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Problems With Locals

I wonder

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the only thing you can do is to paint a big picture of a dog with a red line crossed through it on your car door, or tie an imitation dog's tail to your car aerial.

when you've done that put 'who let the dogs out' on full blast on your car stereo while driving through the streets at 5mph with the windows down and one finger extended out for all to see

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Guesthouse, for heavens sake, stop telling everybody how to live their lives, even in great detail. The way you interfere makes me think you cannot handle your own life, so you want to try to manage others' lives... Doh!!!

Edited by Woodentop
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Guesthouse, for heavens sake, stop telling everybody how to live their lives, even in great detail. The way you interfere makes me think you cannot handle your own life, so you want to try to manage others' lives... Doh!!!

Whoooaaa there Woodentop. To quote the OP

What does the team think??

He was only offering some helpful advice to the OP in response to his request. Seem a little tense there sparky? Have a beer, relax and smile in the LOS! :o

Edited by tourleadersi
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the only thing you can do is to paint a big picture of a dog with a red line crossed through it on your car door, or tie an imitation dog's tail to your car aerial.

when you've done that put 'who let the dogs out' on full blast on your car stereo while driving through the streets at 5mph with the windows down and one finger extended out for all to see


Dude, that idea is straight out of Chapter 3 in Dale Carnegie's 'How to Win Friends and Influence People".

I had no idea you were a fan! :D

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Don't buy a puppy, don't offer money to the temple, don't admit guilt if you are sure that you didn't do it. Saving face has nothing to do with this issue. Stand your ground and be firm. There will not be any trouble(s), but they will gossip about you (for short period of times), and who cares if they do anyways?.

I get along with my neighbors just fine by being straight and forward and not treat them much different than anyone else.

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Buy her a new dog. It's a lot cheaper than a lawyer!

you have to live near these people,Thai's are funny about this kind of thing,my advice is to ask them if there sure because you honestly have no knowledge...............they'll say yes you did it,,,,,,,,you say sorry and suprise them with a new dog....................if they demand money ,refues and no dog :o

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Use some common sense and a bit of Thai culture.

Get another Thai neighbor or Thai friend to go with you to talk to the dog owner.

Start by apologizing for the loss of the dog, explain that you do not think it was you, but state categorically that if it was you then you apologize un reservedly.

Explain that on the morning of the accident you were deeply concerned over your daughter's hospitalization and that might have been a reason why you did not notice a dog in the street.

Add that you have until now been concerned over your daughter's health and apologize for not having come to speak to the neighbor sooner.

If they ask for payment, then tell them that you are not willing to pay for an accident running a dog over in the street, but that you are willing to make a donation to the local temple.

If you are unable to do the above, consider moving house as the last thing you need anywhere, especially in Thailand, is aggrieved neighbors.

Just follow the advice GH laid down. This isn't rocket science people. Its just everyday life in LOS.

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If they're not asking for money, just apologise, it's not like it is going to cost you anything.

Any other course could well store up problems for later, you have to live there after all.

Actually, can you be sure you DIDN'T hit the dog, Fortuner is a big car and the dog was small, not always easy to see.

Just this past Friday afternoon I hit a small bird (that flew across the street) with the front of my vehicle. Quite a few years ago, I hit and ran over a road-runner. I don't know what it is with me and birds. :o

Anyhow, in both cases, I knew I hit something! If I were to hit a dog, believe me that it wouldn't be hard to tell.

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Just this past Friday afternoon I hit a small bird (that flew across the street) with the front of my vehicle. Quite a few years ago, I hit and ran over a road-runner. I don't know what it is with me and birds. :D

Anyhow, in both cases, I knew I hit something! If I were to hit a dog, believe me that it wouldn't be hard to tell.

Hmmm, I'll stick with my original statement because:- If you were going fast enough to hit a small bird you were going WAY to quick for operating in a small residential soi.

I've hit and run over a cat (sorry moggie :o ) at low speed, I barely noticed it and I was in a considerably smaller vehicle then the great lump called a Fortuner.

