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NLA impeaches Yingluck with 190 votes

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180 to 18 , well the NLA is not loaded one way then is it. Shame on them and their anti democratic masters

This was all cut and dried neatly packaged and rubber stamped. The 18 that voted against will no doubt be shunned.

The 18 will be just fine.

The powers that be didn't want a repeat of the 99% in favor vote that got them mocked by the foreign press last time.

Lesson learned, have to keep up appearances.


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I can certainly understand both verdicts. Malfeasance on the part of M/s Yingluck is obvious.

The two speakers were charged with acting unconstitutionally in the attempted amendment of the basis of the Senate . I think it would be very hypocritical of an Assembly appointed by a military junta, which threw out the constitution, to find others guilty of acting unconstitutionally.


Shortly after her impeachment, Ms Yingluck was due to hold a news conference at a Bangkok hotel.

But troops arrived and prevented her from speaking.


that says it all

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Not surprising that Thailand's rubber stamp parliament, installed by the NCPO voted yes on impeachment for Yingluck.

It has nothing to do with accountability let alone justice. These people never learn, amazing.

Ignoring the political rhetoric can you explain why you believe she was not negligent?

No let's not ignore it, as it clearly shows how illegitimate this whole charade really is. As to negligent, the rice scheme might not have been the best idea, one cannot forget that she was entitled to introduce it due to her government holding 300 out of 500 seats in parliament. Likewise her decision to continue it, despite alleged corruption isn't negligence.

Sjaak327 said: ''Likewise her decision to continue it, (ride pledging scheme) despite alleged corruption isn't negligence''. As Yingluck was Chairwoman of the Rice Scheme, and Prime Minister, she had every right to continue with the Scheme. However, to blindly continue with the Rice Scheme whilst ignoring the inherent problems raised in media and the House, and avoiding investigation, is surely the perfect definition of Negligence?

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Voted to remove her ?

Remove her from what exactly !

Precisely. I know there are lots of 'experts' on here in respect of the rice-pledging scheme etc., but I thought impeachment was defined as voting to remove a current president etc. from office - by a properly elected chamber.

I suppose the Thai's like Americanisms and can do what they like. coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4


Impeaching Yingluck is the biggest joke I have seen in YEARS!!! The minority and rich elite got their wish with a junta stacked vote. No Yingluck in the next elections!! Why when Thaksin gave the poor Thai people help with medical care and the rice scheme, the opposition called it corruption and buying votes? Why when the junta gave cash subsidies to the poor, the opposition call it a great thing! I am dazed and confused! Please explain this to me!


180 to 18 , well the NLA is not loaded one way then is it. Shame on them and their anti democratic masters

It implies to me that 10 times the number of members deemed that she deserves to be impeached than those that didn't. Shame on those 18 that were either chicken or got it wrong!!

Goes to show that crime doesn't pay and putting the nation at risk of bankruptcy is foolhardy and irresponsible and she fully deserves her ban.

Can't wait for March now!!

Great! Lets have an election and let the thai people decide. Guess you don't want that right? They are too stupid for democracy and need the "good" unelected people decide for them right?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes all of the democracy-hating and military coup junta-loving people here must be feeling very satisfied that....

"Thailand's junta-stacked parliament voted overwhelmingly....

Gee... imagine that! I'm amazed! The General's men voted according to their Boss's wishes.... unheard of!

Democracy is over-rated anyway right?

Next you'll be telling us how good it is to be under the domination of ISIS...

So, does that mean you think Ms. Yingluck should not be held responsible and accountable for something she herself stated as being in charge in the last censure debate ?

When you are managing something at the top , you are only as good as the information you are given. Or did you expect her to rifling through draws looking at receipts

She said she was in charge, she said she listened to warnings and took them into account, her hand picked ministers made similar remarks. Her defence remarks about different figures and her own administration's conflicting figures only show her either ignorant about the meaning, or negligent on getting the right data.

So skipping the suggestion some made of 'ignorant airhead', like the NLA I stick to her having been at least negligent.

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Not surprising that Thailand's rubber stamp parliament, installed by the NCPO voted yes on impeachment for Yingluck.

