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Pattaya guard beats foreign tourist unconscious 'out of misunderstanding'


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Why the hell they should beat up someone even if he does not have enough money?? They can easily call police to take action. No wonder less tourist are coming here day by day.

Yeah the implication is that it would be OK to put him in the hospital if he really had been doing a runner. Is this social attitude about how Thai people feel about their POLICE? Yeah I understand criminal gangs everywhere settle scores without police but we're talking about a legit business out there in public. Also assuming it wasn't an overblown scam bill like at some Karaoke bars, etc. which are of course internally "enforced" ... instead that the charges weren't a big shock.

Edited by Jingthing
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boycott Honey Bar. dont go there hopefully it goes under.

You think that ThaiVisa members constitute enough of the bar's customers to control it's financial future?

...so far 4 have said they'll boycott the bar but one of them didn't even know where the bar is so his custom won't be missed and another one said he very rarely goes there so it's unlikely the "boycott" will put the bar out of business.

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boycott Honey Bar. dont go there hopefully it goes under.

I would rather see the bar made responsible for the actions of its security guard.

A fine, a temporary closure, or financial responsibility for his hospital bill.

At least a waiving of the owed amount!

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Obviously there is much more to this story than is relayed in the article. I will reserve judgment on both parties until a more credible account is made.

Nothing 'obvious' at all. Just your opinion.

Yes, it is just an opinion...as is every other post here unless someone was actually at the bar and witnesses what happened. I mean, you can't tell anything from the bare-bones of this "news" report. However, my opinion is based on my lived experience of Thailand for 15 years and never having been beat up by anyone, Thai or farang, while drinking at any type of adult entertainment establishment (even in the raunchy straight ones). I've also had need on many occasions to step out to the nearest ATM and top-up my funds in order to pay my bin and again, never been assaulted by anyone. I guess I just lead a charmed life or this fella is just plain unlucky.

So your opinion (based on you living here for 15 years) is that there's obviously more to the story then? Not that there 'could be' more to the story.. Interesting. I have also lived in Thailand for 15 years and never been attacked by mad watch sellers, mad lifeguards or insane security guards and their motor bike gang mates. Like you I must be leading a charmed life? I think this guy was just unlucky, if the story is correctly reported. I wonder if he was a regular? Regarding the security guard hero, I wonder what substances would found in his body if a tox screen was run on him? Like you, I've gone to the ATM for a top up although I usually do it before the bin comes. Maybe another reason why my life might have been charmed thus far is I've never drunk in the toilet that is Pattaya, I just don't go to those places.

Ignoring your ad hominem arguments, yeah, there is at the very least one "more" side to the story...the security fellas account of the supposed "attack" for starters. But of course I know this couldn't possibly be of any interest to all the Thai bashers and haters who jump up and immediately start bashing Thais and Thailand based on sketchy reports in what passes for the press in these parts. It's ironic that most of these posts seems to come from countries where people are usually presumed to be innocent until some sort of evidence shows otherwise. I guess to these posters Thais just aren't people worthy of such consideration.

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For all of you wearing your rosé colored glasses, something like this may someday happen to you. In Thailand it is not a question of will something bad happen it is only a question of when.

And for all you people living in London-- Glasgow--the USA who are all completely safe and sound & nothing like this would ever happen over there-----stay at home, be safe....................coffee1.gif



PS & you can donate your rose colored glasses to ttthailand, so he can carry on scaremongering.

sanuk711, you just don't get it.... This guy is a tourist not a local. There is a good chance he has been seeing on TV and reading in advertisements about how Thai people are so nice and this being the "Land of Smiles" . There is a good chance he has believed this and thus has lowered his guard and look what happens.... If this was the first time I have seen this I would say fine but I have witnessed it many times here. Never saw any where else in the world things like this happen in tourist areas to foreigners.

I have lived here many years and am street wise so I am more careful but still go out and enjoy.

My Rose color glasses came off after about 5 years. I think until then you still feel like you are on holiday and only see the good.

Much worse has happened to tourists in America...a good number of them have been shot and killed for having the temerity of knocking on someone's front door when they were lost or had a flat tire. Confrontations like this, notwithstanding what may have precipitated it, happen every nite in every tourist destination on earth...especially in commercial sex districts like So-Ho in London or the Reeperbahn in Hamburg. Why should Pattaya be any different?

