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DNA results from Ko Tao village head’s son don't match traces on slain British tourists

Lite Beer

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There have been many incidents on Koh Tao.....reported ones that is....just check....not that you don't know already

How many unreported ones are out there?

Why the silence from the residents of Koh Tao.....FEAR?

I think so

Fear of what?

1 horrible thing happens in kohtao in decades and suddenly you blame koh tao. Luckily everyone aint daft as you guys.

There shure is reson why koh samui wasnt selected best island on asia last year. Koh tao was and that was voted by tourist . Maby vote was righed by mafia and us horrible people here 2.

Seriously , u guys dont have nothing better to do then day in day night sit here in internet talking rubbish?

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When all this happened at start , no comments were made by mutal agreement of to respect of victims and their families.

U talk about fear ..like this would be some kind of movie?

Later more comments much have not been made bcase 100% shure we dont know enymore then u guys.

If you think that on these times of social media some could threat us or hole community here wich is still shcked about all this . Well oviously that is not possible.

We all here wish everything will ne investigated to bottom of it and there will be 100% truth for sake of these 2 lost souls &their families.

Meny others in "forum" prob not instead are on their personal vendetta.for reason i can only quess.

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so your on Koh Tao and you have not heard one person say it was not the Burmese?

you have not heard one person speculate another person or persons took part in the murders?

When all this happened at start , no comments were made by mutal agreement of to respect of victims and their families.

U talk about fear ..like this would be some kind of movie?

Later more comments much have not been made bcase 100% shure we dont know enymore then u guys.
If you think that on these times of social media some could threat us or hole community here wich is still shcked about all this . Well oviously that is not possible.

We all here wish everything will ne investigated to bottom of it and there will be 100% truth for sake of these 2 lost souls &their families.
Meny others in "forum" prob not instead are on their personal vendetta.for reason i can only quess.

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I never said that, ive heard numerous people saying that . I even have burmese working for me . I am as conserned then you that it has to be shure there is right people behind bars.

But thats what we were talking about it was it?

Wish would know more some things dont ad up but thats all i know? Unfortunately that is the only truth at mo!

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@ JD... I guess I reached my quota of block posts; hence, my post will seem irrelevant to others.

"You asked. You got it. You didn't qualify your demand."

A very harsh lesson I learned as a teen. It's sounds slightly off topic but it's relevant to your post. As a starving musician I went to the guitar shop to sell one of my guitars. I was hungry. I opened the case and displayed an ash bodied Fender Telecaster Deluxe. He said, "How much do you want for it?" I said, "What do you think it's worth?" He opened his wallet... took out two dollars out of his wallet and said, "Here, go to Taco Bell."

If you don't ask you don't get!

Thanks for the memory JD.

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From all the information I have seen no one hass been cleared on this yet ,The prosecutors are still sitting tight , Uk has not given any reports as to confirm or deny if the DNA testing and results are correct.

The D.S.I have been asked to take on this case so to certain 3 posters from the hang em quick brigade should sit back and stop trying to convince 300, 000 people who are are not convinced the burmese did these horrible crimes.

It would certainly give people a bit more confidence if the D.S.I got involved and left no stones unturned and started a complete new investigation.

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Pornthip... Credibility severely damaged in 1 word. GT200

You fail to recognise or accept what Porntip actually said. She didn't say she should have been asked to attend in person. What she pointed out was the failure of the RTP to get Forensic Pathologists onto the crime scene as a matter of urgent procedure. It's hardly surprising the RTP failed to do this when you have phographic evidence of the 'persons of interest' invading the scene on day 1. Any forensic evidence taken from the crime scene and subsequently used in a court of law is corrupted and quite rightly open to contradiction by the defence lawyers, prosecutors, judges, and anyone else whose concern is seeing justice prevail.
You fail to recognize what she actually said. She said she could make the gt200 work. Permanently damaging her credibility.

