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Guns in McDonald's....Getting the Unwelcome treatment


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Just coming from the McDonald's located at Royal Garden Plaza in Pattaya.

Went in to read the Sunday Nation newspaper, was confronted by store who said, "You come in here all the time (once or twice a month), you just read newspaper, not buy anything! We have you on camera!" I tell her that I'm waiting for my friend and that I do not come in all the time. She leaves and 5 minutes later in walks a police officer with hand on his gun and he says, "Buy, buy, buy or maybe bye, bye, bye?" So I get up to leave and he sits down at a table...I go over and ask him, "Are you buying anything?" He was not amused and got up to move as I left the place. I figure it must be a new policy.....buy something or they will shoot you? I've never had this happene to me at any other spot in Pattaya, Bangkok, or the rest of the world for that matter. Sort of makes you love the world a bit more, eh? ??


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On previous occasions, where you also waiting for a friend who came later and ordered something? No restaurant/bar would allow you just to sit there and not order anything.

As a matter of fact my friend show-up late, but by that time the moment was over....just an FYI...there is always a few folks in there just chatting away...motor bike, taxi guys.....oh, and the rest of the lazy staff working there...?

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Next time, buy a packet of Mickey's fries. Eat one while waiting and take the rest home and store in the fridge. When you return, take the fries with you, place on table like you have ordered something. Do this evetytime you go there - the fries will last for months as they never seem to go mouldy. I hope you like this valuable tip. smile.pngsmile.png

That is almost a Viz "Top Tip"


Cultural reference here

Edited by draftvader
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McDonalds is not a library. It is a "restaurant" (quotation marks as I don't like to define it as such...I would rather eat rubbish from a bin). Please google 'library' then 'restaurant'.

Pardon me it McDonald's is NOT a restaurant....a restaurant serves food, not crap....go check it out and not in the library..?

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another freeloader bitching because a restaurant expects him to buy something to use their facilities, talk about cheap charlies. Pretty pathetic expecting to be able to judst bludge on maccas, what a drop kick, you could spend 50 baht on something and just leave it on the table and sit there as long as you want without any problems or do you let anyone just rock up to your place and sit in there, you are a joke and the type of poster that gives others a bad name

Hey, and don't use the bathroom unless you buy something...jokes on you...?

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McDonalds is not a library. It is a "restaurant" (quotation marks as I don't like to define it as such...I would rather eat rubbish from a bin). Please google 'library' then 'restaurant'.

Pardon me it McDonald's is NOT a restaurant....a restaurant serves food, not crap....go check it out and not in the library..
So you never intended on buying anything...

I would have told you to get out too.

Actually in there to buy the place..but on second thought....??

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