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Storm Ravages Nakhon Ratchasima: Rice Farmers Battle Flooding amidst Heavy Rains


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Intense rainfall and stormy weather have whipped across Nakhon Ratchasima, sparking major concerns among local Thai rice farmers as vast tracts of their fields lay submerged under floodwaters. Days of unrelenting downpours have swamped agricultural lands, interrupting the growth of just-sprouting seedlings and casting a cloud over the future prosperity of these agrarian communities.


Ken Tethaisong, a 76-year-old farmer from Sarai Subdistrict of the Chum Phuang District, described the wake of the storm, recounting a distressing sunrise scene of his six-rai (2.4 acres) rice field, entirely marooned. "I set up a water pump to drain my field as swiftly as possible," shared the understandably anxious Ken, whose freshly sown crop lies under water's heavy grasp.


These adverse meteorological events have not only marred Ken's efforts, but they've also taken a toll on numerous farmers across multiple districts in Nakhon Ratchasima. Forced to mount a defensive against nature's sudden onslaught, these farmers are scrambling to install water pumps, battling to rescue their vulnerable young rice plants from further damage.


There's a herculean effort underway, with farmers striving to ward off the repercussions of these deluges. Tided together through adversity, agricultural communities are praying for a ceasefire from the stormy skies to protect their livelihoods. The recent weather disruption has foregrounded the susceptibility of these communities to climatic variation - hanging a question mark over their ability to weather such catastrophes without expedient support.


As another affected farmer put it, their hope lays locked in the promise of fairer weather. However, hope alone won't dilute the strain of their situation - many fear not only for their immediate crop survival, but also for the longer-term impact on soil health and future yields.


Their resilience may well be the silver lining here, with communities coming together to address this crisis head-on. High on the authorities' radar, the current scenario is under strict surveillance, and the promise of assistance stays ready, should the adverse weather persist. A poignant moment in this continuous joust between humans and nature, it's a stark reminder of our entwined fate on this shared planet.


File photo for reference only. Courtesy of Google



-- 2024-05-24


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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Intense rainfall and stormy weather have whipped across Nakhon Ratchasima, sparking major concerns among local Thai rice farmers as vast tracts of their fields lay submerged under floodwaters. Days of unrelenting downpours have swamped agricultural lands, interrupting the growth of just-sprouting seedlings and casting a cloud over the future prosperity of these agrarian communities.

Too much sun, too much rain; are Thai rice farmers ever happy?

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On 5/24/2024 at 3:45 PM, snoop1130 said:

vast tracts of their fields lay submerged under floodwaters

This might result in rice shortages going to Thai market/export. That might make the Yingluck stored 15k tones of rice even more valuable in sale to African nations bidding on that rice, with the Thai government being the beneficiary.

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I should think the storms have 'ravaged' the road tunnels construction in Korat as well.  I suspect when they are finished (if ever) they'll become large ponds in the wet season.

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On 5/25/2024 at 5:27 AM, Shmo said:

Go outside. There is lots of great things to see and write about if you used your journalism training!

What journalism training ? Paste, copy, and use A1...:coffee1:

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