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Tim 'Sharky' Ward confronts Pattaya Police over allegations of theft

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Video released, I'll try to embed this but may need a mod to help...

Warning! Contains bad language and scenes which people of normal mental state may find disturbing..


What a dick.

He is the one that claims to have made money illegally as a loan shark.

And he's crying about "police mafia"

And what's the story with his English "you want to put drug in my bag" - gotta love people that lose half of their vocabulary when speaking to the locals...


' now you see him ... now you don't ' comes to mind whistling.gif

Right - Thailand has ways of dealing with foreigners who get out of hand.

They disappear, get kicked out, get banged up, or are involved in unfortunate 'accidents'.


Who on earth keeps 1m baht in their apartment?

Dodgy people, that's who.

What money and gold? A favourite past time for criminals to allege Police ripped him off. Is he charged? If so what offences?

Having read the articles directed by the forum, he is Kiwi not Australian, thank goodness.

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Sure Sharky is probably telling the truth with regards to his money but who with a single brain cell in their head would keep that amount of money or a chunk of gold even if it is this Thai 54% gold stuff in their apartment in Thailand he might have the large physique pity the brain did not grow at the same pace, and I wouldn’t make too much of a habit of going shouting the odds in a Thai police station or you could end up gaining another bit of weight in the form of a small ball of lead. Only have money in Thailand that you can afford to walk away from and forget about.


....this seems like a serious issue....I cannot see anyone making 'light' of it....

...outspoken....apparently successful.....so now he has become a target......???

...does he have proof of the thefts....???

...and the sudden 'convenient' charge against him by a Thai journalist...........does not look good......

...and this 'allegation that 'he carries a knife'......sounds like a 'setup' to ...........something bad.....

...I hope that he gets the support...and justice....that he....and any human being deserves....

...regardless of what he looks like.....

I cannot see anyone making 'light' of it.... You don't appear to be looking very hard.


not the most constructive way to get his allegations investigated and resolved.

i may be being judgemental here but he doesnt seem to be the sharpest knife in the drawer.

he wouldnt get away with behaving like that in a uk police station or i would guess an australian one.

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good for him thumbsup.gif , I hope he takes a few of the parasites down with him ..as he will face payback

more and more news reports coming out about the long known bull of pattaya police....just like the Indian/Brit called Jason who was banged up (got 12 months..but judge releaed him after weeks in prison due to no case>????)........ for reporting he was mugged?

TV is full of so many who basically know everything about nothing and as for the money I have a large amount of currency waiting for FX to get better so am I a crim cheesy.gif


He seems a bit of a dip sh*t to me (although i wont tell him that to his face!) 1 million Bahts cash and kilo of gold! soo there about 200K US$ just laying around

casually in his apartment..he is either full of sh*t or really, really, really very ultra mega stupid!

I think it's you that is stupid.

1 million baht is about $30,000 and 1 kilo of gold is about $37,000......need a calculator?

And besides, it's not a lot of money, most people have savings even if you don't. Where they choose to keep that is their own business. There is no mention that it was "laying around casually" in his apartment. Any reasonable police search would find virtually every conceivable hiding spot.


It's hard to have any sympathy for a guy who posts pictures of himself fondling 18 yr old prostitutes all over Twitter and Facebook accompanied by degrading comments about Thai women. Prostitutes or not, his Facebook page should be taken down, as I'm sure none of the girls involved agreed to having their working status advertised to 100,000 of his followers, not to mention that members of their families could easily come across the pictures.

Anyway, that aside, this story is quite concerning. I have no doubt he is telling the truth, and the CCTV in his apartment building did capture the accused cop and his team -(deleted link and reference to that)

I wonder how the police are going to shut him up. He has already been on Thai TV and Australian TV with this story and continues to harm the reputation of Pattaya police and Thailand as a whole. They couldn't just bump him off now; that would be too obvious. But surely they want him out?

I guess one big problem is that they have no grounds to blacklist him, and he owns a few condos – so what would happen to those properties if they did kick him out?

I thought the age was 20 to go with hooker


I believe Sharky is half Thai. The police are behind the 8 Ball because nobody trusts them but that is their own doing. I tend to believe Sharky, so why doesn't he file a formal complaint with the NACC with plenty of media coverage.

Accusations of assault from this guy with no injury sounds kinda stupid.


Wrong is wrong.

Employees of the state robbing citizens of another country is an outrage, and

To everyone saying he "deserves" this, for being an alleged naughty boy

I think you're being quite petty.

To assert it's somehow justice when the the same law he's allegedly broken, should be ignored/bent in his case is ....by those tasked with "upholding it".

an argument so inherently flawed it's almost not worth dignifying.


These ThaiVisa keyboard cowboys are shameless.

Soft and sweet as melted ice cream, sitting at home taking snipe shots at someone they dont even know based on the fact that just looking at photos of the man makes them feel weak and impotent. What's wrong, Shark not answering your fanboy messages?

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
Just imagine the kind of weak-minded manchild you've got to be to get your fix with this kind of gossip.

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from the guys past history and what is known about rtp it seems this story depicts what could be seen as a typical underworld grievance / dispute


removed post so this deleted

I think it's you that is stupid.

1 million baht is about $30,000 and 1 kilo of gold is about $37,000......need a calculator?

And besides, it's not a lot of money, most people have savings even if you don't. Where they choose to keep that is their own business. There is no mention that it was "laying around casually" in his apartment. Any reasonable police search would find virtually every conceivable hiding spot.

Isn't this the guy you see walking up down Beach road, shirt off, muscles flexed......and yes he does wear an inch thick gold chain round his neck. Definitely likely to be a kilo in weight.

He seems to enjoy making an exhibition of himself, almost challenging somebody to try and rip the chain off his neck.

Obviously he did not expect it to be ripped off by the police in a fake raid!

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Hahaha, from his Website:

This is my story, and I want you all to know how the Thailand mafia police work:

On Saturday the 27th of September, 2014, one of my apartments in Pattaya was broken in to. The building security phoned the police for me.

One single uniformed officer turned up.

He started doing his job, asking questions and taking notes.

Then around 10 minutes later, 7 plain clothes police turned up.

So someone broke in his appartement and let 1m baht and 1kg Gold there? Funny!!! Maybe they stole nothing but the Police do it? 555

A real funny guy!!! Never laught so much!!!!

Also him let call the Police for check the break in and ask later for a search warrant (maybe after they found the crack pipes?)? 555

And a man with his history don't checked before the money and gold are still there and bring it in a save place? Unbelievable!!!

And him let take the police the money & gold what the the burglar/s forgot without a written statement? BS

No one with his experience with Police are stupid like this, or??? Unbelievable!!!


Well, if they did steal from him I feel for him. Doubt he will recover anything. But from his actions it seems he has made himself a target sometimes it is best to go along quietly. Not overly wise to push too hard in the LOS. One hopes he has some understanding of Thais and their fears. His size will only intimidate for so long until they have had enough and for those of us who have lived through such things size is no match for small little fearful upset guys with large guns. Three in the head, you know their dead. Con cuidado, hombre.


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Doubt he'll ever see his money or gold back..

If it ever existed in the first place!


Larger than life Tim is an imposing figure.Life would be dull if there were no people like him.

Not the kind of guy I would normally follow on facebook he's living it large and prepared to take on the RTP something 99,5% wouldn't want to doHe gets my respect for that alone..He doesn't seem worried about the monetary value of what has been 'stolen' he's alledgedly loaded.With Tim its about face and not letting them get away with it.

Tim also has a softer side he supports and helps soi dogs.

Hitler had a soft side; he liked dogs too.

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