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12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper; France goes on alert


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Wow, big surprise that the loser terrorist brothers were unemployed . . . yet they have money for automatic weapons, food, shelter and etc. The entire family and extended family should be forced to pay back any money they took from France and deported immediately. One way ticket to Syria . . . or Nigeria.

They are French.

Born in Paris

They were orphans

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Some 'legal UK citizens' celebration the Paris murders.


And they would be dancing like that even if there were 100 children murdered along with the cartoonists. Europe please wake up.

Celebrating or approving such terrorist acts is punished by French Law by up to 7 years in prison.

Their jails aren't big enough and you know it.
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Yet you hope to ban a race of people + run out all that are already there? Perhaps already legal citizens

with the same rights as You & I?

The 7/7 bombers, the shoe bomber, the underwear bomber, the Lee Rigby attackers, the Glasgow Airport attackers and the Rotherham rapists were all legal citizens, weren't they?
Those that are British (and several never were) are mostly dual nationals. A Home Officer barrister has contended that they could therefore, under the British Nationality Act 2006, be stripped of British nationality at least as readily as foreigners can be deported. Some may since have secured their status be renouncing the other nationality.
Some 'legal UK citizens' celebration the Paris murders.


Sorry but that vid 1st appeared in August.

Edited by Mosha
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P.s minority, as Bill Maher started last night there are hundreds of millions of Muslims who approved of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, blasphemy as well as Jew hatred are both in the holy book.


I have to feel that even the most conservative Americans must be loving ultra liberal Bill Maher by now. He has turned the debate on its head, and smacked this issue right in the face. He's been a champion of waking up liberals to these realities of Islam, and I hope a similar strong voice of liberal thinking emerges in France, UK and other affected Euro countries.

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Lots of nice reading here:

Extremists! Terrorists!

Barbarians! Murderers!

We must unite! Let's go on a 'vigil' (whatever that means?)!

France goes on the highest alert! Hollande condemns!

And so on...

European Politicians, actually the World Politicians have brought it on their People.

By ramming down their throats ideas 'Politically Correct' but impractical and unsustainable.

Stop blaming Muslims for being Muslims.

Stop blaming them for doing things they must do according to Islam.

Islam was, is and always will be about Religion-Politics-Aggression-War-Suppression-Murder-Rape-etc.

Terrorism and Islam are inseparable!

We cannot effectively fight Islam in our midst.

No military, technology or weapon advantage will help us under condition of 45 - 50 M Muslims among us.

And our Multiculturalism, Tolerance, Civility and Humanity is no match for their Terrorism, Suicidal Jihad and Fanaticism.

Yet Muslim and other countries lived in relative peace side by side for a very long time! Since the end of Crusade Wars!

The secret is simple - we didn't mix!

Until the 'Politically Correct' ideas were brought upon us. Like in France, in Sweden, in England, in Italy, in Spain, in Germany etc.

The way out? - Use the same door we entered! Reverse the Immigration! Cancel all the Passports given and send them all back to the country of origins.

No! I am not a Nazi! I don't say kill them. I don't say intern them. Just send them back. And if your Politicians disagree - send them out together with your Muslims.

Let them preach their 'Political Correctness' and build their Liberal Democracy there!

Oh, yes! Don't forget to outlaw Islam and demolish all their mosques.

Yes, I know! It is looking ugly, it may be unfair and at times cruel. Don't blame me - blame those Politicians who let this happen...

The alternative? - Convert to Islam! And be prepared to join Jihad! Because Good Muslims will not accept the Peace loving converts!

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Lots of nice reading here:

Extremists! Terrorists!

Barbarians! Murderers!

We must unite! Let's go on a 'vigil' (whatever that means?)!

France goes on the highest alert! Hollande condemns!

And so on...

European Politicians, actually the World Politicians have brought it on their People.

By ramming down their throats ideas 'Politically Correct' but impractical and unsustainable.

Stop blaming Muslims for being Muslims.

Stop blaming them for doing things they must do according to Islam.

