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Nazi imagery as cool Thai fashion


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I defiantly agree that the school system here needs work on it. So does it in many countries.

It has just been in the past few weeks that I have changed my mind agout it. Yes it has a long way to go. My problem was I knew nothing about it really just kind of went along with what I saw and heard. Mostly from the Thai Visa herd.

Recently it became clearer to me when I had to buy a computer and printer for my Granddaughter's 10 and 15. If they are using them now clearly the level of learning has gone up since the first time I visited here in 2005. It was time for me to take a better look at it. I am not saying it is a wonderful system but it has improved. Even under Yingluck they publicly announced that it was broken and needed work on it. That was said by both of the last two ministers of education.

I really don't want to get political about it but in the last year there has been more open talk about the graft where the money is not getting down to the students. Times are changing slowly but they are changing. My granddaughters go to a public school not a private one.

Are you trying to change a perfectly good Thai Visa Nazi thread and turn it into an education thread?

In an attempt to get back on topic I offer the video below

This is what I mentioned earlier, it is fine when done in a jokey camp way. These guys are (probably) homosexuals wearing outrageous clothes for the wow factor. It is just marketing and fun.

That bike is offensive.

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This is what I mentioned earlier, it is fine when done in a jokey camp way. These guys are (probably) homosexuals wearing outrageous clothes for the wow factor. It is just marketing and fun.

To be honest.. I dont even have that huge a problem when individuals show thier ignorance.. I just put them down as another mouth breather.. Plenty of them to go around.

But the primary issue is a school doing this.. A place where education is supposed to be imparted, values established, worldview gained.. When an educator thinks this is acceptable, then that educator needs to be removed and replaced with one that has a greater understanding.

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World War II, Nazism, Hitler, Kamikaze,,,,,,,, many may say that over the top use of, over reaction to a symbol or ideology, being vehemently obsessed by anything having to do with the above, may be defined as fanaticism. Being fanatically reactive to any thing can and many times does grows into actions that should not be done much less discussed here. You determine for yourself if fanaticism can evolve into that.

I would note that there are some posting on this thread that could be considered, by more rational people , as having a type of fanaticism.

Each and everyone must be the judge for themselves.

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So how can you argue its not to do with WWII when its 'nazi chic' ?!?!

Its hardly 'multi millennia old Hindu blessing chic' as some poster appear to be doing their very best to distort reality and pretend they believe.

Michigan State University Spartans have absolutely nothing to do with wars in Greece. Do you get it now?

Nor do the UCLA Trojans.

Some Greeks and Persians might get upset if they went to East Lansing Michigan for a foot ball game but trust me the students don't have a clue what they would be angry about. It is the same in Thailand.



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This is what I mentioned earlier, it is fine when done in a jokey camp way. These guys are (probably) homosexuals wearing outrageous clothes for the wow factor. It is just marketing and fun.

To be honest.. I dont even have that huge a problem when individuals show thier ignorance.. I just put them down as another mouth breather.. Plenty of them to go around.

But the primary issue is a school doing this.. A place where education is supposed to be imparted, values established, worldview gained.. When an educator thinks this is acceptable, then that educator needs to be removed and replaced with one that has a greater understanding.

You might want to rethink the whole issue.

1 That school fiasco was two years ago

2 It tought the schools that it was not a good idea hence it hasn't happened since.

3 The article was about the swastika you refer to article 32 I refer to the OP

4 So you don't know any thing about the symbol except that an evil man used it you try to get every one to think that is all it is about.

Keep up the good work of reminding every one of what happened 2 years ago and as a result has not happened since. Last but not least why do you think the Thai school system should be teaching them about European history. I suppose you want to teach them all about Roman history also or how about Napoleon or George Washington.

Enough said you obviously have a closed mind and expect every Thai to know about how one evil man used the symbol so forget it's long history and just focus on a period of about 15 years and deklete it from use for ever.

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Keep up the good work of reminding every one of what happened 2 years ago and as a result has not happened since. Last but not least why do you think the Thai school system should be teaching them about European history. I suppose you want to teach them all about Roman history also or how about Napoleon or George Washington.



"The Sacred Heart College and the kindergarten school that surround the church building were added later in 2475 BE(1932 CE). Originally there were 40 students, now there are over 4,000. In the last few years an English Program has been created. This currently has just over 100 students. Each class is small, around 16 students or so, and has two teachers: a native Thai-speaking teacher and a native English-speaking teacher. Whilst Sacred Heart College is a private school, its prices are controlled by the government and are lower than international private schools in the area. Student range from pre-school up to university age."

