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Journalist group outlines goals for 'Year of Media Reform'

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Journalist group outlines goals for 'Year of Media Reform'
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Thai Journalists Association has named 2015 the "Year of Media Reform", calling for all parties to join in solving problems related to the news media.

A statement issued by the TJA yesterday said that in 2014, the media had to work in a situation of political conflicts, which led to violence that killed and injured many people including nine journalists. The wrongdoers have not been arrested or convicted.

During political rallies by the opposing sides, protesters used many measures to threaten journalists, including surrounding them while they were doing their job and harassing their offices in an attempt to pressure the media to take their side. This is considered interference in the media's professional duty to report on an objective, fair and all-around basis, as well as the opening of the public sphere for freedom of expression so people can exercise their rights responsibly.

However, some media were criticised for being part of the conflicts while failing to provide the facts based on evidence fairly.

Some reporters and media outlets were also abused as political tools. They also disseminated content that violated people's human rights or added fuel to the fire.

Meanwhile, regulatory bodies including the National Broadcasting and Telecommunica-tions Commission failed to take proper measures, the TJA said.

After the military seized power, all types of television and radio were closed under martial law. The military's ruling National Council for Peace and Order later gradually allowed outlets to operate but still issued Announcements 97 and 103 to control the work of the media.

From time to time the NCPO and military-appointed government summoned or invited editors and media owners for meetings. This unavoidably affected the

free flow of information and people's freedom of expression, the TJA


Media reform is one of 11 areas earmarked for changes by the National Reform Council in the interim constitution.

This reflects the importance and urgency in solving problems related to the media.

The TJA, which has been working to protect freedom of the press and to promote media professionalism, will turn 60 on March 5.

It has come up with a "Freedom with Responsibility" campaign at this time of reform of the media and news people.

In 2015, the TJA urges all people to realise the importance of the public sphere for the freedom of expression in a democratic system. At the same time, the media should be regarded as balancing its roles of being a public service and a business simultaneously.

The TJA insists that freedom of expression be ensured by the constitution and that people who comply with the law should be able to express their opinions without fear.

The group also insists that all media practitioners, including professional, community and civic journalists, stick to a code of ethics and enjoy their freedoms responsibly. Meanwhile, the media must be free from political, financial and other influence.

Cross-media ownership deserves the right model of regulation.

Moreover, journalists deserve reasonable salaries and benefits so they can work and live in society with dignity.

They also deserve opportunities and access to training and professional development.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Journalist-group-outlines-goals-for-Year-of-Media--30251085.html

-- The Nation 2015-01-02


The Unelected PM has already shown his true colours when it come to freedom out the press.

Thai journalists show keep asking the hard questions and not be bullied.

It's their right and the peoples right to be informed good or bad not some sanitised junta watered down piece of propaganda .


The Unelected PM has already shown his true colours when it come to freedom out the press.

Thai journalists show keep asking the hard questions and not be bullied.

It's their right and the peoples right to be informed good or bad not some sanitised junta watered down piece of propaganda .

Ha ha ha, another 'double standards' gold award to you !.

You have obviously forgotten Yinglucks embarrassing display when asked a tricky question : run away.

The same ruthless control Thaksin has over all his cronies extends much further than those in Government. Thailand under Thaksin is basically "Do what I say and you will be rewarded. Go against me and I will ruin you." This is the 'democracy' red-shirts will fight for because they are happy to do whatever they are told for a bit of free cash. Even the guy firing the M79 only got a few thousand baht.

In my experience, the media are one of the lower forms of life in this world and in true Thai style have chosen the path of least risk and greatest reward. Their bias and mis-representation of key events since the protests started have been a disgrace.

I would suggest that they have a 'Code of Ethics' - but any system which relies on honour will always fail here.

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2015 may well be the year for media change but not for the better. The ASEAN Community news media operating or being distrbuted in Thailand may not appreciate being censored and/or shutdown by the Junta et al because of any perceived Junta issues with "national security or unity." Nor do I imagine the other ASEAN countries will appreciate being ordered by the Thai Junta to cease publications in their own countries for content that is perceived by the Junta to affect Thailand "national security and unity."

