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US calls planned Thai poll delay to 2016 'unwise'


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Have any other countries commented, through an unnamed diplomat, besides the US? If they haven't commented on this large delay in the earliest date to hold elections, why haven't they. If other countries have commented already, why hasn't it been reported? Why is the US comment the only one reported on?

Had this story had another story along side it saying, for example, 'France Deplores Delay', would you still single out the US for bashing? If you're from a European country, the odds are high that, at one time, your own country exploited foreign natives for their natural resources in exchange for 'civilizing' them. The old 'People who live in glass houses...' adage might apply in your case. The US has done a lot of evil but it has also done/is doing, a lot of good. Most of you seem to forget that the US is the one country in the world whose population is nearly all immigrant. I never can understand all the America Hate.

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The USA is 100% wrong.

Because the mess that was created by Thaksin the last decade or so takes longer to clean up.

2005 to 2015 is not a decade of 'mess' that Thaksin created.

I always wonder why the fixation on Thaksin and the last 15 years when the problem hasn't really changed since the 50s... coffee1.gif

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As if anyone still cared what John Kerry has to say about anything ?

The U.S. Supports only democracies? Like their close friend, China? Or their close friend, Saudi Arabia and the UAE? You'd be hard pressed to consider either of those to be democracies - so, really, the USA and Kerry should just <deleted>.

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America should mind it's own business, that's what it should do.

America gets involved in other countries only for Americas interests, it has no interest in what might be best for the countries it interferes with

And just what interest would the US have in Thailand? What does Thailand do for the US?

It's the other way around. The US has a treaty to defend Thailand and did just that last year when China violated SE Asian countries fishing rights in the S. China Sea, blocked commercial airline routes and made claims to Islands belonging to other SE Asian countries. The US sailed two of its biggest nuclear aircraft carrier groups through the area and China backed off.

In 2010 the US visited Thailand with one of its big nuclear aircraft carriers and a companion ship as a show of friendship and solidarity with Thailand.

The US is by far China's largest trading partner. The US doesn't charge import duties. If the US put a 25% tariff on Chinese manufactured crap, or worse an embargo, it could crash China overnight.

Russia V. 2.0

The US economy is booming while the rest of the world is slowing or in recession.

Again, what could Thailand do for the US?

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I don't need to read 6 pages to know some people are shooting the messenger.

Of course the messenger is right, there cannot be any discussion, black is black and not grey.

The problem here is that even if that election comes around February 2016, the chance of it being a rubber stamp is pretty big. The junta knows that if they let the Thai electorate have a say, the same people will get into power.

The coup was staged for one reason, and one reason only. the wrong people had their hands in the cookie jar. All the rest is absolute <deleted>.

Edited by sjaak327
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It possibly has all been said , but if you are going to rewrite the constitution it will take more than one year, the last rewrite was a shambles under Thaksin Shinawatra's governance, you need to get this right and what better country than the US to understand these things, I can understand the concern however there will be more problems in the future for Thailand if they don't get something set in concrete , perhaps resulting in more blood shed and tears, something myself or the US would not like to see, the correct year should read 2017, however what ever happens , until the roll of the military is reduced Thailand will not change, the roll in one particular institution needs to change to bring this about , Happy Xmas and a successful 2015.

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The US government is owned by the corrupt globalist bankers whose tentacles reach everywhere.

Everything they do and say is calculated to help the handful of self appointed super elites have more control.

Look at all the stupid rules and laws we live under thanks to the social engineering we are all victims of.

They own most of the media and even influence what can be written here.


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It possibly has all been said , but if you are going to rewrite the constitution it will take more than one year, the last rewrite was a shambles under Thaksin Shinawatra's governance, you need to get this right and what better country than the US to understand these things, I can understand the concern however there will be more problems in the future for Thailand if they don't get something set in concrete , perhaps resulting in more blood shed and tears, something myself or the US would not like to see, the correct year should read 2017, however what ever happens , until the roll of the military is reduced Thailand will not change, the roll in one particular institution needs to change to bring this about , Happy Xmas and a successful 2015.

When did they rewrite the constitution "under Thaksin's governance"?

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The army will stay in power until something important happens. Simple as that.

What you mean there are people that actually understand Thai politics? I'm proudly from the USA and its damn glad to finally meet someone who gets all this crap! Where's our favorite scapegoat Suthep the magnificent? Oh thats right hes got that free pass into monkhood. What a frekin joke this society is.

From someone who comes from a Frekin Joke Country !! Don't like this Society PISS OFF back to yours !!