Hardly a normal Thai school, many English speaking teachers and a western orientation.

One would think a Catholic school would have some knowledge and lessons about European history.

After all they are based around a European church and religion.

As "Roman Catholics" one could reasonably expect them to be taught about Roman history as well.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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World War II, Nazism, Hitler, Kamikaze,,,,,,,, many may say that over the top use of, over reaction to a symbol or ideology, being vehemently obsessed by anything having to do with the above, may be defined as fanaticism. Being fanatically reactive to any thing can and many times does grows into actions that should not be done much less discussed here. You determine for yourself if fanaticism can evolve into that.

I would note that there are some posting on this thread that could be considered, by more rational people , as having a type of fanaticism.

Each and everyone must be the judge for themselves.

Its hardly fanaticism to expect educators at a private school.. To have some small idea of what is acceptable globally and what is offensive.

this isnt just another ignorant idiot in the street.. this is the people entrusted with shaping and teaching young minds..

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Seems to be some experts on this..... Why was the swastika chosen by the Nazi party (or whomever chose it) ? If this was in a previous post, please let me know.

Theres lots of theories about nazis apparently had a strong belief in occult and symbolism.. Tho I think most of them dont stand up to too much scrutiny..

What Hitler himself stated was "In the swastika, the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man, and, by the same token, the victory of the idea of creative work"

The nazis used it as a statement of white supremacy and encouraging 'racial hygiene' from the start..

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You might want to rethink the whole issue.

1 That school fiasco was two years ago

2 It tought the schools that it was not a good idea hence it hasn't happened since.

3 The article was about the swastika you refer to article 32 I refer to the OP

4 So you don't know any thing about the symbol except that an evil man used it you try to get every one to think that is all it is about.

Keep up the good work of reminding every one of what happened 2 years ago and as a result has not happened since. Last but not least why do you think the Thai school system should be teaching them about European history. I suppose you want to teach them all about Roman history also or how about Napoleon or George Washington.

Enough said you obviously have a closed mind and expect every Thai to know about how one evil man used the symbol so forget it's long history and just focus on a period of about 15 years and deklete it from use for ever.

1 and 2 a win.. and only by showing sufficient moral outrage was that achieved.. At first they were like Meh whats the problem. Until it became global news and the Weisenthal center etc got hold of it.. However the fact that theres Hitler fried chicken, the same kind of things happening still, means no.. the issue hasnt truly been understood has it ?? Pairing the swastika with hitlers face, as per the OP, is clearly not its origional roots and clearly about 'nazi chic' as you put it..

3.. Sure, But are you still trying to deny that swastika has WWII connections ??

4.. Relating to what question..

And yes.. I think the English language roman catholic private school system should cover the holocaust a little.. Hell even the Thai school system.. it was you know, kind of important contemporary history.. Just because its not local history its still world war history.. I am a westerner but know far more about pol pot or the great leap forward etc Than most locals.. Hell I know far more about Burmas role in the wars.. The stillwell Rd.. The flying Tigers.. The KMT and Chiang Kai Shek.. The 93rd regiment.. Khun Sa.. etc etc.. Than 95% of locals seem to.. Thats not 'my history' or even old history.. It happened right here..

So yes, it would be good for Thai kids to have an understanding of the deaths that happened.. Why the Japanese where here.. what happened.. Thats sort of what history is no ?? The great interconnected complexity of it all.

Edited by LivinLOS
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That looks like a symbol used by Hindus. It's a reverse image of the swastika. It used to be a high award in Scouting. (US=Boy Scouts).

I mentioned to a couple of Thai friends what Hitler did with any Asians found in the occupied countries. They were shocked.

Don't be too hard on the Thais. Their knowledge of foreign history is about as good as our's was of Thai history before we came here. The great majority have little knowledge of the geographical location of most Western countries. It's the same in Indonesia.

All the posts about the swastika and its various meanings are conveniently ignoring the fact it is right next to the image of Adolf Hitler. They are part of the same sticker. It is disingenuous to play the Hindu symbol card when it is far more likely the creator of the sticker just didn't know or care about the orientation of the symbol. And to my knowledge, Hitler is neither the source of a pleasant greeting nor an ancient good luck symbol.

