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Thai Commerce Ministry mulls palm oil import


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So, most if not all of what you stated here before can be ignored as it doesn't relate to the current situation.

Oh come on,

Do you want me to dig the old messages you posted in which you made comparison with other events....

Yes there is nothing related (yet) to Suthep today...however if the PM made a statement today, it may because people are scared about a hidden agenda which may not please them (palm industry or buyers)

Now waiting for someone to suggest the Yingluck impeachment session is only meant to divert attention from a hidden agenda in palm oil rolleyes.gif

It seems it will take longer than you jumping on someone who spoke about past oil problems and suspicious actions when Suthep was in the government.... cheesy.gif

Absolutely, my dear chap. Unlike you I do not believe in any of the conspiracy plots, or perfect plans mentioned here.

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Now waiting for someone to suggest the Yingluck impeachment session is only meant to divert attention from a hidden agenda in palm oil rolleyes.gif

It seems it will take longer than you jumping on someone who spoke about past oil problems and suspicious actions when Suthep was in the government.... cheesy.gif

Absolutely, my dear chap. Unlike you I do not believe in any of the conspiracy plots, or perfect plans mentioned here.

You right to not believe in conspiracy plots or perfect plans, it may upset your stomach coffee1.gif

"Conspiracy plots in Thailand? never happened and never will! "

- Prayut -

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Let's see how Suthep will react.

I wonder if this "fight against corruption" will one more time fail when it concerns its own business.

Few of those who support Suthep here seem to not remember how he made millions of baht from it while organizing the shortage of palm oil

those who support Suthep here

I've been reading most political post on this forum since early 2010 and just can't remember anyone who 'supports' Suthep. Most of those you assume were supporters were probably seeing him as the lesser of two evils; still evil, though. Sad to see you bringing Suthep's alleged (never charged; never prosecuted) corruption into the conversation as it adds nothing to the discussion but does illustrate your color-coded thinking indoctrination processes. Now, if you could just link to any 'supporters' of Suthep, I might take you seriously.

You re quite fast to put people in boxes right?

Even Prayut had to make a statement that there is no "hidden agenda" about oil.

So please pursue and call me "red shirt supporter" or even Thaksin..

It's strrange how, as soon, as the pro suthep read something which is not written as a support claim it s made by red supporter.

No, i do not support thaksin, but yes I think Suthep as played with the Army to make a coup against an elected governemnt.

The rice scheme would have been enough to show the true motivation of Yingluk and Co. In fact Suthep just helped them forget what the Thaksin's governments did and focalized them even more again Suthep and Yellow.

Remember when Thaksin first mandate was running? Even those who cannot be mentioned praised him...

Will you go against them too?

So stop your rethoric about the yellow and red stuff.... Suthep is corrupted and will avoid any sanction, which will not help reconcilation, as well as the other corruption cases against his mates which are forgotten, put aside....

Stop putting people in boxes because they talk about the wrongdoing of the side you like or consider as the "lesser evil" (what a stupid way of thinking by the way) and i may take you seriously

Ah! The paranoid mind on display. I never put you in a box. I, as well as others, pointed out the irrelevancy of you post and assigned your distraction of bringing Suthep into the conversation as a way of taking focus off the OP and politicizing it like a good little Red Shirt. Even in your reply to me you want to make arguments that only you want to bring up. (you still haven't addressed the OP) As for putting people in boxes, you are doing a fine job of putting yourself in a box without my help. Pathetic.

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Let's see how Suthep will react.

I wonder if this "fight against corruption" will one more time fail when it concerns its own business.

Few of those who support Suthep here seem to not remember how he made millions of baht from it while organizing the shortage of palm oil

those who support Suthep here

I've been reading most political post on this forum since early 2010 and just can't remember anyone who 'supports' Suthep. Most of those you assume were supporters were probably seeing him as the lesser of two evils; still evil, though. Sad to see you bringing Suthep's alleged (never charged; never prosecuted) corruption into the conversation as it adds nothing to the discussion but does illustrate your color-coded thinking indoctrination processes. Now, if you could just link to any 'supporters' of Suthep, I might take you seriously.

You re quite fast to put people in boxes right?

Even Prayut had to make a statement that there is no "hidden agenda" about oil.

So please pursue and call me "red shirt supporter" or even Thaksin..

It's strrange how, as soon, as the pro suthep read something which is not written as a support claim it s made by red supporter.

No, i do not support thaksin, but yes I think Suthep as played with the Army to make a coup against an elected governemnt.

The rice scheme would have been enough to show the true motivation of Yingluk and Co. In fact Suthep just helped them forget what the Thaksin's governments did and focalized them even more again Suthep and Yellow.

Remember when Thaksin first mandate was running? Even those who cannot be mentioned praised him...

Will you go against them too?

So stop your rethoric about the yellow and red stuff.... Suthep is corrupted and will avoid any sanction, which will not help reconcilation, as well as the other corruption cases against his mates which are forgotten, put aside....

Stop putting people in boxes because they talk about the wrongdoing of the side you like or consider as the "lesser evil" (what a stupid way of thinking by the way) and i may take you seriously

Ah! The paranoid mind on display. I never put you in a box. I, as well as others, pointed out the irrelevancy of you post and assigned your distraction of bringing Suthep into the conversation as a way of taking focus off the OP and politicizing it like a good little Red Shirt. Even in your reply to me you want to make arguments that only you want to bring up. (you still haven't addressed the OP) As for putting people in boxes, you are doing a fine job of putting yourself in a box without my help. Pathetic.

A pathetic answer from a pathetic man living a pathetic life all day long on thaivisa.

if some pointed the irrelevance, some also pointed the relevance of it. Suthep is deeply linked to the palm oil business, so why is it irrelevant?

And one more time the "red shirt"flag...you should consult a shrink.....

My post is politicized because OP is from a politician statement.

If you think pointing the previous problem with oil and what happened at this time and who suffered from it and who earned from it is pathetic, then you should reconsider your way of thinking...which you wont as you seem your comfy box is surrounded by thaivisa threads and red/yellow strips....

Have a good day on thaivisa all day....It seems you have nothing better to do in your life...

Edited by aaacorp
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Let's see how Suthep will react.

I wonder if this "fight against corruption" will one more time fail when it concerns its own business.

Few of those who support Suthep here seem to not remember how he made millions of baht from it while organizing the shortage of palm oil

I don't like suthep but where and when did he ''organise" a shortage?

Just read this if the mods allow this link


so he organized this shortage 5 years ago, that is really clutching at straws and it has no proof at all, only innuendo. I cant stand the man at all but you need to produce something realistic if you are going to make these types of claims, A man named S, sounds like your a fan of the ear medicine man, he knew lots of people with names starting with ?.

You want to put up a theory at least show proof and not some wild he said she said bullsh*t plus it is another claim form an overseas journo, who believes all these

thaksin cronies.

5 years. Go bit further in history to 1995. He was allover news that time on corruption. Remember that TRY was established 1998. Like communists, people supporting Suthep are trying to re-write history

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