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Thai film: Hitler ends up on cutting room floor

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The pic of Adolf Hitler has been edited out now. A meeting was called to discuss what to put into the picture frame. So far, candidates include Ted Bundy, Benito Mussolini, Fred and Rose West, Dennis Rader, Pol Pot, Ian Huntley and The Yorkshire Ripper.


The pic of Adolf Hitler has been edited out now. A meeting was called to discuss what to put into the picture frame. So far, candidates include Ted Bundy, Benito Mussolini, Fred and Rose West, Dennis Rader, Pol Pot, Ian Huntley and The Yorkshire Ripper.

Good choices which one would you choose to mock Nazi chic?


Hitler ends up on cutting room floor

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A controversial scene in a short film produced by the Prime Minister's Office, featuring an image of Nazi Germany's former dictator Adolf Hitler, has been removed following an uproar.

PM's Office Minister Panadda Diskul said yesterday the controversial scene had been edited out even before it was reported by the media earlier this week. He said Hitler was portrayed negatively in the short film "Learning about Power of the People", which is part of a series called "Thai Niyom" (Pro-Thai) produced by the agency and directed by well-known film directors.

"In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said.

The scene featured a proud boy completing a painting of Hitler and the Nazi swastika emblem. A friend of the artist is applauding him.

Panadda said the film's intended message was that dictatorship and dishonesty would only bring national shame.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Hitler-ends-up-on-cutting-room-floor-30249560.html


-- The Nation 2014-12-11

Easy to remove or edit a scene from a movie.. Harder to remove the mindset to intention from the minds!


Mao was a Tyrant very True , many of the deaths in China were caused by policy rather than war , Great leap forward approx 20 million, Just after the Revolution or "Liberation" as the PRC call it , he decided that his purges should execute 1 in 1000 people to keep the peasants in there place

If you have not read them

Maos Great Famine

The Tragedy of Liberation

Some Chinese may be bad.

But nothing compared to some German/Austrian I can name of.

Even if you credit every death during WW II to Hitler Mao still killed twice as many people. I guess your Western education system was lacking in the History of totalitarian dictators.

It is information like this that really puts a perspective on other people's views, and how much influence they have to carry over their views onto others. Are we thinking in terms of all human life has equal worth, or are we being lead to believe that some human life has that much worth, and other human life is not worth noting.

To me, this is sad in a strange sort of way.


thailand saying "sorry " ?????

controversial scene had been edited out even before it was reported by the media earlier this week.

Rubbish it was withdrawn after. Back peddling with lies. Why not just say sorry, we were wrong and have fixed the problem?


I think it is worth reiterating a comment about some people's ability to watch and understand a movie here....they seem to be the kind of people who think the Cadbury's Flake adverts were all about a woman who was to busy eating chocolate to answer the phone.


Mao was a Tyrant very True , many of the deaths in China were caused by policy rather than war , Great leap forward approx 20 million, Just after the Revolution or "Liberation" as the PRC call it , he decided that his purges should execute 1 in 1000 people to keep the peasants in there place

If you have not read them

Maos Great Famine

The Tragedy of Liberation

Some Chinese may be bad.

But nothing compared to some German/Austrian I can name of.

Even if you credit every death during WW II to Hitler Mao still killed twice as many people. I guess your Western education system was lacking in the History of totalitarian dictators.

It is information like this that really puts a perspective on other people's views, and how much influence they have to carry over their views onto others. Are we thinking in terms of all human life has equal worth, or are we being lead to believe that some human life has that much worth, and other human life is not worth noting.

To me, this is sad in a strange sort of way.

All men are equal?

I thought some men are more equal than others.


By the way: I have no problem with (almost) anyone, using a Hitler- image or the Nazi- flag and -symbols, to make a point!

But at least, they should have some knowledge, what they are talking about.

That is clearly not the case here and in any "Nazi- fashion- chic"!

and this was commissioned and approved by the man who held the highest military position in the land, a man who would have studied military history and been well aware of Hitler and the atrocities he performed. A man who would have been well aware of the sensitivity and a man who couldn't give a flock.

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About Nazi-Symbols in Thailand. This car I saw in Khon Kaen not to long ago!attachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (1).JPGattachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (2).JPG

I don't see the nazi symbol

It's actually a lot easier to see than a 3 sec clip out of a 660 second video. biggrin.png

Thank you again (broken record). The thing is that auto is a private matter and wasn't shown in cinemas in a large nation sanctioned by a military government. DUH!

You can put on a big act like the Hitler scene in that film was nothing, but it was not nothing, and defending it remains totally ridiculous.


About Nazi-Symbols in Thailand. This car I saw in Khon Kaen not to long ago!attachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (1).JPGattachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (2).JPG

I don't see the nazi symbol

It's actually a lot easier to see than a 3 sec clip out of a 660 second video. biggrin.png

Thank you again (broken record). The thing is that auto is a private matter and wasn't shown in cinemas in a large nation sanctioned by a military government. DUH!

You can put on a big act like the Hitler scene in that film was nothing, but it was not nothing, and defending it remains totally ridiculous.

You don't find that you are still commenting on it ironic?


You don't find that you are still commenting on it ironic?

Not really.

I agree with the Israeli ambassador.

How is it possible that "educated" "elite" Thais reviewed this film and didn't notice the problem before it ever made it out to public in any way?