It is easy to be glib and make various excuses when replying to this post and dismiss it as another wank about getting one's "loin cloth in knot" but you might feel differently if your family members were among those the Nazis abducted, robbed, raped and murdered.

I am not expecting Thai society to change overnight or for the country's education system to include comprehensive geography and global history courses any time soon. If you read the entire post, you will see I was pointing out the rather brutal irony that if Hitler had is way, Thais and all Asians would have been eradicated.

As for we farangs being unaware of Thai history, it would be safer to speak for oneself. I did not come here for the cheap retirement or the cheap beer. I was aware Nazi imagery was popular in parts of Asia but I hadn't come across it personally. Judging from the replies, I suppose this is the entirely wrong forum to have posted this kind of thing.

Some facts......

-The swastika, oriented differently, is an ancient Buddhist symbol and can be seen all over the Buddhist district of Kathmandu, for example.

-Hitler sent teams of researchers to Asia to discover anything about the reputed power of monks and other adepts as well as power symbols. There were Nazi researchers in Lhasa, for example.

-Western students know nothing of the crimes of Mao or Pol Pot for example and the West can not understand why a Tibetan would burn himself to protest Red China's repression. Ignorance abounds around the world.

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-Western students know nothing of the crimes of Mao or Pol Pot for example and the West can not understand why a Tibetan would burn himself to protest Red China's repression. Ignorance abounds around the world.

Don't forget the Pittsburgh Pirates. You can google Pirate atrocities.


Edited by thailiketoo
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That looks like a symbol used by Hindus. It's a reverse image of the swastika. It used to be a high award in Scouting. (US=Boy Scouts).

I mentioned to a couple of Thai friends what Hitler did with any Asians found in the occupied countries. They were shocked.

Don't be too hard on the Thais. Their knowledge of foreign history is about as good as our's was of Thai history before we came here. The great majority have little knowledge of the geographical location of most Western countries. It's the same in Indonesia.

All the posts about the swastika and its various meanings are conveniently ignoring the fact it is right next to the image of Adolf Hitler. They are part of the same sticker. It is disingenuous to play the Hindu symbol card when it is far more likely the creator of the sticker just didn't know or care about the orientation of the symbol. And to my knowledge, Hitler is neither the source of a pleasant greeting nor an ancient good luck symbol.

It is easy to be glib and make various excuses when replying to this post and dismiss it as another wank about getting one's "loin cloth in knot" but you might feel differently if your family members were among those the Nazis abducted, robbed, raped and murdered.

I am not expecting Thai society to change overnight or for the country's education system to include comprehensive geography and global history courses any time soon. If you read the entire post, you will see I was pointing out the rather brutal irony that if Hitler had is way, Thais and all Asians would have been eradicated.

As for we farangs being unaware of Thai history, it would be safer to speak for oneself. I did not come here for the cheap retirement or the cheap beer. I was aware Nazi imagery was popular in parts of Asia but I hadn't come across it personally. Judging from the replies, I suppose this is the entirely wrong forum to have posted this kind of thing.

Some facts......

-The swastika, oriented differently, is an ancient Buddhist symbol and can be seen all over the Buddhist district of Kathmandu, for example.

-Hitler sent teams of researchers to Asia to discover anything about the reputed power of monks and other adepts as well as power symbols. There were Nazi researchers in Lhasa, for example.

-Western students know nothing of the crimes of Mao or Pol Pot for example and the West can not understand why a Tibetan would burn himself to protest Red China's repression. Ignorance abounds around the world.

I'm not challenging you on this point, but I am curious to know the source of your statement "There were Nazi reasearchers in Lhasa..."

It is well known that Heinrich Harrer entered Tibet in 1944 after escaping from a British detention camp in India.

What I didn't know was that there had previously been Germans in Lhasa sent there by Hitler.

Any further information you could provide would be appreciated.

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That looks like a symbol used by Hindus. It's a reverse image of the swastika. It used to be a high award in Scouting. (US=Boy Scouts).

I mentioned to a couple of Thai friends what Hitler did with any Asians found in the occupied countries. They were shocked.

Don't be too hard on the Thais. Their knowledge of foreign history is about as good as our's was of Thai history before we came here. The great majority have little knowledge of the geographical location of most Western countries. It's the same in Indonesia.

