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Am I wasting my ‘precious’ time on Thaivisa, or is it time well spent?


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coffee1.gif Whatever medication you are on.....isnt working !coffee1.gif

Dr. Charlie,

Each time my gaze falls upon the sublime Mrs Frolly the drug of Love courses through my veins. I need no other medication.

Well, perhaps you should spend 15 minutes making love to Mrs Frolly each time you feel the urge coursing through your veins, rather than spending countless hours making non productive posts on forums.

Also it seems many posters wives are not satisfying their husbands judging by the amount of niggled whingers, moaners and forever complainers about anything and everything on these threads.

Perhaps if all the wives were as understanding and accommodating as Mrs Frolly and the guys able to get all their pent up frustrations out of their systems, these guys would enjoy Thailand and their lives more.

racial slurs? a new low

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Sorry Baa_mango I do not see a racial slur there. Or was that meant humourously? If so I did not get it, probably because it is the middle of the night and I am only awake as the dogs woke me by barking at a passing cat. One hour and I still can't get back to sleep.

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One prolific poster on here got banned and has since taken to writing books and short stories.

I believe he recently sold his 5000th book.

Not sure if he has sent a note of thanks to the moderation team yet. biggrin.png

I believe 5000 books won't pay a single red satang, there's a lot of costs that go with publication and they rely of reasonable sales before profits are counted.

He's probably sorry that he ever bothered. 55555

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One prolific poster on here got banned and has since taken to writing books and short stories.

I believe he recently sold his 5000th book.

Not sure if he has sent a note of thanks to the moderation team yet. biggrin.png

I believe 5000 books won't pay a single red satang, there's a lot of costs that go with publication and they rely of reasonable sales before profits are counted.

He's probably sorry that he ever bothered. 55555

He sells them online as ebooks.

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One prolific poster on here got banned and has since taken to writing books and short stories.

I believe he recently sold his 5000th book.

Not sure if he has sent a note of thanks to the moderation team yet. biggrin.png

I believe 5000 books won't pay a single red satang, there's a lot of costs that go with publication and they rely of reasonable sales before profits are counted.

He's probably sorry that he ever bothered. 55555

He sells them online as ebooks.


Well I know nothing about that.

I'd imagine 5000 books at 99 baht would t pay that much after the publisher and internet mob take their slice....then there's Uncle Sam (or cousin).

Anyways, I guess your going to blow this theory out of the water too old smokes by telling me he sold the books for 10,000baht each......and I don't care as I won't read, I. Off to write an book about the life of neverdie ;)

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This reply. Total time spent including reading op. 30 seconds.

Answer: up to you Frolly wolly.

Reading Sandman slows me down though.

He makes my brain hurt ... facepalm.gif ... funny though sometimes.

frollywolly though is light and easy reading, bit like the Daily Mail ... even has the pictures.


You do seem like a Daily Mail reader. Good to know

Here are some statistics for you chum!


April 2010. Member joins

16,000 posts since

16,000 x 15 minutes = 240,000 minutes = 4,000 hours!

Assuming you have to sleep, then that translates to 333 days spent on Thaivisa in 4.5 years!!! (12 hour days)

Well done old bean, you have spent 1 year of your time here!!


Nice theory you have running but allow me to spoil it with a few thoughts, 'outside the box', so to speak.

What if Dvaid only spends 1 minute per post. The guy plays in word association, takes less than 5 seconds to send a post. Then there's all the other meaningless short sharp replies he sends, which probably account for 40% of his work here (as opposed to 90% of my stuff).

I seriously doubt David can even sit for 15 minutes straight without getting distracted and guesstimate that only 5% of his efforts here would account for that amount of time.

So, with all that in mind, I'm calling you on this one.

Now this has take me 2 minutes to type out and send which is about 5x longer than what I normally spend.

TVF is a great way to get up to date with certain news, research stuff and have a bit of a laugh.

Furthermore, I'm toying this in the wife's phone whilst waiting in the car, she's run into the shops to grab a coup,e of things.

I can walk and chew gum at the same time ! ;)

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"Is that a good use of time or are we wasting ‘precious’ time on Thaivisa?"

Seems like you begrudge time spent on Thai Visa,and reproach yourself for postings which may be wasting time! the simple answer is: if you feel that way, you are probably right. and If you feel your post is not worth your effort, then again you are probably right!

