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FBI 'foils plot to attack US Capitol'


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Ohio man accused of plotting to attack US Capitol, arrested

CINCINNATI (AP) — A man who plotted to attack the U.S. Capitol and kill government officials inside it and spoke of his desire to support the Islamic State group was arrested on Wednesday, the FBI said.

A criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Ohio charges Christopher Lee Cornell with attempting to kill officers and employees of the United States.

Cornell, also known as Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah, was arrested as he took control of a firearm during an undercover FBI operation in southwestern Ohio, the FBI said. The public was never in danger in the investigation, said John Barrios, acting special agent in charge of the FBI's Cincinnati division.

A phone message and an email were left Wednesday for attorney Karen Savir, a federal public defender listed in court records as Cornell's attorney. A working phone number could not be found for Cornell's family members.

The complaint alleges that an FBI informant began supplying agents with information about Cornell last year. The informant and Cornell, who's 20 and lives in Green Township, first began communicating through Twitter in August 2014 and then through an instant messaging platform separate from Twitter, according to the complaint.

"I believe we should meet up and make our own group in alliance with the Islamic State here and plan operations ourselves," Cornell wrote in an instant message, according to the court document.

The two met in person in October in Cincinnati and again in November, the complaint states. Cornell told the informant at the November meeting that he considered the members of Congress as enemies and that he intended to conduct an attack on the Capitol, according to the complaint. The document says Cornell discussed his plan for them to travel to Washington and conduct reconnaissance of the security of government buildings including the Capitol before executing "a plan of attack."

Cornell planned for the two to detonate pipe bombs at and near the Capitol and then shoot and kill employees and officials, and Cornell had saved money to fund the attack, according to the complaint.

Cornell was arrested after buying two semi-automatic rifles and about 600 rounds of ammunition, authorities said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-01-15

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I can imagine all the same people whining about why law enforcement did nothing after some nutter carried on this way and nothing was done about it.

The whine would go something like "where were the FBI, they never do anything blah blah blah"

Where would the world be without brave men and women in law enforcement putting themselves between the a.holes and YOU !


I was in law enforcement for 25 years, and never entrapped anybody. There was more than enough to do without hoodwinking wannabes.

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I can imagine all the same people whining about why law enforcement did nothing after some nutter carried on this way and nothing was done about it.

The whine would go something like "where were the FBI, they never do anything blah blah blah"

Where would the world be without brave men and women in law enforcement putting themselves between the a.holes and YOU !


I was in law enforcement for 25 years, and never entrapped anybody. There was more than enough to do without hoodwinking wannabes.

So what. Bag them out about what? Doing there jobs, whatever way their entitled to, the pea is in the can & who knows maybe he was a wannabe maybe he was the next mass murderer.

Job well done, another loser off the streets.

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Ah, yes, yet another impotent sucker who would otherwise have done nothing but talk, entrapped by the finest law enforcement agency in the world.

I feel so much safer.

Well done, Federal Bureau of Inveiglement.

Spot on.

It's the same old story.

The timing is usually significant as well.

The phrase used by Rahm Emanuel ...'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'....comes to mind

Also what you say about timing,,,,Couldn't help but notice this event came

a month after France recognized the Palestinian State

But for this OP it is same as when they wanted to push forward on removal of citizens right thru various Patriot Act/NSA etc...

At that time we had the rash of underwear bombers, shoe bombers, anthrax mail... etc etc

The Anthrax scare was also "uncovered" by FBI ONE WEEK after 9/11....yes timing yes...'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'.

Edited by mania
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Ah, yes, yet another impotent sucker who would otherwise have done nothing but talk, entrapped by the finest law enforcement agency in the world.

I feel so much safer.

Well done, Federal Bureau of Inveiglement.

The lamest piece of supposition and conjecture I have read in a long time.

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""Cornell told the informant at the November meeting that he considered the members of Congress as enemies", I think he got a bit mixed up. They are not islamic enemies as much as US citizens enemies as they do nothing constructive and take the peoples money to achieve nothing. But I am sure they are eating nice meals and ohhhhhh, those hookers.

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Ah, yes, yet another impotent sucker who would otherwise have done nothing but talk, entrapped by the finest law enforcement agency in the world.

I feel so much safer.

Well done, Federal Bureau of Inveiglement.

Spot on.

It's the same old story.

The timing is usually significant as well.

The phrase used by Rahm Emanuel ...'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'....comes to mind

Also what you say about timing,,,,Couldn't help but notice this event came

a month after France recognized the Palestinian State

But for this OP it is same as when they wanted to push forward on removal of citizens right thru various Patriot Act/NSA etc...

At that time we had the rash of underwear bombers, shoe bombers, anthrax mail... etc etc

The Anthrax scare was also "uncovered" by FBI ONE WEEK after 9/11....yes timing yes...'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'.

They started building up to more security restrictions with the ebola scare.....this will be the, or one of the, final nails in the coffin before some draconian set of rules is put in place.

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Is it just my imagination or are there really not a lot (way way more) TV commenters who have gotten wise to this Terrorist Two-Step and who are willing to ask questions and willing to talk about it ?

This increased inquisitiveness and scepticism BOUND to happen in the absence of any credible investigation of whats actually being perpetrated by the ever-vigilant guardians of our well-being.

They're getting better at it.

But not fast enough.

People are catching on.

The tide will turn.

