person knows that there will not be a match (and needs to get everyone off his back).

This doesn't necessarily mean that there has to be some sinister orchestration of a dishonest non-match, with his friends in the RTP playing games with either the base DNA samples from that night or the new sample from him. (Although everyone will naturally want to see how public, transparent and independently supervised is this new test.)

I think the test (still assuming it's entirely voluntary) can go sweetly without any new skulduggery, and that requires either that he is totally innnocent or simply that he is assured that the DNA on the cigarette that matches the semen is the only DNA his will be tested against and is not his. Doesn't mean he didn't participate, but helps him bolster that assertion. Good move, long awaited, way too late and too many other issues to remove all suspicion, but good move.

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“I want to ask who will responsible for the reports on social media that accused my son and my family and brought disgrace upon our family?” Woraphan said in the Bangkok Post. “When the case ends, I’ll let it be the police’s duty to take legal action against them.”

What disgrace will there be if your son has volunteer for DNA matching to prove his innocence in the first place?

​Talking about the DNA, for God sake please don't sacrifice some of the innocent lives. Remember one thing- Karma

he can explain why he contaminated the crime scene

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This sux..... He wasn't on the island when the murder occurred. There is CCTV photos to prove it.

Why give DNA now... My sons first alibi was he was at school.... Now, hmmm test him for DNA after he refused before..... Pls pls just don't ask for his phone records, that will cost me an additional 100 million baht on top of my initial 120 million baht. I am full of **** but pls don't investigate me.....I am a gutless, weak, inhumane parasite but pls see through my bs........

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This is another farce unfolding, how does anyone know that the the supposed original sample ever came from the victim. Pathetic farce from the start and continued by the General/ PM who will do anything to protect the RTP and Thailand's image. Wrong move sunshine you are just reinforcing the international understanding that you and your country a way way behind reality.

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Why does it matter? Conspiracy nuts will just not believe and demand more proof only to then go on and disbelieve that.


What kind of results are these people thinking will happen ... that somehow the two DNA samples collected at the scene will somehow match a third person making two people who don't even share the same heritage having identical DNA. THEY ALREADY MATCHED THE DNA and this kid was not even on the island at the time of the murders. At least their is tough defamation laws in Thailand and this is a perfect example of when they should be used.

If the matches are so certain, why has the prosecutor sent the docket back THREE times?

Why don't know for sure, so I guess that is a good reason to believe it has something to do with DNA? crazy.gif

What we do know is clearly a judge, prosecutors and police believe their is enough evidence and they they are still in jail. We also know this case was rushed to get to the prosecutors and get reports released (because of conspiracy nuts) and even in the west this would be an incredibly quick time to get everything completely properly in presenting the case to prosecutors. But yea, must be because the DNA doesn't match.

In fact what we know, is that there is some evidence to hold them, and basically them being illegal immigrants is sufficit - they will be prosecuted with that propably, even if no charges would be brought up regarding this case. The obvious secondary reason for detaining, of course, is to keep them from leaving the country(read: be deported back to Myanmar). I think the legal limit is 80 and some days, until they either have to prosecute or drop the case.

Ok, so they are illegal immigrants (I did not see proof)

They had work. What about their employer - is it legal to employ illegal immigrants?

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I can understand it .. if the guy is innocent and some internet hero's destroy his image.. id be pissed too.

If the guy is innocent?? Well yeah, but if he was innocent he would of submitted long ago to a DNA test.

Why ? Because some people don't believe him ?. This is not trial by media. I know that I would be real wary giving off my DNA to the Thai police who knows what happens with it. If there is no real good reason for it I would certainly never give of DNA to satisfy some internet group.

Who knows how convincing his real evidence was for being in BKK. The stuff you guys have not see. It is as if everyone thinks that they are entitled to all the evidence and know the same stuff as the police.

I have a police friend buddy (back in my birth country) he tells me that even there what is printed in newspapers is often far from what has actually happened. I find it amusing to say the least that people think they can do an investigation from behind their computer instead of having the real facts the police is privileged too.

I make no claims about this guy either way, but his reputation is toast either way. This will hunt them for a long time even if not guilty.

But many farangs hate rich Thais with a vengeance because then they cant feel superior. Admit it its much nicer if some HISO is guilty instead of some lowly worker. So there is prejudice too.

