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going back to the picture showing Davids shorts and pants I noticed the following

The object wrapped in yellow on the rock in the background

The white object on the sand just ahead of the same rock

The apparent blackening of the sand adjacent to the pants , immediately in front of the rock, I have dismissed shadowing due to a clear seperation of the blackening and the actual rock

And the most bizarre if you look at the bottom left where there are 2 rocks there is what appears to be an image of a face and thai type script

Any comments or am I being paranoid to the extreme




I see the face. Can't see if it is thai script though.

Wonder what that yellow thing is.

Adjacent to the face you can just start to make the script out , I zoomed in further and it starts to become clearer if thats possible, i think first letter ม,


going back to the picture showing Davids shorts and pants I noticed the following

The object wrapped in yellow on the rock in the background

The white object on the sand just ahead of the same rock

The apparent blackening of the sand adjacent to the pants , immediately in front of the rock, I have dismissed shadowing due to a clear seperation of the blackening and the actual rock

And the most bizarre if you look at the bottom left where there are 2 rocks there is what appears to be an image of a face and thai type script

Any comments or am I being paranoid to the extreme




I see the face. Can't see if it is thai script though.

Wonder what that yellow thing is.

Adjacent to the face you can just start to make the script out , I zoomed in further and it starts to become clearer if thats possible, i think first letter ม,

The second looks like ร

But the 3rd looks like 4.

So perhaps มร4

loonodingle, on 21 Jan 2015 - 18:41, said:loonodingle, on 21 Jan 2015 - 18:41, said:

I am trying to get Photos of Hannahs friends who travelled with her. Does anybody have any pictures? It would very helpful..

Thx in advance

The only photos I've seen are the one taken in Choppers bar with the whole group sitting around a table on the night of the murders, and at the pub crawl on September 12th. There is one photo taken at the pub crawl showing 3 girls (including Hannah) with their names written on their arms in felt tip pen. I think one is Emma and the other is Lucy, but not sure without seeing the photo again.

EDIT: found a couple of pics

attachicon.gifHannah-Witheridge-pub-crawl.jpgattachicon.gifKoh Tao-last-pic_3049270b.jpg

Hi ok that's Hannah, Hannah and Emma on pub crawl


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

going back to the picture showing Davids shorts and pants I noticed the following

The object wrapped in yellow on the rock in the background
The white object on the sand just ahead of the same rock
The apparent blackening of the sand adjacent to the pants , immediately in front of the rock, I have dismissed shadowing due to a clear seperation of the blackening and the actual rock

And the most bizarre if you look at the bottom left where there are 2 rocks there is what appears to be an image of a face and thai type script

Any comments or am I being paranoid to the extreme



I see the face. Can't see if it is thai script though.
Wonder what that yellow thing is.

green thing ! how about the towel that later covered hannah's battered face . So who was swimming ?


going back to the picture showing Davids shorts and pants I noticed the following

The object wrapped in yellow on the rock in the background

The white object on the sand just ahead of the same rock

The apparent blackening of the sand adjacent to the pants , immediately in front of the rock, I have dismissed shadowing due to a clear seperation of the blackening and the actual rock

And the most bizarre if you look at the bottom left where there are 2 rocks there is what appears to be an image of a face and thai type script

Any comments or am I being paranoid to the extreme




I see the face. Can't see if it is thai script though.

Wonder what that yellow thing is

If these photos were taken after the RTP and others arrived, the items may not be related to the crime. Otherwise, the thing that looks like a small plastic bag could have contained drugs. I see what could be a face too, but sand and water makes its own art, so the 'face' could be not a face. Can't read Thai so not sure if the stuff to the side in the sand is writing of any sort. The yellow thing could be a gas canister, a sleeping bag, a jacket? Not much help, sorry.

Can't help feeling the most important question that needs answering following the horrific and senseless murders of Hannah and David is why? rather than who?

How probable/likely/realistic/believable is it that two men (no matter what their nationality and social status), who happened to find themselves witnesses to a man and a woman 'kissing' - become aroused - 'get rid of the man' - and go on to rape and kill the woman. Wouldn't most men go home and have a w**k? Or behind a rock or something if they couldn't wait? I'm curious, not being a man. So Why is the leading question. And what would drive someone to smash a woman's face in beyond recognition? Why not just stab her in the neck the same as the man if they both needed 'getting rid of?

