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Sony broadly releases 'The Interview' in reversal of plans


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Thais are not the only people that are scammers. Millions of fools will go see this sorry excuse for a film tomorrow, that otherwise would have suffered a loss and a panning by critics, if not for Sony defrauding the public.

Woefully lame, I couldn't even make it halfway through the trailer. I wish North Korea was good enough at hacking to block the digital release of such try-hard, lame rubbish. When you have nothing funny to say, just make some characters who find their own stupidity confusing. Repeatedly. God that's funny.


Sony must be producing the ThaiVisa Poster of the Year thread, then, too.

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the biggest PR campaign ever for a garbage movie even the donkey Obarmy was out in force.......people who belive this was a N Korean Hack need to seriously get in touch with whats really going on

N Korea even requested the US to conduct a JOINT investigation into the Sony hack , it was turned down?

Guess the Spook who was staying at the 5* Bkk hotel will have to go back to spy school and learn about wifi system logscheesy.gif

No flies on you, Terry, genuniely I hadn't considered it could be a publicity stunt.

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To get even, the US should drop millions of DVD's with the movie on it throughout the country.

......Oh wait, then they would have to drop millions of DVD players.

......Oh wait, then we would have to build thousands of miles of electrical wires to run the players.

......Oh, never mind.....

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There is political content in the film and it is understandable the NK is upset. It will be helpful if the people there can see it but of course they risk death to even try.

Seeing as the film is in English, I doubt they would get much out of it...

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"Holocaust from the air". Lol. Ok, if you say so. 555555

What do you think 32,357 tons of Napalm did to the population? Give them a nice suntan? I have little sympathy for NK. Only pointing out why they act as they do.

32,357 tons of Napalm ON N. KOREAN CITIES. Source please.

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the biggest PR campaign ever for a garbage movie even the donkey Obarmy was out in force.......people who belive this was a N Korean Hack need to seriously get in touch with whats really going on

N Korea even requested the US to conduct a JOINT investigation into the Sony hack , it was turned down?

Guess the Spook who was staying at the 5* Bkk hotel will have to go back to spy school and learn about wifi system logscheesy.gif

As is repeatedly pointed out in murder mysteries and the likes of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, the first thing to consider is who benefits most by the crime. The North Koreans come off it all looking like even greater idiots, if that's possible, and Sony has probably increased potential profits beyond what this disaster would ever have earned if it just hit the theaters without all the hoopla.

Now everyone wants to see it and proclaim themselves to be defenders of free speech. Nothing sells movies or books like trying to ban them.

Edited by Suradit69
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You better believe that this is going to be in big demand with NK youth and there will be subtitles.

Do y'all know that it is considered VERY COOL to watch pirated western movies on USB sticks in NK?

These people are literally risking their lives to watch a movie!

Now that's entertainment ... until you get sent to a death camp.
Incredible but true.

So many people say Free Palestine when they really mean kill Israel.

How about FREE NORTH KOREA!!!!!

Edited by Jingthing
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As is repeatedly pointed out in murder mysteries and the likes of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, the first thing to consider is who benefits most by the crime. The North Koreans come off it all looking like even greater idiots, if that's possible, and Sony has probably increased potential profits beyond what this disaster would ever have earned if it just hit the theaters without all the hoopla.

Now everyone wants to see it and proclaim themselves to be defenders of free speech. Nothing sells movies or books like trying to ban them.

North Korea is not known for being rational. I am sure they can't understand that not everyone has the same adoration for their leader as they are required to have.

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The opening portion is in Korean with English subtitles.

That was hands down the funniest part of the film. Some small cute as a button

North Korean girl singing about wishing death and destruction upon America.... :-)

Generally a terrible movie, do not waste too much time trying to find it.

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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I only saw a few minutes of it. I do want to watch it all though, just because I can!

I've watched a lot of terrible movies over the years, but this will be the first I watched just to tick someone off.

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As is repeatedly pointed out in murder mysteries and the likes of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, the first thing to consider is who benefits most by the crime. The North Koreans come off it all looking like even greater idiots, if that's possible, and Sony has probably increased potential profits beyond what this disaster would ever have earned if it just hit the theaters without all the hoopla.

Now everyone wants to see it and proclaim themselves to be defenders of free speech. Nothing sells movies or books like trying to ban them.

North Korea is not known for being rational. I am sure they can't understand that not everyone has the same adoration for their leader as they are required to have.

