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My feelings about Thailand


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I for one would be interested to see other peoples feelings about this topic instead of the usual smartass replies. I've spent a long time in the Philippines and to be fair, Filipinos are in a completely different league. Go into a shop or restaurant and you will experience first class service and politeness, not some sullen face stuck in smart phone. I came to Thailand with a view to settle but I'm having second thoughts. I would welcome others experiences of Cambodia and Vietnam.

Yes The filipinos are in another league - a minor league in every respect except one (by and large the filipinos are a nice people)...I've spent extensive time (years) in th PI and have never seen the place the way your describe it.....I've been to all areas and involved with a "hiso" family - I've served as a talent judge for talent competitions along side of the Mayor of a major city along with scions of industry there....I've been to most islands....I've traveled with our own maids and cooks + eaten in the upper level eateries as well as the shopping mall/common food servers.....

Nowhere does the Camelot that you paint exist except for possibly a small area of Manila (micro).....it simply does not exist....

You want to see down and out farangs - dirty - unpolished - scroungy - unwashed = the PI is your place......the people (while some are beautiful) are largely unwashed and desperate = matching up well with the foreigners that gravitate there....want an education----? Take a Tiger Air flight to Clarke AFB from BKK - you'll see exactly the "quality foreigner/farang" headed there - most for the ABC Hotel so they can partake in the pool parties......

Read the thread about the poor soul that wanted/thought about moving his family there and see the real PI......

I had handed to me chances at 100% non fail business interests (new 7-11's in established areas by major bus teminals & hospitals) through family connections that I wouldn't consider because I'd have to spend my life there.....

I could tell you about people trying to pick my pockets in broad daylight - about 3 guys trying to triangle me 2 behind with knives - 1 in front ready to stab me for my wallet at about 12:20 in the afternoon in broad daylight behind the cover of a sign....they found out they'd picked the wrong guy.....

I could tell you about somebody that simply dissappeared because his wife had relatives in the NLA or PLA or whatever it's called...and he was worth more money after 7 years and declared dead....this is an anti government group that makes it's living as muscle for hire for the people that wish to side step the law.....you want somebody to drop their suit? Need someone gone? Need someone hurt and afraid to talk - call these guys....the police give them carte blanche....their scared of them....they are nationwide and organised with para military precision and ranks.....

If you like aggressive beggars (everywhere in the PI) following you gaining in numbers while walking or going to a place to eat - or pounding on the side of your cars at stops - go to the PI....(kind of like the night of the living desperate).....

If you think driving is tough here - it's about 10X worse there - coupled with the fact a lot of lights do not work and street signs are non existent......and the male drivers (hardly any female drivers there) are mano on mano betting their fenders - drive down a dark street and watch suicide drivers/rider coming from every direction on dark rainy nights - many without lights - a large number on bicycles (no sound) - can;t afford anything else.....try driving on a street with 2 lanes when one is completely choked by Jeepney's crawling along with 1940's brakes and trolling for rides the other several hundred Jeepneys might have missed - go to what is supposed to be a seaside city and find overpiriced accomodations (not family - keep reading) with cock roaches sharing the building with you - out in plain sight and light day and night ......watch the worried looks on the faces of the people that care about you when you're around them....travel by bus - just to try it and feel the rear wheel losing traction around turns (they're absolutely suicidal) ...... worse than here - their driver have order to run down anything in their way - there's no consequences for them.....

Wait until you're driving on election weeks and routinely stopped with ploice checking for guns....enjoy the feeling of being searched for weapons going into shopping malls.....look at the the shotgun armed guards at every large business....watch the non existent police (better look fast - they're not there and at most police boxes you'll have to go to their homes looking for them in the smaller towns).......

Want to see a nervous Taxi driver or Trike driver - be a farang and use one......watch as you've chartered a cab as people see you going into a place to eat and circle the car with a towel on their fists looking to see if anything left inside the car....

I submit to you you have no clue about the place......or you're drunk in "paradise".....

Filipinas (some) are great - most are very possessive - jealous - and vocal - don't even thing of acknowledging another female if yours does not know her.....

Been involved with 4 - 1st was great - together 8 1/2 years and traveled the world together with free flight priviledges (from her) and a great time...2nd had the dissappearing husband (found out after I asked why the kids never visited their Dad) and the NLA/PLA family members - think he took one trip into the jungle he never returned from - 3rd = too jealous.....

4th (ex-wife) - a good women - owned her own very large house and business exporting to NY boutiques...+ family has 90+ hotels in it's chain + 7-11's + catering concerns + ranches/farms + commissary businesses.......attended parties in houses larger than a lot of hotels and the other party goers usually had body guards ( holders of government office nationally - business leaders - minor officials - celebrities) ....reason for ending = unlimited arguing/control problems

I had the golden ticket - I was part of a successful family with family houses, ranches, condos, hotels at my disposal - I was undefeatable in Karaoke (important in PI - like the national pastime - at large parties it was defaulted to me as having automatically the best voice) ....I was - through family importance - an important person and I still walked away - why?

