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Want to move to LOS permamently (25 years old, not a native speaker)


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What impression do you think people get of the forum when a reasonable request for advice about moving to Thailand attracts this sort of crap?

Indeed. Shame the envious 'pikids' had to show up spouting their bile at we 'oldies' instead of trying to offer advice to the OP, though it seems they actually have little advice to offer him as he doesn't seem interested in 'movies', 'digital nomadery' 'blogging' or a grindhouse existence with an imaginary 'free' HiSo gf and has the means, qualifications and contacts to actually be a fully functioning member of society here.

Again I'd stress to the OP to use what advantages/privileges he has at his disposal to the fullest extent. Thailand/SEAsia is a tough enough 'nut to crack' for a normal person, let alone a lad with as many advantages as Luke clearly has. Not to use them would be plain crazy.

I know 'wanting to do it off your own back' is very much a symptom of invincible youth but one thing I'll tell you is that I wish I'd have had half the potential 'leg ups' you seem to have back in the day could have saved me a lot of arseache in the long run.

Good luck lad.

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What impression do you think people get of the forum when a reasonable request for advice about moving to Thailand attracts this sort of crap?

Reasonable request? Perhaps we should just tell the young lad..."Come on over! Great jobs are everywhere! Every company wants to hire a young foreigner who doesn't speak a lick of Thai and will gladly pay you 150k/month for the privilege of issuing you a work permit. Your pay will double every couple of years and after 10 years, you'll get a lifetime pension which is 75% of your salary. Even without a work permit, visas are no problem. And all the Thai girls speak English and want nothing but to be with a farang. You'll have your pick, even the hi-so's! Buying a foreign car is dirt cheap and driving anywhere is a dream. All the TV programs, signs, newspapers...everything is in English. You never need to learn Thai! And you can buy a house dirt cheap and own it outright! Your future is set if you just come to Thailand as soon as possible!"

Or we could just tell him the truth. I prefer the truth myself.

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What impression do you think people get of the forum when a reasonable request for advice about moving to Thailand attracts this sort of crap?

Reasonable request? Perhaps we should just tell the young lad..."Come on over! Great jobs are everywhere! Every company wants to hire a young foreigner who doesn't speak a lick of Thai and will gladly pay you 150k/month for the privilege of issuing you a work permit. Your pay will double every couple of years and after 10 years, you'll get a lifetime pension which is 75% of your salary. Even without a work permit, visas are no problem. And all the Thai girls speak English and want nothing but to be with a farang. You'll have your pick, even the hi-so's! Buying a foreign car is dirt cheap and driving anywhere is a dream. All the TV programs, signs, newspapers...everything is in English. You never need to learn Thai! And you can buy a house dirt cheap and own it outright! Your future is set if you just come to Thailand as soon as possible!"

Or we could just tell him the truth. I prefer the truth myself.

I know quite a few people here in their twenties with decent jobs.

Maybe your truth isn't the same as everyone elses.

I know quite a few as well. Making decent money. Nearly all are hard-working, dedicated people. I respect these young people. Yet, I almost feel sorry for them. Many are repaying back their college loans and will never be able to save much. None are paying into any social security or pension system, so if they stay the path, they will have difficulty once they get to retirement age. That's what I'm talking about. I'm not telling the OP what to do, but just finding jobs like the one I just described is not easy. The competition is fierce. And even if you get a decent job in Thailand, it's not comparable to a professional job in the west in terms of pay, benefits, pension, etc.

Perhaps I'm from a different generation. When I was in my 20's, I worried about the future. And I'm glad I did.

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I love these threads.

You can't help stupid.

Most of the guys I know on here, me included, are well under 50, successful and living pretty large. Their advice is golden...it's free...and you mock it like you know better. DMF's.

The young clowns don't get it. Of course you can come and live here, find a "job" and survive, but you will not make the big $$$ or set yourself up for the future. Like it or not, that comes with experience and credibility, built usually in the West. We don't make up these rules. It's just the way it is.

