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How many foreigners wifes were not former sex workers


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Answer depends on how many foreigners in Thailand looked for relationships in brothels, go-go bars, massage parlours and karaoke clubs!!

I don't think they intend to look for relations there, but they meet a young attractive woman who is nice to them and pleases them in bed and they get hooked. I often did the same thing with "good girls" back in my own country - thinking with the wrong head.

Why would any sane person choose to shack up with an attractive person who requires large and regular amounts of cash support, emotional counseling and likely comes from a broken family versus an attractive person with an education, job and good family? Defies logic and common sense that most expats in Thailand (or any country) could be married to hookers or ex hookers, especially individuals who've been around a bunch of years and understand the culture.

Since when has "love" been about logic?

Many bargirls have had basic education, by definition have a job and most have loving and supportive families. They're usually a little younger and more attractive which helps.

Maybe you only met the bad hookers?!

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Answer depends on how many foreigners in Thailand looked for relationships in brothels, go-go bars, massage parlours and karaoke clubs!!

I don't think they intend to look for relations there, but they meet a young attractive woman who is nice to them and pleases them in bed and they get hooked. I often did the same thing with "good girls" back in my own country - thinking with the wrong head.

Why would any sane person choose to shack up with an attractive person who requires large and regular amounts of cash support, emotional counseling and likely comes from a broken family versus an attractive person with an education, job and good family?

You were never married in the west then?

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Answer depends on how many foreigners in Thailand looked for relationships in brothels, go-go bars, massage parlours and karaoke clubs!!

I don't think they intend to look for relations there, but they meet a young attractive woman who is nice to them and pleases them in bed and they get hooked. I often did the same thing with "good girls" back in my own country - thinking with the wrong head.
Why would any sane person choose to shack up with an attractive person who requires large and regular amounts of cash support, emotional counseling and likely comes from a broken family versus an attractive person with an education, job and good family? Defies logic and common sense that most expats in Thailand (or any country) could be married to hookers or ex hookers, especially individuals who've been around a bunch of years and understand the culture.
Since when has "love" been about logic?

Many bargirls have had basic education, by definition have a job and most have loving and supportive families. They're usually a little younger and more attractive which helps.

Maybe you only met the bad hookers?!

Most have loving and supporting families.......look through the veneer on the outside......look.

Manipulation and conditioning.....for the sake of the family.....

Ask anyone dating or being married with a bargirl, who is the most responsible, financially ofcourse, member of her family. She will hold her hand up.....

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All my friends are married to ex bargirls, I don't know of any who definitely were not, and they are all decent people. I have been with my wife for nine years and she has lived in the village all her life.

If I found out now she was an ex bargirl, I would still stay with her, as what happened in her life before she met me is none of my business, and vice versa. So in my opinion, I would think the majority of Westerners are married to ex bargirls, maybe about 70%.

In theory, I agree with you. I know some British ladies with very colorful pasts, and I'm sure we all have skeletons in the cupboard from our youth. Most relationships don't flower if they start delving into each other's past in a judgmental way.

However, I think the people who married bar girls met them there, or in massage parlors or working as escorts. They chose to marry someone working in the sex trade which is their choice.

I treat people as they treat me, and certainly don't judge anyone's past. However, a surprising number of husbands have gone to lengths to explain about their wife to me - that she was the bar cook, cashier, only in her first week's work, only had 1 or 2 previous customers etc etc.

One example - the husband said she was mainly the bar cook, a trained chef. His mum, who I met at the wedding, said she was driven to working there out of dire poverty, and was lucky to meet her son after just starting, inferring very few customers. The lady wasn't so shy. She said she's been there several months, was very popular with the punters and told some very funny stories about some punters. It wasn't for me to judge or to tittle tattle the different stories. I got on with all 3, as did my wife and that subject was none of our business.

I do think though, that guys mainly marry bargirls because most of them are lookers, the bargirls that is, and they cannot get say a shopworker or office girl because they are old and unattractive. They are also mostly rich compared to Thai people, and the bargirls want them for financial security.

