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DNA results from Ko Tao village head’s son don't match traces on slain British tourists

Lite Beer

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Just reading on csiLA they are saying the pancake translator said that a wine bottle was used as a weapon.

CSI LA is about as trustworthy as the Thai police!!coffee1.gif

um no, the pancake seller said that. Csi LA was only pointing out that the pancake seller is full of buffalo poop. from this day forward.. JOC will be known as "full o poop" status.

remember, the thai police dont share their data. the exact opposite with CSI LA.

Data? Csila is all conspiracy theories and rumor mongering.

as your conviction that everything is hunkydory is so strong,

will you delclare this position to other farang face to face?

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"So it is unnecessary to forward the DNA results to the British government because it had no doubt about the investigation being conducted by the Thai police, said Pol Lt Gen Prawut."

Anyone still believing in any of this BS??bah.gif

It would be nice of them to forward the results to the UK authorities so the British can compare the DNA to any samples they managed to collect from Hannah's body.

DNA from a cigarette butt that could have come from anyone anytime on that beach. PATHETIC

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Hannah has been buried in Hemsby I took flowers there this morning. What a waste of a beautiful person.

A good reminder to the posters here, that is what it is all about!!

Those threads on the topic should not be about who is the rightest of the right, or who have the biggest ego or who can provide the most liked post of the thread.

So in all our infighting (which I am part of) let us not forget the victims!!

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The first mistake the RTP/Government made was to treat this as 'just another farang death in Thailand and that it would eventually blow over. Not this time. They have seriously been caught with their pants down.

No, actually. The first mistake was that police officers at the scene of the crime took pics with their cameras and went home and released them onto the social net. Thick as shit or what? Not only did they release gruesome pictures of an unyet DNA'd crime scene, they thought they might get a little earner or two from it. That was the first mistake, and it stinks more than most of what has followed since.

Prayuth and Co. threaten us in using social media...... well I'd love to be invited to court with the histories of BIB events I have stored on an external drive. The BIB efed up by releasing pictures of the deceased on the day of discovery, and then making statements they now have retracted concerning the well knit island family and henchmen, who were the INITIAL SUSPECTS, until positions of power and money started to negotiate.

In essence, KTao should be a NO GO area for any foreigner, from any land - and that should be emphasised. The AC Bar and its owner should be made to pay, by not having any kind of farang/foreign custom, and I condemn any backpackers or holiday makers to even go near the bar, or that bitch in particular.

Edit: spelling correction; 'Beach'.

When it'd be true that the whole of Tao is the private property of the ruling family, it'd seem technically feasable to make it a no-go area, like other places they own, but...

Tao is Crown Property!

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JD I want civilly ask you one question - can you be intelligent and give me a straight yes or no answer. Here goes.................

You are dreaming. The UK won't put sanctions on Thailand and nobody else has any reason to. In fact, what basis would the UK have for sanctions? 2 cits died, they don't like how the investigation was handled? Certainly a possibility, though we don't know how the UK government feels. People die all over and often as a result of the actions of foreign governments on foreign land. Usually with no investigation.

If the UK did, how would Thailand respond? Would they toss out the ambassador? Cancel the visas for UK cits?

What people seem to forget is that no country has standing to interfere in domestic matters of another country.

Do you believe the Royal Thai Police Force has a problem with internal corruption?

It's only a problem when bloody farang start getting involved on websites.

I know what youre saying - but Im not farang and i personally know of two Thai men who are on murder charges against police who have been over corrupt with them!! believe me Thais KNOW what the RP is like - its a HUGE topic of conversation in inner circles!! Believe me they are JUST as corrupt with Thai as with farang!! In non tourist areas obviously far more!!

So you have a personal connection to 2 people that are accused of murder and blame the police. Do you think this might show bias in your posts?

Probably biased the poster towards the truth.

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Seeing that British subjects are involved, the British government should should look at all the evidence ( or lack of it ) and make an objection in the strongest terms and insist on being directly involved with an independant DNA test using sample that I believe the British must surely have ( fend or please ) If this fails the only meaningful and effective protest left open to the people who really and truly are genuinely committed to truth and justice in this case, is to boycott Thailand by staying away from there. Go to a country where there is justice with better personal safety records, where you're not likely to get raped and murdered by a psychopathic maniac who is left to go free to do it again.

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"so it is unnecessary to forward the DNA results to the British government"

so this basically confirms the tests were bullshit.

Have you got evidence ?

I believe it is an opinion based on a gut feeling... and I doubt it is being presented any differently. It's okay to speculate sometimes.

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This only proves 1 thing. The samples taken do not match with the master sample handed over by the BIB - WHICH nobody knows for sure where AND FROM WHOM it came from.

Thus, in effect, it proves NOTHING, ZERO, ZILCH, RIEN, NADA!

Actually, in this case the master sample used by the hospitals came from headman Tuwichian, who arranged for and paid for the tests. Not only did he provide the DNA, he provided the control test samples. As stated by RTP chief, this test is not part of the investigation and the results will not be introduced as evidence. This is purely for show.

All bull puckey and a farce for the cameras.

Don't let them pass this off to you

as a true and real situation. It's up to us to start learning what's the deal here and that would be next to nothing after the promotion of panya. Three police generals have been in charge of this case . Hopefully the third won't want the truth either and has a strong stomach for hsite.

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The way this is going I predict that this case will never be solved. The Burmese will probably walk free as well since there seems not enough evidence other than a cigarette butt. The case will be thrown out again and again, already happening. Personally I believe they are innocent anyway.