IMHO. Whatever, the girl is down one dog, the farang can afford a big car, I'm quite sure a few Baht for a replacement isn't going to break the bank, a small price to pay for peace with the locals.

Edited by Crossy
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If it was a small dog like the OP stated and you were in a distracted state worrying about your daughter as you drove that monster down the street I would not be surprised if you failed to notice if you hit a dog. Thai sois have so many potholes, speed bumps and levels I should imagine most people are used to the 'rock and roll' experience of driving down them.

To appologise to the neighbor isn't exactly going to put you out and will make the peace. To give money could make you a target in the future for all kinds of bogus claims. I like the 'making a donation' to the temple idea, makes you look pretty good, and if they are knowingly trying it on with you, then the temple has received money from their deception which can't be good for them.

Did you look in the mirror and see this?


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Bottom line is as lingling responded. If the dog was maintained on the neighbor's own property, he'd still be around today.

Give them time to cool down. I wouldn't accept blame for something that may or may not be my responsibility. To apologize or give money is to accept blame and sets a precedent.

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I'd say buy a new dog, or deny it all. Do you actually think that they would admit it if they ran over your dog - when in Rome......

How fast were you going? Those are bloody big vehicles, if you were going too fast to see if you actually hit a dog or not, you were going too fast. If one of those selfish pick-up drivers ran over my dog, I'd create a BIG scene.

I'd say you are very lucky you didn't run over a child. :o

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I'd say buy a new dog, or deny it all. Do you actually think that they would admit it if they ran over your dog - when in Rome......

How fast were you going? Those are bloody big vehicles, if you were going too fast to see if you actually hit a dog or not, you were going too fast. If one of those selfish pick-up drivers ran over my dog, I'd create a BIG scene.

I'd say you are very lucky you didn't run over a child. :o

Why you so annoyed saying the OP is lucky he didn't run over a child?

You've already condemned the guy as being a selfish pick up driver who was racing through the village carelessly in a large vehicle, but you have no evidence of this at all. :D

Talk about jumping the gun and making assumptions.

Lets hope that people in the OPs village have a little more sense than Neeranam or he'll be hung drawn and quarted as a potential threat to the lives of children by the end of the week. :D

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If the dog had a collar, then it was somebody's pet, but otherwise it may have just been a soi dog that the neighbors tamed. Be careful with this...if you really know them well (or if your Thai family does) ask yourself: Would they apologize and replace your pet if it had been your dog? Or, are they just trying to extort money from you? Like one poster said, if you just give in and pay them, that could set you up for further extortions and it will be much harder to shake off later on. Be polite about it, but stand your ground.

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Bottom line is as lingling responded. If the dog was maintained on the neighbor's own property, he'd still be around today.

Give them time to cool down. I wouldn't accept blame for something that may or may not be my responsibility. To apologize or give money is to accept blame and sets a precedent.

pretty much what I said ... with a conciliatory gesture of having them over for a meal.

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The OP is located in Bangkok.

Now, in all the time i have been in Thailand, i've never read about such a fuss made by so many Thais about a dog before. Most Thais in the area wouldn't give a darned if a Farang or anyone at that matter ran over a small dog - which really shouldn't be out on the streets of Bangkok in the first place! The owner may make a small fuss, but that's about it! Most Bangkokians with expensive dogs dont just let them wander the streets.

Im not sure that i believe this story.

No point anway in contacting a lawyer, you would just have to compensate the cost of the dog down at the police station. That's the most the owner could do. If the dog was a valueless non-pedigree thing, the max. fine in Thailand for deliberately killing it would be 500baht.

Edited by stevesuphan
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The locals where I live are insisting that I ran a small dog down at the weekend, killing it.

I have no knowledge of the event and am suspicious that it could be a case of 'exploit the farang'.

The mother of the girl owner has been on the phone to my wife cursing me and adding bits to the story as time goes by. Needless to say as time passes more and more people witnessed the event and conclude that it must have been me as I am the only owner of a Toyota Fortuner in the street. This happened the morning following my daughter's admission to hospital and I was alone in the car. That would not have been known as the windows are dark and it is not possible to see in from outside.