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having never been a part of any law enforcment group nor privey to the details of this investigation/arrest i will not comment on its relevance to the stated target/.s

to prepare and try to avoid the worst case is considered good management by many shareholders, where as others decry the expense to hire the best and pay for worst case planning, etc. we expect the police to intercept drunken drivers, even if they spend several hours watching bar patrons before they observe and prevent a drunk from getting behind the wheel, etc

'' the old world has/is changing'' from what many of us grew up in. we have to accept that some people are more experienced, thus aware of the dangers that are out there in the terroist groups as well as those potential members of same. i doubt those who could have been targets, even accidental are complaining like some of the usual doubting thomas, but then being several 1000's of miles from a potential target does seem to make some brave men out of even the most meek.

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Is it just my imagination or are there really not a lot (way way more) TV commenters who have gotten wise to this Terrorist Two-Step and who are willing to ask questions and willing to talk about it ?

Gone are the days when they could completely control the narrative.

This incident reminded me of 'Operation Gladio'. There's plenty of info on it if you look. One of the best is 'NATO's Secret Armies' by Daniele Ganser.

'Detailed forensic examination of the NATO organised and promoted False-flag terrorism that afflicted many European countries, particularly Italy and Germany, through the 1970-80's'

No theory but FACT.

It used to be communists. Now it's Islamic terrorists.

Agreed - the "communists" threat was just that - a threat - yeah, you do that and I'll do this- but didn't really happen.

The muslim murders are happening live on TV these days - a big difference (and have been since the 1990's).

They are real. And they are here.

I can only guess that the fact that so many US citizens have the right to bear arms is the only thing stopping an organised and well planned muslim terrorist attack on mainland US - so far.

Similar to the Japanese school of thought in the 1940's.

Obviously there have been a few "lone wolf" attacks in recent years. And many many more US nutcases killing their own in schools.

Why is that?

Killing in schools is Al-Qaeda or Boko Horam style.

Is there something we don't know?

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Nobody remembers Timothy McVeigh - bet a lot of people wished the FBI had picked him up before the deed.

That's it muddy !

Some people struggle with the basic, moaning and groaning, wouldn't know sheet from clay but throw in a whine anyway

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Ah, yes, yet another impotent sucker who would otherwise have done nothing but talk, entrapped by the finest law enforcement agency in the world.

I feel so much safer.

Well done, Federal Bureau of Inveiglement.

Spot on.

It's the same old story.

The timing is usually significant as well.

Various players in the military/security industry have at one time or another during periods of prosperity or crisis garnered massive "what if" budgets. Not only do they want to keep getting this "what if" money, even if it means scaring the bejesus out of every man/woman & child in their jurisdictional purview they'd lots more of it.

That's why they scare people with this.

It's a cycle, really, as well as a basic "narc" play.

The useful idiots that get pulled in as perpetrators, terrorists or what have you are just hapless fools looking to establish identity. In the majority of cases without their FBI, CIA, NSA "handlers" these guys couldn't find their @$$e$ with both hands and a flashlight.

Give a local ethnic crim a few bucks, an operating budget, guidance, and some "relief from scrutiny", to get these bozo PATSIES in play and (guess what) . . . . . He eventually WILL, okay ?.

The deed is done. Can be horrific. Can be monstrous. Can be "nipped in the planning stages"

The terrorist bozos are then harvested as fodder for the incredibly consensus prone, simplicity prone, hater prone (cough, cough) media.

The usual band of nitwits takes valuable time off watching "Dancing With the Stars" and "pro poker" to suck up this new improved reality TV.

CNN and Fox wheel in their bombastic, "scarificationist" terrorism experts to put the final nonsense pronouncement onto the whole stinking stew of lies, conjecture and waste.

Who benefits from this kind of dross ?

Well, Funseekers, how 'bout we just follow the money.

Isn't it strange that these would be domestic 'terrorists' never have any friends apart from confidential FBI informants. It really is an extraordinary coincidence!

Another sad lone nutter manipulated and entrapped by the FBI. I suppose it makes it look as if they are doing something to justify their huge budget.

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The muslim murders are happening live on TV these days - a big difference (and have been since the 1990's).

They are real. And they are here.

Maybe your onto something here....

Should western media give equal air time/ representation to those killed collaterally damaged to death

in places like Pakistan/Afghanistan etc daily

Will that make it real? Is it unreal now?

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Is it just my imagination or are there really not a lot (way way more) TV commenters who have gotten wise to this Terrorist Two-Step and who are willing to ask questions and willing to talk about it ?

This increased inquisitiveness and scepticism BOUND to happen in the absence of any credible investigation of whats actually being perpetrated by the ever-vigilant guardians of our well-being.

They're getting better at it.

But not fast enough.

People are catching on.

The tide will turn.

Most people will never 'get it' DB. Most people don't have the attention span to educate themselves. It's much easier to watch and agree with the talking heads on main stream media. However, anyone who wishes to education themselves, who wishes to peel back the layers of the onion, who want to 'look down the 'rabbit hole' to see just where it goes", start by looking up Operation Gladio, specially as the "Strategy of Tension" applies to it. Then, draw your own conclusions. This is all public record. BBC Time Watch did a documentary in 1992. Everything can be sourced on the Internet. It can be found on YouTube. However, once you 'get it', once you understand, don't plan to talk about it with your family, friends, or acquaintances because you'll be relegated to the 'tin-foil hat' crowd. wai2.gif

I'm getting too old to be anything but cynical about anything that plays out on the world stage. But then again, I've done my best to remove myself from the stupidity and aim for something simpler, like getting off the soapbox and tending my garden in the village. If the TPTB wish to blow the crap out of the planet, hopefully it won't show up at my village until well after I'm dead, cremated, and floated down the river. Nice thing about Thailand, they have a way of staying out of the sh*t when it hits the proverbial fan, which is one of the reasons I came here. The internal melodrama in Thailand is amusing enough. The global melodrama is not. Now, where did I put my garden hoe... lol.

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