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Rushing democracy is anything but 'wise'

Lite Beer

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Good article The Nation with a good understanding of the past mayhem, present readjustments requirements and future hopefulness. Best advice is take on board the ramblings of lowly rated democracies like the USA with a grain of salt to their lack of understanding of the current thai situation and also understanding that diplomacy is not an American government strong point, and hold tight to the course of reform that has been set regardless of the short term economic pain. That pain is still less than what would have been entrusted on future thais under the Shinawatra criminals.

Edited by Roadman
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Elections would gave gone ahead legally and within the constitution however the yellow shirts led by sutep took upon themselves to deny the thai people the vote by blocking and bullying them because they know they will get hammered at the polls.

Sutep earlier let the cat out of the the bag by owning up to be in cahoots with the general by using the protests as a staging point for the coup.

Make no mistake the thai people will tolerate this only until the next poll and the yellow dems will be decimated especially if abhisit is at the helm.

sure they would have lost the polls, because they don't have enough money to do the vote buying like the man in Dubai.

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Regardless of what time frame you place on democracy in Thailand it will never come , whilst the military wont relinquish power the status quo will remain , the gapping hole in this democracy frame work sits with the senior head of state, until this area has a indirect input into the affairs of state ( Like UK) Thailand's Democracy besides freedom of speech is just that Thai Democracy.coffee1.gif

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However, if, and, but, and because. Thai tripe. Why don't these Thai writers just face the fact that using the US as a reference point should be done with reality. The US is merely applying the same standards for its views to Thailand as it does to every other country. Thais perceive themselves to be a "special" case unlike other military unelected governments around the world. Thais are not a special case. They are a second rate nation with a dour self appointed military general as its PM. No matter what the Thai rationalization for this as necessary to head off civil war or whatever mumbo jumbo they dream up it is what it is.

The US, the EU and Australia have all said the same thing.

I guess the US which has massive investments in Thailand and thus provides a force in the economy, who is Thailand's #2 buyer of its exports, and who has a treaty to defend Thailand should be proud to be the only one mentioned.

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Elections would gave gone ahead legally and within the constitution however the yellow shirts led by sutep took upon themselves to deny the thai people the vote by blocking and bullying them because they know they will get hammered at the polls.

Sutep earlier let the cat out of the the bag by owning up to be in cahoots with the general by using the protests as a staging point for the coup.

Make no mistake the thai people will tolerate this only until the next poll and the yellow dems will be decimated especially if abhisit is at the helm.

sure they would have lost the polls, because they don't have enough money to do the vote buying like the man in Dubai.

Still clinging on to that last straw you are holding?

Too bad that you have never taken the effort to actually read up on it and instead just keep repeating the same old stuff that has been proven incorrect for years already. Especially painful as there are audiofiles available of the "yellow-shirt-camp" admitting they bought votes, and respectable universities (Harvard i believe it was) have researched the impact of vote buying and concluded the impact was minimal.

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the bottom line is 'we are not ready for elections yet, until we have put right the wrongs and cleaned up the mess sanctioned by the past governments.' I ask you with hat in hand, how can we go forward with life as it was in the past? we were like the blind leading the blind across a busy intersection,

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Isnt a political system to represent the interests of the greatest number it can? To do the greatest good it can. Who says a democratic system does this? China's comments that the US is interventionist is absolutely true. The US's interventionist policy under the auspices of democracy, especially its military interventionist policy of invasion, has taken more civilian lives throughout history than any other political system, far from doing the greatest good. I havent seen China do this, nor does history show China having killed so many innocents or invaded anywhere as near as many countries. The truth of who is really representing the interests of the greatest number of people is there ... if we bother to look instead of read. We are 7 billion people ... not just a couple hundred million ... and most of us do not want war imposed on us by any government system. I wouldnt rush into democracy in its current practice either. Look at America, its gone from In God We Trust to now In Guns We Trust. imo.

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The current govt could have easily (and still could) have an election by Oct 15 like they once said...then slipped to Feb 16...and won't surprise me a bit that they slip it some more. It's just feet dragging to stay in power longer in order to more firmly entrench their new laws/policies.

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Lets put this straight over 250 years ago the US decide to be a Democracy so if fought a war against the British aided the French To become independent of British rule The british with a better Army and Navy were beaten by a bunch of farmers and shop keepers.

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When America loses voting papers so they cant be counted they are hardly the nation to stand up for Democracy. In Thailand

One thing that is essential for democracy is for the people to understand that the majority are the victors not "this is fixed as it doesnt suit me" attitude.

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the bottom line is 'we are not ready for elections yet, until we have put right the wrongs and cleaned up the mess sanctioned by the past governments.' I ask you with hat in hand, how can we go forward with life as it was in the past? we were like the blind leading the blind across a busy intersection,

Rumble. you are dead right.... " we were like the blind leading the blind".. and that is why Thailand is NOT ready for the ballot box. Thailand needs clever smart and "honest" business peoples to lead this country. Not the shambles of present politicians that we all know so well.. ie, Chalerm .. who could not tie his shoelaces... Yinluck.. too worried about how she looked... Thaksin, trying to bribe everyone always...

Almost to the man, the last government did not have a person with a real University degree. Bought degrees and stupid degrees every last one of them. Pigs to the trough the whole bunch. Almost No MPs attend the house.. unless ordered by Mr T. Too busy with their many Mia-nois . And wine-tasting parties... Can Thailand not find some scholars/businesspeoples to lead this wonderfull country along an honest path.

Until that can happen the Junta will stay put... not the best for sure , but at present the only path to follow. Where are the young people of Thailand.. Time for them to stand up and be counted. Thailands smart,clever young peoples have gone overseas to study and DON'T want to return... Don't want to come back to this cesspit of corruption and prostitution.. And can anyone blame them... Rant finished... Good day to all TV posters... wai2.gif

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