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Bangkok taxi driver returns THB2 million to Indonesian tourists

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There have been several related stories about honest taxi drivers in the news lately. Although it is good to see there are a couple of honest drivers out there, i think by always quoting if this happens in actuality makes me think they are trying to make the world forget about the hundreds of thousands of drivers that are crooks and would do the opposite of this chap.

Or could it possibly be that its the start of the tourist season? Seems to happen each year around this timecoffee1.gif

Without being too cynical, I predicted this story last week. We had a Russian couple leaving a bag of money on a baht bus, an English bloke then leaves substantial money #1000 pounds on the back seat of a taxi - both in Pattaya. I thought at the time that both stories were not quite 'kosher', but expected it to be an American or other European this week.

Let's see what happens next week.

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mmmmm . . . find 2,000,000 THB, returns it to owners and gets 5,000 THB "reward" . . . I wonder if he'll bother next time . . . ?

It's great that he's honest and fair, but honestly, those "tourists" are taking the piss with that reward!

Absolutely spot on Tatsujin! A minimum reward for his honesty should have been B50,000.

Cheap bastards.

I wonder if they declared that at Customs. Sounds a lot for a holiday nest-egg for Indonesians. Hmmmm All sorts of things spring to mind.


PR image clean up act ...

what about bringing in 60.000 US dollars, for what ? cannot buy a condo this way ...

and isn't that over the legal limit ?


hey ...people....just a stupid question...!

what is an indonesian tourist doing with 2 milions baths in cash

money landering or just for very very expensive pleasure....!

well well well ..only him knows



If that helps you to cool down:

According to the Official Web Site, the maximum cash for one person without the need for declaration at the customs is 20,000 USD. 3 Persons, 20 K $ each = 60 K $.

In my opinion that is exactly within the limit.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Here is a shining star of how excellent Thailand is when compared to the United States.

In America there would be an extremely high chance that the police would have simply kept the money for themselves. Sad to say, but very true.

Never travel in the United States with more then several hundred dollars in cash. Don't believe it? Then search for "civil asset forfeiture + abuse"

Asset Forfeiture – How To Steal Americans' Hard Earned Cash With Zero Repercussions (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-07-28/asset-forfeiture-%E2%80%93-how-steal-americans-hard-earned-cash-zero-repercussions)



In America often police simply seize cash, no arrest, no warrant--it's just assumed to be drug money. This is America's filthy form of corruption.


If that helps you to cool down:

According to the Official Web Site, the maximum cash for one person without the need for declaration at the customs is 20,000 USD. 3 Persons, 20 K $ each = 60 K $.

In my opinion that is exactly within the limit.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Your comment is spot on - unlike many other previous posters.

The Customs website is rather clear on the subject:


Now, if they left Indonesia without declaring, that maybe be a different matter. I believe that they have a limit of approx. $8.5k (Rp100m). They may not be wanting their full details to be passed back home!


Would I return 2 million baht if I found it?

Don't think I would actually, and I'm supposed to be from a God fearing Christian country

I suppose I'll be asked how I would feel if it was my 2 million baht, and I would have to reply that, if I was that careless with moey, I'd clearly have more money than sense


I think a lot of these taxi drivers know that if they kept the money they would probably be caught by the police and go to prison and lose their jobs. I am sure that if they thought they would get away with it, the vast majority would keep the money. But knowing the time the tourists took the cab and with cameras everywhere etc the drivers know they would be found out.

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To be fair if I was a taxi driver and some foreigners left 60k in a bag, I would return it.

What sort of people carry that sort of cash in a bag (arrving at an International airport btw)? Keeping it yourself could mean that you and your family end up in several pieces in a suitcase.

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In America that money would never leave the police station. The tourists would have to prove that they came by the money legally, and the bar for that event is set incredibly high. So, lucky to be in Thailand where the tourists take a bashing on this forum, but walk with their money.


The cynical in me says "when the going get tough bring on an honest cab driver story, good for deflection". On the other hand, he might just be a good chap.