Imagine a shooter in the US justifying murder with the same reasoning - and pointing to this incident in Pattaya, a world away, as an example. Or saying worse things happen in Somalia. How would that seem? Crazy? Now how is it justified with your comparison?

They justify it with even less...he/she was black or yellow.

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I think it must have been lack of communication between the russian victim and bar staff. He should have asked one of the girls to follow him to the ATM. Most probably the Russian couldn't speak a word of English. No excuse of course.

A likely scenario. Usually, when I have had to do this, there is a nearby ATM within easy eyesight of the bar and they can monitor me easily. If I'm not know at the bar and I have to do this, especially like recently when the nearest ATM was around the corner from the bar, I will leave something of value behind...maybe a watch, ATM card, my iPad, etc. never had the slightest problem with anyone and not terrified of "unprovoked" violence like so many here appear to be. It must suck to go through life like that.

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Very lucky he didn't die ,5 blokes giving you a shoeing on the deck,, Only need one kick in the wrong place and you are gone

Love to see some justice , either from the police or the security guard getting smashed up

Ah but if he did die then we all know the police would say that it could not be a Thai who did this and must be illegal foreign workers.

Every one knows Thai men are so placid and never violent.


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The gaurd called for help ! What a brave man he must have been ! can it never be 1 on 1 in this place?????

"one on one" is for sports only - if you want one on one go into a muay thai ring.

I don't understand why some people can seriously expect a fair fight when the matter is serious ?

When Thais fight, it's to win - using any available means. Everyone better remember this.

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The gaurd called for help ! What a brave man he must have been ! can it never be 1 on 1 in this place?????

Sure, against a wife, kid, or man in a wheelchair.

Well I am a wife with a kid alone. My neighbour 3 times my size and his wife routinely gang up on me. I have been hit with a steal bar, punched, almost run over and threatened with a gun. Many times over the last 5 years. When he is alone not a peep. When she is alone not a peep. If I happen to come home when both are there, I should run. Not to mention he has video .he cuts the video of them hitting me and shows only the video of me fighting back. I have been prosecuted 3 times. The prosecutor told me I must stand still and let him hit me then I will have bruises to show the police (she says).

I could fight her alone. I could even fight him alone. But not 2.

Thai never fight fair.

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Ah, great, such news are now pouring in on a daily Basis. laugh.png

Didn't the Thai tourism minister say yesterday that "all problems have been addressed and everything is fine now " ?

Maybe invite that guy (after he recovered if he does) to the next THIS IS THAINESS festival at Suan Lumpinee so to teach him about local custom before things happen ;-)

try drinking in city bar anywhere round the world and then try to fob half the bill off.

not nice he got beat up but we only got half the story. there are some serious mouth merchants from the UK in pattay who think the world owes them a living and the locals they regard with utter disdain.

who knows he may have had it coming


He really deserved to get his head kicked in by s mob over a few hundred Baht

After he offered to go to an ATM

Some serious mouth merchants also from all other country's who come to Patts

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Well there's a new Sheriff in town let's see what he's going to do about this attack.

Is he going to initiate criminal proceedings against the bar owner and staff or even advise the victim that he can file his own criminal case against these scum?

Are the TVP going to explain to the victim what legal recourse is at his disposal?

If the Police don't press charges then it's another case swept under the carpet and these beatings and killings will continue unabated.

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News.ch7.com stated that the initial attacker was identified as Mr Chanchai Waidee, a Pattaya municipal official who was moonlighting at the bar as a security guard. He claimed the fight started when the drunk patron refused to pay his bill and he was only defending himself. The motorcycle guys just happened to be passing and came to his aid.
Other reports quoted eyewitnesses as saying the foreigner was crossing the road to go the ATM when the security guard knocked him down with a punch and called the motorcycle guys over who laid into him as well.
Apparently customers at the bar who'd seen the attack paid up and left, some going home and others moving on to other bars.
The Honey Bar is located in the VIP Centre on Pattaya-Nalgua Rd. Edited by katana
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Of course overwhelming majority of Thai men are cowards. Never got the balls to do anything 1-1. Its with " associates,guns,knives or some other weapon!

To be fair, according to the article, the guard did first hit the oblivious foreigner, before he called for reinforcements.

I'm missing something here. To be fair !!! You have a warped sense of fair play.

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A Pattaya municipal official did this? Not good at all, I hope they kick his coward ass in jail and the taxi boys should be very easy to find as they have their allocated places.