I didn't want my life to end there - not safe to walk about.......let alone live......a cloaking/choking existence

Don't even pretend to tell the people on this board how much better the PI is - - - I could go on but this is enough......

Go out and learn your lessons - be careful or it will be your last - don't come across like such a simpleton.......

A perfect example how personal experiences lead in generalizations of a nation.

And yet you bemoan people who have had similar experiences, and often do generalise, in Thailand as being bitter.

One wonders...one wonders.

Quit wondering....date some filipinas....invest a few years there....then quit questioning and wondering......stop wandering in the darkness......be my guest.....

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I for one would be interested to see other peoples feelings about this topic instead of the usual smartass replies. I've spent a long time in the Philippines and to be fair, Filipinos are in a completely different league. Go into a shop or restaurant and you will experience first class service and politeness, not some sullen face stuck in smart phone. I came to Thailand with a view to settle but I'm having second thoughts. I would welcome others experiences of Cambodia and Vietnam.

Yes The filipinos are in another league - a minor league in every respect except one (by and large the filipinos are a nice people)...I've spent extensive time (years) in th PI and have never seen the place the way your describe it.....I've been to all areas and involved with a "hiso" family - I've served as a talent judge for talent competitions along side of the Mayor of a major city along with scions of industry there....I've been to most islands....I've traveled with our own maids and cooks + eaten in the upper level eateries as well as the shopping mall/common food servers.....

Nowhere does the Camelot that you paint exist except for possibly a small area of Manila (micro).....it simply does not exist....

You want to see down and out farangs - dirty - unpolished - scroungy - unwashed = the PI is your place......the people (while some are beautiful) are largely unwashed and desperate = matching up well with the foreigners that gravitate there....want an education----? Take a Tiger Air flight to Clarke AFB from BKK - you'll see exactly the "quality foreigner/farang" headed there - most for the ABC Hotel so they can partake in the pool parties......

Read the thread about the poor soul that wanted/thought about moving his family there and see the real PI......

I had handed to me chances at 100% non fail business interests (new 7-11's in established areas by major bus teminals & hospitals) through family connections that I wouldn't consider because I'd have to spend my life there.....

I could tell you about people trying to pick my pockets in broad daylight - about 3 guys trying to triangle me 2 behind with knives - 1 in front ready to stab me for my wallet at about 12:20 in the afternoon in broad daylight behind the cover of a sign....they found out they'd picked the wrong guy.....

I could tell you about somebody that simply dissappeared because his wife had relatives in the NLA or PLA or whatever it's called...and he was worth more money after 7 years and declared dead....this is an anti government group that makes it's living as muscle for hire for the people that wish to side step the law.....you want somebody to drop their suit? Need someone gone? Need someone hurt and afraid to talk - call these guys....the police give them carte blanche....their scared of them....they are nationwide and organised with para military precision and ranks.....

If you like aggressive beggars (everywhere in the PI) following you gaining in numbers while walking or going to a place to eat - or pounding on the side of your cars at stops - go to the PI....(kind of like the night of the living desperate).....

If you think driving is tough here - it's about 10X worse there - coupled with the fact a lot of lights do not work and street signs are non existent......and the male drivers (hardly any female drivers there) are mano on mano betting their fenders - drive down a dark street and watch suicide drivers/rider coming from every direction on dark rainy nights - many without lights - a large number on bicycles (no sound) - can;t afford anything else.....try driving on a street with 2 lanes when one is completely choked by Jeepney's crawling along with 1940's brakes and trolling for rides the other several hundred Jeepneys might have missed - go to what is supposed to be a seaside city and find overpiriced accomodations (not family - keep reading) with cock roaches sharing the building with you - out in plain sight and light day and night ......watch the worried looks on the faces of the people that care about you when you're around them....travel by bus - just to try it and feel the rear wheel losing traction around turns (they're absolutely suicidal) ...... worse than here - their driver have order to run down anything in their way - there's no consequences for them.....

Wait until you're driving on election weeks and routinely stopped with ploice checking for guns....enjoy the feeling of being searched for weapons going into shopping malls.....look at the the shotgun armed guards at every large business....watch the non existent police (better look fast - they're not there and at most police boxes you'll have to go to their homes looking for them in the smaller towns).......

Want to see a nervous Taxi driver or Trike driver - be a farang and use one......watch as you've chartered a cab as people see you going into a place to eat and circle the car with a towel on their fists looking to see if anything left inside the car....

I submit to you you have no clue about the place......or you're drunk in "paradise".....

Filipinas (some) are great - most are very possessive - jealous - and vocal - don't even thing of acknowledging another female if yours does not know her.....

Been involved with 4 - 1st was great - together 8 1/2 years and traveled the world together with free flight priviledges (from her) and a great time...2nd had the dissappearing husband (found out after I asked why the kids never visited their Dad) and the NLA/PLA family members - think he took one trip into the jungle he never returned from - 3rd = too jealous.....