Because my wife's mobile battery had discharged overnight in the hospital there is added suspicion as no one could call at the time this was supposed to have happened.

Apparently the owner wants me to say sorry, infact I am very sorry that her dog has been killed but I am not prepared to admit guilt by saying that I am sorry.

After hearing and witnessing some of the Thai-Farang tussles I am reluctant to get too invloved and cetainly do not want to get into a slagging match. By the same token I want to bring the matter to a conclusion so that there are no repercusions in the future.

My wife is not so good at complicated explainations so I'm thinking I should ask a lawyer to come and do the translation so there is no ambiguity or cause for complaint at later dates. My wife seems to think that this could stir things up even more but right now we don't know the mood of these people.

What does the team think??

screw 'em

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Use some common sense and a bit of Thai culture.

Get another Thai neighbor or Thai friend to go with you to talk to the dog owner.

Start by apologizing for the loss of the dog, explain that you do not think it was you, but state categorically that if it was you then you apologize un reservedly.

Explain that on the morning of the accident you were deeply concerned over your daughter's hospitalization and that might have been a reason why you did not notice a dog in the street.

Add that you have until now been concerned over your daughter's health and apologize for not having come to speak to the neighbor sooner.

If they ask for payment, then tell them that you are not willing to pay for an accident running a dog over in the street, but that you are willing to make a donation to the local temple.

If you are unable to do the above, consider moving house as the last thing you need anywhere, especially in Thailand, is aggrieved neighbors.

While I think all little yappy rat like dogs should be put out of their misery (preferably by being run over by a Fortuna..slowly), I have to agree with Guesthouse. Express your sorrow for the dog being dead, and and if in fact that you did do it, express sorrow for that. But also say, that you would have known if you had done it or not, and would have happily admitted to doing it if you were sure it was you.

At no point say 'Kor Tort' (I am sorry)...only that you are 'sia jai' (have sorrow, or to be sorry for a situtation). Thai people culturally a loath to admit guilt, let alone apologise for it, so it is a bit rich expecting it from you.

I just have to add, if this person who accuses you turns out to be a bit of a drama queen, then turn the tables on her. Play up the fact that your daughter is in hospital and that she is unwell and how dare she try to accuse you given this situation.

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I know a Fortuner is a pretty big car, but you'd have to either be going exteremly fast to not notice hitting something with a similar mass to dog, or be completely out of it on a level I can't imagine.

Surely there'd be a pretty noticeable bang?

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Was this in a small village ?

Can the locals describe the dog ? Too late to produce the remains, or see any evidence on the road where it supposedly happened.

From what I've seen in small villages, nobody "owns" a dog. Numerous soi dogs run around freely from home to home looking for handouts and scraps.

Even in the city, I've seen families "adopt" soi dog puppies and soi cat kittens (scooping them from their mothers before they are even weaned). The way the kids treat these animals often borders on outright cruelty.

But if the dog/cat disappears, it might be days before they even notice. Sometimes it is assumed that the animal was killed (run over), sometimes they suspect the people that route through the trash may have taken the animal (fresh meat).

Sometimes the animal is just abandoned, especially when it becomes larger and expensive to feed.

Watching the way the animals around here act regarding traffic, it is little wonder so many get run over. Many of the dogs get upset when someone honks their horn at them, trying to get them to move out of the way. They think of the sois as their personal territory.

One dog on my soi has been hit 3 times now. Must have a charmed life (maybe cursed is more like it, as death would be a mercy for that mutt).

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Lot of interesting and in some cases extremely comical responses. All appreciated and noted.

We still have not returned home from the hospital and as time passes my priorities are far removed from this f'in pest of a rat than somehow found its way under my car.

I did'nt really expect so much interest but as it has here are some relevant facts.

Being an old fart who has learned painfully the error of his ways over the 40 odd years I've been driving, I drive at a much more sedate pace and as my soi is two house distance from the main road and scene of the calamity I am usualy warming the engine up just above idle as I drive out of this area.