If you want to go against all the good advice and come live here and have fun for a few years before you realize this, go for it. Find your Issan princess and enjoy yourself, but just don't expect to make big $$$. Don't believe me? Call any recruiter and go see them. Look in the papers, online or on the notice board at Big C. There are zero jobs for inexperienced juniors that make decent money. I'm sure I will be told different, but I'm sure our definitions of "money" differ greatly as well.

It's not about free pussy, but keep telling yourself it is. Wrong thread.

Thailand is not for juniors with no experience to settle down long term and expect to make it. It just doesn't happen.

But feel free to let us know how it goes...but we read the last page...we know already.

thats just the minds of privilege young adults in 20s-30s who grew up in middle income family and most like went to an international school. In this case the OP states that he grew up in SEA and moved around with his "high ranking" diplomatic parents which most likely fit the description I stated.

Young adults don't care that much about money anymore as long as they have a job that pays and rent and enough to go partying and drink. I'm surrounded with friends like this who make 30k to 50k baht/month jobs, majority are single too and are enjoying their lives. All that will change once they settle down and have kids, they will realize that they are dirt poor and can't do much later on in life because they were enjoying their lives vs saving for it.

For the OP, listen to people's advice here, it may be fun and all but don't waste your life away having fun vs charting your career path and making enough money to retire early. If you are committed and have a passion for flying, go be a pilot but don't be a pilot just because it could be your plan B. If you are 25 and just graduating college, you are 2-3 years behind the average folks who graduate college at 22-23 years of age. Stop partying because its seems like you have done enough in your college days, plus the partying scene in Bangkok has died down quite a bit compare to 5 years ago. Young folks are more into drinking at small bars nowadays, so don't expect any crazy party scenes here.

Thailand may be a good place to be if you have an established business or moving here with an established business, but probably one of the worse places to start off if you are a foreigner and have no clue of what you want to do, the odds are just stacked up against you and you will waste you life away.

On a more positive note, try getting a job at the UN which won't be too hard regardless of your education background. Your job scope seems pretty limited to what you can do based on your experience and age. You could probably teach English as your last resort too since you are fluent and don't look Asian. Good luck.

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Nothing wrong with coming here even younger than OP, I did shortly after graduating at 21 ish and have friends that did the same. Even if it doesn't pan out 'gap years' are standard nowadays, you can write it off as one of those as a last resort. Teaching is always there too as a backup option, $1000-$1300 monthly salary in Thailand so more of a way to get by while you're having tons of fun and enjoying life - travel should be done when young.

Then $2000+ in China, Korea, Japan's JET programme, or Vietnam, for higher pay and less craziness. If you prefer that or if you want to see more of SEA.

Before your 31st birthday you're eligible for a year's work and travel in Oz, extendable to 2 years, several friends did that to finance years of stay in SEA, high wages over there obviously. New Zealand too.

I'd start looking into affiliate marketing, lots of Facebook communities of guys making a little to a lot with small online businesses or blogs, I'd take that lifestyle any day over 'getting a proper job' or getting on the 'pension plan' or 'property ladder'. Welcome to PM me for links.

On the high end of the scale are the kind of digital nomads that make some posters here look very misguided in their criticisms. Guys developing iphone apps, startup companies, writing bestselling ebooks, who's to say that can't be you. http://yongfook.com/1-year-as-a-digital-nomad-how-to-build-a-business-by-the-beach.html That guy explains how you only need $2000/month max to live very comfortably.

Who wants to spend their better years working their fingers to the bone as a wage slave for someone else, until they feel they've 'paid their dues' to retire to a place in the sun. Just get on a flight and start enjoying your life. How well can certain posters here be enjoying their lives if they're all over this thread with the same tired jokes and personal attacks (no I didn't do adult movies).

Even wildly successful entrepeneurs like Tim Ferriss like to travel on a shoestring too, he did a piece on travelling the world on ten pounds or less http://fourhourworkweek.com/2007/07/11/how-to-travel-the-world-with-10-pounds-or-less-plus-how-to-negotiate-convertibles-and-luxury-treehouses/

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OP, reading your posts you come across to me as a little spoiled kid that depend on your parents to support you.

Don't give me excuses you don't want to take money from your parents or you want to work.

You are only thinking of yourself and how to enjoy your life on your parents expenses.

