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Texas George And The Last Crusade - Unknown Author

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Your point of view again - The Quiet American?!

Ok give us an indepth History lesson to support your views - 3 lines does not back up your crack pot theory.

If not, it is just words spewing in a Georgie fashion!

I'm not sure if you're refering to myself or Boon Mee.

In any case you are the one posting the long convoluted racist conspiricy theory. You actually want me to go through it and refute it point by point ... you must be joking.

As I stated you're mixing fiction with fact, it's an old trick long employed by such great authors as Adolf Hitler and Maggie Thatcher. You're in good company.

Again no answers and again no nationality, but a flame - Ok

Racist?, Adolf Hitler? :o

You were the one, with your chest puffed up - back it up!

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Your point of view again - The Quiet American?!

Ok give us an indepth History lesson to support your views - 3 lines does not back up your crack pot theory.

If not, it is just words spewing in a Georgie fashion!

I'm not sure if you're refering to myself or Boon Mee.

In any case you are the one posting the long convoluted racist conspiricy theory. You actually want me to go through it and refute it point by point ... you must be joking.

As I stated you're mixing fiction with fact, it's an old trick long employed by such great authors as Adolf Hitler and Maggie Thatcher. You're in good company.

lamphun actually knows about Maggie Thatcher, so he isn't American (Boon Mee, you do, but she was Ronald Reagan's main squeeze, and, besides, you are one of a kind).


One of a kind? 'Am I being attacked here???

Where's Oliver North when I need him... :o

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Your point of view again - The Quiet American?!

Ok give us an indepth History lesson to support your views - 3 lines does not back up your crack pot theory.

If not, it is just words spewing in a Georgie fashion!

I'm not sure if you're refering to myself or Boon Mee.

In any case you are the one posting the long convoluted racist conspiricy theory. You actually want me to go through it and refute it point by point ... you must be joking.

As I stated you're mixing fiction with fact, it's an old trick long employed by such great authors as Adolf Hitler and Maggie Thatcher. You're in good company.

Again no answers and again no nationality, but a flame - Ok

Racist?, Adolf Hitler? :o

You were the one, with your chest puffed up - back it up!

Back what up ?

If you post contentious garbage the victims of your post don't need to justify anything.

As for flaming, I don't think so. I haven't called you any names, unless of course, you are the so called "unknown author", in which case burn baby burn.

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Your point of view again - The Quiet American?!

Ok give us an indepth History lesson to support your views - 3 lines does not back up your crack pot theory.

If not, it is just words spewing in a Georgie fashion!

I'm not sure if you're refering to myself or Boon Mee.

In any case you are the one posting the long convoluted racist conspiricy theory. You actually want me to go through it and refute it point by point ... you must be joking.

As I stated you're mixing fiction with fact, it's an old trick long employed by such great authors as Adolf Hitler and Maggie Thatcher. You're in good company.

lamphun actually knows about Maggie Thatcher, so he isn't American (Boon Mee, you do, but she was Ronald Reagan's main squeeze, and, besides, you are one of a kind).


One of a kind? 'Am I being attacked here???

Where's Oliver North when I need him... :o

Boon Mee, saying that you are one of a kind, because you are well read enough to know who Maggie Thatcher is, is the opposite of an attack. It is a complement. Please don't call Oliver! :D

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So basically, you have no argument - just call it what you will and leave it then - but it is still only your point of view - so its not racist and its not Nazi propoganda?

It is just the world according to Lamphun, is it not?

What nationality are you and what makes it lies? - I would love a history lesson from you - maybe you are the one, who is wrong here :o

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So basically, you have no argument - just call it what you will and leave it then - but it is still only your point of view - so its not racist and its not Nazi propoganda?

It is just the world according to Lamphun, is it not?

What nationality are you and what makes it lies? - I would love a history lesson from you - maybe you are the one, who is wrong here :o


Actually it's your point of view apparently, I'm merely objecting to it.

Racist nazi propoganda is a pretty good summary of the article, thanks for that. Sorry, but some things aren't worthy of debate but they are worthy of being kicked about "literally".

I stick to my opinion that you're posting for shock value, hoping some sucker will take the bait and make the mistake of debating with you.


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Your point of view again - The Quiet American?!

