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"Surely all humans no matter where they are born, have the same levels of attention and awareness???"

I wouldn't be too sure about that!

As a small example, just look how long it takes before cars start moving here when the light turns green.

A few years ago I did the reaction test as part of the procedure to extend my driving license. There where about 50 Thai's, me and 1 more older European. At 48 years old I was the fastest with a big margin, followed by the other European who I estimate at about 60, all others where much slower with some even failing the threshold. I don't know why, but I'm sure there is something. By the way the test was sitting on a chair and you had to push a button with your feet when a light in front changed from green to red, not an uncommon situation for people who drive cars or motorcycles...

So you think Thai's have slow reaction time huh? Try pissing one off and see how they go then tongue.png

Regrettably, reaction times, focused effort, and motivation in general stay fairly low until that very specific event occurs.


Is that a Sebring in you profile photo?

Oops, sorry wrong poster.

Maybe it's me you're asking the question of.

If so, it's an old Ducati Daytona 250, exactly the same as my own 1964 model that I restored from a burnt out wreck then had to leave in UK when I came here sad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0Lw1H_s8Uesad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0Lw1H_s8Ue. I'd love to have that bike in Thailand. Also had a 239 Desmo & two bevel twins. So yes, a Duke but not a Sebring.


Bikers fault!

It was a give way junction. Lines can be clearly seen on both roads. The car driver gave way, the proceeded when the junction was clear. The biker should have given way to the truck who was already on the crossing.

Uhm, no, the junction was not clear.

Seems the bike rider did not give way to the truck that was on his right. Probably had no driver training like many other idiots on the road.


I am sorry, but this is the funniest accident i ever seen. The biker hits the car and goes flying into the back of the pick up.

In the movies stunt men would have to work for weeks to get it right

The hilarity is simply overwhelming. What could be more fun than seeing someone getting possibly crippled for life? Monty Python eat your heart out.


Seems the bike rider did not give way to the truck that was on his right. Probably had no driver training like many other idiots on the road.

Why would the bike rider give way to the truck on his right?

Hint: Read back through through the thread, and then please reprogram your brain, for all of our sakes ;)

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I am probably mistaken but I have been assured that if you are driving a car and have an accident with a motorcycle in Thailand it is your fault. True?

WhamBam, on 16 Dec 2014 - 09:19, said:WhamBam, on 16 Dec 2014 - 09:19, said:
Bung, on 16 Dec 2014 - 08:30, said:Bung, on 16 Dec 2014 - 08:30, said:

The fact that no one seems to know which side to give way to doesnt help. Give way to the left or right? Oh well, i will just start driving across the ontersection (btw you are supposed to give way to the LEFT here!)

I wouldnt blame the pick up driver at all. The motorcyclist was in dream world ld, never touched his brakes.

Thailand is based on the British Highway Code.

You give way to traffic coming from the right.

That would put the m/c in the wrong at an unmarked junction.

So, why is it the Thai road rules stipulate give way to the left, unless on a round a bout. To me it seems some fool made a mistake and now Thailand lives with it.


clearly to me the bike is in the wrong,the ute was proceeding ahead and contrary to what has been said about give way ,the bike just failed to stop. also is this a crossroad or a t junction. give way to the right has always been the law as long as iv'e been driving,50 years and no accidents.bu t not in thailand i admit. lack of signage may also been a factor,either stop or give way.


clearly to me the bike is in the wrong,the ute was proceeding ahead and contrary to what has been said about give way ,the bike just failed to stop. also is this a crossroad or a t junction. give way to the right has always been the law as long as iv'e been driving,50 years and no accidents.bu t not in thailand i admit. lack of signage may also been a factor,either stop or give way.

Give way to the right has never been the law here. What lack of signage?

Can you read? If so, read the thread.

  • Like 1

Looks like some posters on here either don't have a Thai drivers license or have no idea of Thai road rules! Lmao.

Having Thai DL and knowing the road rules are totally irrelevant matters in Thailand.

Half of police force does not have a clue about road rules and a large number of population never had drivers license.

Unfortunately the large number that also drive w00t.gif


clearly to me the bike is in the wrong,the ute was proceeding ahead and contrary to what has been said about give way ,the bike just failed to stop. also is this a crossroad or a t junction. give way to the right has always been the law as long as iv'e been driving,50 years and no accidents.bu t not in thailand i admit. lack of signage may also been a factor,either stop or give way.

Give way to the right has never been the law here. What lack of signage?