When I first came to Thailand, I knew nothing about the bar scene, and not being a drinker, it did not interest me. When I eventually came to Thailand to stay, the first Farang I met and became good friends with, told me his wife, a lovely person, worked as a cashier, and he met her while having a drink with a friend. I thought nothing of it.

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Answer depends on how many foreigners in Thailand looked for relationships in brothels, go-go bars, massage parlours and karaoke clubs!!
I don't think they intend to look for relations there, but they meet a young attractive woman who is nice to them and pleases them in bed and they get hooked. I often did the same thing with "good girls" back in my own country - thinking with the wrong head.
Why would any sane person choose to shack up with an attractive person who requires large and regular amounts of cash support, emotional counseling and likely comes from a broken family versus an attractive person with an education, job and good family? Defies logic and common sense that most expats in Thailand (or any country) could be married to hookers or ex hookers, especially individuals who've been around a bunch of years and understand the culture.
Since when has "love" been about logic?

Many bargirls have had basic education, by definition have a job and most have loving and supportive families. They're usually a little younger and more attractive which helps.

Maybe you only met the bad hookers?!

Most have loving and supporting families.......look through the veneer on the outside......look.

Manipulation and conditioning.....for the sake of the family.....

Ask anyone dating or being married with a bargirl, who is the most responsible, financially ofcourse, member of her family. She will hold her hand up.....

Ok, I'll rephrase it. Most have loving and supported (by them!) families.

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How would you know?

Even with a complete work history, they might have been freelancing in the evening.

Many single female school teachers were mia nois to a government official.


Good post, but if a woman in a steady job lives upcountry and has lived in the same village all her life, it is highly unlikely she was freelancing, though not impossible.

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How would you know?

Even with a complete work history, they might have been freelancing in the evening.

Many single female school teachers were mia nois to a government official.


Funny you should say that but a neice of my wifes is ,to a high ranking govt guy ,boy has she got a big house ,expensive car ,designer clothes she has been for about 10 years or more ,when we see her i wish i was a mia noi sometimes (that is to a high ranking female govt official)tongue.png

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Most guys that i have met who marry bar girls are ones who come here on holiday and they are the only girls that they get to meet ,once you have been around a long time you get to meet ordinary women ,when i first came to Thailand its how i met my first "girlfriend" eventually when i had a buisness in BKK i got to meet other sorts of women and how i eventually met my wife, ,its the same if you only go to Mcdonalds you dont have much choice in food ,but vist lots of retaurants and there is more vareity.

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Your post is offensive on several fronts.

None the least that you imply that pretty much every farang man married to a Thai woman is married to a bar girl.

You also offensively imply that every farang man who says he met his wife outside of the bar scene is lying.

Get a life, expand your horizons, visit some more of Thailand, acquaint yourself with the FACT that Thailand

is much bigger and more diverse than the bar scene.

There's actually a lot of interesting things to explore in this wonderful country outside of sex activity.

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My wife was a university graduate and a computer systems annalist for one of the larger banks in Thailand when we met.

She had never been married before, had no children.

Had never really had a boyfriend before me.

We have been happily for over 13 years now, have a beautiful child and have lived in both USA and Thailand since our marriage.

She is definitely not in it for the money.

I had some serious financial problems a few years ago and she actually supported myself and the family on her income and investments!

Now, all the losers who have never been with a Thai woman who was not a prostitute an or wanted them for their money can post their disbelieving snide remarks.

I have heard you guys before.

The difference is that I know and speak the truth.

Sorry, guys!

We are not all losers who have to pay for it!

Who's calling you a loser? It's good that your relationship suits you but what has it got to do with those who are in happy relationships with ex-bargirls? Are you trying to show off? A little sad if you are.

Sorry if I came off that way Brewster..

Not showing off.

I guess I am being defensive.

Every time I have mentioned my wife and our relationship here in TV, I get flooded with replies from guys who do not believe that there are any Thai women with farang husbands that are not bar girls or prostitutes.

