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i have come across a Farang who has been rorting the system , until now it has not been a problem as it has not affected any other business operators , now this person who was supposed to be holding down a teaching position is promoting himself as a Thai company , using someone elses company name at an old girlfriends address ..... my question is what to do ? what would other members do if it was affecting their day to day business operation ? immigration ? labour dept ? revenue dept ? police ? please try to consider this request on behalf of all the Farangs living here by legitimate means ...


^ They say: 'what would other members do if it was affecting their day to day business operation'. If it wasn't affecting me, I wouldn't say anything, if it as affecting me, I would likely have word directly. I would tread carefully, however, or have a native look into it.

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^ They say: 'what would other members do if it was affecting their day to day business operation'. If it wasn't affecting me, I wouldn't say anything, if it as affecting me, I would likely have word directly. I would tread carefully, however, or have a native look into it.

Good advice... be careful of unintended consequences.

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yes it is directly affecting my business and others , nothing to do with jealousy ... i have no fear of consequences , the person i mention is laughing at the law.... ... i am not the type to go running to authorities at the drop of a hat , however this has gone on far too long and needs to be halted.


I seem to remember hearing something to the effect that 'he who is without sin, cast the first stone.'

Perhaps there is someone around who feels that YOU are somehow impinging upon their sense of right and wrong. How would you feel if they started dragging you through the system. Even is you are not violating some rule, your name get's associated with the problem, you spend time and money to prove you are not in violation, and all along you keep saying 'why did he do that to me?'

The problem isn't the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.

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Don't be a hater unless it effects you personally. If they are doing wrong karma will catch up to them.

yes i believe in karma and def no hate involved ,,,, this is business and the law is being broken .

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Has this person got family and children? If so think carefully about the consequences for them.Once something has started especially involving the authorities it is virtually impossible to undo,For your sake please be very careful.

I hope every thing can be resolved amicably. I am sure if you are good at your business you will win through.

no family involved , no thais involved ..just farangs ....


As most if not all your Thai competitors would be breaking the law,

wouldnt it be amiss not to go after them as well?

Didnt meant to show you your true feelings, not your adherence to the "law" in a 3rd world country where it is more suggestion than a rule

and is bought by the highest bidder.

As you know they put up quite some obstacles for farang to operate businesses here, and you've done the hard yards, and understandably miffed,

Is he costing you that second house, not likely, but more likely baht peanuts

Fact is many xeno Thais love seeing farang against farang, squabbling over the scraps.

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You say it's not Karma, but of course it is Karma. You have your Pros for reporting him, and the Cons for him by being reported. Which is the worse scenario? Remember, if you do get him deported, he very well might remember you for decades and sometimes people simply crack. Just sit him down and try to talk to him in a way that explains why your business is hurt by him. OK, let's say that doesn't work. Regardless, just think of all the people who will not use your business when they realize you got him deported. If you really don't care, why not just list your full name, citizenship, and business name. Exactly, because if in America maybe someone knows someone who knows someone and then things might, just might get more difficult. Then, a year late, you post a thread "hating life after I kicked out a foreigner, please help." Nobody would care. Yes, it's Karma.


You say it's not Karma, but of course it is Karma. You have your Pros for reporting him, and the Cons for him by being reported. Which is the worse scenario? Remember, if you do get him deported, he very well might remember you for decades and sometimes people simply crack. Just sit him down and try to talk to him in a way that explains why your business is hurt by him. OK, let's say that doesn't work. Regardless, just think of all the people who will not use your business when they realize you got him deported. If you really don't care, why not just list your full name, citizenship, and business name. Exactly, because if in America maybe someone knows someone who knows someone and then things might, just might get more difficult. Then, a year late, you post a thread "hating life after I kicked out a foreigner, please help." Nobody would care. Yes, it's Karma.

Karma is just a made up concept, it means nothing in reality. Letting the criminal harm the OP's and other businesses is something which requires justice. I would personally stand up and support someone who helped rid us of a criminal. Your suggestion that the OP could get ostracized and therefore don't react is quite frankly spineless.

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...how can we criticize the Thai people when we do not lead by example ?

By practicing very common simple hypocrisy.

Don't you read this forum? It abounds here.

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Without knowing what "rorting" is going on its a little difficult to have an opinion.What we have is an anonymous accusation with no subject matter or details.coffee1.gif

Care to provide more details ?

Without details, this is a farce. Is this a soi dog/chicken problem or an issue of physical danger?

Read the OP again, particularly the last part, really???

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i find many of the answers confusing , i hear farangs constantly complain of how bad the laws are here , how the govt should do this , or do that , back home we do it this way blah blah blah ....how can we criticize the Thai people when we do not lead by example ?

Yes of course, "...lead by example."

That's it, just as our ancestors did! The Great White Bwanas and Sahibs.

We could begin by giving the natives lessons in Ignorance and Arrogance.

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If it's a major problem, others will have the same thought as you.

Collectively you will have a much greater chance of success.

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I would point the authorities in the right direction...yes this is not a strong law and order society so nothing may come out of it or elimination of another low quality farang..

You aren't going to get a lot of support here from non-confirming farangs - many come here b/c they live cheaply or can get away with things that they couldn't do in their home country...

Just do it anonymously to protect yourself as in an inequity society cream doesn't rise to the top and bad behavior isn't stamped out but reinforced...

Go for it...

Agree 100%. Many farang love it here because "When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do". Corruption, corruption, corruption. Everybody complains, but who is willing to stand up and do something about it, rather than participate themselves or do nothing. Bad things also happen when otherwise good people do nothing. But in his own self interest, the op should be careful in the way he goes about doing something so as to minimize any potential blow back.

On a side note, I have to give the current military regime / prime minister Prayuth the courage to initiate hopefully meaningful actions to finally do something about it (corruption).


Only someone whose own business was laughably weak would consider a barely employed ex-teacher dabbling in the same trade or industry a threat to their business.. If he actually became successful enough to be a threat he would be high profile enough to take measures to legalize..

Let me guess.. Yet another 'big bike tour company' who joined the party late with barely any high end stock (please dont say you just package up C&Ps or pops based on requirements) getting angry because someone else booked some tours online for high season ?? When you operate a no stock low barrier to entry business because it costs buttons to start, dont be surprised theres lots of dodgy competitors.

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