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Friendless in Seattle (pattaya)


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Just got home about an hour ago, my 2 best friends were there waiting for me.

Mr Bee, who is 13 years old, and still manages to wag his tail, and get up and greet me.

And the big plus, number 1 in my eyes, my 10 year old son, who always greets me with love and a big smile.

Who needs anything else?

Edit. I hasten to add my dear Mrs is hear as well, but as the OP was talking about friends..,.,,

By the way the last line is sarcasm, just in case she ever reads this.

Edited by BigBadGeordie
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Just viewed your profile and all of the posts you have started and contributed to, very surprised you have no close friends. NOT!!!

Hello BBG

and of course you are right and I didn't think that you were having a go with your reply.

However and in all fairness I could argue my point on the basis that my OP was accurate in respect of "Real friends"

I have Loads of good mates and golfing , cycling buddiesas well as some nice people on the Soi where I live.

Real friends?

no not really, just two in this town and they are diamonds, the type who would put themselves out for you if you were in any sort of trouble.

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You are blessed indeed OP to have the two good friends you mention here, long may the friendships continue.

I once heard the following description of a true friend. "A person you would not hesitate to call if you were sick and needed help in the middle of the night'

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Pattaya it what it is....I have found that there are many undesirables living there, heavy daily drinkers, X cons, pedophiles, sex pats, scammers, etc etc.... There are also many people who hate anyone who has an education and will go to the extreme to prove you wrong and will get angry in the process. The city is really like a dumping ground. If you don't fit into the above list of inhabitants it is best to find another area to live.

I knew many people there in the past but in time they all fell short of my expectations and I dropped them from my circle of friends. Life is to short and you need to pick your friends wisely.

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