Mafia are certainly not Hi So Thais.

Some here seem to think that if someone isn't a farmer, doesn't drive a pick up or work in a bar , they are Hi So.

Ask a Thai what "Poo Dee" are and if they mix with normal people.

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Why does it matter? Conspiracy nuts will just not believe and demand more proof only to then go on and disbelieve that.


What kind of results are these people thinking will happen ... that somehow the two DNA samples collected at the scene will somehow match a third person making two people who don't even share the same heritage having identical DNA. THEY ALREADY MATCHED THE DNA and this kid was not even on the island at the time of the murders. At least their is tough defamation laws in Thailand and this is a perfect example of when they should be used.

If the matches are so certain, why has the prosecutor sent the docket back THREE times?

Why don't know for sure, so I guess that is a good reason to believe it has something to do with DNA? crazy.gif

What we do know is clearly a judge, prosecutors and police believe their is enough evidence and they they are still in jail. We also know this case was rushed to get to the prosecutors and get reports released (because of conspiracy nuts) and even in the west this would be an incredibly quick time to get everything completely properly in presenting the case to prosecutors. But yea, must be because the DNA doesn't match.

In fact what we know, is that there is some evidence to hold them, and basically them being illegal immigrants is sufficit - they will be prosecuted with that propably, even if no charges would be brought up regarding this case. The obvious secondary reason for detaining, of course, is to keep them from leaving the country(read: be deported back to Myanmar). I think the legal limit is 80 and some days, until they either have to prosecute or drop the case.

I read a report that said only one of them was an illegal alien. I guess the pancake selling interpreter must be an illegal alien because, as a Rohingya, there is no way he can have a nationality.

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Ok, so they are illegal immigrants (I did not see proof)

They had work. What about their employer - is it legal to employ illegal immigrants?

This Nation report was where I picked up they were illegally working in the country - quote: "The three men have also been charged with illegal entry, after they were found to have entered Thailand and resided illegally. "

As for the latter part, no and yes - in the news about the 'crackdown on illegal migrants', shortly after the duo was detained, the army investigated the migrant situation on the island, and found out there are thousands of them - and concluded that if the business operators will not tell the truth about their hired migrants, be it legal or illegal once, then they would face legal actions against - so nothing about hiring them, but for covering the illegals' a*ses - TiT whistling.gif

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I read a report that said only one of them was an illegal alien. I guess the pancake selling interpreter must be an illegal alien because, as a Rohingya, there is no way he can have a nationality.

But without the banana pancake man, who would take the shelling for the alleged beatings misinterpretations then - nor bake pancakes? whistling.gif

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Not saying it looks right.. saying all the time I make no judgement here. I don't know the real facts that are available to the police and neither does anyone here.

But you ARE making judgements and display and obvious bias even if it's not as strong as some others.

So you're either unaware of your own biases,

Or you're being dishonest about them, which is one of the surest signs of someone with an agenda i.e. a shill.

So which is it?

Brucieboy's rant deserves the reply it got, none.

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I can understand it .. if the guy is innocent and some internet hero's destroy his image.. id be pissed too.

If the guy is innocent?? Well yeah, but if he was innocent he would of submitted long ago to a DNA test.

Why ? Because some people don't believe him ?. This is not trial by media. I know that I would be real wary giving off my DNA to the Thai police who knows what happens with it. If there is no real good reason for it I would certainly never give of DNA to satisfy some internet group.

Anyone following this case for more than two days knows that this is not "trial by media" and it's not "some internet group" alone asking why the TRP tested hundreds of people but not family members very likely present at the bar they owned most associated with the murder victims last known location and closest to where they were murdered.

And while certainly speculation has been over-the-top by some people at some times, you're trying to dismiss the opposition to the RTP case with this kind of argument? It sounds like your number one concern is "the guy's" reputation, not getting to the truth of whether he was involved.

Reeks of an agenda.

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Do we know the details concerning the DNA samples from the victims? What were the samples taken from and by whom? What is the chain of custody of the samples? Similar informaion concerning the DNA samples taken from potential suspects would be good to know.

