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is just smiling insted of saying hallo rude to thais


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Who knows what goes through the mind of a woman, esp a Thai one. whistling.gif

Could have been the no wai, but more likely she may have just not liked the way you looked at her. Some in 'high' positions can be very uppity. Who cares what her issue is; life's too short.

Regards not saying anything, I've found over the years a simple smile or nod is just fine and if they wai, I'll wai back. Don't let it bother you.

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There will always be those who are so far up themselves they feel others are peasants and not worthy of even a simple courtesy.

Ignore her for what she (and others like her) are.

You (OP) are simply being courteous and sociable. Do not let others destroy this in you.

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I often don't wai my superiors. No problem. Sometimes i wai other times not. Most of them just smile and say hello to me know, but if i wai, they will wai back (including the director...his one handed wai while carrying a bag in other other hand is the best)

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Maybe the OP should have waied, but turning away and acting like a child who didn't get what he wanted with his nose up high is definitely the height of disrespect so let's not talk about high status here.

status is status in this country whether farangs like it or not. the disrespect was intentional and not unusual.

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Going to have fun with her now. Start to wai and then turn it into a head scratch. Maybe check my top button when i walk past her again. Bitch can wai me if she wanta a wai back.

yeah, thats the ticket. delibrately piss off the boss. great for your career!

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Going to have fun with her now. Start to wai and then turn it into a head scratch. Maybe check my top button when i walk past her again. Bitch can wai me if she wanta a wai back.

yeah, thats the ticket. delibrately piss off the boss. great for your career!

Career? goof.gif

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Maybe the OP should have waied, but turning away and acting like a child who didn't get what he wanted with his nose up high is definitely the height of disrespect so let's not talk about high status here.

status is status in this country whether farangs like it or not. the disrespect was intentional and not unusual.

If someone disrespects others intentionally then there's no reason to expect respect from others. It's not going to happen.

But i agree. Status is status and dumb is dumb.

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OP, a smile and a nod of the head is acceptable and welcomed in all over the world and not only Thailand.

May be the director had other things in her mind at the moment, that's why she didn't reciprocate.

Don't worry, keep smiling to others and everything will be all rightthumbsup.gif

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interesting issue about Wai and who has the higher stature .I really am not sure when I should initiate a Wai though. Foreigner on holiday, hotel or restaurant worker, a policeman, a foreign teacher, etc. I personally always enjoy the hosts when they wai me. It just seems friendly.

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Maybe the OP should have waied, but turning away and acting like a child who didn't get what he wanted with his nose up high is definitely the height of disrespect so let's not talk about high status here.

status is status in this country whether farangs like it or not. the disrespect was intentional and not unusual.

If someone disrespects others intentionally then there's no reason to expect respect from others. It's not going to happen.

But i agree. Status is status and dumb is dumb.

school directors are due respect from teachers whether they earn it or not. thats the system in thailand and if he bucks it, it is his problem careerwise

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Going to have fun with her now. Start to wai and then turn it into a head scratch. Maybe check my top button when i walk past her again. Bitch can wai me if she wanta a wai back.

yeah, thats the ticket. delibrately piss off the boss. great for your career!

Career? goof.gif


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I watched a girl at the school gate yesterday morning, that didn't Wai me. Not that it matters, but she was waiing everyone else, including other fathers. When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away. I'll see what happens tomorrow.

The school principle sometimes wais me, sometimes not but everybody gets that treatment.

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You don't mention previous interactions with this person. Maybe you did something in the recent past that she did not like, though unintentional and you did not realise it - this can happen very easily (and is compounded if the other person has a slowly simmering dislike of foreigners). I say this because the vast majority of Thais, imo, quite happily don't expect foreigners to wai, just as long as your general demeanour is friendly, polite and courteous - and you smile. Does this ring any bells with your incident?

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I watched a girl at the school gate yesterday morning, that didn't Wai me. Not that it matters, but she was waiing everyone else, including other fathers. When I stood directly in front of her, quite near this morning she glanced away. I got two Wais out of her when she realised I wasn't going to go away. I'll see what happens tomorrow.

The school principle sometimes wais me, sometimes not but everybody gets that treatment.

were the other fathers farangs?

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No offense, but if you're teaching English, another possible explanation for why others are giving you unwelcoming vibes might be because your written English is riddled with grammatical and spelling errors, and the students have taken notice and started complaining to other teachers and administrators. Just something you might want to consider.

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Im on a small smart phone and i dont proof read what i write. There is nothing wrong with my teaching, the head of my english department encourges other thai teachers to sit into my class. You are a douch bag and the kind of teacher that no one really likes at all.

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It bothers me how much some people care about whether they are waied or not. I personally do not, and could not imagine, ever giving half a rat's soggy ass whether I am waied or not.

Frankly, (many) Thais are to Westerners like Earthlings are to Martians (or vice versa). It's really not worth wasting a quarter of a brain cell trying to figure out the motives for their actions, and generally (except maybe when playing poker and signing business deals) I'd even say the same for people who are quite similar to you to begin with.

Edited by jackspade
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It bothers me how much everyone cares about whether they are waied or not. I personally do not, and could not imagine, ever giving half a rat's soggy ass whether I am waied or not.

you come to a country with certain social constructs and then complain that those social constructs bother you!! lol

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It bothers me how much everyone cares about whether they are waied or not. I personally do not, and could not imagine, ever giving half a rat's soggy ass whether I am waied or not.

you come to a country with certain social constructs and then complain that those social constructs bother you!! lol
Are you talking to me? Because I think you meant the person behind me. Edited by jackspade
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It bothers me how much everyone cares about whether they are waied or not. I personally do not, and could not imagine, ever giving half a rat's soggy ass whether I am waied or not.

you come to a country with certain social constructs and then complain that those social constructs bother you!! lol
I agree. Why not touch everybody'head at the same time.
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