Get a job first in Turkey, prove yourself that you are capable to conduct your own life and then start thinking of coming to Thailand and start partying.

You are too young and inexperienced and dreams like that don't usually have a good outcome.

I know you don't like what I say, but sometimes you have to listen to people with more experience in life than you.

Older people don't always know better. Sometimes you have to take chances in life and do what you think it's best for yourself not what other people tell you is best for you.

The op may or may not be spoiled but if his family are willing to finance him for a while until he can sort his life out in asia and its not going to be a big struggle for them then why not?

Could work out well in the end. And he can pay then back.

Edited by TheSpade
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OP, reading your posts you come across to me as a little spoiled kid that depend on your parents to support you.

Don't give me excuses you don't want to take money from your parents or you want to work.

You are only thinking of yourself and how to enjoy your life on your parents expenses.

Get a job first in Turkey, prove yourself that you are capable to conduct your own life and then start thinking of coming to Thailand and start partying.

You are too young and inexperienced and dreams like that don't usually have a good outcome.

I know you don't like what I say, but sometimes you have to listen to people with more experience in life than you.

Older people don't always know better. Sometimes you have to take chances in life and do what you think it's best for yourself not what other people tell you is best for you.

The op may or may not be spoiled but if his family are willing to finance him for a while until he can sort his life out in asia and its not going to be a big struggle for them then why not?

Could work out well in the end. And he can pay then back.

If at 25 his family is supporting him to the tune 2.5k/m, they will be supporting him at age 35 to the tune of 2.5k/m and at age 45 etc, he will not be paying anything back, this would be hard enough in farangistan with a decent paying job, and would suggest no chance of paying back with his prospects in Thailand

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I think some of you are making the mistake of judging the OPs situation compared to the options you had at his age. Prospects in the west for that generation are pretty crap these days, too.

I don't think so, I think some posters are spot on with their options

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Noticed you never mentioned on line poker in grinds and acting in gay tourism videos as a way to becoming a successful digital entrepreneur ohmy.png

Doing something myself doesn't mean I'd recommend it to others. I was playing online poker from as early as 2005. I wouldn't start getting into it in 2014. I know guys here making $10k/month but they are a tiny minority.

Modelling or being an extra in non-adult videos with no modelling talent (by western definitions) or experience is actually quite commonplace here, western faces of any kind are needed for budget projects. That's more like occasional work than a longterm career, so it's not like I'd recommend that either I did it once for a laugh and linked the video online myself, not sure why it's some big joke as if you guy's 'discovered it'. Google 'youtube go thai be free' if anyone is interested. You guys must be rather prudish to label that 'adult' or 'porn'.

Sure there are guys making real porn out there too, who cares, good luck to them. They aren't hurting anyone, unlike dodgy financial advisors, Devere group types wearing a suit and outwardly appearing 'respectable' in a suit and tie while scamming people.

Again there are facebook groups and jobs boards online for modelling / extras work if you want to try and do it more than I did. A friend was an extra for 2k Baht/day, on and off.

And no I don't care that I didn't have a work permit because it wasn't harming anyone, or taking jobs from locals, rather it was organised by Thai companies (in my case the Tourism board) looking for westerners. So you can do the standard TVF mental gymnastics and say it breaks the alien labor act but even if so there's no risk or issue whatsoever in practice. Comparable to a teacher starting in his school before the school finishes his work permit papers. You are welcome to email the NY branch of the Thai Tourism authority and ask them why they employed westerners for casual work on a tourism video without permits - http://gothaibefree.com/about/

But yeah hard to do that as solid repeat work, unless you actually are a model by western definitions, with a portfolio, met some of those too and they can get up to 70k per shoot, sporadically.

Edited by jspill
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I think some of you are making the mistake of judging the OPs situation compared to the options you had at his age. Prospects in the west for that generation are pretty crap these days, too.

I don't think so, I think some posters are spot on with their options

I like how some of the posters here assume they are the only ones that got to travel and live in Thailand when they wer young, it might surprise them that some other oldies might just have already done that way back when.

Young guns that think they've invented something new when it actual fact farang have been doing it for a hundred years. I know this for a fact.

There's plenty of options, the worlds your oyster.