4th (ex-wife) - a good women - owned her own very large house and business exporting to NY boutiques...+ family has 90+ hotels in it's chain + 7-11's + catering concerns + ranches/farms + commissary businesses.......attended parties in houses larger than a lot of hotels and the other party goers usually had body guards ( holders of government office nationally - business leaders - minor officials - celebrities) ....reason for ending = unlimited arguing/control problems

I had the golden ticket - I was part of a successful family with family houses, ranches, condos, hotels at my disposal - I was undefeatable in Karaoke (important in PI - like the national pastime - at large parties it was defaulted to me as having automatically the best voice) ....I was - through family importance - an important person and I still walked away - why?

I didn't want my life to end there - not safe to walk about.......let alone live......a cloaking/choking existence

Don't even pretend to tell the people on this board how much better the PI is - - - I could go on but this is enough......

Go out and learn your lessons - be careful or it will be your last - don't come across like such a simpleton.......

If you had actually read my post instead of loading up your keyboard ready to fire off a torrid rant full of misspellings (and you have the audacity to accuse me of being a simpleton) I mention nowhere what a wonderful place PI is but at least there as a foreigner you will be treated with respect. I don't think many will argue Filipinos are generally more friendly than Thais. I defy anybody to go into any shop in PI and be ignored by the sales staff. I previously owned a condo there for many years and regularly travelled throughout Manila and the rest of the islands. Sure there are problems with crime: it's a poor country and we have often more in our pockets than they earn in year but provided you don't do stupid things you'll be ok.

Let's face it... you've had four Pinay wives (and probably lost some money too), obviously you have a big chip on your shoulder: don't take it out on everyone in the Philippines.

No big chip....dated some filipinas....married one.....no time wasted but time of discovery of a nation and disclosure...No chip - honest and candid observation....meanwhile what do you bring to the table from your rabbit/ostrich/<deleted> hole.....

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I for one would be interested to see other peoples feelings about this topic instead of the usual smartass replies. I've spent a long time in the Philippines and to be fair, Filipinos are in a completely different league. Go into a shop or restaurant and you will experience first class service and politeness, not some sullen face stuck in smart phone. I came to Thailand with a view to settle but I'm having second thoughts. I would welcome others experiences of Cambodia and Vietnam.

Yes The filipinos are in another league - a minor league in every respect except one (by and large the filipinos are a nice people)...I've spent extensive time (years) in th PI and have never seen the place the way your describe it.....I've been to all areas and involved with a "hiso" family - I've served as a talent judge for talent competitions along side of the Mayor of a major city along with scions of industry there....I've been to most islands....I've traveled with our own maids and cooks + eaten in the upper level eateries as well as the shopping mall/common food servers.....

Nowhere does the Camelot that you paint exist except for possibly a small area of Manila (micro).....it simply does not exist....

You want to see down and out farangs - dirty - unpolished - scroungy - unwashed = the PI is your place......the people (while some are beautiful) are largely unwashed and desperate = matching up well with the foreigners that gravitate there....want an education----? Take a Tiger Air flight to Clarke AFB from BKK - you'll see exactly the "quality foreigner/farang" headed there - most for the ABC Hotel so they can partake in the pool parties......

Read the thread about the poor soul that wanted/thought about moving his family there and see the real PI......

I had handed to me chances at 100% non fail business interests (new 7-11's in established areas by major bus teminals & hospitals) through family connections that I wouldn't consider because I'd have to spend my life there.....

I could tell you about people trying to pick my pockets in broad daylight - about 3 guys trying to triangle me 2 behind with knives - 1 in front ready to stab me for my wallet at about 12:20 in the afternoon in broad daylight behind the cover of a sign....they found out they'd picked the wrong guy.....

I could tell you about somebody that simply dissappeared because his wife had relatives in the NLA or PLA or whatever it's called...and he was worth more money after 7 years and declared dead....this is an anti government group that makes it's living as muscle for hire for the people that wish to side step the law.....you want somebody to drop their suit? Need someone gone? Need someone hurt and afraid to talk - call these guys....the police give them carte blanche....their scared of them....they are nationwide and organised with para military precision and ranks.....

If you like aggressive beggars (everywhere in the PI) following you gaining in numbers while walking or going to a place to eat - or pounding on the side of your cars at stops - go to the PI....(kind of like the night of the living desperate).....

If you think driving is tough here - it's about 10X worse there - coupled with the fact a lot of lights do not work and street signs are non existent......and the male drivers (hardly any female drivers there) are mano on mano betting their fenders - drive down a dark street and watch suicide drivers/rider coming from every direction on dark rainy nights - many without lights - a large number on bicycles (no sound) - can;t afford anything else.....try driving on a street with 2 lanes when one is completely choked by Jeepney's crawling along with 1940's brakes and trolling for rides the other several hundred Jeepneys might have missed - go to what is supposed to be a seaside city and find overpiriced accomodations (not family - keep reading) with cock roaches sharing the building with you - out in plain sight and light day and night ......watch the worried looks on the faces of the people that care about you when you're around them....travel by bus - just to try it and feel the rear wheel losing traction around turns (they're absolutely suicidal) ...... worse than here - their driver have order to run down anything in their way - there's no consequences for them.....

