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how many thai can u fit in a house?


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I have been told (not asked) by my wife that her extended family is coming to stay at my house for new year. Mothers, fathers, uncles, cousins, nephews, grandparents and partridge in a pair tree. A small army for my two spair bedrooms. What is the most amount of thais you have had stay at your house for a holiday?

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I can just picture 2 or 3 pick ups turning into my driveway with all these smiling, excited thais in the back with there small mattreses. Time for me to leave for a few days. Unfortunatly i got the home loan in my wifes name and she pays half the repayments and she is taking full advantage of it.

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I looked up one afternoon to see a 10 wheel truck stop in front of our gate (also dead end road in front). I thought a workforce lost and needed directions. I heard someone in the mass of people unloading call my wifes name (garlic finished ) is translation so not real common name. These little people moved so fast i could not count them, I even tried sheep counting (groups of 4 or 6) grandfather taught me .but hopless lost count multiple times. Wife went to buy snackes for them (it took pickup to haul their haul)

After about 4 hours I invited the wife to take them ALL down to the river to see the high water, then send them on their merry way, in the opposite direction of our home. Wife told me later that several had asked to spend the night but we had 2 vistors already and that was the farang limit on any given night.

\Bare you teeth, go into crazy/stark raving nuts mode, or tell them you have been exposed to a life threatening desease and your under house arrest. If that does not work run and take wallet.

Edited by slapout
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For my first Thambun Baan about 15 guests stay for some days in my 2 bedroom house. We cleared the living room and verybody slept well on their mats. They also had no problems to share a single bathroom.

I was very concerned, first - but it was very easy. The guest made their own journeys or prepared/bought their meals. My only duty was to finance the food and beverage, of course.

But it was worth the investment, because the whole family is very loyal and helpful in many occasions.

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1 per 1 sqm !

But my bedroom and money box excluded;

Think Thai !

When you open your gate , the house is free for anyone who enters;

Your fridge with drinks are sure not BIG enough !

Have a fun !!

enjoy - life is short !

If you will be a good host and they are satisfied,

they will be happy to recieve your invitation for next years too !!

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We had a big celebration at the village school in our other house in Surin, when one of my Thai nieces, who plays for the Thai Women's National Football Team, won the Gold in the SEA Games in Myanmar. We had around 20 sleeping on our living room floor and 6 in the bedrooms. We have a large living room which regularly is used by the Mother-in Law and our relatives as a place to crash out. Next year she is playing in the World Cup in Canada, if she wins or even gets a place, everyman and his dog is likely to be crashing at our place during the celebrations.

Sleeping on the floor is part of Thai culture, reminds me of some of my parties during the '60s.

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You are being imposed upon, and your house is being used as a hotel.

You don't have the spunk of a rabbit! Stand up and tell your wife to limit the number of guests to a reasonable number.

If you don't, things will only get worse in the future.

I've been happily married here for 32 years and I dearly love my wife and two grown daughters, but I've never put up with nonsense like this.

It happens at my place but only when I am away, and I don't worry about it.

When 'the boss' is home guests are few and far between......no not Bruce Springstein.

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My plan is as follows. 10 minutes after they have arrived and i have said hallo and welcome i will leave for a friends apartment who wont be there in jomtien. My house is in pattaya. I will return at about 9pm to share a beer or two and then go back. I will avoid all trips to the market. I paid the sin sod about 3 months ago at my wedding and will remind them this when i have a joke with them and say "mai mii tung" which means i dont have money. Then i promptly go and keep returning and doing the same thing until they leave.

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You are being imposed upon, and your house is being used as a hotel.

You don't have the spunk of a rabbit! Stand up and tell your wife to limit the number of guests to a reasonable number.

If you don't, things will only get worse in the future.

I've been happily married here for 32 years and I dearly love my wife and two grown daughters, but I've never put up with nonsense like this.

I agree. They will do it if you let them do it. Besides i would charge them for staying at my house. Not many would show up. Edited by A1Str8
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Lighten up,

It is after all, Christmas time..... So it's time to visit, and you may learn from it..... Just expect the sardine dilemma, many bodies laying on the floor, maybe gambling all night, and waking late in the morning..... toilet no problem, they have the great outdoors.....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Live and learn, but most of all have fun....... wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

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