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Saying the delay is "unwise" means they might innitiate sanctions like those which are crippling Russian economy right now and hurt other countries like Burma and Cuba whose people are still driving 1950--'s 60's cars because of the past embargo'

Come on man Don't link Cuba & Burma to the TOTALLY SCUMBAG RUSSIA !!!

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The Junta are holding off on that one principle of democracy that you stated so the other principles can be restored.

As an American, I won't deny that the US is often hypocritical in its foreign relations and has intervened disastrously and even maliciously in other countries' affairs. However, those facts do not change two critically important things to understand about Thailand's situation: ( a ) Thailand has never had democracy, and therefore there's nothing to restore. Democracy is still on Thailand's frontier; and ( b ) The junta, far from benevolent, are merely holding power until a momentous occasion occurs. They have no intentions of guiding the country toward democratic principles. People who believe otherwise are deluded or ignorant.


A beautiful word and every human's wish.

Where does it exist in it's purity, other than in the books?


Has the US done ANY good to ANY country?

Please let us have the list so that we could sing hosannas to the US.

It is just that many dont know the GOOD the US spread - hence the cheap bashings!

Edited by ravip
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A spokesperson for the US State Department said Washington believed Thais should be allowed to choose a democratically elected government "as soon as possible."

Whether I agree or not with military control, if they did the above we'd be right back into drudgery since there is NO democracy in paying for votes and intimidating people. It just does not work in Thailand. Having said that, I think Thailand should just potter along and do what it wants... only way it will ever learn from its mistakes and grow up.

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The army will stay in power until something important happens. Simple as that.

What you mean there are people that actually understand Thai politics? I'm proudly from the USA and its damn glad to finally meet someone who gets all this crap! Where's our favorite scapegoat Suthep the magnificent? Oh thats right hes got that free pass into monkhood. What a frekin joke this society is.
From someone who comes from a Frekin Joke Country !! Don't like this Society PISS OFF back to yours !!

Nice to see the Christmas spirit is alive and well on Thaivisa...

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The army will stay in power until something important happens. Simple as that.

What you mean there are people that actually understand Thai politics? I'm proudly from the USA and its damn glad to finally meet someone who gets all this crap! Where's our favorite scapegoat Suthep the magnificent? Oh thats right hes got that free pass into monkhood. What a frekin joke this society is.
From someone who comes from a Frekin Joke Country !! Don't like this Society PISS OFF back to yours !!
Nice to see the Christmas spirit is alive and well on Thaivisa...

Turned over a new leaf did WE !!

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The Junta are holding off on that one principle of democracy that you stated so the other principles can be restored.

As an American, I won't deny that the US is often hypocritical in its foreign relations and has intervened disastrously and even maliciously in other countries' affairs. However, those facts do not change two critically important things to understand about Thailand's situation: ( a ) Thailand has never had democracy, and therefore there's nothing to restore. Democracy is still on Thailand's frontier; and ( b ) The junta, far from benevolent, are merely holding power until a momentous occasion occurs. They have no intentions of guiding the country toward democratic principles. People who believe otherwise are deluded or ignorant.

I was perusing all the comments until I saw yours.

Bang on!!!!!

I would rather have tanks and soldiers in the streets to maintain order and allow ascendancy, than lunatics and greedy politicians cannibalizing a grieving country.

I tip my beer and hat to Prayuth (spelling?). His job is historically one of the toughest on record. He can't say a damn thing, yet he still holds fast. I do not envy him, but I do respect his trial and perhaps the task he has been (possibly) asked to undertake.

Bless this country in the time to come, and people will eventually thank their lucky stars that Prayuth is at the helm.

The more the USA makes "announcements" the more I grieve on a personal level. They are so out of touch that it beggars me.

I bash Thailand a lot, but there is a place in my heart for the future, that is reserved for all my sympathy and heartfelt best wishes for a chance at a New Thailand. I really mean that.

I do see sunshine after the rain and thunder on the horizon.

He is a bafoon

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If you consider the USA a shining example of how democracy operates, I would posit that the Shinawatras have truly been great students in terms of how to buy elections and how to have special interests outvote the good of the public or the country - by that criteria alone, I can see how the USA might be dismayed to not see this great tradition perpetuated by the Army government.

For Thailand, on the other hand, that's a good thing.

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I think the USA isn't in the position to give recommendations......Instead they should consider to bring their own war criminals to court.


If I woke up tomorrow with a terminal disease, I'd want to hear experiences and potential cures from others riddled with the same disorder.