Islam was, is and always will be about Religion-Politics-Aggression-War-Suppression-Murder-Rape-etc.

Terrorism and Islam are inseparable!

We cannot effectively fight Islam in our midst.

No military, technology or weapon advantage will help us under condition of 45 - 50 M Muslims among us.

And our Multiculturalism, Tolerance, Civility and Humanity is no match for their Terrorism, Suicidal Jihad and Fanaticism.

Yet Muslim and other countries lived in relative peace side by side for a very long time! Since the end of Crusade Wars!

The secret is simple - we didn't mix!

Until the 'Politically Correct' ideas were brought upon us. Like in France, in Sweden, in England, in Italy, in Spain, in Germany etc.

The way out? - Use the same door we entered! Reverse the Immigration! Cancel all the Passports given and send them all back to the country of origins.

No! I am not a Nazi! I don't say kill them. I don't say intern them. Just send them back. And if your Politicians disagree - send them out together with your Muslims.

Let them preach their 'Political Correctness' and build their Liberal Democracy there!

Oh, yes! Don't forget to outlaw Islam and demolish all their mosques.

Yes, I know! It is looking ugly, it may be unfair and at times cruel. Don't blame me - blame those Politicians who let this happen...

The alternative? - Convert to Islam! And be prepared to join Jihad! Because Good Muslims will not accept the Peace loving converts!


Then should we also get out of the Middle East?

Should we abandon our oil interests?

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Lots of nice reading here:

Extremists! Terrorists!

Barbarians! Murderers!

We must unite! Let's go on a 'vigil' (whatever that means?)!

France goes on the highest alert! Hollande condemns!

And so on...

European Politicians, actually the World Politicians have brought it on their People.

By ramming down their throats ideas 'Politically Correct' but impractical and unsustainable.

Stop blaming Muslims for being Muslims.

Stop blaming them for doing things they must do according to Islam.

Islam was, is and always will be about Religion-Politics-Aggression-War-Suppression-Murder-Rape-etc.

Terrorism and Islam are inseparable!

We cannot effectively fight Islam in our midst.

No military, technology or weapon advantage will help us under condition of 45 - 50 M Muslims among us.

And our Multiculturalism, Tolerance, Civility and Humanity is no match for their Terrorism, Suicidal Jihad and Fanaticism.

Yet Muslim and other countries lived in relative peace side by side for a very long time! Since the end of Crusade Wars!

The secret is simple - we didn't mix!

Until the 'Politically Correct' ideas were brought upon us. Like in France, in Sweden, in England, in Italy, in Spain, in Germany etc.

The way out? - Use the same door we entered! Reverse the Immigration! Cancel all the Passports given and send them all back to the country of origins.

No! I am not a Nazi! I don't say kill them. I don't say intern them. Just send them back. And if your Politicians disagree - send them out together with your Muslims.

Let them preach their 'Political Correctness' and build their Liberal Democracy there!

Oh, yes! Don't forget to outlaw Islam and demolish all their mosques.

Yes, I know! It is looking ugly, it may be unfair and at times cruel. Don't blame me - blame those Politicians who let this happen...

The alternative? - Convert to Islam! And be prepared to join Jihad! Because Good Muslims will not accept the Peace loving converts!


Then should we also get out of the Middle East?

Should we abandon our oil interests?

The answer is NO... and YES!

Where did I say we cannot do business with them?

Where did I say there should be a war between us?

All I said is - send them back. Some lousy 45 M of different nationalities.

It will be like a drop among the 1.2 Bn - easily absorbed.

Business as usual.

As a matter of fact our relations can only improve - no Terrorism!

And definitely not a chance of a Military conflict on an Army-Army level!

Yet, if 'we' will have to abandon 'our' oil interests, - the answer is YES!

It will be cheaper to 'us' in a long run.

I wonder how many of 'us' do actually have those oil interests?

Just convert to Islam and go live on your oil rig! It is called put your money where your mouth is... biggrin.png

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Psychologically, skin and face have something in common. Both mark the border of identity.