There is a cat that lives a couple of doors down that loves to sit in the middle of the road and chance it's remaining lives so I am always on the look out for that one.

Also a few kids that whiz around on bikes and of course the local idiots that are not sure which side of the road to drive on.

From what I can gather this mut was on my left side behind a parked vehicle sniffing piss on the road and decided to bolt out as I passed. Sounds like it went under the car and got whacked somewhere at the rear.

All things considered it's surprising that it survived as long as it has because it is always allowed out unsupervised to shit in the street.

Incidentaly, the rules of the housing community state that dogs are not allowed to rome free and are even supposed to be muzzled. Needless to say none of the dog owners do this anymore of course. Thai culture?

Now if you sit in a Fortuner you'll soon realise that the view to the near side is limited unless you are actualy expecting to see something in the mirrors and are looking in them rather than the road ahead.

One of the local busybodies claims to have seen it all but can not say exactly how the beast was excecuted.

I do agree that had I run over it's head, as was claimed, I probably would have felt it, even though it was no bigger than a rat.

One of the comments passed referred to knocking down kids, as did the busybody. Well there is an easy answer to that.

If a kid the size of a rat was on the road the parents must have dropped it out of the pram because it would be too small to even crawl.

The road is by no means smooth and the Fortuner is not a particularly smooth running vehicle, it is a SUV not a BMW.

Not sure what the previous poster 'does not believe' about this 'story'???

To conclude I have had pets killed on the road in the past and blamed no one but myself for allowing them out.

I would never intentionaly harm an animal nor ignore one in peril.

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Lot of interesting and in some cases extremely comical responses. All appreciated and noted.

We still have not returned home from the hospital and as time passes my priorities are far removed from this f'in pest of a rat than somehow found its way under my car.

I did'nt really expect so much interest but as it has here are some relevant facts.

Being an old fart who has learned painfully the error of his ways over the 40 odd years I've been driving, I drive at a much more sedate pace and as my soi is two house distance from the main road and scene of the calamity I am usualy warming the engine up just above idle as I drive out of this area.

There is a cat that lives a couple of doors down that loves to sit in the middle of the road and chance it's remaining lives so I am always on the look out for that one.

Also a few kids that whiz around on bikes and of course the local idiots that are not sure which side of the road to drive on.

From what I can gather this mut was on my left side behind a parked vehicle sniffing piss on the road and decided to bolt out as I passed. Sounds like it went under the car and got whacked somewhere at the rear.

All things considered it's surprising that it survived as long as it has because it is always allowed out unsupervised to shit in the street.

Incidentaly, the rules of the housing community state that dogs are not allowed to rome free and are even supposed to be muzzled. Needless to say none of the dog owners do this anymore of course. Thai culture?

Now if you sit in a Fortuner you'll soon realise that the view to the near side is limited unless you are actualy expecting to see something in the mirrors and are looking in them rather than the road ahead.

One of the local busybodies claims to have seen it all but can not say exactly how the beast was excecuted.

I do agree that had I run over it's head, as was claimed, I probably would have felt it, even though it was no bigger than a rat.

One of the comments passed referred to knocking down kids, as did the busybody. Well there is an easy answer to that.

If a kid the size of a rat was on the road the parents must have dropped it out of the pram because it would be too small to even crawl.

The road is by no means smooth and the Fortuner is not a particularly smooth running vehicle, it is a SUV not a BMW.

Not sure what the previous poster 'does not believe' about this 'story'???

To conclude I have had pets killed on the road in the past and blamed no one but myself for allowing them out.

I would never intentionaly harm an animal nor ignore one in peril.

You aimed for it didnt you :o

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Have not read the whole thread, but if not stated before, just go to the equivelant of a dog pound here and get a small puppy to give to the girl. Cost you nothing but time and your giving it a home.

Tell them to take care of this one and not let it get run over by some thai drunk but !

Do not pay money, no way. Also this situation can be dealt with. I faced a serious one with our neighbours last year, we had 15 odd drunks threatening to pull the brains out of my skull on the road out front.

They moved, we still here :o

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