Wait until you're driving on election weeks and routinely stopped with ploice checking for guns....enjoy the feeling of being searched for weapons going into shopping malls.....look at the the shotgun armed guards at every large business....watch the non existent police (better look fast - they're not there and at most police boxes you'll have to go to their homes looking for them in the smaller towns).......

Want to see a nervous Taxi driver or Trike driver - be a farang and use one......watch as you've chartered a cab as people see you going into a place to eat and circle the car with a towel on their fists looking to see if anything left inside the car....

I submit to you you have no clue about the place......or you're drunk in "paradise".....

Filipinas (some) are great - most are very possessive - jealous - and vocal - don't even thing of acknowledging another female if yours does not know her.....

Been involved with 4 - 1st was great - together 8 1/2 years and traveled the world together with free flight priviledges (from her) and a great time...2nd had the dissappearing husband (found out after I asked why the kids never visited their Dad) and the NLA/PLA family members - think he took one trip into the jungle he never returned from - 3rd = too jealous.....

4th (ex-wife) - a good women - owned her own very large house and business exporting to NY boutiques...+ family has 90+ hotels in it's chain + 7-11's + catering concerns + ranches/farms + commissary businesses.......attended parties in houses larger than a lot of hotels and the other party goers usually had body guards ( holders of government office nationally - business leaders - minor officials - celebrities) ....reason for ending = unlimited arguing/control problems

I had the golden ticket - I was part of a successful family with family houses, ranches, condos, hotels at my disposal - I was undefeatable in Karaoke (important in PI - like the national pastime - at large parties it was defaulted to me as having automatically the best voice) ....I was - through family importance - an important person and I still walked away - why?

I didn't want my life to end there - not safe to walk about.......let alone live......a cloaking/choking existence

Don't even pretend to tell the people on this board how much better the PI is - - - I could go on but this is enough......

Go out and learn your lessons - be careful or it will be your last - don't come across like such a simpleton.......

If you had actually read my post instead of loading up your keyboard ready to fire off a torrid rant full of misspellings (and you have the audacity to accuse me of being a simpleton) I mention nowhere what a wonderful place PI is but at least there as a foreigner you will be treated with respect. I don't think many will argue Filipinos are generally more friendly than Thais. I defy anybody to go into any shop in PI and be ignored by the sales staff. I previously owned a condo there for many years and regularly travelled throughout Manila and the rest of the islands. Sure there are problems with crime: it's a poor country and we have often more in our pockets than they earn in year but provided you don't do stupid things you'll be ok.

Let's face it... you've had four Pinay wives (and probably lost some money too), obviously you have a big chip on your shoulder: don't take it out on everyone in the Philippines.

No big chip....dated some filipinas....married one.....no time wasted but time of discovery of a nation and disclosure...No chip - honest and candid observation....meanwhile what do you bring to the table from your rabbit/ostrich/<deleted> hole.....

The internet is littered with people like you: guys who've have a bad time with a Pinay and then condemn the entire nation. You've obviously spent a lot of time in Angeles City, so it's hardly surprising your experience hasn't been good: but that's not the real PI is it? And if that's the sort of ladies you've been dating, can't blame anyone else but yourself. Yes you are checked for weapons when you go into a mall - you are checked too at MBK in Bangkok. The difference is this, at a PI Mall the guard is likely to greet you with 'Good morning sir' and wave you through. Not every time true but every time I've been into MBK my bag has been searched and I've never been greeted. And on the subject of malls, spend some time looking at ordinary Filipinos. They are families, kids with mobiles just like here. I have many friends in the Philippines, both Pinoy and English. I still visit regularly and I'm still happy to ride a Victory Liner by myself.

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If anyone is interested, khmer440 has a recent Thailand/Cambodia comparison article written by someone who has lived in both countries.

Torrow - I've searched Khmer440 for that article to no avail. Would you perchance have a link to it please.

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Hua Hin is Thailand ? One of the reasons that I like Thailand is that I never go there, nor Pattaya, Phuket or Bangkok if I can help it.

sent from phone using bih thumbs

And I hardly go anywhere else that's why I like it thumbsup.gif

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Op, I hear you, it has changed for the worse and there's nothing wrong with discussing issues, but, as evidenced by many of the replies, you won't find much joy here. It is loaded with mongerers that burnt their bridges in their home country and thus feel the need to display this awkward obligation of defending Thailand at the sake of their worth and logic. They tend to give themselves away with throwaway comments like 'don't let the door hit your arse on the way out' or simply 'go home'. These types may also reveal their identity in still calling their adopted home los. tongue.png

Edited by daveAustin
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I for one would be interested to see other peoples feelings about this topic instead of the usual smartass replies. I've spent a long time in the Philippines and to be fair, Filipinos are in a completely different league. Go into a shop or restaurant and you will experience first class service and politeness, not some sullen face stuck in smart phone. I came to Thailand with a view to settle but I'm having second thoughts. I would welcome others experiences of Cambodia and Vietnam.