.....I agree with you totally - all these string of stories about taxi drivers and police good deeds when the tourist industry is at very down point.........yeah sure!!

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Anyone stupid enough to carry such large sums of cash on them and lose it deserve no sympathy really.

That's what ATMs are for, most sane farangs people I know don't really like carrying any more than 20,000 baht and that's still bonkers too!! That's £400 for a night on the piss??

They're lucky it was an honest taxi driver as my wife said she'd have kept it and bought shoes !!!


Nice to actually see some bright spots in the Thai panorama nowadays, let's not tar all with the same brush.

I'm not believing it until the sisterhood of bargirls returns all the money given for sick buffaloes


God's honest truth. On my first trip to Thailand back in 2002 I left my wallet with 40,000 baht in a taxi while changing hotels in the Sukumvit area of Bangkok. Later that night the taxi driver returned my wallet to me at my hotel. I was so grateful that I gave him 1000 baht reward. I was told later that I gave him too much. For me it was worth it. This would never happen back in New York! I immediately fell in love with Thailand.


they say 60'000 $ and how about ... cheesy.gif

Thailand: Import and Export of Currencies

Import: You are allowed to import any currency in any amount to Thailand – including the Thai Baht! If you take foreign currency in value of more than US $ 10.000 US $ into Thailand an import declaration at the customs at arrival is recommended in your own interest. Otherwise you may run into problems if you take the amount out of Thailand again – see below.

Export: In case you export foreign currencies in value of more than US $ 10.000 US you have to proove the former import of the money at the immigration. In case you get searched – which is rather rare for tourists – the customs could confiscate your money as a provision against money laundering, etc. The export of Thai Baht is restricted to 50.000 Baht (about 1250 Euro or 1500 US $) per person. You are however allowed to export up to 500.000 Baht to Thailands neighbouring countries of Malaysia, Camboscha, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar.

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God's honest truth. On my first trip to Thailand back in 2002 I left my wallet with 40,000 baht in a taxi while changing hotels in the Sukumvit area of Bangkok. Later that night the taxi driver returned my wallet to me at my hotel. I was so grateful that I gave him 1000 baht reward. I was told later that I gave him too much. For me it was worth it. This would never happen back in New York! I immediately fell in love with Thailand.

In Europe is a non written law to compensat with 10% of the sum


I tend to agree. I found £10,000 (500,000 baht) in the UK and handed it to the rightful owner. He offered no reward and I in no way expected it, in fact I may have refused it had it been offered.

Doing the right thing is often reward enough


there isn't anything remotely heroic about doing the right thing, you'd be a jackass if you didn't do it


Nice propaganda by the ministry.

Please show pictures of the tourist if they exist.

Then question why they would need that much money as tourists.

Nice attempt to boost tourism in Thailand.


How does one possibly 'forget' they left $60k behind. blink.png

But yes, kudos to the driver.

The same way one can simply overlook the bag it was in when one leaves the taxi. One didn't simply leave $60,000 in the taxi.


If someone loses that much cash , you either turn it in or go on the run with it ! They know you got their money and may kill you if you chose not to return it , that is why most smart people return money , rather then try to keep it !

Different story if they have no way of tracing it back to you !


The cynical in me says "when the going get tough bring on an honest cab driver story, good for deflection". On the other hand, he might just be a good chap.

Yep the cynic in me noticed that the bag was found after he got a call from the airport.

However if it was under the seat he wouldn't have noticed it.

the cynical in me also thinks that the airport rang the cab, so the passengers used the ticket system , then they knew who the cab was he would be on cctv as well, he might also be a good guy but the reward was cheap Charlie, and how much cash can you bring into Thailand?

I left my cell phone in a cab by Khoason Rd so I rang it and the driver had picked up new passengers who answered it.

He brought it back but cost me BHT 400 not to bad .


Sorry , I dont believe it was 2 mill baht. I would believe the story if it was 200.000 baht .

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