All the posts about the swastika and its various meanings are conveniently ignoring the fact it is right next to the image of Adolf Hitler. They are part of the same sticker. It is disingenuous to play the Hindu symbol card when it is far more likely the creator of the sticker just didn't know or care about the orientation of the symbol. And to my knowledge, Hitler is neither the source of a pleasant greeting nor an ancient good luck symbol.

It is easy to be glib and make various excuses when replying to this post and dismiss it as another wank about getting one's "loin cloth in knot" but you might feel differently if your family members were among those the Nazis abducted, robbed, raped and murdered.

I am not expecting Thai society to change overnight or for the country's education system to include comprehensive geography and global history courses any time soon. If you read the entire post, you will see I was pointing out the rather brutal irony that if Hitler had is way, Thais and all Asians would have been eradicated.

As for we farangs being unaware of Thai history, it would be safer to speak for oneself. I did not come here for the cheap retirement or the cheap beer. I was aware Nazi imagery was popular in parts of Asia but I hadn't come across it personally. Judging from the replies, I suppose this is the entirely wrong forum to have posted this kind of thing.

Some facts......

-The swastika, oriented differently, is an ancient Buddhist symbol and can be seen all over the Buddhist district of Kathmandu, for example.

-Hitler sent teams of researchers to Asia to discover anything about the reputed power of monks and other adepts as well as power symbols. There were Nazi researchers in Lhasa, for example.

-Western students know nothing of the crimes of Mao or Pol Pot for example and the West can not understand why a Tibetan would burn himself to protest Red China's repression. Ignorance abounds around the world.

So you are saying the bike painting is cool?

If so; utterly pathetic if you support Hitler next to swastika imagery flaunted in public. No need to discuss anything, it is plain and simple pathetic and in direct support of a racist fascist regime and evil murderous leader. Whether Hitler did any good in Asia is utterly irrelevant.

Edited by mat999
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That looks like a symbol used by Hindus. It's a reverse image of the swastika. It used to be a high award in Scouting. (US=Boy Scouts).

I mentioned to a couple of Thai friends what Hitler did with any Asians found in the occupied countries. They were shocked.

Don't be too hard on the Thais. Their knowledge of foreign history is about as good as our's was of Thai history before we came here. The great majority have little knowledge of the geographical location of most Western countries. It's the same in Indonesia.

All the posts about the swastika and its various meanings are conveniently ignoring the fact it is right next to the image of Adolf Hitler. They are part of the same sticker. It is disingenuous to play the Hindu symbol card when it is far more likely the creator of the sticker just didn't know or care about the orientation of the symbol. And to my knowledge, Hitler is neither the source of a pleasant greeting nor an ancient good luck symbol.

It is easy to be glib and make various excuses when replying to this post and dismiss it as another wank about getting one's "loin cloth in knot" but you might feel differently if your family members were among those the Nazis abducted, robbed, raped and murdered.

I am not expecting Thai society to change overnight or for the country's education system to include comprehensive geography and global history courses any time soon. If you read the entire post, you will see I was pointing out the rather brutal irony that if Hitler had is way, Thais and all Asians would have been eradicated.

As for we farangs being unaware of Thai history, it would be safer to speak for oneself. I did not come here for the cheap retirement or the cheap beer. I was aware Nazi imagery was popular in parts of Asia but I hadn't come across it personally. Judging from the replies, I suppose this is the entirely wrong forum to have posted this kind of thing.

Some facts......

-The swastika, oriented differently, is an ancient Buddhist symbol and can be seen all over the Buddhist district of Kathmandu, for example.

-Hitler sent teams of researchers to Asia to discover anything about the reputed power of monks and other adepts as well as power symbols. There were Nazi researchers in Lhasa, for example.

-Western students know nothing of the crimes of Mao or Pol Pot for example and the West can not understand why a Tibetan would burn himself to protest Red China's repression. Ignorance abounds around the world.

I'm not challenging you on this point, but I am curious to know the source of your statement "There were Nazi reasearchers in Lhasa..."

It is well known that Heinrich Harrer entered Tibet in 1944 after escaping from a British detention camp in India.

What I didn't know was that there had previously been Germans in Lhasa sent there by Hitler.

Any further information you could provide would be appreciated.

I am not trying to answer for anyone else, but this is one bit http://www.westernshugdensociety.org/photos/nazi-ss-in-tibet/

I remember seeing a documentary about this connection.