I lost both, not simultaneously. My skin and flesh burnt away, I felt like a limbo and was traumatized. Skin and fkesh recovered, without any surgery. I lost my face a bit when I tried my last sociopsychological and cross-cultural experiment: Find out what it feels like in an asylum. They stripped me off my mental integrity (at least for a little while), I felt like a limbo again, severely traumatized without an accepted face. It was mainly people from Asia that helped me to recover.

The hospitals I was in were full of traumatized immigrants and soldiers, many easterners among them. They were my best friends, because being one of them for a little while I understand what they felt like.

The feeling to be left alone, with no family, nobody to talk to, helplessly strapped in some anonymous institution, is the biggest horror of all.

You're right, Muslims are not Christians, but even most "Christians" are not Christians anymore.

Ahmed, the cop who gave his life away in Paris for your freedom to insult his religion practiced more liberalism in the way Voltaire pteached it than any of the nationalists here that shout for revenge. And you want to get rid of people like him?

Would you dare to go abroad and defend the Sharia there?

I've been to Afghanistan, in Kandahar, in 1969, before tthe pipeline conflict started.

I never had to tell my friends in the bazaar in Kandahar that I was a Muslim, I drank tea with them, smoked shisha, and talked about politics. They made a test which may look very strange and cruel to some of you: They put me (and some fellow farangs) Iin the middle of a circle, sharpened their daggers, and looked straight into our eyes -no way to avoid them. We did not behave like dogs, wd did not turn our facrs down, and then they began to smile. Many of my best friends are Moslems ever since. So, don't try to put them into the ocean.

Those orphans that committed the a attack in Paris may have lost their families by NATO attacks. Who are you to do exactly what you would do if you would stand in their shoes?

So many -isms have been used in this topic.

What about humanism?

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Yet you hope to ban a race of people + run out all that are already there? Perhaps already legal citizens

with the same rights as You & I?

The 7/7 bombers, the shoe bomber, the underwear bomber, the Lee Rigby attackers, the Glasgow Airport attackers and the Rotherham rapists were all legal citizens, weren't they?
Those that are British (and several never were) are mostly dual nationals. A Home Officer barrister has contended that they could therefore, under the British Nationality Act 2006, be stripped of British nationality at least as readily as foreigners can be deported. Some may since have secured their status be renouncing the other nationality.
Some 'legal UK citizens' celebration the Paris murders.


That video is five months old, although i suspect you already knew that before you posted it. Your agenda is now exposed for all on here to see. You besmirch the memories of the murdered staff in Paris with your attempt to ratchet up the hatred by posting clear untruths. You are probably too dull to comprehend it, but you have stooped to the same level as the Islamic lunatic murderers. Shame on you.

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Wow, big surprise that the loser terrorist brothers were unemployed . . . yet they have money for automatic weapons, food, shelter and etc. The entire family and extended family should be forced to pay back any money they took from France and deported immediately. One way ticket to Syria . . . or Nigeria.

They are French.

Born in Paris

They were orphans

I would be good to know who precisely supplied those weapons and the smooth get away cars.

Somehow, I don't think we are going to be told.

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There are people living in the EU countries, holding our passports, who hate us.

​Time to turn the screws and tables!!

Indeed, especially those who are groomed by our secret service organisations and who come from countries that have resources that our masters covet.

Wake up slave, you're being played.

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Some good news!!

The editorial staff that survived the cowardly attack on their colleagues on Charlie Hebdo are already working on next weeks issue!!

Long live free speech and people who are not intimidated!!

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Some good news!!

The editorial staff that survived the cowardly attack on their colleagues on Charlie Hebdo are already working on next weeks issue!!

Long live free speech and people who are not intimidated!!

Well I hope the cover involves taking the piss out of Mohamad, maybe they could have him with his 9 year old deflowered 'wife' in one hand, a rocket launcher on the other and standing on 250 million corpses. The caption could be 'well God told me to do it'

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The answer is NO... and YES!

Where did I say we cannot do business with them?

Where did I say there should be a war between us?

All I said is - send them back. Some lousy 45 M of different nationalities.

