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Sex after 40 for Thai ladies

marko kok prong

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AnotherOneAmerican, on 02 Jan 2015 - 08:42, said:
Cypress Hill, on 01 Jan 2015 - 16:00, said:

I shouldn't imagine you give much of a toss about how your sexual partner feels.

When you get your car serviced ....... do you ask the mechanic if he enjoyed himself?

When you buy dinner in a restaurant ....... do you care if the waitress had a good time serving you?

Of course you don't, it's just something you are buying for yourself.

The employee gets enjoyment from their wage packet.

And if they don't enjoy the wage, they should be working somewhere else.

If the shop tells you your custom is no longer welcome, just buy elsewhere.

Who said anything about buying? I sure didn't.

But if we're on that track, I suppose that if you pay peanuts, you generally get monkeys.

Still, if the OP was employing his woman as a receptacle, he was an idiot to marry her.

Maybe he thought the deal included a shot at her kid too

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Maybe you think is sex is something you do TO a partner, not WITH.

That kind of depends on the partner. Many young women have not really learned to enjoy sex much, no matter who it is with. They put up with it, because they want something - a relationship, company, gifts, money - back.

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Ulysses G., on 03 Jan 2015 - 19:00, said:
Cypress Hill, on 01 Jan 2015 - 16:00, said:

Maybe you think is sex is something you do TO a partner, not WITH.

That kind of depends on the partner. Many young women have not really learned to enjoy sex much, no matter who it is with. They put up with it, because they want something - a relationship, company, gifts, money - back.

The only reason a woman doesn't learn to enjoy sex much - bar medical issues - is because the partners she's been with have been more concerned with their own gratification than with hers.

AOA's attitude seems consistent with that type of guy but I'm reasonably certain that he's just playing devil's advocate.

Still, he HAS said that his ex-wife lost interest in recreational coitus soon after the wedding


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If they do all that exercise and never arrive a the summit, I can understand why they don't want to hike any more. However If they have a partner skilled in navigation it is unlikely they would give up so early with all those mountains left to climb. Perhaps the purchase of some hiking aids would make the journey more successful.

Maybe some need to buy a Rabbit rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

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On ‎12‎/‎30‎/‎2014 at 11:07 PM, samsensam said:

she's giving you permission to get a mia noi

as you're living here and married to a thai why not enjoy one of the benefits of thai culture?! w00t.gif

My wife (46yo) told me years ago that if I wanted to go with other women I would still be expected to pay the household bills. I asked her if she was crazy, what the hell  would I want with more than one woman?

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On 4/27/2017 at 2:34 PM, ramrod711 said:

My wife (46yo) told me years ago that if I wanted to go with other women I would still be expected to pay the household bills. I asked her if she was crazy, what the hell  would I want with more than one woman?

some people have all the luck but pass it by :sad:

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Why are you still with her? Do you have children together? That's about the only thing that would keep me with a woman who felt nothing for me.


This happens all over the world though, it ain't specific to Thai women.


Marriage ain't a vow of celibacy, it's a vow of monogomy. If she breaks monogomy, you have the right to take other women.


And that ain't misogynistic (to the user who said that) - it's just fair. We don't hate women. We are not prejudiced towards women. We just want to be more than housemates with our wives, but sometimes they can reel us into a difficult position (marriage, kids, house), then act like we are just housemates after that.


This is not an age issue. It's an attraction issue.


She chose a man who she wasn't really attracted to (because he was the only man who offered her anything), then she went cold on him after that.


I suggest you shake things up:


Hit the gym, bulk up a bit

Fix your diet

Dress better

New hairstyle/facial hair

Go out with the guys more

Initiate sex physically (not verbally)

If she refuses you sex, don't beg, act like it's nothing.

Lightly flirt with other women infront of her, a waitress, for example.

Be confident

Make decisions (women want a leader, not a follower)

When you do have sex with her, give her a good cavemanning, no fiddling around (women hate that)


Basically, she wants a new man, so you should give her one (you have clearly let yourself go).


It's either this, or be celibate, or use whores, or start again with another women (easiest option, but may get same results if you don't improve yourself)





Edited by FruitPudding
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On 2017-4-30 at 6:02 PM, FruitPudding said:

Why are you still with her? Do you have children together? That's about the only thing that would keep me with a woman who felt nothing for me.


This happens all over the world though, it ain't specific to Thai women.


Marriage ain't a vow of celibacy, it's a vow of monogomy. If she breaks monogomy, you have the right to take other women.


And that ain't misogynistic (to the user who said that) - it's just fair. We don't hate women. We are not prejudiced towards women. We just want to be more than housemates with our wives, but sometimes they can reel us into a difficult position (marriage, kids, house), then act like we are just housemates after that.


This is not an age issue. It's an attraction issue.


She chose a man who she wasn't really attracted to (because he was the only man who offered her anything), then she went cold on him after that.


I suggest you shake things up:


Hit the gym, bulk up a bit

Fix your diet

Dress better

New hairstyle/facial hair

Go out with the guys more

Initiate sex physically (not verbally)

If she refuses you sex, don't beg, act like it's nothing.

Lightly flirt with other women infront of her, a waitress, for example.

Be confident

Make decisions (women want a leader, not a follower)

When you do have sex with her, give her a good cavemanning, no fiddling around (women hate that)


Basically, she wants a new man, so you should give her one (you have clearly let yourself go).


It's either this, or be celibate, or use whores, or start again with another women (easiest option, but may get same results if you don't improve yourself)





You've done your homework F P.


Alas, your prescription will require too much effort for the OP.

Most live in a fixed habitual life.


The wife has probably got to the point where she dreads each encounter and can't see herself doing this for years to come.

Add to this diminishing Hormonal levels and the writing is on the wall.


Who was it that said Homo Sapiens aren't natural monogamists?

It flies against Darwins natural selection.

Edited by rockyysdt
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