I don't know the qualifications of the 7 officers who were on the scene, and I doubt she did when she said a specialist should have been called. (I doubt any were DNA specialists but some may have had training)

The issue of letting persons of interest in, is a red herring. There were no persons of interest at the time. Nobody should have been let into the crime scene ideally. The problem here arises when you realize you are in Thailand and notifying the headman was natural.

Yes the case is flawed. It is up to the judges to decide if it is fatally flawed or not.

Mon isn't the headman, he's the headman's brother. By possibly contaminating the crime scene, Mon was also making it more likely that he would be let off from being a suspect. If it ever came to trail with Mon as one of the defendants, his defense attorney could say: "my client can't be found guilty because the crime scene was contaminated."

So you now believe that he is a master criminal!

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Island life please inform us all of your travel experience.. How would you know what happens all over the world.. What, because you read.

You seem to quite passionately want to defend your island, in this case the indefencable. You seem to want to defend little Nomsod and call out anyone who mentions his name.... What you don't seem to realise are the following.

Their were 2 brutal murders on your island. Vicious, gutless, despicable murders.... Nobody in this forum had a clue who Mon and Nomsod were until the TOP COP openly named them stating he had seen CCTV footage etc etc and they were number 1 suspects. Not this forums fault but..... when names are mentioned by top police we listen... Suddenly cleared....by new cop... Why, because Nomsod was in BKK... Sorry pal the wheels are turning. Police saying people fled the island etc etc gets people curios.. Suddenly he to the general public has a case to answer. His lawyer comes forward with a very, very unconvincing alibi, 1 terrible still photo... Is it any wonder people start to say HELLO, that doesn't look right. Then suddenly reports come thru from uni students that he was not present on that day and when he did turn up he was covered in scratches.. Huh what, oops that's not good... Refusal to do a DNA test,,, huh why not if you were in BKK. All of a sudden he looks guilty as sin.... Not because of what any forum says but because HE WAS NAMED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE. Since then for someone who was 100% in bkk he has had a very very difficult time proving it... He looks like the guy in the no.9 shirt on the island. His girlfriend says she couldn't find him and his cousin lied on her Facebook page... If you want to be upset with anyone be upset with the police who named him when everyone on here had no idea who he was.. Be more upset with your mate for not doing a better job of clearing his name. Its not our fault the police have led us to smell a rat... They named him to extort money from the family, then when it was paid cleared him without proof.... Public displays with paid police officers only adds to the publics concern that he was involved.. This isn't going away for him. There has already been mention of Sicilian revenge. Its upset a lot of people and that prospect is sadly very real. Take your anger elsewhere and remind your friend for the rest of his life he will need to keep looking over his shoulder or grow eyes in the back of his head.....

I don't know who killed those 2 kids but thanks to the Thai police Mon and Nomsod grow guiltier by the day... Add to that your island will never be the same again.

What happened to that cctv footage the police reported. Should we all call him a liar.... Nothing about the whole case adds up except a payoff to hide the truth. Think with your head and not your heart

Very good summation of some KNOWN FACTS!!

I have never been to KT and therefore do not know how populous it is. I would imagine however that most people living there know each other. Why then the difficulty in identifying the running man and the lad wearing the No. 9 shirt?

I find it hard to believe that either of the two Burmese suspects is the running man. Surely, if they have committed the crime, they would be running TOGETHER?

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Island life please inform us all of your travel experience.. How would you know what happens all over the world.. What, because you read.

You seem to quite passionately want to defend your island, in this case the indefencable. You seem to want to defend little Nomsod and call out anyone who mentions his name.... What you don't seem to realise are the following.