Can you read? If so, read the thread.

ok,couldn't care less, thank you for correcting me


I'm driving here 12 years now both pick-up and motorbike and I am no nearer understanding why on God's earth do they pull out right in front of me when they are coming out of a side road.and I am on the main road and in most cases there is nothing behind me, they just had to wait till i passed...it's like they are saying to themselves..."I'm not going to yield, so i'll make him do it", so they make the car that's coming on the main road do the braking or pull out around them (not a good idea). I'd love sometime to have one of them charged with attempted murder..(I have a dash cam).

Ah, elementary my dear Watson. They think they are still driving a motorsai, these NEVER stop entering a major road


hmmm..... hungery, noodles, hmmmmm.... leo ahh yes cold leo, momma give me more money? gf give me more leo money? hmmmmm.... som tom.... hungery....late for work again... must punish gf... thoughts in the head of bike rider before accident :-)


clearly to me the bike is in the wrong,the ute was proceeding ahead and contrary to what has been said about give way ,the bike just failed to stop. also is this a crossroad or a t junction. give way to the right has always been the law as long as iv'e been driving,50 years and no accidents.bu t not in thailand i admit. lack of signage may also been a factor,either stop or give way.

Give way to the right has never been the law here. What lack of signage?

Can you read? If so, read the thread.

ok,couldn't care less, thank you for correcting me

Unfortunately you're not alone, many people here don't care about the road rules. Until you're involved in an accident of course, then you'll come on here and start complaining you were not to blame but are still held responsible. Wonder why.

heybuz, on 20 Dec 2014 - 08:02, said:

clearly to me the bike is in the wrong,the ute was proceeding ahead and contrary to what has been said about give way ,the bike just failed to stop. also is this a crossroad or a t junction. give way to the right has always been the law as long as iv'e been driving,50 years and no accidents.bu t not in thailand i admit. lack of signage may also been a factor,either stop or give way.

Thai road rules are weird, they give way to the "left" except on round a bouts... seems some fool got it wrong and Thailand lives with this stupid error.

4u2mad, on 20 Dec 2014 - 09:21, said:
dotpoom, on 19 Dec 2014 - 22:12, said:

I'm driving here 12 years now both pick-up and motorbike and I am no nearer understanding why on God's earth do they pull out right in front of me when they are coming out of a side road.and I am on the main road and in most cases there is nothing behind me, they just had to wait till i passed...it's like they are saying to themselves..."I'm not going to yield, so i'll make him do it", so they make the car that's coming on the main road do the braking or pull out around them (not a good idea). I'd love sometime to have one of them charged with attempted murder..(I have a dash cam).

Ah, elementary my dear Watson. They think they are still driving a motorsai, these NEVER stop entering a major road

Wrong, they still ride/drive as if they are on water buffalo, unfortunately the bike/car/truck/bus etc,, or for that matter, many drivers, do not possess the same intelligence as the buffalo does.


Irrespective of who had right of way, or who was wrong.

If the bike could see down the road for 200m and the guy in the truck was clearly blocking the junction, then you would at least take your hand off the throttle, maybe break and skid at the last moment or avoid it by riding round the rear.

".. but i was in the right" won't do you much good when your in a hospital bed bound in plaster.

Thanks for posting the vid, classic.

  • Like 2

Tough call in the video.

Theoretically, the MC driver has the right of way, but in practice he drove recklessly by failing to act to avoid a collision.

I hope OP makes the video available to both involved parties.

In general, I have seen many people act stupidly on Thai roads.

One accident in particular won't leave my mind - a MC driver was *staring* at oncoming motorcycles and decided to drive off at the best moment to collide with one of them. Hmmmmm.


Theoretically, the MC driver has the right of way, but in practice he drove recklessly by failing to act to avoid a collision.

Yay! you get it :)

Perhaps we should run a TV fundraising drive so we can run some English internet ads on Thai road rules? wink.png


Don't matter about rules, the truck was clearly in the riders way, yet the rider ignored this and proceeded into the truck at full speed, expecting the truck to disappear? Rider looses because of inattentiveness or lack of brain. He drove full speed into a truck at an intersection, is that defensive driving?


The fact that no one seems to know which side to give way to doesnt help. Give way to the left or right? Oh well, i will just start driving across the ontersection (btw you are supposed to give way to the LEFT here!)

I wouldnt blame the pick up driver at all. The motorcyclist was in dream world ld, never touched his brakes.

Thailand is based on the British Highway Code.

You give way to traffic coming from the right.

That would put the m/c in the wrong at an unmarked junction.

