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How long before my house will be destroyed?


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A shocking situation to find yourself in Anthony. I hope you can contact a bright spark at the electricity office to help you resolve the issue.

Yes I am sure they will put some light on the matter without you having to turn up the heat too much or someone there may have the power to do something and turn on their emegency services.
Harry, are you trying to make 'light' of the matter ?


Of course not. I am merely trying to point out that in order to ensure that Work is done on this Energy conserving probem it is important to fully understand the laws of Newton which do apply in this country. A body remains at rest unless acted on by an outside force.

I'm not sure Newton ever visited Thailand and I'm not sure you are absolutely correct in your thesis, but thanks for the laughs anyway. :)

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At least the OP has had Amp--le suggestions now, unless he takes up Pole Volt-ing I don't see a problem as long as he stays Switched On to the situation so his Ohm remains safe. thumbsup.gif

My Nephew (to be one day) is nicked Oom ... but pronounced as the Ohm.

Nice kid BTW.

Photo supplied on request ... laugh.png

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A shocking situation to find yourself in Anthony. I hope you can contact a bright spark at the electricity office to help you resolve the issue.

Yes I am sure they will put some light on the matter without you having to turn up the heat too much or someone there may have the power to do something and turn on their emegency services.

Harry, are you trying to make 'light' of the matter ?


Don't forget there will be charges!!!!

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A shocking situation to find yourself in Anthony. I hope you can contact a bright spark at the electricity office to help you resolve the issue.

Yes I am sure they will put some light on the matter without you having to turn up the heat too much or someone there may have the power to do something and turn on their emegency services.

Harry, are you trying to make 'light' of the matter ?


Don't forget there will be charges!!!!

The charges of course will depend on how many trips.You could always volt over the wires which are currently live.

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At least the OP has had Amp--le suggestions now, unless he takes up Pole Volt-ing I don't see a problem as long as he stays Switched On to the situation so his Ohm remains safe. thumbsup.gif


Why is the OP getting so much resistance?

If the pole does topple, there would indeed be a voltage drop.

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At least the OP has had Amp--le suggestions now, unless he takes up Pole Volt-ing I don't see a problem as long as he stays Switched On to the situation so his Ohm remains safe. thumbsup.gif


Why is the OP getting so much resistance?

If the pole does topple, there would indeed be a voltage drop.

You mean the pole and wires would be grounded.

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Have not seen it mentioned but the PEA nationwide Call Centre number is 1129 (24 hours a day)

Do not assume that any of the emergency services have informed the PEA.

On receiving the information the PEA will probably make a phased response.

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At least the OP has had Amp--le suggestions now, unless he takes up Pole Volt-ing I don't see a problem as long as he stays Switched On to the situation so his Ohm remains safe. thumbsup.gif

PS. If me I would send the electric co. a Cable reporting the situation in a Positive manner and refrain from Negative wording in case they already know the Current situation that the Pole might hit Earth very soon......

Sorry, forgot about the Charge for calling them out, but I would use Resistance if that occurs, just Socket to 'em with a few funny Plugs and don't blow a Fuse eh..

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A shocking situation to find yourself in Anthony. I hope you can contact a bright spark at the electricity office to help you resolve the issue.

Yes I am sure they will put some light on the matter without you having to turn up the heat too much or someone there may have the power to do something and turn on their emegency services.
Harry, are you trying to make 'light' of the matter ?


Don't forget there will be charges!!!!

Sounds like the OP could be in for yet another 'shock'.

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I would get up the pole as near as I dared to the wires, attached a rope there and attached the other end of that rope to one of the coconuts as tightly as possible. The post is being partly supported by the cables and it looks unlikely to me that it will move again in the near future.

Do you seriously think it's a good idea to recommend that the OP secure that unstable pole himself -- with live electrical wires attached to it?

Maybe I didn't emphasise the 'I would' bit of my posting. Furthermore I wouldn't 'climb up the pole' but take a step ladder ot other means of getting up there.

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I would get up the pole as near as I dared to the wires, attached a rope there and attached the other end of that rope to one of the coconuts as tightly as possible. The post is being partly supported by the cables and it looks unlikely to me that it will move again in the near future.

Do you seriously think it's a good idea to recommend that the OP secure that unstable pole himself -- with live electrical wires attached to it?

Maybe I didn't emphasise the 'I would' bit of my posting. Furthermore I wouldn't 'climb up the pole' but take a step ladder ot other means of getting up there.

An aluminium one of course....none of these old fashioned bamboo ones the electricity department has to use.

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one rather nonsensical post hidden.

All piss taking aside, just in from today's newsletters:


It is a rather dangerous situation and the high voltage could - among other threats - start a fire as we just saw in Phuket.

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Sorry, just saw that another member has made a similar picture already tongue.png

A road is 5 meters, I think a high voltage power pole is way over 5 meters high. How do you know it will miss my wall, since the wall is not in the picture.

