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Littering Police vs Tourists


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There are better places then Thailand and their uncountable scams..

But few countries would have an officially sanctioned force set up with the sole intention of screwing money out of unaware tourists in an intimidatory manner.

In the next Police district, Thong Lor they do the search, frisk, piss test routine on tourists. Yep. Forcing tourists to whip it out on the street and fill a bottle.

Got a viagra or blood pressure medicine and no prescription? Oooo that's bad. How would you like to spend 6 months in a Thai jail cell awaiting a court date mister?

A donation will of course clear up the misunderstanding. Give them a hard time and you risk getting planted.

Remember the Airport cop running the shoplifting scam? Locking people up in crummy hotels and draining their ATMs.

Every district has their methods.

West of Lumpini District and down on Silom they are dressed as plain clothes and run the gem scam operation.

You can see them on many busy corners intercepting tourists. Just today, I saw the same guy at the Erawan Shrine. 6 years he stands in front of the Police box scamming tourists.

Goes inside the police box on hot days and rides a police motorbike.

They are all up to something.

Edited by BoneRanger
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You have uncovered another form of "Thainess"...farangs must pay for the littering habits of Thais...This is Thailand...

Foreigners only pay if they drop litter. Which, in my book, is fair enough. It happens in London too. City of Westminster officers can levy on the spot fines for littering, and do.

But don't let me stop those of you who love to shout "scam" at every opportunity!

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Just speaking generally here, and not about "Littering Police" per se: I am happy to see smokers busted for throwing their butts on the street, lawn or beach. World wide there are hundreds-of-millions of butts discarded this way every day. And to those smokers who throw still-lit butts on the beach to be stepped on by a barefoot person, I say f... you!

You wanna smoke 'em, then take responsibility for your own trash and stop littering the world.

Agree totally however the theme of this thread is more these clowns targeting tourists as easy meat...

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If you just strip the ember off and put the filter your pocket they don't charge you. I was stopped once because they saw me smoking and thought they would get some cash, When I pulled the filters out of my pocket they just walked off. The problem is there are very few signs and most tourists that smoke are unaware of the fine.

No the problems is that they target tourist and ignore the Thais. Face it this is a scam that puts money in their pockets. Not meant to stop littering.

But isn't that normal? Most times they target the ones they know will have the cash to pay and ignore those that don't or won't pay.

Pray tell us what the give away sign of the loaded scum.

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There is usually 3 or sometimes 4 of them working in unison.

I have seen them 2 or 3 blocks down the road with their radios watching for potential victims as they walk by and then get in behind them and watch them like a hawk and follow them until one of the smokers throws the butt on the ground.....and that may be 2 or 3 blocks further up the street and across the other side of the intersection of Nana and Sukhumvite., running North / South

If there are any garbage bins available they are impossible to find or do not exist at all around that particular squeeze point.

They always work the same side of the street while they may work the other side but I have never observed them directly across the street or over on the other side.

I guess the pickings are more than good enough on the one side of the street where they have their official Weasel Headquarters table on the side walk, in front of McDonalds.

They are all friendly with the street walking prostitutes and commonly chatting them up.

All you have to do is take a seat at the little outside corner area at McDonalds and watch the action happening.

I always wonder what would happen if the media descended upon them one day and thrust the micro phone in their faces and ask them straight out:

"Why have you guys been around here for more than 20 years and ONLY nabbing foreigners but never nabbing Thais that also smoke and also throw cigarette butts on the side walks.????

"And....Just how much money do you guys extort out of the foreigners per day?? per week??? per month???

Just to embarrass them and harass them for the fun of it ... if anything.


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It's not a scam, they are BMA officers (not police) empowered to collect fines for littering. I can assure you that Thais are stopped, although very infrequently in the tourist areas. There are plenty of bins (nice, big, bright yellow ones), so really there is no excuse.

Yes, it is a scam, an official one in which only foreign tourists are targeted.

Thai are immune. I lived long enough in Soi 10 to observe the Tessagit bandits operating every day between Soi 8 and Times Square, selecting their victims like killer sharks hunting seals. During that period of some three years I also watched the Thai pimps, Mafia runners and motorsai drivers dispense with their cigarette butts anywhere that took their fancy and on numerous occasions take a piss by Chuvit's Park on the corner of Soi 10., all within sight of the Tessagit scum who ignored the so called anti-littering laws.

Laws like these only apply to foreigners, never Thai. Thai are renown for their racism, that's why foreigners have no rights.

I'm not bitching about it. It's simply a statement of truth. Incidentally, there are no bins between Soi 10 and Times Square but there is a pedestal ashtray which the Tessagit scum conceal behind a tree near their kiosk which they show the hapless victim after he has been scalped. Cynical buggers, really, and have no shame - why would they? We are foreigners and therefore only worth what we can give.

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You have uncovered another form of "Thainess"...farangs must pay for the littering habits of Thais...This is Thailand...

Foreigners only pay if they drop litter. Which, in my book, is fair enough. It happens in London too. City of Westminster officers can levy on the spot fines for littering, and do.

But don't let me stop those of you who love to shout "scam" at every opportunity!