Their were 2 brutal murders on your island. Vicious, gutless, despicable murders.... Nobody in this forum had a clue who Mon and Nomsod were until the TOP COP openly named them stating he had seen CCTV footage etc etc and they were number 1 suspects. Not this forums fault but..... when names are mentioned by top police we listen... Suddenly cleared....by new cop... Why, because Nomsod was in BKK... Sorry pal the wheels are turning. Police saying people fled the island etc etc gets people curios.. Suddenly he to the general public has a case to answer. His lawyer comes forward with a very, very unconvincing alibi, 1 terrible still photo... Is it any wonder people start to say HELLO, that doesn't look right. Then suddenly reports come thru from uni students that he was not present on that day and when he did turn up he was covered in scratches.. Huh what, oops that's not good... Refusal to do a DNA test,,, huh why not if you were in BKK. All of a sudden he looks guilty as sin.... Not because of what any forum says but because HE WAS NAMED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE. Since then for someone who was 100% in bkk he has had a very very difficult time proving it... He looks like the guy in the no.9 shirt on the island. His girlfriend says she couldn't find him and his cousin lied on her Facebook page... If you want to be upset with anyone be upset with the police who named him when everyone on here had no idea who he was.. Be more upset with your mate for not doing a better job of clearing his name. Its not our fault the police have led us to smell a rat... They named him to extort money from the family, then when it was paid cleared him without proof.... Public displays with paid police officers only adds to the publics concern that he was involved.. This isn't going away for him. There has already been mention of Sicilian revenge. Its upset a lot of people and that prospect is sadly very real. Take your anger elsewhere and remind your friend for the rest of his life he will need to keep looking over his shoulder or grow eyes in the back of his head.....

I don't know who killed those 2 kids but thanks to the Thai police Mon and Nomsod grow guiltier by the day... Add to that your island will never be the same again.

What happened to that cctv footage the police reported. Should we all call him a liar.... Nothing about the whole case adds up except a payoff to hide the truth. Think with your head and not your heart

Good post well thought out and to the point .

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I don't know the qualifications of the 7 officers who were on the scene, and I doubt she did when she said a specialist should have been called. (I doubt any were DNA specialists but some may have had training)

The issue of letting persons of interest in, is a red herring. There were no persons of interest at the time. Nobody should have been let into the crime scene ideally. The problem here arises when you realize you are in Thailand and notifying the headman was natural.

Yes the case is flawed. It is up to the judges to decide if it is fatally flawed or not.

Mon isn't the headman, he's the headman's brother. By possibly contaminating the crime scene, Mon was also making it more likely that he would be let off from being a suspect. If it ever came to trail with Mon as one of the defendants, his defense attorney could say: "my client can't be found guilty because the crime scene was contaminated."
So you now believe that he is a master criminal!
'master criminal' is your term. No one else has used that term on this thread. I believed initially and still believe that Mon was involved in the crime. At the very least he knows a lot about the crime which he isn't telling. Everything Thai police have been doing since the replacement head cop was assigned (the day before the Burmese were set-up) cries "shielding the headman's family!"

Also, everything the Thai officials have done since the Burmese were fingered has had 'frame-up' written all over it. The latest, but not the last proof, is Thai officials saying "we don't even need to send Nomsod's DNA profile to the British, because we have everything under control and they (the Grit experts) are in agreement with everything we're doing on this case."

I would think Brit officials are getting a bit fed up with Thai officials telling the world what the British are thinking. It's been happening for two weeks now. When are Brit officials going to get some testicular fortitude and actually speak for themselves - or at least speak out and say 'Thai officials don't speak for us.'?

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@ Huh, what about australian guy who got beaten nearly to dead in green mango and no one helped ,even ambulances dodged their need for help. You can keep your wedding quest yeah just send them to phuket wich is so much safer then koh tao. Its allmoust sad this conversation. I wish you all the best .

Ill focuse now watching geggos in roof much more interesting

Pots and ketles comes to mind.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

1 horrible thing happens in kohtao in decades and suddenly you blame koh tao. Luckily everyone aint daft as you guys.

There shure is reson why koh samui wasnt selected best island on asia last year. Koh tao was and that was voted by tourist . Maby vote was righed by mafia and us horrible people here 2.

Seriously , u guys dont have nothing better to do then day in day night sit here in internet talking rubbish?