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Who wants to spend their better years working their fingers to the bone as a wage slave for someone else, until they feel they've 'paid their dues' to retire to a place in the sun.

What a Lame, if slightly vile, phrase 'wage slave' is. It is noticeably always used by the unemployed/unemployable to indicate that they enjoy a sense of 'freedom' laugh.png while chained to their grindhouses, fantasy lives and laughable poverty.

I'd wager any of these pikeys would love to jump into the life 'slavery' has earned me (and that of others), especially in 5 more years when at the dreadful old age of 50 I'll be able to retire, as you lot will have to carry on scamming/blogging/porning. Keep your deluded sense of 'freedom'.

Last night I had a right good old drink, watched Spurs hammer B*****y, went to bed, woke up at 12 in order to do a bit of work to find my assistant had done it, bless her, am soon heading off out again. Some 'slavery'...thumbsup.gif

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Soutpeel it strikes me that you're very negative towards any young guys who don't subscribe to your traditional (some would say out of date) way of thinking about life and how it should be lived.

This is 2015, we live in a global and connected society with more opportunities than ever thanks, but not limited, to the Internet.

People don't need to grind out a living working traditional 9 to 5 jobs anymore just to be able to retire at age 65 (if they are lucky enough to make it that far and have anything to show for it, if they make it at all) there are other more favourable options.

Not bitter in the least dear boy, I call a spade a spade that's all, my working life if far from a traditional 9 to 5 or a grind, I do it because I enjoy it and I will be well retired way before age 65, so how is this out of date ?

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Who wants to spend their better years working their fingers to the bone as a wage slave for someone else, until they feel they've 'paid their dues' to retire to a place in the sun.

What a Lame, if slightly vile, phrase 'wage slave' is. It is noticeably always used by the unemployed/unemployable to indicate that they enjoy a sense of 'freedom' laugh.png while chained to their grindhouses, fantasy lives and laughable poverty.

I'd wager any of these pikeys would love to jump into the life 'slavery' has earned me (and that of others), especially in 5 more years when at the dreadful old age of 50 I'll be able to retire, as you lot will have to carry on scamming/blogging/porning. Keep your deluded sense of 'freedom'.

Last night I had a right good old drink, watched Spurs hammer B*****y, went to bed, woke up at 12 in order to do a bit of work to find my assistant had done it, bless her, am soon heading off out again. Some 'slavery'...thumbsup.gif

Agreed, I did my gap year, which turned out to be 2 years/working around and then I went an got a real job, seems to me some of the pikeys never get out of the "gap year" mentality and turn into a form of "ageing hippy" Edited by Soutpeel
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I call a spade a spade that's all

You call casual modelling/extras work 'gay porn'. You call the younger generation of location-independent people working in the cloud 'digital pikeys' because you don't understand that the internet isn't all scams, gambling and porn.

You imply that young expats living together (reasonably normal behaviour to have roommates last time I checked) playing cards on the internet (a popular global pastime, recreationally or otherwise) must be some hotbed of criminal activity whereby they are sharing living expenses because they're broke or to combine their criminal minds together.

You leap to define 'working in Thailand' as what you want it to be with no legal expertise or authority to do so, telling forum readers they need a work permit right after moderators tell them they don't. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/792063-should-i-have-a-work-permit/

I'd say you're far from telling things as they are pal.

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Older people don't always know better. Sometimes you have to take chances in life and do what you think it's best for yourself not what other people tell you is best for you.

Well that's certainly a "free-spirit" sort of attitude. Nothing wrong with that. But you're forgetting that the OP did come on an anonymous forum to ask for advice. Many of us are just giving our opinions based on our life experiences. The OP is free to take our advice or ignore it. But it sure does seem like he's already made up his mind and just wants people to tell him to "go for it." Only time will tell if your advice is better than mine.

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The same people who are accusing me of trolling are trolling themselves by derailing the thread.All I wanted was some ideas, yet 90% of the posts are about, "you're here for the girls", "who are you to fly a plane", "you're a spoiled brat","you came all the way for a girl you met on TF". I'd like to thank the 10% for inputting their ideas.