  • Like 2

going back to the picture showing Davids shorts and pants I noticed the following

The object wrapped in yellow on the rock in the background

The white object on the sand just ahead of the same rock

The apparent blackening of the sand adjacent to the pants , immediately in front of the rock, I have dismissed shadowing due to a clear seperation of the blackening and the actual rock

And the most bizarre if you look at the bottom left where there are 2 rocks there is what appears to be an image of a face and thai type script

Any comments or am I being paranoid to the extreme




I see the face. Can't see if it is thai script though.

Wonder what that yellow thing is

If these photos were taken after the RTP and others arrived, the items may not be related to the crime. Otherwise, the thing that looks like a small plastic bag could have contained drugs. I see what could be a face too, but sand and water makes its own art, so the 'face' could be not a face. Can't read Thai so not sure if the stuff to the side in the sand is writing of any sort. The yellow thing could be a gas canister, a sleeping bag, a jacket? Not much help, sorry.

Can't help feeling the most important question that needs answering following the horrific and senseless murders of Hannah and David is why? rather than who?

How probable/likely/realistic/believable is it that two men (no matter what their nationality and social status), who happened to find themselves witnesses to a man and a woman 'kissing' - become aroused - 'get rid of the man' - and go on to rape and kill the woman. Wouldn't most men go home and have a w**k? Or behind a rock or something if they couldn't wait? I'm curious, not being a man. So Why is the leading question. And what would drive someone to smash a woman's face in beyond recognition? Why not just stab her in the neck the same as the man if they both needed 'getting rid of?

Maybe the answer is in the Thai writing in the sand? That would be a earthquake of a breakthrough! Keep at it chaps. For Hannah and David!


Defamatory post and reply removed. Please read the forum rules.

6) You will not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.


?and? I understand what you say, but I don't think Hannah and David were together. But how do you make the jump.

3 young guys ride a bike to 7/11.

Buy some beer and smokes.

Sit on the beach play guitar.

Go for swim.

Quick huge scene change.

There just happened to be a hoe lying at the place where they were sitting.

See 2 people walking , or whatever.

Jumped up stabbed the guy.

Desimated the girl.

Staged it.

Then left their clothes behind,but remember to grab David's phone.

Ran down the road in their underwear, jumped into bed and pretended they were asleep.

I have tried and tried to understand and give the rtp the benefit of doubt. But the dynamics that they present are just not physically or realistically possible.


Could a mod please delete the full photo of Ahole1...the guy with the hoe. I didn't originaly post the full photo before due to finding it disgusting and don't wan't to give him the notoriety he so desperately craves. Thanks.


The above post, #1402, mentions many things which need to be scrutinized if this case were to be investigated properly. Staging a frame-up (of scapegoats) in such a complicated case requires fudging many clues, maybe hundreds. Only die-hard shielders of the Headman's people and/or those with a vested interest in backing the corrupt RTP can believe the RTP's proposed crime scenario. Those same folks would have to also disregard the plethora of things RTP didn't do, as standard investigative procedures. The Thai PM said several things, early in the investigation, which are telling:

>>> "this is a perfect investigation"

>>> "there are no scapegoats."

>>> "don't use the word Burmese to describe the suspects."

>>> "Thai officials and British experts use the same textbook for crime investigation." (I don't have the exact words in front of me, but that's the gist of what he said.)

It's akin to former US prez Nixon saying, "I am not a crook" or "There is no cover-up" (re; the Watergate break-in).

Rotten from the top down.

  • Like 1

Greenchair. Your post was on moderation and, therefore, had to go even though it was polite and valid. This is the a "current" topic about Koh Tao along with http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/785185-myanmar-says-workers-innocent-of-murdering-britons-on-koh-tao These are the places to discuss the Koh Tao case. Please stay on that topic and keep it civil.




If these photos were taken after the RTP and others arrived, the items may not be related to the crime. Otherwise, the thing that looks like a small plastic bag could have contained drugs. I see what could be a face too, but sand and water makes its own art, so the 'face' could be not a face. Can't read Thai so not sure if the stuff to the side in the sand is writing of any sort. The yellow thing could be a gas canister, a sleeping bag, a jacket? Not much help, sorry.

