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What is the best way to hide lots of cash while traveling?

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My friend is thinking of ways of hiding a thick roll of US Ben Franklins ($8K (less than $10k to be on safe side of customs)) on his body, somewhere that is safe but also super stealthy. He can't use his own bank account since he has DOZENS of creditors after him(they got stiffed big time and aint happy)biggrin.pngw00t.gifthumbsup.gif . What is the best way for him to hide that kinda cash but also keep it safe from thieves? He's thinking of buying this thing called a shaving cream safe that unscrews and can hide cash and stuff in the bottom. That sounds pretty cool but I'm not so sure. He'll also be taking along an atm card that's in a relative's name just to be on the safe side. Is taking money like that a good idea or not?

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Before leaving get several Pre-Paid Debit/ATM cards ... 2000 in each one... No need to even think about violation any laws... He would be putting cash in -- so no credit check - because there is not credit risks.

There are many brands of these cards ... Green Dot, Walmart Money Card managed my Green Dot, Amex Bluebird Card... and a dozen more... A google search will show you the top ten cards...

To avoid lots of transaction fees - take sums of money out in Thailand that is at the maximum daily withdraw amount. Just use what ever safe address in America that he has to make the application ... Then opt for only on line and email notifications and statements.

Empty the cards and close them -- keep one or two...

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Not knowing the circumstances beyond what the OP wrote, it sounds like his friend is up the proverbial creek. He will no doubt be giving out subconscious clues of his nervousness, making him a targeted profile for immigration. Depending on what kind of entry permit he'll be holding, he should carry 20,000 That baht in case immigration asks him to show proof of funds.

Prepaid cards are the way to go.

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I used to travel round the world to some really dodgy places...

And I would buy one of these elastic bandages, the kind of things that you would use to support a dodgy knee or ankle etc..

I used to pull the elastic bandage up to my thigh and stuff like 2000 dollars in there for emergencies.

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It is legal to have up to 9999 dollars and no declaration requested to customs or immigration. Where is the problem?

The problem is that for example out of the UK Customs and Excise "can" ask for the origin of funds at only the £1000 point not 10k "if" they so desire.....

Theres Customs Shows on Brit TV that show startled travellers unaware that questions can be asked at only 1k.......Having cash stuffed in bandages etc is going to open a full can of worms

Declaration only comes into play over the 10k

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It is legal to have up to 9999 dollars and no declaration requested to customs or immigration. Where is the problem?

The problem is that for example out of the UK Customs and Excise "can" ask for the origin of funds at only the £1000 point not 10k "if" they so desire.....

Theres Customs Shows on Brit TV that show startled travellers unaware that questions can be asked at only 1k.......Having cash stuffed in bandages etc is going to open a full can of worms

Declaration only comes into play over the 10k

Well, the origin is another question, I have never hided money and tell the exact amount if asked. I personally don't see the problem having 8k on me, I had more in my last trip.

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It is legal to have up to 9999 dollars and no declaration requested to customs or immigration. Where is the problem?

The problem is that for example out of the UK Customs and Excise "can" ask for the origin of funds at only the £1000 point not 10k "if" they so desire.....

Theres Customs Shows on Brit TV that show startled travellers unaware that questions can be asked at only 1k.......Having cash stuffed in bandages etc is going to open a full can of worms

Declaration only comes into play over the 10k

Well, the origin is another question, I have never hided money and tell the exact amount if asked. I personally don't see the problem having 8k on me, I had more in my last trip.

You can........But if pulled and asked for origin the answers need to be good. They can detain on the spot pending further investigation which means you travel without it.

I always carry ATM receipts that cover the hard cash on me

Edited by Chivas
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It is legal to have up to 9999 dollars and no declaration requested to customs or immigration. Where is the problem?

The problem is that for example out of the UK Customs and Excise "can" ask for the origin of funds at only the £1000 point not 10k "if" they so desire.....

Theres Customs Shows on Brit TV that show startled travellers unaware that questions can be asked at only 1k.......Having cash stuffed in bandages etc is going to open a full can of worms

Declaration only comes into play over the 10k

Well, the origin is another question, I have never hided money and tell the exact amount if asked. I personally don't see the problem having 8k on me, I had more in my last trip.

You can........But if pulled and asked for origin the answers need to be good. They can detain on the spot pending further investigation which means you travel without it.

I always carry ATM receipts that cover the hard cash on me

"Because I get a fantastic exchange rate at XYZ place near my destination".

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I've done this many times, personally I get from a us post office a express mail envelope and seal it and place above me in my backpack ,

If you don't have any backup just put it in your cargo pants next to your passport, it's only 100 bills!

Never any problems with my backpack, keeps all my valuables including my passport and typically have nothing in my pockets until we leave the plane.

Good luck!

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It is legal to have up to 9999 dollars and no declaration requested to customs or immigration. Where is the problem?

The problem is that for example out of the UK Customs and Excise "can" ask for the origin of funds at only the £1000 point not 10k "if" they so desire.....

Theres Customs Shows on Brit TV that show startled travellers unaware that questions can be asked at only 1k.......Having cash stuffed in bandages etc is going to open a full can of worms

Declaration only comes into play over the 10k

Well, the origin is another question, I have never hided money and tell the exact amount if asked. I personally don't see the problem having 8k on me, I had more in my last trip.

You can........But if pulled and asked for origin the answers need to be good. They can detain on the spot pending further investigation which means you travel without it.

I always carry ATM receipts that cover the hard cash on me

One time I did board a flight at HRW and customs and excise were going through passengers' carry on bags. I think they were mostly interested in non-UK passport holders who they suspected of carrying home non-declared income from jobs without a WP.

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Money belts are quite tight and really can't hold a lot. When I was traveling in North Africa in the days before ATM's, I actually had a pocket sewn to the inside of my undershorts.

The cleverer you think you are being hiding something in your hotel room, the more likely it will be one of the first places an experienced hotel thief will look.

Whatever your friend does, and even if he is under the legal reporting limit, do not conceal the money in something like the shaving cream can you mentioned when going through airport security and customs. If not an outright offense, it will certainly be viewed as suspicious and perhaps lead to the very scrutiny your furtive friend is trying to avoid.

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Well this topic is for hiding cash which appears to be OK, but I guess it would somehow be against the rules for suggestions on how to smuggle heroin, speed or marijuana into the country

Are you looking for tips on that?

No, just trying to learn the Thai Visa prohibited posting rules

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