Same thing happened at my house

hmmm..... hungery, noodles, hmmmmm.... leo ahh yes cold leo, momma give me more money? gf give me more leo money? hmmmmm.... som tom.... hungery....late for work again... must punish gf... thoughts in the head of bike rider before accident :-)

That's Homer Simpson, dood. Here's what the motorsai rider was actually thinking:


The pick-up driver seems to come to almost a complete stop at the painted line on the road and then moves off - very slowly - at about 11 seconds. The bike hits the rear end of the pick-up at about 15 seconds.Travelling at 30mph, the bike would have travelled about 175 ft. in those 4 seconds, 233 ft @ 40 mph. He'd therefore have had plenty of time to notice the pick-up might cross his path and take evading action. Therefore this isn't a case of 'right of way', more a case of awareness on the part of the scooter rider.

From UK Highway Code, typical stopping distance is 75 ft. @ 30mph, 118 ft. @ 40mph but those assume braking equipment's in good nick and the driver's thinking & reaction processes are up to scratch. From my experience, many scooter riders seem unable to think at all or react to situations clearly developing in front of them - maybe that's the problem.

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stevenl, on 19 Dec 2014 - 22:03, said:
Faz, on 19 Dec 2014 - 20:03, said:

Bikers fault!

It was a give way junction. Lines can be clearly seen on both roads. The car driver gave way, the proceeded when the junction was clear. The biker should have given way to the truck who was already on the crossing.

Uhm, no, the junction was not clear.

20 yards before the junction is a flashing light. This gives a warning of an uncontrolled junction (beware - no traffic lights)

Across the junction is a single continuous white line (which means stop). Give way to the right.

The motorist does just that, stops, nothing approaching from the right, proceed.

Just before the point of impact, the same single continuous white line can be seen at the junction from which the motorcyclist was approaching.

He would have had the same amber flashing light 20 yards beforehand.

The cyclist makes no attempt to stop and yield to those from the right.

When the motorist starts across the junction it was completely clear.

He had almost cleared the junction when the motorcyclist slams into him.

If your going to drive here, at least take the time to learn the signs and road markings and what they mean.

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stevenl, on 19 Dec 2014 - 22:03, said:

Faz, on 19 Dec 2014 - 20:03, said:

Bikers fault!

It was a give way junction. Lines can be clearly seen on both roads. The car driver gave way, the proceeded when the junction was clear. The biker should have given way to the truck who was already on the crossing.

Uhm, no, the junction was not clear.

20 yards before the junction is a flashing light. This gives a warning of an uncontrolled junction (beware - no traffic lights)

Across the junction is a single continuous white line (which means stop). Give way to the right.

The motorist does just that, stops, nothing approaching from the right, proceed.

Just before the point of impact, the same single continuous white line can be seen at the junction from which the motorcyclist was approaching.

He would have had the same amber flashing light 20 yards beforehand.

The cyclist makes no attempt to stop and yield to those from the right.

When the motorist starts across the junction it was completely clear.

He had almost cleared the junction when the motorcyclist slams into him.

If your going to drive here, at least take the time to learn the signs and road markings and what they mean.

Yes please, do that.

I love the give way to the left rule, obviously when they where been written up someone got it wrong, and because its Thailand nobody wants to lose face so it has stuck lol,I would say what a stupid rule if it wasnt Thailand as I often come across cars and motor cycles traveling the wrong way down a road/duel carriage way.Why on earth would anyone want to give way to the right when all the traffic is coming from there lol.

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I love the give way to the left rule, obviously when they where been written up someone got it wrong, and because its Thailand nobody wants to lose face so it has stuck lol,I would say what a stupid rule if it wasnt Thailand as I often come across cars and motor cycles traveling the wrong way down a road/duel carriage way.Why on earth would anyone want to give way to the right when all the traffic is coming from there lol.

If give way to left on left hand side roads is wrong, does that not make give way to right on right hand side roads also incorrect?

... a single continuous white line (which means stop). Give way to the right ... The cyclist makes no attempt to stop and yield to those from the right.

He had almost cleared the junction when the motorcyclist slams into him.

Ref. Post 29 on here; this is a quote from Title 6, Sect. 71 (page 11):-

Title 6; Driving through Junctions or Circles.

Section 71.

If, when entering a junction, there are other vehicles, the driver must let such vehicles go through first.

If two vehicles enter a junction from different directions at the same time, the vehicle on the left side has a right of way, except when there's a designation of "principle (sic) roadway" in which case the vehicle on the principle (sic) roadway has a right of way.

The biker failed to comply with the requirements of the first sentence in the quote so is totally at fault, legally. Interpretation by the police might be different, of course.

Whether or not give-way-to-left is sensible or not doesn't matter - clearly there are driving licence holders here on TV who aren't aware of the priorities as stated in the Land Traffic Act.

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