On a side note, seriously Thailand is the last place I'd come for a bird, out of the countless girls I've been with here, I couldnt establish an intellectual conversation with any of them. One of them was working as an auditor at Bank of Bangkok, she didnt know who Ben bernanke was, and didnt have a clue about the Enron scandal. They're good when your horny, and theyre sweet people, but would I marry one or date one? Hell no. Western women are despised here, but I actually like the fact that you can have deep conversations with them about life matters etc. Old timers who are chasing uneducated Isaan girls just for their looks are accusing me of being a sex tourist.I'm sorry I cant relate.

Luke, you're not being fair. I'm sure all the Thai girls can say that they can't have an intelligent conversation with you because you're illiterate! In the local language, which is what's spoken in Thailand. Intelligence has zero to do with English language skills.

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Some good posts on booth sides.

What seems obvious to me is that the younger guys are satisfied with a monthly income of $1000 and enjoying life, whereas the guys that built a career are probably in the $5000 - $25000 range, have a house, cars, married and are very stable. There is a big expectation gap on what constitutes a good salary and career.

I don't want a house, car, wife or family yet.

The old guys seem to be projecting their expecations on what constitutes a good salary and career onto younger guys who aren't in their prime earning years yet, and have a long road ahead to come.

Who's to say in 20 years time when they reach their age they won't be in the higher earnings bracket, and have plenty saved up from earning $2000/mo and spending $1500/mo for 200 months. That's $120,000, even assuming their income doesn't rise with time and experience.

The whole debate is silly, the two sides are a generation apart. For one it was customary to rush into getting a trade, get on the property ladder, get that house with a white picket fence, make a honest woman out of someone and tie the knot, etc. etc. For the other things are totally different, with globalization, divorce rates, the ease of travel, online enterprise, etc.

Edited by jspill
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Some good posts on booth sides.

What seems obvious to me is that the younger guys are satisfied with a monthly income of $1000 and enjoying life, whereas the guys that built a career are probably in the $5000 - $25000 range, have a house, cars, married and are very stable. There is a big expectation gap on what constitutes a good salary and career.

I don't want a house, car, wife or family yet.

The old guys seem to be projecting their expecations on what constitutes a good salary and career onto younger guys who aren't in their prime earning years yet, and have a long road ahead to come.

Who's to say in 20 years time when they reach their age they won't be in the higher earnings bracket, and have plenty saved up from earning $2000/mo and spending $1500/mo for 200 months. That's $120,000, even assuming their income doesn't rise with time and experience.

The whole debate is silly, the two sides are a generation apart. For one it was customary to rush into getting a trade, get on the property ladder, get that house with a white picket fence, make a honest woman out of someone and tie the knot, etc. etc. For the other things are totally different, with globalization, divorce rates, the ease of travel, online enterprise, etc.

It's not like that. It's more like giving the young man a true taste of the employment market in Thailand. It's stacked against foreigners--which is how it should be. The Thai government should be making sure that it's citizens are looked after first before even considering foreigners. But the Thai gov does understand that some foreigners have skills that can help Thai society, hence the work permit. Do you really think that any young foreigner with very little experience and technical skills can just waltz into this country and land a high paying job? Some of you seem to be suggesting this, which I think is a little cruel. The guy is going to show up and find this to be an outright lie.

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On a side note, seriously Thailand is the last place I'd come for a bird, out of the countless girls I've been with here, I couldnt establish an intellectual conversation with any of them. One of them was working as an auditor at Bank of Bangkok, she didnt know who Ben bernanke was, and didnt have a clue about the Enron scandal. They're good when your horny, and theyre sweet people, but would I marry one or date one? Hell no. Western women are despised here, but I actually like the fact that you can have deep conversations with them about life matters etc. Old timers who are chasing uneducated Isaan girls just for their looks are accusing me of being a sex tourist.I'm sorry I cant relate.

I agree with Berkshire. This statement is a little unfair. I'm sure even uneducated Isaan girl would find his lack of skills in the vernacular 'unintellectual' let alone a high class banker. I'm sure if Luke mastered or at least managed a modicum of ability in the local lingo he'd find there are many highly interesting and intelligent women to be found here

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