Ok give us an indepth History lesson to support your views - 3 lines does not back up your crack pot theory.

If not, it is just words spewing in a Georgie fashion!

I'm not sure if you're refering to myself or Boon Mee.

In any case you are the one posting the long convoluted racist conspiricy theory. You actually want me to go through it and refute it point by point ... you must be joking.

As I stated you're mixing fiction with fact, it's an old trick long employed by such great authors as Adolf Hitler and Maggie Thatcher. You're in good company.

lamphun actually knows about Maggie Thatcher, so he isn't American (Boon Mee, you do, but she was Ronald Reagan's main squeeze, and, besides, you are one of a kind).


One of a kind? 'Am I being attacked here???

Where's Oliver North when I need him... :o

Boon Mee, saying that you are one of a kind, because you are well read enough to know who Maggie Thatcher is, is the opposite of an attack. It is a complement. Please don't call Oliver! :D

No problem Georgie - thanks for complement! :D

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No argument, no nationality - bye

PUD, lamphun's arguments is that the whole promise of your article is so racist and silly, that it is below his his dignity to debate with anyone ignorant enough to have posted it, but since you chase me around like a lost dog, I, however, am used to it. :o

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Sorry lamphun, but didn't you tell me that you were trying to get Boon Mee and I to disagree, because "our President doesn't have a brain"?

You asked me to say something nice about Roanald Reagan.

That really stumped me so I came back with the name of a sketch on an old TV show called "Spitting image" This featured a Ronald Reagan puppet with an empty head. You had to have been there.

I've got my views and they don't seem to coincide withyours, but no problem.

In this instance I just got pissed off with what I see as a crapulous and racist post from the Gentleman.

If I remember rightly it was "the Hunt for the presidents Brain" and they found it was a walnut.... a true story I am sure

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Sorry lamphun, but didn't you tell me that you were trying to get Boon Mee and I to disagree, because "our President doesn't have a brain"?

You asked me to say something nice about Roanald Reagan.

That really stumped me so I came back with the name of a sketch on an old TV show called "Spitting image" This featured a Ronald Reagan puppet with an empty head. You had to have been there.

I've got my views and they don't seem to coincide withyours, but no problem.

In this instance I just got pissed off with what I see as a crapulous and racist post from the Gentleman.

If I remember rightly it was "the Hunt for the presidents Brain" and they found it was a walnut.... a true story I am sure

Yeah, well Gorbechev(sp) musta thought he had a little smarts 'cause he DID tear down the Berlin Wall... :o

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He only did it to remove the burden of East Germany from the Soviets debts, he dumped it right back into a hugely wealthy and profitable Germany who then went into recession with the burden of East Germany to deal with, smart move disabling your very strong neighbour, and getting rid of a drain on your own national resources, not too dumb at all.

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He only did it to remove the burden of East Germany from the Soviets debts, he dumped it right back into a hugely wealthy and profitable Germany who then went into recession with the burden of East Germany to deal with, smart move disabling your very strong neighbour, and getting rid of a drain on your own national resources, not too dumb at all.

The point is that it was Ronald Reagan who made him tear it down.

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He only did it to remove the burden of East Germany from the Soviets debts, he dumped it right back into a hugely wealthy and profitable Germany who then went into recession with the burden of East Germany to deal with, smart move disabling your very strong neighbour, and getting rid of a drain on your own national resources, not too dumb at all.

The point is that it was Ronald Reagan who made him tear it down.



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Bash, as you see with this idiot, you post something and he does his usual - he is a no nothing classroom teacher, that reads books and tells us how the world is - anything remotely different from his view - he cant handle as he either hasnt lived it or read about it - the world is flat, until you have photographic proof - typical narrow mindedness found with educators - no proof, cant fathom it!

Let him live in his cocoon/condo and wait out his days.

I hope Africa is a bit more pleasant this time mate - good luck!

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Bash, as you see with this idiot, you post something and he does his usual - he is a no nothing classroom teacher, that reads books and tells us how the world is - anything remotely different from his view - he cant handle as he either hasnt lived it or read about it - the world is flat, until you have photographic proof - typical narrow mindedness found with educators - no proof, cant fathom it!

Let him live in his cocoon/condo and wait out his days.

I hope Africa is a bit more pleasant this time mate - good luck!