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All the posts about the swastika and its various meanings are conveniently ignoring the fact it is right next to the image of Adolf Hitler. They are part of the same sticker. It is disingenuous to play the Hindu symbol card when it is far more likely the creator of the sticker just didn't know or care about the orientation of the symbol. And to my knowledge, Hitler is neither the source of a pleasant greeting nor an ancient good luck symbol.

It is easy to be glib and make various excuses when replying to this post and dismiss it as another wank about getting one's "loin cloth in knot" but you might feel differently if your family members were among those the Nazis abducted, robbed, raped and murdered.

I am not expecting Thai society to change overnight or for the country's education system to include comprehensive geography and global history courses any time soon. If you read the entire post, you will see I was pointing out the rather brutal irony that if Hitler had is way, Thais and all Asians would have been eradicated.

As for we farangs being unaware of Thai history, it would be safer to speak for oneself. I did not come here for the cheap retirement or the cheap beer. I was aware Nazi imagery was popular in parts of Asia but I hadn't come across it personally. Judging from the replies, I suppose this is the entirely wrong forum to have posted this kind of thing.

Some facts......

-The swastika, oriented differently, is an ancient Buddhist symbol and can be seen all over the Buddhist district of Kathmandu, for example.

-Hitler sent teams of researchers to Asia to discover anything about the reputed power of monks and other adepts as well as power symbols. There were Nazi researchers in Lhasa, for example.

-Western students know nothing of the crimes of Mao or Pol Pot for example and the West can not understand why a Tibetan would burn himself to protest Red China's repression. Ignorance abounds around the world.

I'm not challenging you on this point, but I am curious to know the source of your statement "There were Nazi reasearchers in Lhasa..."

It is well known that Heinrich Harrer entered Tibet in 1944 after escaping from a British detention camp in India.

What I didn't know was that there had previously been Germans in Lhasa sent there by Hitler.

Any further information you could provide would be appreciated.

I am not trying to answer for anyone else, but this is one bit http://www.westernshugdensociety.org/photos/nazi-ss-in-tibet/

I remember seeing a documentary about this connection.

It does not say why they were there. But knowing Hitler's Thinking in matters like this it would not surprise me if the subject was discussed with the Dalla Lama. Not sure about the depth of his superstition but I know Hitler was superstitious.

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Interesting article in the Bangkok Post, can't put the link but search for "Hitler 12 values". December 10.

It answers most of the questions regarding how Thais see and understand the image of Hitler and associated nazi symbols. Food for thoughts.

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It's not people's right to do whatever they want (and for good reason)


Canada has no legislation specifically restricting the ownership, display, purchase, import or export of Nazi flags. However sections 318-320 of the Criminal Code,[8] adopted by Canada's parliament in 1970 and based in large part on the 1965 Cohen Committee recommendations,[9] provide law enforcement agencies with broad scope to intervene if such flags are used to communicate hatred in a public place (particularly sections 319(1), 319(2), and 319(7).[9]


Cyprus has no legislation designed to restrict the ownership, display, purchase, import or export of Nazi flags, nor does the Criminal Code of Cyprus expressly allow for racist or other bias motives to be taken into account when sentencing.[10]

However, use of Nazi flags in a manner likely to cause discrimination, hatred, or violence may be dealt with under Cyprus' ratification of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. This allows for the prosecution of anyone who expresses an idea (in public, using almost any medium including flags) which insults another person's race, religion or ethnicity.[11]

Czech Republic[edit]
This section is outdated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (October 2014)

The Czech Republic has no legislation restricting ownership, display, purchase, import or export of Nazi flags; indeed Czech legislation makes even the banning of protests involving such flags very difficult.[12]

The police may cancel such events only once it becomes clear that protesters are inciting hate, which is deemed illegal in the Czech Republic. Legal regulation of hate crimes in the Czech Republic is contained in Act 140/1961 The Criminal Act [13] (amended by Act 175/1990).


Finland has no specific legislation aimed at controlling ownership, display, purchase, import or export of Nazi flags, however the Criminal Code (39/1889)[14] (especially Chapter 11 'War crimes and offences against humanity' Section 8)[14] may be applied where an offence has been directed at a person belonging to a national, racial, ethnic or other population group due to his/her membership in such a group. [15]


In France, it is illegal to display Nazi flags, uniforms and insignia in public, unless for the purpose of a historical film, show or spectacle.[16]