It's mentioned in a English news paper which name we are not allowed to mention that the police says it tarnished the reputation of this fine city and they will hunt down the suspects.

The reputation of Pattaya is going downhill fast and if it's getting worse, people will go else where.

I hope the Major and police chief are aware of this and act accordingly.

I hope the Russian recover fully and City hall pays his medical expenses.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A Pattaya municipal official did this? Not good at all, I hope they kick his coward ass in jail and the taxi boys should be very easy to find as they have their allocated places.

It's mentioned in a English news paper which name we are not allowed to mention that the police says it tarnished the reputation of this fine city and they will hunt down the suspects.

The reputation of Pattaya is going downhill fast and if it's getting worse, people will go else where.

I hope the Major and police chief are aware of this and act accordingly.

I hope the Russian recover fully and City hall pays his medical expenses.

I read that Paper , good to see what the copper said and that everyone left the bar and went elsewhere, lets hope that continues

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A Pattaya municipal official did this? Not good at all, I hope they kick his coward ass in jail and the taxi boys should be very easy to find as they have their allocated places.

It's mentioned in a English news paper which name we are not allowed to mention that the police says it tarnished the reputation of this fine city and they will hunt down the suspects.

The reputation of Pattaya is going downhill fast and if it's getting worse, people will go else where.

I hope the Major and police chief are aware of this and act accordingly.

I hope the Russian recover fully and City hall pays his medical expenses.

Sarcasm has it's place, but you may have gone a little OTT here. I'm sure the 'Major' has a team working around the clock on this one, although it appears he may be a man down.

On a more serious note, those of us who frequent bars in central Pattaya might like to consider the distinct possibility of a large-scale Police presence in your favorite bar complex tonight - nothing like a show of force and the odd license check to reassure the public that they're in safe hands, eh fellas ? Feel free to pick up any stray motosai riders while you're down there.

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I agree with many things that have been written here but, I am sure there is more to this than meets the eye, if it had been me I would of said I am sorry I need to go to the ATM machine can one of the staff go with me and I will come back in 5 minutes, don't see a problem with that.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I agree with many things that have been written here but, I am sure there is more to this than meets the eye, if it had been me I would of said I am sorry I need to go to the ATM machine can one of the staff go with me and I will come back in 5 minutes, don't see a problem with that.

Apparently he did say something like that , he was pissed and Russian , so who knows who understood him. However there is no exuse for punching him and then getting 4 of your coward , scum mates to kick him uncouscious

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Even if I couldn't communicate verbally, I like to think I could get my point across. I could show them my wallet and what money I have, then show them my ATM card and say ATM. Then point at my watch and show 5 fingers indicating 5 minutes and motion for him to come with me, while showing respectful body language and smiling. Maybe he was too drunk, maybe he was too obnoxious, maybe he tried to run out.... or maybe they understood and just thought it would be more fun to beat him half to death.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Even if I couldn't communicate verbally, I like to think I could get my point across. I could show them my wallet and what money I have, then show them my ATM card and say ATM. Then point at my watch and show 5 fingers indicating 5 minutes and motion for him to come with me, while showing respectful body language and smiling. Maybe he was too drunk, maybe he was too obnoxious, maybe he tried to run out.... or maybe they understood and just thought it would be more fun to beat him half to death.

Yes , tell them you are going to the ATM through the Medium of Mime

Just show them the card would suffice I'd say . This bloke has no responsibility at all for this

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Fortunately I'm fluent in mime, but I do tend to be long winded at times. smile.png

I hope he doesn't have the same problem when it's time to pay his hospital bill!

Yes I believe by the time you had finished that Mime the bar would have been closedsmile.png

I doubt he'll be Walking out of there, There is always the possibility the Nurses pushing his wheelchair will be beaten unconscious if he leaves before the bill is paid

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Ah, great, such news are now pouring in on a daily Basis. laugh.png

Didn't the Thai tourism minister say yesterday that "all problems have been addressed and everything is fine now " ?

Maybe invite that guy (after he recovered if he does) to the next THIS IS THAINESS festival at Suan Lumpinee so to teach him about local custom before things happen ;-)

try drinking in city bar anywhere round the world and then try to fob half the bill off.

not nice he got beat up but we only got half the story. there are some serious mouth merchants from the UK in pattay who think the world owes them a living and the locals they regard with utter disdain.

who knows he may have had it coming

Do you not know how to read or are you being intentionally obtuse?

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