That is indeed a dark sign about the education system here.


About Nazi-Symbols in Thailand. This car I saw in Khon Kaen not to long ago!attachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (1).JPGattachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (2).JPG

I don't see the nazi symbol

It's actually a lot easier to see than a 3 sec clip out of a 660 second video. biggrin.png

please point it out to me. I have been staring and concentrating on this car and can't see nazi symbols or anything that says Hitler or nazi. Please, please point it out to me

About Nazi-Symbols in Thailand. This car I saw in Khon Kaen not to long ago!attachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (1).JPGattachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (2).JPG

Not a Nazi symbol just a swatika.

Why do you think Thai say "sawasdee ka" because "su" means good "asti" means to be , and "ka" is a polite suffix.

Everytime a Thai person says "sawsdee" acuse them of being a Nazi blink.png

Too many old guys here who were brainwashed in the West into thinking all Germans were evil, I remember a German moved to my school and he got a really hard time.

Time to forget. Hitler was a historical figure so was Mao, Genghis Khan etc. Nothing wrong with dressing up as them. People dress up as the devil.

Has anyone here never been to a toga party? Do I need remind people what the Romans did?


About Nazi-Symbols in Thailand. This car I saw in Khon Kaen not to long ago!attachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (1).JPGattachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (2).JPG

I don't see the nazi symbol

It's actually a lot easier to see than a 3 sec clip out of a 660 second video. biggrin.png

please point it out to me. I have been staring and concentrating on this car and can't see nazi symbols or anything that says Hitler or nazi. Please, please point it out to me

It's on the car; front and back in the middle.


You don't find that you are still commenting on it ironic?

Not really.

I agree with the Israeli ambassador.

How is it possible that "educated" "elite" Thais reviewed this film and didn't notice the problem before it ever made it out to public in any way?

That is indeed a dark sign about the education system here.

I kinda agree with that. How could the Israeli ambassador an educated elite, miss the reference to Nazi chic and the spoiled child. Must be a very dull minded person, a dark sign for the Israeli embassy.

So we are actually in partial agreement and only differ on who is the dummy.


You don't find that you are still commenting on it ironic?

Not really.

I agree with the Israeli ambassador.

How is it possible that "educated" "elite" Thais reviewed this film and didn't notice the problem before it ever made it out to public in any way?

That is indeed a dark sign about the education system here.

I kinda agree with that. How could the Israeli ambassador an educated elite, miss the reference to Nazi chic and the spoiled child. Must be a very dull minded person, a dark sign for the Israeli embassy.

So we are actually in partial agreement and only differ on who is the dummy.

No, dude, we don't agree. I find your defense of this Hitler scene DISGUSTING.


I kinda agree with that. How could the Israeli ambassador an educated elite, miss the reference to Nazi chic and the spoiled child. Must be a very dull minded person, a dark sign for the Israeli embassy.

So we are actually in partial agreement and only differ on who is the dummy.

No, dude, we don't agree. I find your defense of this Hitler scene DISGUSTING.

I'm not a dude. I have never defended Hitler anywhere or in any post. Grow up and stop name calling. You have been around long enough to be civil. The director painted a negative portrait of Hitler and a child who was emulating an obnoxious cultural aberration common in Asia. That you and the Israeli ambassador don't see this is not my fault.


About Nazi-Symbols in Thailand. This car I saw in Khon Kaen not to long ago!attachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (1).JPGattachicon.gif2012-06-13 Enzo Copie 4800 Khonkaen (2).JPG

Not a Nazi symbol just a swatika.

Why do you think Thai say "sawasdee ka" because "su" means good "asti" means to be , and "ka" is a polite suffix.

Everytime a Thai person says "sawsdee" acuse them of being a Nazi blink.png

Too many old guys here who were brainwashed in the West into thinking all Germans were evil, I remember a German moved to my school and he got a really hard time.

Time to forget. Hitler was a historical figure so was Mao, Genghis Khan etc. Nothing wrong with dressing up as them. People dress up as the devil.

Has anyone here never been to a toga party? Do I need remind people what the Romans did?

i dont recall anybody saying anything on here about Hating Germans. How about Hitler were we all "Brainwashed" into hating him ?


You don't find that you are still commenting on it ironic?

Not really.

I agree with the Israeli ambassador.

How is it possible that "educated" "elite" Thais reviewed this film and didn't notice the problem before it ever made it out to public in any way?

That is indeed a dark sign about the education system here.

I kinda agree with that. How could the Israeli ambassador an educated elite, miss the reference to Nazi chic and the spoiled child. Must be a very dull minded person, a dark sign for the Israeli embassy.

So we are actually in partial agreement and only differ on who is the dummy.

there is absolutely no excuse from the P.M. He commissioned this video and cleared this video.

He was the highest ranking and most educated military officer in the land. To reach this level he would have studied world military history and the leaders. To say a military officer of this world wide standing had absolutely no idea of Hitler or the atrocities he committed is rubbish. For people to defend the guy of such a position who authorised this film as being thai and uneducated is plain stupid.

Prayuth as head of the Military and now P.M (Self elected) knows of Hitler very well and the feelings of foreigners. It was a deliberate act by the P.M to offend the world, an educated man with experience in world military history would not do as he did.

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