Except in London the wardens don't bother with fining tourists since it is too much trouble to enforce and only levy fines on Brits. Ironic, eh?

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Start 'smoking' e-cigs.

Many problems solved.


Nope. They're illegal.

So are prostitutes, corruption, riding without helmets, riding 3 up, riding on the wrong side of the road and and and....

And as far as I know, only selling them (along with the vape juice) is illegal here. Not using them.

Edited by OmegaRacer
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If you have ever seen Silom road at 5.00 in the morning, it is like a rubbish tip.

By 7.00 am it has all been cleared up, not a cigarette butt in sight.

So Thais know to dump their rubbish in the streets for a nightly clean up.

So for many people they see nothing wrong in throwing rubbish wherever they are.

Of course if the street is not cleaned regularly...........

In Nha Trang,Vietnam,i was horrified when my mate threw empty tinnies off the 1st floor balcony.He said if the locals didn't clean them up straight away the morning crew would.Sure enough they were gone as soon as they hit the ground.

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It's not a scam, they are BMA officers (not police) empowered to collect fines for littering. I can assure you that Thais are stopped, although very infrequently in the tourist areas. There are plenty of bins (nice, big, bright yellow ones), so really there is no excuse.

Yes, it is a scam, an official one in which only foreign tourists are targeted.

Thai are immune. I lived long enough in Soi 10 to observe the Tessagit bandits operating every day between Soi 8 and Times Square, selecting their victims like killer sharks hunting seals. During that period of some three years I also watched the Thai pimps, Mafia runners and motorsai drivers dispense with their cigarette butts anywhere that took their fancy and on numerous occasions take a piss by Chuvit's Park on the corner of Soi 10., all within sight of the Tessagit scum who ignored the so called anti-littering laws.

Laws like these only apply to foreigners, never Thai. Thai are renown for their racism, that's why foreigners have no rights.

I'm not bitching about it. It's simply a statement of truth. Incidentally, there are no bins between Soi 10 and Times Square but there is a pedestal ashtray which the Tessagit scum conceal behind a tree near their kiosk which they show the hapless victim after he has been scalped. Cynical buggers, really, and have no shame - why would they? We are foreigners and therefore only worth what we can give.

So littering foreigners shouldn't be fined? I'd be delighted if litter dropping Thais were fined but the BMA coffers won't be filled quickly that way. If a relatively wealthy foreigner is stupid enough to drop litter, he/she deserves a fine.

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If you just strip the ember off and put the filter your pocket they don't charge you. I was stopped once because they saw me smoking and thought they would get some cash, When I pulled the filters out of my pocket they just walked off. The problem is there are very few signs and most tourists that smoke are unaware of the fine.

No the problems is that they target tourist and ignore the Thais. Face it this is a scam that puts money in their pockets. Not meant to stop littering.

But isn't that normal? Most times they target the ones they know will have the cash to pay and ignore those that don't or won't pay.

Pray tell us what the give away sign of the loaded scum.

I have been wearing the same coupla pair of boardys and singlets for years,seem to leave me alone.One of the things i love about Thailand,no dress regulations.

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It's not a scam, they are BMA officers (not police) empowered to collect fines for littering. I can assure you that Thais are stopped, although very infrequently in the tourist areas. There are plenty of bins (nice, big, bright yellow ones), so really there is no excuse.

Yes, it is a scam, an official one in which only foreign tourists are targeted.

Thai are immune. I lived long enough in Soi 10 to observe the Tessagit bandits operating every day between Soi 8 and Times Square, selecting their victims like killer sharks hunting seals. During that period of some three years I also watched the Thai pimps, Mafia runners and motorsai drivers dispense with their cigarette butts anywhere that took their fancy and on numerous occasions take a piss by Chuvit's Park on the corner of Soi 10., all within sight of the Tessagit scum who ignored the so called anti-littering laws.

Laws like these only apply to foreigners, never Thai. Thai are renown for their racism, that's why foreigners have no rights.

I'm not bitching about it. It's simply a statement of truth. Incidentally, there are no bins between Soi 10 and Times Square but there is a pedestal ashtray which the Tessagit scum conceal behind a tree near their kiosk which they show the hapless victim after he has been scalped. Cynical buggers, really, and have no shame - why would they? We are foreigners and therefore only worth what we can give.

I've lived on Suk. Soi 10 for many years ... and I've walked the Soi 2 to Soi 21 area many many times, and I've yet to notice one of these so called litter police. Not even once. And yet there are commenters here who claim to have seen them many times, and know there every move. We must live in parallel Sukhumvits.

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they work the daytime hours and even have a table in front of McDonalds at Soi 5

I never saw them on the even numbered sois but do not go on them often ,

They are there ,

littering is against the law for tourists and Thais , thats my bitch about the whole thing grab as many Thais and fine them too !

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Surely the obvious answer is to carry a baccy tin,

when you finish cig, place butt in tin.

You could have a bit of fun if there was a group ofsmokers

light up in front of them,wait while they follow you till you

then produce your tin.

Let them follow a group one after the other.


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Easy give up smoking.

Then no body can make a problem about cig ends!!!

Or simply hang on for a place with an ashtray.

It isn't a plot to entrap tourists, just an effort to catch those that surely will be littering.

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