On the plus side, a strict and active Thai censorship of foreign news media may encourage better news journalism in the other ASEAN countries if only to show their country is far more democratic than Thailand when it comes to freedom of speech.


The Unelected PM has already shown his true colours when it come to freedom out the press.

Thai journalists show keep asking the hard questions and not be bullied.

It's their right and the peoples right to be informed good or bad not some sanitised junta watered down piece of propaganda .

thai journalists or what they claim themselves to be would not even get a job in western countries due to their pathetic attitude towards the truth in reporting, they simply like to sensationalize everything and will twist the truth as well as use innuendo & outright lies to do so, the truth means nothing to them. They deliberately miss quote people, lie about the facts, make stories up and do what ever it takes to try to get the jump on everyone else, they do not do any research or in depth work at all. Maybe the powers that be should make it that only the truth can be printed, anyone making up crap/sensationalist lies gets automatic jail time and a huge fine, watch the reporters start doing what they are paid for, telling the truth, reporting real events and not making crap up.


Investigative journalism does not exist in Thailand (apart from the odd rare article). Whoever is in power gets supported (unless it looks like a coup is coming). They take the side of the people with the most power. Thaksin had it. Then, when the army and elites started moaning, they sided with the Democrats.

Now, they fawn all over the junta. Would I post a highly critical newpaper article inThailand re: Prayuth or the 'government' and risk everything that would entail? No, but I'm not a journalist!

Most aren't journalists. They are cowards. Real journalism is a noble and dangerous occupation, particularly political journalism in some nations. The vast majority in Thailand (with one or two exceptions) see it as an income source and that's it.


Well all very nice but one serious point missing, the quality of journalism,

to actually ask some questions instead of just copying verbatim what 'seniors'

have said, regardless of whether the ultimate words in print have logic.

I will never forget trying to build a relationship with the professional business

journalist team from one of the English language dailies. We asked them if they were

interested to construct a piece about global leadership research. Their initial response

was that the subject was boring. Their next response was that my company was rude

and we should show them some respect by coming to their office for a discussion, rather

than them visiting us.

Ultimately they came to our office and we discussed our global research. They complained

that we had not prepared documents in Thai language, but also insisted they could speak

and write perfect English.

About two days later we politely asked if we could have a draft of what they were

about to publish. All hell broke loose with their team being insulted that we had any doubts

about their ability to understand (the English presentation we had made to them) and their

ability to write a comprehensive report (60% of a newspaper page) in English. We never saw their

draft, they went ahead and published; the focus, key points and any possible impact totally

destroyed and one point they wrote could easily be construed as sexually very impolite.

Why? They wrote about the Missionary leadership style when in fact the research had identified

the Visionary leadership style.


The Unelected PM has already shown his true colours when it come to freedom out the press.

Thai journalists show keep asking the hard questions and not be bullied.

It's their right and the peoples right to be informed good or bad not some sanitised junta watered down piece of propaganda .

Ha ha ha, another 'double standards' gold award to you !.

You have obviously forgotten Yinglucks embarrassing display when asked a tricky question : run away.

The same ruthless control Thaksin has over all his cronies extends much further than those in Government. Thailand under Thaksin is basically "Do what I say and you will be rewarded. Go against me and I will ruin you." This is the 'democracy' red-shirts will fight for because they are happy to do whatever they are told for a bit of free cash. Even the guy firing the M79 only got a few thousand baht.

In my experience, the media are one of the lower forms of life in this world and in true Thai style have chosen the path of least risk and greatest reward. Their bias and mis-representation of key events since the protests started have been a disgrace.

I would suggest that they have a 'Code of Ethics' - but any system which relies on honour will always fail here.

What the hell is wrong with you. Why make it about us vs them? Why bring up red shirts and the Shinawatras?

Do you really think media freedom is a bad thing and that the current silencing of the media is positive?

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