Yes The filipinos are in another league - a minor league in every respect except one (by and large the filipinos are a nice people)...I've spent extensive time (years) in th PI and have never seen the place the way your describe it.....I've been to all areas and involved with a "hiso" family - I've served as a talent judge for talent competitions along side of the Mayor of a major city along with scions of industry there....I've been to most islands....I've traveled with our own maids and cooks + eaten in the upper level eateries as well as the shopping mall/common food servers.....

Nowhere does the Camelot that you paint exist except for possibly a small area of Manila (micro).....it simply does not exist....

You want to see down and out farangs - dirty - unpolished - scroungy - unwashed = the PI is your place......the people (while some are beautiful) are largely unwashed and desperate = matching up well with the foreigners that gravitate there....want an education----? Take a Tiger Air flight to Clarke AFB from BKK - you'll see exactly the "quality foreigner/farang" headed there - most for the ABC Hotel so they can partake in the pool parties......

Read the thread about the poor soul that wanted/thought about moving his family there and see the real PI......

I had handed to me chances at 100% non fail business interests (new 7-11's in established areas by major bus teminals & hospitals) through family connections that I wouldn't consider because I'd have to spend my life there.....

I could tell you about people trying to pick my pockets in broad daylight - about 3 guys trying to triangle me 2 behind with knives - 1 in front ready to stab me for my wallet at about 12:20 in the afternoon in broad daylight behind the cover of a sign....they found out they'd picked the wrong guy.....

I could tell you about somebody that simply dissappeared because his wife had relatives in the NLA or PLA or whatever it's called...and he was worth more money after 7 years and declared dead....this is an anti government group that makes it's living as muscle for hire for the people that wish to side step the law.....you want somebody to drop their suit? Need someone gone? Need someone hurt and afraid to talk - call these guys....the police give them carte blanche....their scared of them....they are nationwide and organised with para military precision and ranks.....

If you like aggressive beggars (everywhere in the PI) following you gaining in numbers while walking or going to a place to eat - or pounding on the side of your cars at stops - go to the PI....(kind of like the night of the living desperate).....

If you think driving is tough here - it's about 10X worse there - coupled with the fact a lot of lights do not work and street signs are non existent......and the male drivers (hardly any female drivers there) are mano on mano betting their fenders - drive down a dark street and watch suicide drivers/rider coming from every direction on dark rainy nights - many without lights - a large number on bicycles (no sound) - can;t afford anything else.....try driving on a street with 2 lanes when one is completely choked by Jeepney's crawling along with 1940's brakes and trolling for rides the other several hundred Jeepneys might have missed - go to what is supposed to be a seaside city and find overpiriced accomodations (not family - keep reading) with cock roaches sharing the building with you - out in plain sight and light day and night ......watch the worried looks on the faces of the people that care about you when you're around them....travel by bus - just to try it and feel the rear wheel losing traction around turns (they're absolutely suicidal) ...... worse than here - their driver have order to run down anything in their way - there's no consequences for them.....

Wait until you're driving on election weeks and routinely stopped with ploice checking for guns....enjoy the feeling of being searched for weapons going into shopping malls.....look at the the shotgun armed guards at every large business....watch the non existent police (better look fast - they're not there and at most police boxes you'll have to go to their homes looking for them in the smaller towns).......

Want to see a nervous Taxi driver or Trike driver - be a farang and use one......watch as you've chartered a cab as people see you going into a place to eat and circle the car with a towel on their fists looking to see if anything left inside the car....

I submit to you you have no clue about the place......or you're drunk in "paradise".....

Filipinas (some) are great - most are very possessive - jealous - and vocal - don't even thing of acknowledging another female if yours does not know her.....

Been involved with 4 - 1st was great - together 8 1/2 years and traveled the world together with free flight priviledges (from her) and a great time...2nd had the dissappearing husband (found out after I asked why the kids never visited their Dad) and the NLA/PLA family members - think he took one trip into the jungle he never returned from - 3rd = too jealous.....

4th (ex-wife) - a good women - owned her own very large house and business exporting to NY boutiques...+ family has 90+ hotels in it's chain + 7-11's + catering concerns + ranches/farms + commissary businesses.......attended parties in houses larger than a lot of hotels and the other party goers usually had body guards ( holders of government office nationally - business leaders - minor officials - celebrities) ....reason for ending = unlimited arguing/control problems

I had the golden ticket - I was part of a successful family with family houses, ranches, condos, hotels at my disposal - I was undefeatable in Karaoke (important in PI - like the national pastime - at large parties it was defaulted to me as having automatically the best voice) ....I was - through family importance - an important person and I still walked away - why?

I didn't want my life to end there - not safe to walk about.......let alone live......a cloaking/choking existence

Don't even pretend to tell the people on this board how much better the PI is - - - I could go on but this is enough......

Go out and learn your lessons - be careful or it will be your last - don't come across like such a simpleton.......