It will be like a drop among the 1.2 Bn - easily absorbed.

Business as usual.

As a matter of fact our relations can only improve - no Terrorism!

The only problem is if one assumes terrorism is somehow totally drive by immigrants wanting something?

That kind of leaves out the big gripe of decades of abuse in their homelands by foreign invaders supposedly chasing terrorist/War on terror.

Yet just the drone wars alone of the last decade has killed thousands of innocents because they had the misfortune

of living in a village where a "Suspected" terrorist lived.

We read in these posts the outrage by many saying kill them all!

Kick them back to their own country. For killing an innocent dozen....

So it is not too hard to imagine there are probably many in those lands too that think the same way.

Having lost thousands there... that there may be some upset families there too no?

You said "Where did I say there should be war between us" Yet it has been raging for decades

It is a good thought & a question many have asked yet although we here do not get the

reports for the most part ....We only hear the sensational ones they cannot keep down

Like when they shot hell-fires into a wedding party or an innocent meeting of village head persons. etc...

But there is much killing/collateral damages as they call it being done in our names because

after all "they" who decide were elected by "us"

So while never condoning any of it...It is happening in our names.

It is not hard to understand there will be hatred & calls for revenge on both sides.

Edited by mania
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There are people living in the EU countries, holding our passports, who hate us.

​Time to turn the screws and tables!!

As I have already concluded there are no liberal solutions to this mess.

No these are not people you can have tea and scones with.

Radical situations require radical solutions and I think we've had enough of their 'mess'.

Time to clean it up, whatever it takes!

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There are people living in the EU countries, holding our passports, who hate us.

​Time to turn the screws and tables!!

As I have already concluded there are no liberal solutions to this mess.

No these are not people you can have tea and scones with.

Radical situations require radical solutions and I think we've had enough of their 'mess'.

Time to clean it up, whatever it takes!

There has been a social experiment going on since the mid to late 70s, and it's failed with disaterous results. Time to get back to common sense.

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At least four hostages have been killed Sky News just reported.

Sad news confirmed by police source.

Je Suis Kascher coffee1.gif

Interesting, the cartoonists offended these Islamic Jihadists with images of their Prophet and were murdered for offending. The shoppers at the Kosher supermarket I guess offended these Islamic Jihadists too by doing what exactly ... ?

I suppose I can see that it captures the imagination much more to defend free speech than to defend the freedom to purchase good deli products.

I thought of suggesting Je Suis Juif as well.

Though I'm not on Twitter it's good to see that this is trending.

It shouldn't only be about Charlie considering that Jews just existing are also targets of these Islamic Jihadists.



Edited by Jingthing
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There are people living in the EU countries, holding our passports, who hate us.

​Time to turn the screws and tables!!

Indeed, especially those who are groomed by our secret service organisations and who come from countries that have resources that our masters covet.

Wake up slave, you're being played.


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Some good news!!

The editorial staff that survived the cowardly attack on their colleagues on Charlie Hebdo are already working on next weeks issue!!

Long live free speech and people who are not intimidated!!

Well I hope the cover involves taking the piss out of Mohamad, maybe they could have him with his 9 year old deflowered 'wife' in one hand, a rocket launcher on the other and standing on 250 million corpses. The caption could be 'well God told me to do it'

If you are mindful of supporting them against this evil, you can buy an issue or a subscription here

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Bigotry is the real sickness.

Yes and Muslims have it in spades

Evidently they are not alone.

So its wrong for us to want our countries back from immigrants that drain our system's handouts and then show their gratitude like this. Ironic that we welcome these losers and pay for their food and shelter while they are plotting to kills us.

. . . then when we are called bigots when we finally wake up to reality and want to take our countries back from those draining our welfare systems while plotting to kill us.

Lol, call us bigots so we'll feel bad and maybe let them stay a bit longer and kill more people. We certain are the dumb ones and too easily manipulated by the desire to be PC and compassionate.

Who called you a bigot?

Your assumptions about immigrants sucking up all your tax money is mistaken. Easy enough to rattle off - but not supported by facts!

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