Can't help feeling the most important question that needs answering following the horrific and senseless murders of Hannah and David is why? rather than who?

How probable/likely/realistic/believable is it that two men (no matter what their nationality and social status), who happened to find themselves witnesses to a man and a woman 'kissing' - become aroused - 'get rid of the man' - and go on to rape and kill the woman. Wouldn't most men go home and have a w**k? Or behind a rock or something if they couldn't wait? I'm curious, not being a man. So Why is the leading question. And what would drive someone to smash a woman's face in beyond recognition? Why not just stab her in the neck the same as the man if they both needed 'getting rid of?

There is no lack of precedence for vicious attacks like this without any clear motivation, the infamous 2012 Delhi bus rape for example.


⛄ I have not really looked at the photos accept for a few of the less graphic ones. I did not know the tide had come in. I thought that Hannah was staged like that. If the tide had come in wouldn't all the blood have been washed away.

How did they manage to get David's clothes off is a mystery to me, since he was fighting right to the end. And still bleeding out when found.


⛄ I have not really looked at the photos accept for a few of the less graphic ones. I did not know the tide had come in. I thought that Hannah was staged like that. If the tide had come in wouldn't all the blood have been washed away.

How did they manage to get David's clothes off is a mystery to me, since he was fighting right to the end. And still bleeding out when found.

Guess that depends how far the tide comes in, here's another pic showing that.



Davids clothes are the mystery. His t-shirt when found was as clean as new. David was staying in the same room as Chris. David in all his pictures only seems to be wearing one t-shirt. So can we assume he had more than one type of the same t-shirt ? Maybe someone took off his bloodied t-shirt and replaced it with a clean one. Just a thought.

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This tshirt is quite the mystery. Here is all crumpled up on the beach. And there it is all squeaky clean layed out. I can just imagine some helpful person coming along and brushing it all nice and clean before displaying it for the photo. But the fact that it has no blood on it does point to the fact that it must have been removed before being stabbed. I have seen this happen in a struggle. The offender quickly pulls the victim down with a frontal headlock or sharp kick/punch to lower area.the shirt is then half pulled over the head. Pulling from the bottom up. This causes the victim cannot see. As victim is struggling with shirt and natural reaction would be to pull it off. Attacker would prepare weapon and use as victim was getting out of struggle to see. post-213129-0-03906600-1421898144_thumb.post-213129-0-55505600-1421898175_thumb.

Like this. With tshirt pulled over. I cannot do anything.


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However in saying that. Just looking at the first picture. It does appear to have red tinge like the sand. So maybe it does have blood on it. Therefore it must have been washed for the second photo. Still, same point, it was well cleaned up for the second photo

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Sorry, I just think this whole thing is so outrageous, we have Mon walking directly to the items of clothing..........WHY!! Whats his interest, whats he going to do! Why did he refuse DNA? Was the dna in the condom belonging to his family bloodline as reported in the french website? Is that why he refused until he was sure the dna samples disappeared?? Then decided to say yes, ok I'll give a dna, safe in the knowledge that they had now been disposed of by those very influential people??

Pressure must be kept up on this even after the trial if it is deemed internationally to be a whitewash. I don't hold out much hope but so long as international human rights groups continue to express their concerns then that is the only hope we have, sometimes Thailand does listen to them such as in the latest sham where the Thai Authorities wanted to put prisoners on fishing boats:

Thailand's government has decided to drop a controversial plan to get prisoners to work on fishing boats, after labour and human rights groups condemned the project. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30892733

We can forget about the local branch of Human Rights Watch in Thailand seeing as the Authorities have even taken it upon themselves to block the website!! http://hrw.org/asia/thailand no wonder the RTP don't bother turning up to answer questions on the alleged torture of the B2 when the government shows its complete disrespect for them. Its a national disgrace.