As time goes by Koh Tao will need a couple of years to recover, but in the end it will. In a few years from now sadly enough people won't even know who were Hannah & David. I think the killers will walk free, whoever it was, Nomsod or not, his gang buddies or not, life will go on on Koh Tao and it will be all be Same Same!


Exactly, never hear any mention of the Red Bull guy anymore. Chalerm's son(22 people saw him shoot a policeman dead) is now a police officer - that was bigger news that this at the time and nobody even cares now. All this tragic case can help with now is to teach newcomers and tourists not to piss off the wrong person. And to be aware as what the police really are.

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...now show that the two men are not involved with the murders and so it is unnecessary to forward the DNA results to the British government because it had no doubt about the investigation being conducted by the Thai police, said Pol Lt Gen Prawut.

Even if the DNA testing were credible, how would that prove that the pair were not involved in the murder? How is it not possible that there were assailants present who didn't partake in the bareback rape but did participate in the murder? The two suspects are only the size of 12 year farang old kids. Surely they would have needed some help with the crime, even if they are guilty.

Why would the British government want to see the results of Thai tests when they have the ability and have offered to do DNA testing beyond that would not be subjected to any reasonable doubt?. They have already know about the results of the dog and pony show from the media and anticipated them in advance like everyone else. Where is the evidence that the British government has no doubt the investigation being conducted by the Thai police? Junior foreign minister Hugo Swire has expressed the British government's concern about allegations of corruption and torture arising from the Thai police investigation. No British government spokesman has publicly said anything about the case since then.

It is a relief to learn that the testers were able to determine that the pair were father and son.

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"so it is unnecessary to forward the DNA results to the British government"

so this basically confirms the tests were bullshit.

Do they really think anybody believes them now?

1. done by Thai police and Thai hospitals

2. no witness what was compared with what

3. they refuse to give a sample to the Brits

4. they did the test only after 6 weeks

5. his "alibi" is not investigated

6. CCTV from AC bar is not available (his family owns that bar)

7. No.3 alone enormously strengthens the suspicion about him being guilty

just the opposite from what they intended

they shot themselves in both feet now


here is the Thai answer, I swear by God, and you can hold me accountable for it:

"don't need international standards - have master degree... " (fake "master degree", sorry, my injection...)

Don't understand a thing, not really bothered about not understanding a thing, but "have master degree"... I can't tell you how many times I heard that... or only me???

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"so it is unnecessary to forward the DNA results to the British government because 'it had no doubt' about the investigation being conducted by the Thai police, said Pol Lt Gen Prawut."

where is the press release from the British Government confirming this?

and if they 'have no doubt' then why have they sent officers all the way to Thailand to monitor the investigation?

maybe they just went for a holiday, cos I have not heard anything from them at all, unless they are saving it all until they get home,

....perhaps they are in Pattaya being wined,dined & 69'n....all expenses paid for by the BIB!

Today,we live in a world where only WRONG can succeed .

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Hannah is laid to rest but the culprits are still alive.

Better we not forget that. Let's have some real justice. Not the Bull we have had to endure. Not the face saving

that has gone on. Where is our government. We are the police who went to observe.

A young woman who was brutally murdered in the prime of her life.

R.I.P Hannah

This is not about face saving.. this is about BIG money and MASSIVE corruption... This is not about face saving,, it's about saving jobs and careers .. it's about saving lives of everyone involved in the murders, in the coverup, in the corruption... Don't be fooled...

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I am sorry that these men had to go through this, and I now assume that they have been set free. This will lead the police to understand the their out of control behavior, by some of the members on the force, are finally going to be watched by the public, and hopefully their superiors. I have to consider that these young men, and the father, were heroes in this matter. Unfortunately, these groups are prevalent in every police force in the world.

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"so it is unnecessary to forward the DNA results to the British government"

so this basically confirms the tests were bullshit.

Do they really think anybody believes them now?

1. done by Thai police and Thai hospitals

2. no witness what was compared with what

3. they refuse to give a sample to the Brits

4. they did the test only after 6 weeks

5. his "alibi" is not investigated

6. CCTV from AC bar is not available (his family owns that bar)

7. No.3 alone enormously strengthens the suspicion about him being guilty

just the opposite from what they intended

they shot themselves in both feet now


There's a photo on a certain facebook page that shows that AC BAR has a CCTV camera POINTED TOWARDS THE BEACH .... Wonder why AC BAR did not cooperate with police and give them the video ... After all, one of the associates of AC BAR (in touch resort) was ON THE CRIME SCENE obviously helping the police solve the case... Why not just give the CCTV that points to the beach!!?? Oh let me guess,, they are hiding something!

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More conspiracy theories.

In the absence of reliable information, that's all we've got, unfortunately. Possibilities need to be discussed or the police will just be able to corrupt the case any way they like.

Regardless of the damage done to people?

Interesting that in an earlier post you dismissed the murders and horror of their method as "it happens all over the world", but yet here you are worrying about the damage done to a few scumbag mafia bar owners names? Really?

Critical thinking simply isn't taught here.

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Have the police reported who owned the three phones that they found ?

We know they had Hannah's was handed in by friends.

We know that they had one their possesion with Davids photo pinned to it,

We know that they also found a smashed up one in possession of the 2 burmese or close to their room.

I mentioned this in other post that smashed up phone needs forensics tests as it may have evidence on it the real owner should be identified.

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