Never been to the Philippines, so can't comment on accuracy of above depiction, but, man, thanks for the vivid color commentary. Really riveting reading.

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The two sign thing is what I find a bit deceitful. They post an English sign with the farang price but not the Thai price. Then the Thai sign with both. It is almost like saying that they think the Thai will play along with the game. I guess they know it is wrong so they need to hide.

Well perhaps there is a chance that a farang, with a Thai companion, is likely to be paying that higher price for both of them if they can get away with it. Or they think the Thai people will be pleased to see that farangs are blatantly discriminated against. But if you can read the Thai sign, there is a good chance you have a Thai driving licence, and with that, you too can get what you believe to be a Thai only price.

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Yes The filipinos are in another league - a minor league in every respect except one (by and large the filipinos are a nice people)...I've spent extensive time (years) in th PI and have never seen the place the way your describe it.....I've been to all areas and involved with a "hiso" family - I've served as a talent judge for talent competitions along side of the Mayor of a major city along with scions of industry there....I've been to most islands....I've traveled with our own maids and cooks + eaten in the upper level eateries as well as the shopping mall/common food servers.....

Nowhere does the Camelot that you paint exist except for possibly a small area of Manila (micro).....it simply does not exist....

You want to see down and out farangs - dirty - unpolished - scroungy - unwashed = the PI is your place......the people (while some are beautiful) are largely unwashed and desperate = matching up well with the foreigners that gravitate there....want an education----? Take a Tiger Air flight to Clarke AFB from BKK - you'll see exactly the "quality foreigner/farang" headed there - most for the ABC Hotel so they can partake in the pool parties......

Read the thread about the poor soul that wanted/thought about moving his family there and see the real PI......

I had handed to me chances at 100% non fail business interests (new 7-11's in established areas by major bus teminals & hospitals) through family connections that I wouldn't consider because I'd have to spend my life there.....

I could tell you about people trying to pick my pockets in broad daylight - about 3 guys trying to triangle me 2 behind with knives - 1 in front ready to stab me for my wallet at about 12:20 in the afternoon in broad daylight behind the cover of a sign....they found out they'd picked the wrong guy.....

I could tell you about somebody that simply dissappeared because his wife had relatives in the NLA or PLA or whatever it's called...and he was worth more money after 7 years and declared dead....this is an anti government group that makes it's living as muscle for hire for the people that wish to side step the law.....you want somebody to drop their suit? Need someone gone? Need someone hurt and afraid to talk - call these guys....the police give them carte blanche....their scared of them....they are nationwide and organised with para military precision and ranks.....

If you like aggressive beggars (everywhere in the PI) following you gaining in numbers while walking or going to a place to eat - or pounding on the side of your cars at stops - go to the PI....(kind of like the night of the living desperate).....

If you think driving is tough here - it's about 10X worse there - coupled with the fact a lot of lights do not work and street signs are non existent......and the male drivers (hardly any female drivers there) are mano on mano betting their fenders - drive down a dark street and watch suicide drivers/rider coming from every direction on dark rainy nights - many without lights - a large number on bicycles (no sound) - can;t afford anything else.....try driving on a street with 2 lanes when one is completely choked by Jeepney's crawling along with 1940's brakes and trolling for rides the other several hundred Jeepneys might have missed - go to what is supposed to be a seaside city and find overpiriced accomodations (not family - keep reading) with cock roaches sharing the building with you - out in plain sight and light day and night ......watch the worried looks on the faces of the people that care about you when you're around them....travel by bus - just to try it and feel the rear wheel losing traction around turns (they're absolutely suicidal) ...... worse than here - their driver have order to run down anything in their way - there's no consequences for them.....

Wait until you're driving on election weeks and routinely stopped with ploice checking for guns....enjoy the feeling of being searched for weapons going into shopping malls.....look at the the shotgun armed guards at every large business....watch the non existent police (better look fast - they're not there and at most police boxes you'll have to go to their homes looking for them in the smaller towns).......

Want to see a nervous Taxi driver or Trike driver - be a farang and use one......watch as you've chartered a cab as people see you going into a place to eat and circle the car with a towel on their fists looking to see if anything left inside the car....

I submit to you you have no clue about the place......or you're drunk in "paradise".....

Filipinas (some) are great - most are very possessive - jealous - and vocal - don't even thing of acknowledging another female if yours does not know her.....

Been involved with 4 - 1st was great - together 8 1/2 years and traveled the world together with free flight priviledges (from her) and a great time...2nd had the dissappearing husband (found out after I asked why the kids never visited their Dad) and the NLA/PLA family members - think he took one trip into the jungle he never returned from - 3rd = too jealous.....