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"Influential island figure"

is it a Bird ??? NOOO is it a plane? NOOOOOOO it's the

"Influential island figure" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what does he do??? HE protects His sons NAME !!!!!!!!!!!!!


you all agree? Ok let's DO IT

Edited by metisdead
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What exactly is a village headman? "Headman" has a negative tone to my ears, like kingpin or boss. Is it a member of the police who is responsible only for a village? I live in a village but I've never heard of any headman here.

They are/were the heads of subdistricts(tambon) elected by the village elders(phu yai ban), in time before local tambon administration organizations were formed during the '90s. Once a lifetime job, now 5 year job at a time, and still in rule on remote/non-developed areas and villages (very much so on the smaller islands).

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I'll tell you right now what the outcome will be. He will be cleared and not because of some nefarious scheme cooked up by the BIB. Anyone familiar with familial DNA testing knows that because the father and uncle have already been tested and cleared that he will be cleared too. The thing that will remove all doubt is the fact that Scotland Yard will now be witness to this new testing. If they closely monitor the test - as I have no doubt they will -that should put the final nail in the conspiracy theory coffin.

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I'll tell you right now what the outcome will be. He will be cleared and not because of some nefarious scheme cooked up by the BIB. Anyone familiar with familial DNA testing knows that because the father and uncle have already been tested and cleared that he will be cleared too. The thing that will remove all doubt is the fact that Scotland Yard will now be witness to this new testing. If they closely monitor the test - as I have no doubt they will -that should put the final nail in the conspiracy theory coffin.

When did the relatives have their DNA taken, was it at the beginning when everyone else had theirs taken?

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funny how they all are up for re testing/testing at the same time........ http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/772331-thailand-to-allow-second-dna-test-for-british-murder-accused/

Good isnt it.. I mean suppose the English do have some DNA... then this would nail it. If he is guilty would he really risk it not knowing what the English have ? The Thais could be bribed.. but English data would be different. Now he would be giving a sample of something that could potentially come back to bite him.

Just a thought.

Either way.. I don't know and would not say he is guilty or not.

He said he would present himself for a DNA sample to the police in Thailand. He didn't say his DNA would be provided for independent verification and the police just cannot be trusted so it will prove nothing. How come it takes a month to decide to do this when the Burmese guys were tested the day after and cleared and then tested again and mysteriously found to match. Too much smoke and too many mirrors and the police are not cleaning away any of it.

with Scotland Yard detectives there, and all the unaswered questions, it is NOW, that the headmans son wants to clear his son's name?


because social media and internet posters believe the Thai police, who initially fingered him?

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I'll tell you right now what the outcome will be. He will be cleared and not because of some nefarious scheme cooked up by the BIB. Anyone familiar with familial DNA testing knows that because the father and uncle have already been tested and cleared that he will be cleared too. The thing that will remove all doubt is the fact that Scotland Yard will now be witness to this new testing. If they closely monitor the test - as I have no doubt they will -that should put the final nail in the conspiracy theory coffin.

When did the relatives have their DNA taken, was it at the beginning when everyone else had theirs taken?
Yes. The uncle was one of the first suspects DNA tested. Many of these keyboard detectives suggest that his test and the fathers' (which cleared them) was somehow tampered with. This new test, which will be corroborated by Scotland Yard, should settle things once and for all. Edited by Lex Talionis
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I'll tell you right now what the outcome will be. He will be cleared and not because of some nefarious scheme cooked up by the BIB. Anyone familiar with familial DNA testing knows that because the father and uncle have already been tested and cleared that he will be cleared too. The thing that will remove all doubt is the fact that Scotland Yard will now be witness to this new testing. If they closely monitor the test - as I have no doubt they will -that should put the final nail in the conspiracy theory coffin.

When did the relatives have their DNA taken, was it at the beginning when everyone else had theirs taken?
Yes. The uncle was one of the first suspects DNA tested. Many of these keyboard detectives suggest that his test and the fathers' (which cleared them) was somehow tampered with. This new test, which will be corroborated by Scotland Yard, should settle things once and for all.

Where does it say anywhere Scotland yard are going to corroborate these tests ?

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Everyone wanted this kid DNA tested and now he is, is anybody happy? Does anyone actually believe there is a chance his DNA will match the DNA they already matched to the two suspects in custody? Let me go out on a limb here and look into my crystal ball and predict that his DNA will not be a match.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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