Yep, and thats the problem with your question.

This is about the worst case that could happen (incl. the metal tip on top of the concrete pole).

So where IS your wall?


And this worst case is very unlikely, as probably not all wires would burst simultaneously.

And even then I guess it is steel armored concrete and would not fall like a tree.

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A road is 5 meters, I think a high voltage power pole is way over 5 meters high. How do you know it will miss my wall, since the wall is not in the picture.

Yep, and thats the problem with your question.

This is about the worst case that could happen (incl. the tip of the tower).

So where IS your wall?


You can see the curb stones in the picture, my wall is 30 cm behind those.

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If seen so many poles in similar positions for quite a while.
I guess PEA has made an "assesment" and put it on hold.

They seem sure that it will not easily fall (except for the next crash pilot hitting it).

Setting up a new one will cause a power interruption for some hours.

Will be done sooner or later.

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The high tension lines will have steel slings in them to take stress off the actual copper/aluminum power carrying lines. The tensile strength of the wire/sling is quite high and at that angle not really nearly enough weight pulling on them to be an issue. In other words, the odds are very low that it will come down any further then where it is. And, as mentioned, the angle of attack of the pole is likely to miss the critical part of the property but fire is a potential issue.

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If seen so many poles in similar positions for quite a while.

I guess PEA has made an "assesment" and put it on hold.

They seem sure that it will not easily fall (except for the next crash pilot hitting it).

Setting up a new one will cause a power interruption for some hours.

Will be done sooner or later.

I also see a lot of poles around that lean over, but it are mostly the normal power grid poles that actually are much lower and don't carry so much weight, and they lean over but rarely are broken and bended already with the rebar exposed.

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This may sound crude but pretty sure it would do the trick. Hire a local thai guy to cut a piece of strong bamboo and the have him jam it under the pole to support the pole,at an angle,just like they prop up banana trees. The base of the bamboo will likely be on the road. Locals willnot touch it being afraid they maybe held responsible it the pole falls. Hopefully the electric company will investigate then and fix the problem.

We had a car take out a pole in our area a year ago. It took 2 days for them to come and change poles but they did come. So there is hope they will come and change poles.

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Looking on the bright side ... if the Maid is rather attractive, and her retreat, which you claim is in danger of being hit, it would be an excellent opportunity to show her your good heart and invite her closer to you until the problem is resolved.

That is assuming that you don't have a Thai Wife because you haven't mentioned her yet.

If you have said Thai Wife then let her simply deal with it.

Oh ... how CharlieH assesses the situation is the best guess at what would happen ... I used to work in the industry.

The qualifier is that the HT wires are securely attached to the insulators ... which is a fair assumption as they have not separated yet.

LOL. If there was some kind of mutual attraction going on between the OP and his maid, it probably wouldn't take a power pole smashing her quarters to create the first spark.

Methinks you have a secret fantasy tongue.png

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At least the OP has had Amp--le suggestions now, unless he takes up Pole Volt-ing I don't see a problem as long as he stays Switched On to the situation so his Ohm remains safe. thumbsup.gif

My Nephew (to be one day) is nicked Oom ... but pronounced as the Ohm.

Nice kid BTW.

Photo supplied on request ... laugh.png

Oh lemme guess, his surname is Al-Farad?

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From your picture, one can clearly see the offending post is on the opposite side of the road. Even using just my eyes it's clear the height of the pole does not exceed the width of the road and therefore your wall is not at risk. The post also appears to be leaning left and forward, so if it does fall, it will miss your wall.

Agreed it is dangerous but I don't think you need to worry about it causing damage to the wall.

Are you a drama queen perchance. tongue.png

Candidate for "Stupid Post of the Week"

The OP should be in a better position to judge whether his property is in danger than some dope trying to be contrary. If you don't have the answer to his reasonable question, why not live up to your handle, and keep quiet?

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There's been one sitting at that angle near me for 5 years.. no one bothers.. I have even seen the Electricity company putting new power cables on it!!!

Indeed, all the poles around my place are at a much worse angle than that - where we are it is due to the sub standard installation, the Electric Board dig out a hole about 2 metres deep into soil or clay, plant the pole, use a support cable dug into soil or clay filled back in with soil or clay, no ballast or concrete. As soon as the rains come the ground softens and the poles gradually slope over. Never saw one fall down yet though.

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...one would think you would call the authorities....before asking our advice...

...it seems like a dangerous situation.....

...if there was an accident...see if the police were informed....and take it from there.....

I would definitely check with the local police to see if they have a record of them or any local emergency services attending the accident. There could have been police attendance & injuries. While you are there ask them if they know someone senior at PEA (Provincial Electricity Authority) that you can contact.

I am horrified at all the stupid useless sarcastic comments you have had. I wonder how some of these "clever guy" posters would handle the situation themselves. Good luck.

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