The USA has had 20 coups and 18 different constitutions? Gee I didn't know that.

Because "the free people" decided their own fate and wrote a constitution that works.

If any person believes that the "junta appointed council" can draft and implement a working constitution they are very short sighted.

Thailand is nothing more than a military state. A wolf in sheeps clothing doing the deeds for someone else is the best way to put it. Unfortunately, things will not get better as this last coup was the beginning of the end. This country will stop developing and slowly slide into turmoil in the near future.

The USA is a world leader because of their freedom and progression. Hate all you guys want, its a fact. Actually I think the "hate" is because you are jealous of all the freedoms we have and enjoy.

Now getting back to the subject of Thailand's constantly failing government, it fails because it has never been meant to succeed.

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The army will stay in power until something important happens. Simple as that.

What you mean there are people that actually understand Thai politics? I'm proudly from the USA and its damn glad to finally meet someone who gets all this crap! Where's our favorite scapegoat Suthep the magnificent? Oh thats right hes got that free pass into monkhood. What a frekin joke this society is.
From someone who comes from a Frekin Joke Country !! Don't like this Society PISS OFF back to yours !!

Your just jealous we succeeded in leaving your country and found one of our own.

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What are all the principles of democracy?

Still can't name em all heay?

Say hi to Fab4 for me my friend.

Strange, you will NEVER NEVER answer this question will you? I wander why that is, when all your arguments rely so heavily upon these "principles". I really do wander?

Strange, you will NEVER NEVER answer this question will you? I wander why that is, when all your arguments rely so heavily upon these "principles". I really do wander?

​Strange that no one will ever ever answer this question either.

I have forever claimed that there are 15 principles of democracy and no one can ever denounce that and all they do is question it.

Does no red apologists know what the principles of democracy are or they want to keep putting the burden of proof on me? Or do they ask me so they can understand what the principles are? It aint hard. The secret is they are more than elections.

You tell me what the principles of democracy are? Yes,yes, yinglcuk was elected mate!

Come on. Name 10 and I will accept you know at least 2/3rds...

Democracy is like a tree. You need the root to support the tree. Without the root the tree falls down. Below is the root principle.

"Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives... The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures."


Edited by thailiketoo
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Frankly, the current government of Thailand could care less about the U.S.' opinion regarding human rights, or what other imaginary violations they think of. The U.S. Didn't seem to mind when one of the prior PM's went on a killing spree, yet when the present government actually managed to impose a lack of conflict and violence, that's suddenly a terrible crime (rolls eyes).

Prayuth and his associates care more about the future health of Thailand, for decades to come, than worry about shortsighted concerns of the State Department.

how are the human rights violations imaginary?

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Anyone notice that with the departure of USA Ambassador Kenney in November 2014 there has been no rush by the Obama administration to replace her? There has not even been a mention of possible replacements nor has Obama nominated a candidate in the recent House maneuvers that got 30+ stalled administration candidates for federal office approved.

This means that the US Embassy representation has been esssentially downgraded. Any meetings with the Junta-led government will be considered low-level diplomatic contacts. In 2015 a very hawkish Republican Party will gain majority of Congress and may choose to pressure the President to take harsher policies towards the Junta than just a "diplomatic slap in the face."

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The army will stay in power until something important happens. Simple as that.

What you mean there are people that actually understand Thai politics? I'm proudly from the USA and its damn glad to finally meet someone who gets all this crap! Where's our favorite scapegoat Suthep the magnificent? Oh thats right hes got that free pass into monkhood. What a frekin joke this society is.

From someone who comes from a Frekin Joke Country !! Don't like this Society PISS OFF back to yours !!

Keep calm and have a lime.

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I don't need to read 6 pages to know some people are shooting the messenger.

Of course the messenger is right, there cannot be any discussion, black is black and not grey.

The problem here is that even if that election comes around February 2016, the chance of it being a rubber stamp is pretty big. The junta knows that if they let the Thai electorate have a say, the same people will get into power.

The coup was staged for one reason, and one reason only. the wrong people had their hands in the cookie jar. All the rest is absolute <deleted>.

If those 'wrong' people had their hands in the cookie jar don't you think it would not be good idea to have them back ?

So others get their hand in the cookie jar, don't pretend the 'good people' are any better.

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So others get their hand in the cookie jar, don't pretend the 'good people' are any better.

Please provide sources and evidence for the new guys' hands being in the cookie jar.

So far we have much evidence of hands of others being yanked out of the cookie jar, but aren't seeing any replacement hands going back in. If you have evidence to the contrary, please provide it.

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