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This reply. Total time spent including reading op. 30 seconds.

Answer: up to you Frolly wolly.

Reading Sandman slows me down though.

He makes my brain hurt ... facepalm.gif ... funny though sometimes.

frollywolly though is light and easy reading, bit like the Daily Mail ... even has the pictures.


you just need to get familiar with German grammar...than Sandy is easy to understand....

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This reply. Total time spent including reading op. 30 seconds.

Answer: up to you Frolly wolly.

Reading Sandman slows me down though.

He makes my brain hurt ... facepalm.gif ... funny though sometimes.

frollywolly though is light and easy reading, bit like the Daily Mail ... even has the pictures.


you just need to get familiar with German grammar...than Sandy is easy to understand....

The first German I can remember learning was, and my spelling is woefull ...

Mutchest du einen Bier Drinkin'

... actually, that was the second, first was ... shiester ... w00t.gif


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*****This post may contain hidden subliminal messages*****

sweet tooth corner cubicle roof repair tender foot pop corn shopping center fish sticks taxi fare bus stop foot bunion hunger strike mango pudding wells fargo table top check mate remote control pencil sharpener air conditioner dental floss book mark air freshener free style strawberry jam broken record retirement home high five air port fan fare camera angle total recall gardening gloves hopeless situation friendly natives unsung hero paper cut high velocity low frequency band stand water mark free money permanent fixture garden hose light fixture front door winter freeze soulful look egg nog cautious optimism landing gear the more time you spend on thai visa forum the happier you will feel soy milk childhood memories high tide mountain bike fertile ground dental chair hot sauce dish towel candied apple free money hopeless romantic tropical breeze summer solstice song birds hand cuffs fire hydrant library card cigar store open house garage sale dangerous curve free food hungry wolf sign language call waiting bated breath cable TV two plus two equals four flimsy excuse dormant volcano green light finger food sing along crazy like a fox catch phrase pot sticker movie star bank teller noodle shop silent movie careless whisper freak accident racy underwear sugar cane comme si comme ca happy days chocolate nougat see you later alligator

Edited by Gecko123
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We, the ThaiVisa junkies, live to see that red notifications flags with the numbers inside it,

and the more the better, this to attest that our opinions and feedbacks are not for nought,

and maybe, just maybe, we can make a different by displaying our experiences in life

and bestow some of it on other, be it words of wisdoms or a tid-bits of practical knowledge

and assistant...

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We, the ThaiVisa junkies, live to see that red notifications flags with the numbers inside it,

and the more the better, this to attest that our opinions and feedbacks are not for nought,

and maybe, just maybe, we can make a different by displaying our experiences in life

and bestow some of it on other, be it words of wisdoms or a tid-bits of practical knowledge

and assistant...

I agree Ezzra, my self esteem is entirely dependent upon the little red indicator.

Well OK maybe not, but there are posts that you really appreciate getting a like on. Mostly I get likes on things I shouldn't have said.

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It is a proven fact (there is a university study about it somewhere) that many expats in many countries have nothing better to do than hang out on expat internet forums. It doesn't matter whether they are general interest, pure banter, or subject-related sites (such as for example the one for building houses or the one with the wooden door), some people it seems have nothing better to do than sit at their computers all day (or perhaps even all night) just waiting for an opportunity to add some short, barely relevant comment to almost every single post.

Those people, I would say without thinking further, need to get a life. On the other hand however, perhaps forums such as ThaiVisa are their life; I suppose it's better than being a beer-swilling Steintischsaufer.

Over the years, (I well remember the days when this really was a new forum only about visa advice) I've made very few posts to ThaiVisa, but the forum answers my needs perfectly, I get a notification of anything that 'might' interest me - and the threads and various forums I follow here are very few, in fact as a retired swimming pool professional, I probably post more on the pool forum than anywhere else, and even then only very sparingly. To post a message such as this one hardly takes three minutes.

Used sensibly, ThaiVisa is absolutely not a waste of time, but now with extremely cheap streaming of all your home TV programmes, there are more things to do with one's time.

Happy upcoming holidays!

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As a relative newcomer I found your swiss cheese formula better than my donut model.

Your posting(s) does not even register on the vitriol scale and was amusing enough to discourage all but the hardiest of grumps from acerbic response.

You mark by posting replies ? On first page 79% positve, not sure if this is average result but more research and comment from me will waste someones time time

Good effort!

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