In April 2000 the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism and Union des étudiants juifs de France (the Union of French Jewish Students) brought a case against Yahoo! which objected to the auctioning of Nazi memorabilia, in France, via Yahoo!'s website on the basis that it contravened Article R645-1.[17] Though a French judge did initially order Yahoo! to take measures to make it impossible for users in France to reach any Nazi memorabilia through the Yahoo! site, in December 2001 the US District Court for the Northern District of California ruled that Yahoo! would be shielded from the judgement of the French court. [18]

Main article: Strafgesetzbuch § 86a

Section 269/B of Act IV of the Criminal Code of Hungary prohibits the use of "symbols of despotism", including the swastika and the SS sign.[19]


The use of Nazi symbols is legal in Israel. Legislation regarding such symbols was initiated in early 2012 but no law was passed.[20]

United States[edit]
Nazi flag for sale at a gun show Salt Lake City Utah USA 9-25-2010

The public display of Nazi flags in the U.S. is protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The U.S. State Department acknowledges restrictions imposed under the laws of other countries, however.

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mat99 if your referring to me I have been misunderstood as I said there is good reason that people should be able to do whatever they want (my first sentence). As a Jew who lost many family members at the hands of the Nazi's and other's who survived the concentration camps and live to tell me personally of the horrors I am definitely not a Nazi sympathizer.

Also wishing everyone a Happy Holiday!!

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Some facts......

-The swastika, oriented differently, is an ancient Buddhist symbol and can be seen all over the Buddhist district of Kathmandu, for example.

-Hitler sent teams of researchers to Asia to discover anything about the reputed power of monks and other adepts as well as power symbols. There were Nazi researchers in Lhasa, for example.

-Western students know nothing of the crimes of Mao or Pol Pot for example and the West can not understand why a Tibetan would burn himself to protest Red China's repression. Ignorance abounds around the world.

So you are saying the bike painting is cool?

If so; utterly pathetic if you support Hitler next to swastika imagery flaunted in public. No need to discuss anything, it is plain and simple pathetic and in direct support of a racist fascist regime and evil murderous leader. Whether Hitler did any good in Asia is utterly irrelevant.

No, he was not saying the bike painting was cool.

He was pointing out Western students ignorance of Asian atrocities.

Thai students ignorance of European atrocities comes under the same rubric.

Education is the way to solve both problems - not becoming fascists ourselves.

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That page basically says the Thais are ignorant about hitler and need better history classes. I guess we have the same thing happening in the west but regarding the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot.

We have many symbols used in the west such as Spartans and Trojans and Pirates that have nothing to do with the history of those symbols. They are logos of sport teams among other things. History is ignored by the younger generation in any country not just Thailand. You are blaming it on education rather than accepting the fact that it is no longer important in the youth culture. The only place WWII is important anymore is on Thai Visa.

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-Western students know nothing of the crimes of Mao or Pol Pot for example and the West can not understand why a Tibetan would burn himself to protest Red China's repression. Ignorance abounds around the world.

The clear difference is of course.. Celebrating that ignorance..

That page basically says the Thais are ignorant about hitler and need better history classes. I guess we have the same thing happening in the west but regarding the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot.

We have school sports days playing dress up as Khmer Rouge mass murderers, torturers, etc for fun ?? Please enlighten me to where..

No, he was not saying the bike painting was cool.

He was pointing out Western students ignorance of Asian atrocities.

Thai students ignorance of European atrocities comes under the same rubric.

Education is the way to solve both problems - not becoming fascists ourselves.

And again the crucial differences being ignorance v celebration..

Secondly as you point out, education is the key.. Hence when the very educators celebrate it.. There must be outrage, these are the people supposed to educate on the subject.

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You are blaming it on education rather than accepting the fact that it is no longer important in the youth culture. The only place WWII is important anymore is on Thai Visa

Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it..
I could point out this is being posted in a country thats just become a military dictatorship, keeps pushing back and delaying even the idea of elections, is meddling in freedom of expression and setting up re-education camps, changing school curriculums, demanding uniform childrens haircuts, etc.. Some lessons in the over application of Uber Patriotism, and the dangers of shutting down free speech, might be quite timely here.
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By George (sorry) ... I think I've got it.

Another EUREKA moment.

The perfect solution to kill the Nazi chic fashion movement in Thailand.

Mass produce cheap singlets/tank tops in XXL sizes and give them out free to the most unattractive/unfashionable white foreign expats and tourists.

On the shirt:

Front side:

Good guys go to heaven

Bad guys go to Pattaya

Back side:

Hitler with swastika doing the Seig Heil

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