Does the part about Georgie-Porgie actually mean anything?

I understand the Basher part.

You know, this might be confusing and illiterate enough to make it on to the "Best of PUD" thread. When it comes to dumb. You supply a wealth of material. :o

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Bash, as you see with this idiot, you post something and he does his usual - he is a no nothing classroom teacher, that reads books and tells us how the world is - anything remotely different from his view - he cant handle as he either hasnt lived it or read about it - the world is flat, until you have photographic proof - typical narrow mindedness found with educators - no proof, cant fathom it!

Let him live in his cocoon/condo and wait out his days.

I hope Africa is a bit more pleasant this time mate - good luck!

Does the part about Georgie-Porgie actually mean anything?

I understand the Basher part.

You know, this might be confusing and illiterate enough to make it on to the "Best of PUD" thread. When it comes to dumb. You supply a wealth of material. :D

I watched him sign out and then sign in under his other nick - pathetic - he is out hoaring now, so he will be back later - tonight drunk or tomorrow hungover - and thats if someone lends him the money! :o

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In this instance I just got pissed off with what I see as a crapulous and racist post from the Gentleman.

You should have seen the post where he claimed that no Jews were in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Maybe I can find it for the 'Best of PUD" thread? :D

Both tower of the WTC hosted daily about 50,000 people:

Question 1: How many Jews belong to these 50,000 people ? :D

Question 2: Were there any Jews in the WTC at the time of its destruction ? :o

Question 3: If not, why ? :D

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I've agreed... with regards the stupidity of invading Iraq and that the Bush Administation has lost all the good will they had in the middle east by doing this instead of going after the perpetrators of 9/11.

Killing people, whatever the reasons, the manipulations, the action or the re-action, seems commonly considered as a destructive way to live, rather than constructive. When even only one person is killed, it is somehow the whole of humanity that is injured, including the killer. :D

There exists one and only one current World religion, and its name is M O N E Y.

This global religion/power/influence is currently in total control of all countries & religions of the World. :D

All these so called "terrorists" or "armies" are being blinded through conditionning (whatever the side) and currently sent to their death (suicide commandos in Chechenia, suicide bombers in Palestine/Israel, American army adding up dead & injured soldiers by the hundreds, Irak army, Afghanistan army, secret agents from all countries,...), in the name of this global religion controlling & manipulating them. :D

In the way, millions of civilians are being slaughtered: WTC, bombers victims in Israel, Ireland & Russia, hijacked planes, hundreds of thousands Afghani civilians through war casualties, millions of Iraki civilians through both war casualties, starvation & slow genetic irradiation from the World nuclear waste dumped with bombs on their territory,... :D

All the actors, such as Bush, Osama Bin Laden, Sadam Hussein, and other "terrorists"... are mere tools & toys in this game.

They do not have their say. They obey.

Also, how amazing to see that the scores are for 1 non-Muslim dead, there must be around 1000 Muslims dead...how conveniently provocative...

Question 1: why this deliberate lighting up of Islam specifically, at a global scale & conveniently coordinated in the same time frame, while there are Muslims in every country of the World (which haven't any contact with each other, anf therefore do not have the means to coordinate it) ?

Question 2: why are such current actions deliberately provoquing insecurity at a global scale, leading to an increase of the controlling influence & the reduction of individual freedom for everybody ?

Question 3: wouldn't a complete control of human beings on this planet (see "1984" by George Orwell), that seems on the right tracks, look like the safest guaranty of stability for those who control this global religion ?

Question 4: who does want that & currently controls this global religion/power/influence ? :o

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Hey, it's great to see all these old faces, even if they did swear that they would never waste their time on Thaivisa.com again. How many times has the PUD sworn that he would never come back. :D

Adjan jb is also guilty of claiming he'll never be back but the Thaivisa Forum "JONES" get him and he's back! :o

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In this instance I just got pissed off with what I see as a crapulous and racist post from the Gentleman.

You should have seen the post where he claimed that no Jews were in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Maybe I can find it for the 'Best of PUD" thread? :D

Both tower of the WTC hosted daily about 50,000 people:

Question 1: How many Jews belong to these 50,000 people ? :D

Question 2: Were there any Jews in the WTC at the time of its destruction ? :o

Question 3: If not, why ? :D

Bozo for sure! :D

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