@ Huh, what about australian guy who got beaten nearly to dead in green mango and no one helped ,even ambulances dodged their need for help. You can keep your wedding quest yeah just send them to phuket wich is so much safer then koh tao. Its allmoust sad this conversation. I wish you all the best .
Ill focuse now watching geggos in roof much more interesting

Pots and ketles comes to mind.

I felt sorry for all the innocent business owners in KT, paying a price for something totally beyond their control and are powerless to do something about it.

Now, I'm not so sure.......

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From all the information I have seen no one hass been cleared on this yet ,The prosecutors are still sitting tight , Uk has not given any reports as to confirm or deny if the DNA testing and results are correct.

The D.S.I have been asked to take on this case so to certain 3 posters from the hang em quick brigade should sit back and stop trying to convince 300, 000 people who are are not convinced the burmese did these horrible crimes.

It would certainly give people a bit more confidence if the D.S.I got involved and left no stones unturned and started a complete new investigation.

A double homicide of foreign tourists should have been a priority of the DSI from the get go. I don't know if they even would have or could have had jurisdiction there. In America certain crimes fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI. But, please try to remember who was at the head of the DSI for the last few years. Do you remember how its budget was slashed? Do you remember that there was opposition to the existing government in the air last year... Do you realize that the same head of the DSI spent his days issuing warrants of treason and warrants of whatever against the government's detractors and political opposition; while enjoying holidays on his illegally built resort on government owned property. DSI was in transition when the two were killed.

I hope DSI gets the legal power, funding, professionals and leadership it needs. If these had been in place, I think we'd be seeing a very different story in the media regarding the murders. .

DSI should be on the level with Scotland Yard and the FBI if Thailand has the guts to do it... Not an easy task.

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@ Huh, what about australian guy who got beaten nearly to dead in green mango and no one helped ,even ambulances dodged their need for help. You can keep your wedding quest yeah just send them to phuket wich is so much safer then koh tao. Its allmoust sad this conversation. I wish you all the best .

Ill focuse now watching geggos in roof much more interesting

Pots and ketles comes to mind.

Your last line blew the image you were trying to present

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Yes oviously im 2 stupid to comment here. Was fun& interesting experience try to join conversation and tell bit how people here feel about all this.

Like said at start all here get tvisted against you somehow.

Well i didnt join here for comment just for fun. Tryed and as now have noticed its pointless.

Will as fun to re sign from these conversations and do what everyone else here and just not comment it makes no difrent what so you all seem to know ewerything allready.

Have nice night you all.

Me out.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Huh ,are you having a laugh? Comparing koh tao to koh samui is like comparin big tiger to small cat . Oviously samui beeing dangerous tiger. Best of the day . That area. Ha ha

No not having a laugh at all, this is serious in my book. Regards that particular booking think a little Islandlife. Wedding in Samui = parties = hen parties = stag parties = destination Koh Tao for the stag or hen do.

I will go as far to say I am now actively discouraging any further wedding party groups from visiting Koh Tao simple as that.

You are aware that the danger of dying from an accident on the islands is at least 10 timers higher than beeing murdered? You´ve heard of the 2 english gentlemen, part of a wedding party by the way, which were just walking down a street at around 6PM and were killed by a stupid driver, one or two years ago? Or the swiss elderly couple drowning in Lamai last year?Such things happen here many times every month!

And if you think this murder case was so much more gruesome because of the pictures, go and have a look at the Samui rescue picture board with100s of horrific pictures of spilled brains and such.

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Don't let your boss hear you say that

I never said that, ive heard numerous people saying that . I even have burmese working for me . I am as conserned then you that it has to be shure there is right people behind bars.

But thats what we were talking about it was it?

Wish would know more some things dont ad up but thats all i know? Unfortunately that is the only truth at mo!

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A post containing a link to Andrew Drummond's site has been removed. Please understand Thai Visa is not employed as a tool to obtain information for Andrew Drummond nor do we use material from his web site.

Some offensive posts have been removed as well.

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