There are many of us out here that are very happy and married to good Thai women who never worked in the sex industry.

I should also add that I don't consider all Thai women who work in the industry to be bad people.

I know some past and present sex workers who are wonderful people. ( some are very good wives of good friends )

We all do what we need to do to get by.

Some of us have fewer options than others.

That's true, but no bargirl would ever want me, I'm not rich enough.

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Tell me OP, do you REALLY believe what your lady is or was......?

Do YOU really know........?

None of us know, so fink a bit of a daft thread........In my opinion of course.......smile.png

I know what my current gf and previous gf did in their past.

(One CM uni graduate, one farm girl)

I didn't know what my first Thai gf did in her past, but I do now.

And yes I have full details on all of them.

(far too much detail IMHO)

Gangs, drugs, murder, prostitution, trafficking and a little gambling.

Pretty much the same background as me when I was young in the USA.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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I've no idea how these bars operate, having not patronized them myself. But they do seem to employ an awful lot of cashiers. What's that all about?

I think you know.

Are you calling me a liar?

Obviously, I've picked up some details from reading this place, but I've never set foot in one of the bars in question, and likely never will. There's more to life in Bangkok than that.

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I've no idea how these bars operate, having not patronized them myself. But they do seem to employ an awful lot of cashiers. What's that all about?

I think you know.

Are you calling me a liar?

Obviously, I've picked up some details from reading this place, but I've never set foot in one of the bars in question, and likely never will. There's more to life in Bangkok than that.

I thought your post was very humorous, but you seem to be serious about it. Just what are you getting upset about?

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I've no idea how these bars operate, having not patronized them myself. But they do seem to employ an awful lot of cashiers. What's that all about?

I think you know.
Are you calling me a liar?

Obviously, I've picked up some details from reading this place, but I've never set foot in one of the bars in question, and likely never will. There's more to life in Bangkok than that.

I thought your post was very humorous, but you seem to be serious about it. Just what are you getting upset about?

I don't like being called a liar, a prude, a religious fanatic, or a homosexual, merely for asserting that I don't sleep with prostitutes.

After it happens a couple hundred times you tend to get a bit tetchy.

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My wife was a university graduate and a computer systems annalist for one of the larger banks in Thailand when we met.

She had never been married before, had no children.

Had never really had a boyfriend before me.

We have been happily for over 13 years now, have a beautiful child and have lived in both USA and Thailand since our marriage.

She is definitely not in it for the money.

I had some serious financial problems a few years ago and she actually supported myself and the family on her income and investments!

Now, all the losers who have never been with a Thai woman who was not a prostitute an or wanted them for their money can post their disbelieving snide remarks.

I have heard you guys before.

The difference is that I know and speak the truth.

Sorry, guys!

We are not all losers who have to pay for it!

give that man a cigarrrrrr....
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Its just out of curiousity really. The other day back in my country I was speaking to another fella that I know that married a soi 6 virgin. Now he sits there telling the whole sauna how she was a travel guide ect, everyone was trying not to actually laugh in his face. Listen its no problem if you married an ex bar girl. Just why the lies life is too short to tell porkies that no one believes anyway. It makes for better conversation if you say you met over a heiniken and 1000 baht note.

Its obvious some men met their missus by normal means but id put it at less than 1 percent.

I don't know why you even bother to ask... It's all about image, delusion and self-delusion, always deny everything on one side and "I want to believe" on the other.

People trying to fit into a standard defined by a society from which they dropped out already. Hypocrisy.

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Often I ask how long are you working in this bar? Usually its a few days maybe a week but the pertinent question is ..... What bar you work before this one? That is when either confusion or the truth sets in. Of course on my travels I have met many part time demi whores who work for Power King, TOT, DTAC etc etc during the day and trick out of places like Thermae at night time. .

Edited by Nip
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I have a few acquaintances that are married to women that I knew - intimately - when they were much younger. I get the feeling that they don't know their wives used to be involved in the P4P scene and I certainly never bring it up.

we dont know each other do we ?

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