The DPRK government know exactly what they are doing. It is erroneous to simply dismiss them as madmen.

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As is repeatedly pointed out in murder mysteries and the likes of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, the first thing to consider is who benefits most by the crime. The North Koreans come off it all looking like even greater idiots, if that's possible, and Sony has probably increased potential profits beyond what this disaster would ever have earned if it just hit the theaters without all the hoopla.

Now everyone wants to see it and proclaim themselves to be defenders of free speech. Nothing sells movies or books like trying to ban them.

North Korea is not known for being rational. I am sure they can't understand that not everyone has the same adoration for their leader as they are required to have.
The DPRK government know exactly what they are doing. It is erroneous to simply dismiss them as madmen.

Nobody's saying they're ALL madmen. Pretty much just Dear Leader. The rest are either his stooges, goons, family, or just plain intimidated into seeing things "his way". More-or-less just your run of the mill psychopathic, egocentric, dictator surrounded by his hungry serfs.

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My interest in NK was piqued when there were a number of them being housed not far from where I lived and were discovered by the police. They looked pretty terrified and very, very emaciated. I don't think they could be handcuffed as they would just fall off.

I think they were sent on to S.K.

I can only imagine what some inside the country would be like since the ones escaping and making it to Thailand would have resources available. I am sure they aren't transported for free.

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"Holocaust from the air". Lol. Ok, if you say so. 555555

What do you think 32,357 tons of Napalm did to the population? Give them a nice suntan? I have little sympathy for NK. Only pointing out why they act as they do.

I would hazard a guess that the majority would like a better life? So it may be the reason a dictator acts the way he does. Surely if it were the sentiment of the people there would have been another war by now. Also regardless of how much napalm was dropped (war is war) didn't the Chinese attack first? Didn't China assist in turning NK into a buffer against the capitalist hordes through dictatorship?

unfortunately populations can't decide politicians actions. They just suffer the results.

Back on topic, I watched the movie a couple days ago, can't say it is a good movie, but I can see why this NK despot would not like it. It would be advocating sedition from the NK point of view.

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Sony on ‘Interview’ Hitting $1 Million: ‘We Are Extremely Grateful’ to Moviegoers

On the heels of a $1 million-plus Christmas Day launch for “The Interview,” Sony Pictures’ top distribution executive has thanked moviegoers for their support of the controversy-laden political comedy.

“Considering the incredibly challenging circumstances, we are extremely grateful to the people all over the country who came out to experience ‘The Interview’ on the first day of its unconventional release,” said Rory Bruer, president of worldwide distribution for Sony Pictures, in a statement Friday morning.

“The audience reaction was fantastic — the limited release, in under 10% of the amount of theaters originally planned, featured numerous sellouts and a first-day gross over $1 million.”

“The Interview” finished in 15th place for Christmas Day and played at 331 independent theaters in the U.S., following more than a month of intensive news coverage — starting with a massive cyber-attack on Sony, a Dec. 16 threat by hackers to launch a 9/11-style attack on theaters showing the movie, the studio’s decision to withdraw the movie on Dec. 17 and an about-face six days later.

More here - variety.com

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All indications are that it SUCKS as a film, but I'm glad that they released it anyway.

The Blues Brothers was considered a bad movie and a flop at the cinemas but went onto become an absolute classic and a huge hit on video and re released in the cinemas making a fortune.

Truly - This movie SUCKS! So do "Annie" and "Fury," the other two films "hacked" by those nefarious wrong-doers. I honestly believe Sony schemed the whole thing so they could write off three DOGS as a tax loss.

Edited by quandow
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Haha . . . So does Kim think Rodman is a tattooed monkey with a nose ring?


North Korea has compared US President Barack Obama to a monkey and blamed the United States for shutting down its internet amid the hacking row over the movie "The Interview."

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest,"



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The DPRK government would do no such thing. Their barbs are carefully calculated, sure, but they have interests in 'Black' African countries too and would not wish to upset them.

I say these are convenient mistranslations.

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The DPRK government would do no such thing. Their barbs are carefully calculated, sure, but they have interests in 'Black' African countries too and would not wish to upset them.

I say these are convenient mistranslations.

Uhm, the DPK are dumb arrssses that threaten nuclear strikes every few months . . . Not sure they put much thought into anything other than trying to relevant in the media because they are irrelevant.

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