4th (ex-wife) - a good women - owned her own very large house and business exporting to NY boutiques...+ family has 90+ hotels in it's chain + 7-11's + catering concerns + ranches/farms + commissary businesses.......attended parties in houses larger than a lot of hotels and the other party goers usually had body guards ( holders of government office nationally - business leaders - minor officials - celebrities) ....reason for ending = unlimited arguing/control problems

I had the golden ticket - I was part of a successful family with family houses, ranches, condos, hotels at my disposal - I was undefeatable in Karaoke (important in PI - like the national pastime - at large parties it was defaulted to me as having automatically the best voice) ....I was - through family importance - an important person and I still walked away - why?

I didn't want my life to end there - not safe to walk about.......let alone live......a cloaking/choking existence

Don't even pretend to tell the people on this board how much better the PI is - - - I could go on but this is enough......

Go out and learn your lessons - be careful or it will be your last - don't come across like such a simpleton.......

If you had actually read my post instead of loading up your keyboard ready to fire off a torrid rant full of misspellings (and you have the audacity to accuse me of being a simpleton) I mention nowhere what a wonderful place PI is but at least there as a foreigner you will be treated with respect. I don't think many will argue Filipinos are generally more friendly than Thais. I defy anybody to go into any shop in PI and be ignored by the sales staff. I previously owned a condo there for many years and regularly travelled throughout Manila and the rest of the islands. Sure there are problems with crime: it's a poor country and we have often more in our pockets than they earn in year but provided you don't do stupid things you'll be ok.

Let's face it... you've had four Pinay wives (and probably lost some money too), obviously you have a big chip on your shoulder: don't take it out on everyone in the Philippines.

No big chip....dated some filipinas....married one.....no time wasted but time of discovery of a nation and disclosure...No chip - honest and candid observation....meanwhile what do you bring to the table from your rabbit/ostrich/<deleted> hole.....

The internet is littered with people like you: guys who've have a bad time with a Pinay and then condemn the entire nation. You've obviously spent a lot of time in Angeles City, so it's hardly surprising your experience hasn't been good: but that's not the real PI is it? And if that's the sort of ladies you've been dating, can't blame anyone else but yourself. Yes you are checked for weapons when you go into a mall - you are checked too at MBK in Bangkok. The difference is this, at a PI Mall the guard is likely to greet you with 'Good morning sir' and wave you through. Not every time true but every time I've been into MBK my bag has been searched and I've never been greeted. And on the subject of malls, spend some time looking at ordinary Filipinos. They are families, kids with mobiles just like here. I have many friends in the Philippines, both Pinoy and English. I still visit regularly and I'm still happy to ride a Victory Liner by myself.

Actually - never went to or frequented Angeles - just as I live in Thailand and never bee to or visited Pattaya or the playgrounds in BKK either.....don't go anywhere near those places.....

On social occasions I've met and had interesting discussions with the then current mayors of Manila & Angeles City along with Police Officials and the other guests that moved in those circles - spent a good amount of time in conversation with many, many folk.....I've spent years in the PI ....yes there are many great people and families there .....I've also had Filipino friends visit here & to a man/women they mention they'd prefer to live here if they could....on a round the table discussion one night they concurred that the PI could be like Thailand if it made an effort in about 20 years but didn't feel the country had the ambition or inner strength/resolve to do it.......Still have many friends there - NONE in the bar or seedy side of it......just do not move in those circles - the people I know there are solid.....

I didn't say I had a bad time there - but I have spent extensive time there and maybe was privy to more of a trusted insider view than most......

There's a reason those folks live in compounds with 12-15 foor walls topped with wire or glass with solid gates the have walking entry door built in backed by secondary ornamental gates to the different courtyards and verandas....backed by huge solid core doors.....many with security staff/personnel.....

Thailand and the PI simply cannot be painted with the same brush - I agree - there are some great people there.....said that in my original post......

But - the dangers are very very real there - again read the thread about the man that was considering relocating his family there and the responses.....it is - and they will admit that it is a 3rd world country.....with all the pitfalls that come with that type of place.....

There's a reason Thailand draws many many tourists and is #2 in Asia after China (and it can't all be for the women as many people infer)...while the PI is ranked 19th or 22nd in Asia/Pacific - (52nd in one web site?) .....

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I really do wonder if the Moderators might consider setting up a Sub Forum on here for the people who have, in my opinion, a problem with Thailand.

In the sub forum, these people could moan & whinge to their hearts content, about Thailand.

I often find myself becoming exasperated with the complaints & petty observations about how "imperfect" Thailand is.

Because as we all know, our Country of origin is a Nirvana by comparison.......cheesy.gif

Perhaps if the Mods do set this up, there could be a small charge which would vary according to the Nationality of the moanee....a sort of dual pricing scheme? whistling.gif

The mods are too busy trying to clean-up all the smart arse comments.....just let the folks get stuff off their chests and stop trying to be the know it alls and experts at everything. FYI...no spot is going to be perfect or the grass greener....just have to go with the flow and make the best of your situation. IMHO. ?

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The two sign thing is what I find a bit deceitful. They post an English sign with the farang price but not the Thai price. Then the Thai sign with both. It is almost like saying that they think the Thai will play along with the game. I guess they know it is wrong so they need to hide.

Why would they put a sign in English up for foreigners? Because English is the international language?

