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French police ID gunmen who killed 12 in attack on newspaper


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Muslims will always be 'outraged' about something.


So please please revive the water boarding, do unto others as they would do unto you..

Since you didn't notice, allow me to point out that the victims are French.

These jihadists will go after all infidels in any country including their own and against their own people. If you also didn't notice an infidel is someone who must die because he doesn't accept the Muslim beliefs and join them.

An infidel must die just for saying or drawing something the jihadist doesn't like. Nowhere else among the people of the earth do we have such savages.

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So when one reads the OP. it would seem as if the French security services were aware of who these creatures were and what they believed in and stood for,yet no actions were it appears were taken to restrict the movement or activities of these creatures.

Questions need to be asked as to why there were no actions taken by those supposedly in charge of both internal and external security matters in France and elsewhere too..

I'm sure it's because the politicians are too gutless to point out that the most likely terrorists are Muslims and do something about it because of PC.

Probably the same in the UK.

As for the reaction after ( it's always after ), any terrorist knows that they just have to wait a while and all the police posted in public places will be withdrawn. That happened after the London tube bombings- loads of police standing around in tube stations for a while, and then back to none. They never did anything anyway, that I saw.

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"He said he was outraged at the torture of Iraqi inmates at the U.S. prison at Abu Ghraib near Baghdad."

Only reason these guys knew about Abu Ghraib was journalist. So, kill the messenger. Stupid as well as savage. This is not religious, it is political. Their politics are only masked in religion as National Socialism used Nietsche and communist use Marx.

Muslims will always be 'outraged' about something.


So please please revive the water boarding, do unto others as they would do unto you..

Why? Torture never obtained anything worthwhile except the "confession" according to what the torturer wants.

Far better to do what Saudi does- only allow foreigners to live in your country if they have a job ( and not allowed to practice their religion ) and when not working, go back whence they came.

The present days terrorists are bred in idleness and encouraged by religious charlatans masquerading as religious leaders.

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MaxYakov post # 25

Absolutely! A disgusting dereliction of France's obligation to become a totalitarian, police state as well as Canada with the Ottawa shootings and the USA with the 2009 Fort Hood shooting (aka "workplace violence").

I'm sure North Korea certainly would have not let something like this (workplace violence?) happen.

You got how many likes?

I got 5 likes for my post and your post likes amount to?????

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MaxYakov post # 25

Absolutely! A disgusting dereliction of France's obligation to become a totalitarian, police state as well as Canada with the Ottawa shootings and the USA with the 2009 Fort Hood shooting (aka "workplace violence").

I'm sure North Korea certainly would have not let something like this (workplace violence?) happen.

You got how many likes?

I got 5 likes for my post and your post likes amount to?????

Any particular reason why you didn't simply reply to my reply rather than taking the trouble to omit the content of your post in my reply?

In the interest of completeness and minimization of confusion by readers here is content of your original post and my reply (permalink to #25):

And your original post:

siampolee, on 08 Jan 2015 - 07:30, said:snapback.png

So when one reads the OP. it would seem as if the French security services were aware of who these creatures were and what they believed in and stood for,yet no actions were it appears were taken to restrict the movement or activities of these creatures.

Questions need to be asked as to why there were no actions taken by those supposedly in charge of both internal and external security matters in France and elsewhere too..

A few points:

1) Replies that are absurd on the face of it are often "liked" - no accounting for taste on TV

2) I was more concerned about why your post was liked rather than how many liked it

3) You should avoid unnecessary editing of a dialog set; it can mask information and cause confusion

4) You should learn how to use permalinks rather than post numbers which can change as a thread is edited by mods

5) One question mark (?) is sufficient to end a sentence in English

6) Read and heed the text content of your very own avatar as if I had stated it

Gratuitously, a few more examples of terrorist attacks that were not preempted by free world government security forces:

Boston Marathon Bombings

2014 Sydney Hostage Crisis

Makes one wonder doesn't it?

Edited by MaxYakov
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I lived and worked in France for 24 years nearby an Algerien morccan tunisian enclave of Cannes France and I had to keep my mouth shut then. I met people who had nothing and were 100 percent ready to give all for the muslim faith.Do not underestimate the power of these people. Simply by saying Je suis Charlie is brave but not enough

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