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In the spirit of past posts on motivation factor, I posted this 28 OCT 2014 and I would emphasize that it was strictly as a response to someone asking what could a potential prosecutor possibly say as regards motivation to those who are now accused of these crimes:

So if I were a prosecuting attorney, here is (hypothetically) what I might say:
People have commented that a crime of this brutality could only have been perpetrated in extreme passion such as one who has suffered rejection, humiliation, and losing face by having his advances denied by the deceased UK female.
But here may be another source of extreme passion: 2 young men from another country have been working low-paying menial jobs on the island for 2 years. Every day they see scantily clad Western females and know that Western males are -- for the proper consideration which they certainly lack -- able to have sex with Thai females and maybe even the females from their own country whom they covet. One day they are out on the beach at 4AM and the hear the sounds of love making close by and figure this may be the chance that has been gnawing away at them for years. And the rest happened when things just got out of control.

Sorry, I just think this whole thing is so outrageous, we have Mon walking directly to the items of clothing..........WHY!! Whats his interest, whats he going to do! Why did he refuse DNA? Was the dna in the condom belonging to his family bloodline as reported in the french website? Is that why he refused until he was sure the dna samples disappeared?? Then decided to say yes, ok I'll give a dna, safe in the knowledge that they had now been disposed of by those very influential people??

Pressure must be kept up on this even after the trial if it is deemed internationally to be a whitewash. I don't hold out much hope but so long as international human rights groups continue to express their concerns then that is the only hope we have, sometimes Thailand does listen to them such as in the latest sham where the Thai Authorities wanted to put prisoners on fishing boats:

Thailand's government has decided to drop a controversial plan to get prisoners to work on fishing boats, after labour and human rights groups condemned the project. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30892733

We can forget about the local branch of Human Rights Watch in Thailand seeing as the Authorities have even taken it upon themselves to block the website!! http://hrw.org/asia/thailand no wonder the RTP don't bother turning up to answer questions on the alleged torture of the B2 when the government shows its complete disrespect for them. Its a national disgrace.

Sorry do you have the other pick of mon, the one where he is standing at the crime scene with the copper.

Isn't this interesting. All the people standing behind the line and mon stepping over it. Straight to the tshirt. The alert was sounded at around 6 o'clock. But the police only got there from Samui about 12.00. I had thought the shirt could not have been wased as it was dry.but in seeing this pic of mon.One would wonder if the shirt was originally on the sand in first pic. Picked up washed and placed on the rock to dry . It would have had plenty of time to dry for the second picture,when police arrived . But I am not sure if bodies have been removed already by first pic, which would discount that theory.


Sorry, I just think this whole thing is so outrageous, we have Mon walking directly to the items of clothing..........WHY!! Whats his interest, whats he going to do! Why did he refuse DNA? Was the dna in the condom belonging to his family bloodline as reported in the french website? Is that why he refused until he was sure the dna samples disappeared?? Then decided to say yes, ok I'll give a dna, safe in the knowledge that they had now been disposed of by those very influential people??

Pressure must be kept up on this even after the trial if it is deemed internationally to be a whitewash. I don't hold out much hope but so long as international human rights groups continue to express their concerns then that is the only hope we have, sometimes Thailand does listen to them such as in the latest sham where the Thai Authorities wanted to put prisoners on fishing boats:

Thailand's government has decided to drop a controversial plan to get prisoners to work on fishing boats, after labour and human rights groups condemned the project. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30892733

We can forget about the local branch of Human Rights Watch in Thailand seeing as the Authorities have even taken it upon themselves to block the website!! http://hrw.org/asia/thailand no wonder the RTP don't bother turning up to answer questions on the alleged torture of the B2 when the government shows its complete disrespect for them. Its a national disgrace.

Sorry do you have the other pick of mon, the one where he is standing at the crime scene with the copper.

Isn't this interesting. All the people standing behind the line and mon stepping over it. Straight to the tshirt. The alert was sounded at around 6 o'clock. But the police only got there from Samui about 12.00. I had thought the shirt could not have been wased as it was dry.but in seeing this pic of mon.One would wonder if the shirt was originally on the sand in first pic. Picked up washed and placed on the rock to dry . It would have had plenty of time to dry for the second picture,when police arrived . But I am not sure if bodies have been removed already by first pic, which would discount that theory.

Sue here it is.



No. Talk to the prosecutor.

So that's theory out of the window then. But thanks for posting it again.

No maybe at the point others arrived the deceased was only aroused by having someone's hand down her panties which would leave no DNA.

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