Why would they put a sign in Thai up for Thais? Because Thai is the local language?

Nothing deceitful my friend. Just common sense.

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I lived in Bangkok for nearly 7 years. During that period I travelled to most of the Countries in SEA, generally during extended visa runs.

I looked at all the other major Countries in SEA for an alternative, and settled on Cebu in the Philippines. Been here for a number of years now, and adore living here. The biggest downside being the food.

I left Thailand because of the xenophobia. It's a long grind, but I just came to the conclusion that they really don't like foreigners, except as 2 week millionaires.

Here in the Philippines there just seems to be a greater acceptance and, dare I say, welcoming attitude towards caucasians, both as tourists and as long term visitors like myself.

Of course it's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But I know where I want to be right now, and it's not in Thailand anymore.

It's good that you feel that way - at one time I did also.....everybody has a special place within them that they feel at home - maybe you've found yours.....

BKK for 7 years - wow - 3 days does it for me......

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I for one would be interested to see other peoples feelings about this topic instead of the usual smartass replies. I've spent a long time in the Philippines and to be fair, Filipinos are in a completely different league. Go into a shop or restaurant and you will experience first class service and politeness, not some sullen face stuck in smart phone. I came to Thailand with a view to settle but I'm having second thoughts. I would welcome others experiences of Cambodia and Vietnam.

Buy yourself a maybe local and take the path.

English Dbag?

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As a footnote to post #46 (mine)

I have 2 families that I know that have 1/2 1/2 farang/filipino children....

Two sons from these families are ranked Master Sergeants or higher in the US Marines ----- both - when given extensive leave are under orders not to go to the Philippines to visit family as it's considered too dangerous .....they look filipino and obviously can take care of themselves as well as be aware of what happening around them......

So those of us that think it is all rosey there - - - - - - - obviously not........

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I came to Thailand to settle down there about 4 years ago now. I left after a month. I found it much harder than I'd previously experienced it. I also found that a large chunk of the easily accessible expat community were miserable being in Thailand. When asked where they would go if they were starting with a fresh slate they all said "to Cambodia!"

So I went to Siem Reap for a look round and have never really been back to Thailand for any extended period of time since; in fact the only reason I go to Thailand nowadays is to buy bigger sized clothing and footwear. I can get everything else I need in Cambodia for less money and with less hassle.

I thought Vietnam was amazing and despite the endless negative talk about the Vietnamese - outside of tourist central areas; I found them to be the most honest and friendly people in Asia.

Off to Laos in a few weeks for a butcher's hook and I expect to be fully charmed by that country too.

Thailand's lovely but it doesn't hold a patch on the rest of South East Asia for me. I will note that I would prefer to spend eternity in Thailand than another day in China though...

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Once again a member posts his thoughts on an open forum and gets slated, his thoughts he is entitled to them, I agree with most of what he says, my opinion and thoughts. Went to Pattaya for 4 days, that's all I could stand, empty bars, girls with bad attitude, to many men in frocks, Same goes for hua him, spent 5 days there, same there many empty bars, bad attitudes and expensive pricing. We. The wife and I think the real Thailand is in the provinces. You still get smiles from Thai , Burmies and the rest, Thailand has big problems most peopl can see this, bad roads, police . Racism, double pricing, bad education and ignorance, they spend billions of baht on building. Again my thoughts, probably from money laudaring. The new shopping centres springing up around Thailand with great marbel halls, mostly empty with top of the range goods mostly copy's. And you still have to wipe your arse and put the paper in a cheap plastic bucket next to the toilet, yes this will realy attract the upper class international holiday makers and globe hoppers, not,, ps I like Thailand but I am just disappointed with her.

I just spent war re enactment in kanchanaburri...all Thai.

Went to fireworks festival in pattaya brilliant. Yesterday back from Bang Saen speed festival. Free and a lively thing. Again vast majority Thai.

You don't like the toilets here ????

Take your wife to INDIA....enjoy

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I have to agree with the originator of this thread. I have lived in Thailand almost 8 years and have been going to Cambodia once or twice a year for the past 5 years. The Cambodians are the friendliest in SE Asia and even the expats there are more open and friendly than in BKK, I have heard more than once from a Cambodian, "We know we are poor and education and hard work is the only way out." Ever hear a Thai say that?

Well - IN CM I'm surrounded by International schools and about 7 - 8 Universities and see students hunkered down and studying....neighbors across the street are home schooling their children.....

Somebody must have gotten the memo.....

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I really do wonder if the Moderators might consider setting up a Sub Forum on here for the people who have, in my opinion, a problem with Thailand.

In the sub forum, these people could moan & whinge to their hearts content, about Thailand.

I often find myself becoming exasperated with the complaints & petty observations about how "imperfect" Thailand is.

Because as we all know, our Country of origin is a Nirvana by comparison.......cheesy.gif

Perhaps if the Mods do set this up, there could be a small charge which would vary according to the Nationality of the moanee....a sort of dual pricing scheme? whistling.gif

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