It has nothing to do with accountability let alone justice. These people never learn, amazing.

It has all to do with holding a former PM to her word of transparency and accountability.

From her 'maiden' speech in parliament on the 9th of August, 2011

"1.3 Earnestly prevent and fight against corruption in the public sector by adhering to transparency and good governance which are universally accepted norms to ensure the effective use of resources for national development and true benefits to the nation; amend laws with a view to preventing and fighting against corruption; broaden the enforcement of legislation regarding prohibition of conflicts of interest to include persons who abuse power arising from their important and high positions without exception; rigorously enforce law to deal with corruption by government officers; strengthen morals, ethics and good governance of state personnel;and, foster consciousness and values of society which uphold integrity and justice."

"8.1.5 Strengthen moral standards, ethics and good governance for civil servants and public officials. Increase transparency in public agencies. Make determined efforts to prevent and suppress corruption and misconduct among civil servants and public officials in order to gain people’s trust and confidence, with the participation of civil society and communities, by legislative revisions to make high-ranking and influential civil servants and public officials, including from independent entities, publicly declare their assets and liabilities for the sake of transparency, as well as provide more opportunities for public scrutiny. Develop and employ more social measures in tandem with enforcing laws to prevent and suppress corruption and misconduct. Encourage social values that support adherence to loyalty, honesty, equality and righteousness. "

"8.1.7 Enhance transparency of the public sector by establishing inspection and performance assessment systems, based on moral and ethical standards, as well as value for money. Develop follow-up processes, provide information, and improve the procurement systems and state fiscal spending to ensure honesty and effiency."

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180 to 18 , well the NLA is not loaded one way then is it. Shame on them and their anti democratic masters

It implies to me that 10 times the number of members deemed that she deserves to be impeached than those that didn't. Shame on those 18 that were either chicken or got it wrong!!

Goes to show that crime doesn't pay and putting the nation at risk of bankruptcy is foolhardy and irresponsible and she fully deserves her ban.

Can't wait for March now!!

Great! Lets have an election and let the thai people decide. Guess you don't want that right? They are too stupid for democracy and need the "good" unelected people decide for them right?

Great! Ignore laws and let people decide. Please go to the facebook page and press like now.

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Impeaching Yingluck is the biggest joke I have seen in YEARS!!! The minority and rich elite got their wish with a junta stacked vote. No Yingluck in the next elections!! Why when Thaksin gave the poor Thai people help with medical care and the rice scheme, the opposition called it corruption and buying votes? Why when the junta gave cash subsidies to the poor, the opposition call it a great thing! I am dazed and confused! Please explain this to me!

You mixed various items which do not relate.

Here we only discuss the impeachment based on 'negligence' by Ms. Yingluck. She was in charge, she stated to have listened to warnings, comments, taken all into account and now dodges the responsibility of a 'self-financing' scheme ending up as 700 billion Baht loss.

Had she budgeted a hundred billion Baht in the National Budget with reasoning, accounting, there would be no such uproar. Instead she positioned the RPPS as 'self-financing' to avoid a.o. a too high deficit in the National Budget..

Furthermore do some reading and searching. Have fun.

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Voted to remove her ?

Remove her from what exactly !

Exactly! How can you impeach someone who has already been kicked out by a coup?

She wasn't kicked out be a coup. Posting lies and disinformation is against forum rules.

Of course she was. Or have you forgotten?

"Thailand's new military junta detained ousted Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and two of her family members on Friday, one day after the army seized control of the volatile nation in a bloodless coup."



No legitimacy AT ALL just another witch hunt from an unelected Junta that stole power from the people at the point of a gun

while it may appease the T hater on TV just remember what this guy is doing one step at a time to the country

You forgot the "poor girl with those guys being so mean".

Meanwhile the BAAC still manages the 700 billion debt the Yingluck government stood guarantee for.


whilst some of you are orgasmic about this result please keep in mind that it was by an unelected body appointed by a military junta

Indeed, it's truly amazing they came to the right conclusion, isn't it?

A self-financing scheme gone horribly wrong, defended by Ms. Yingluck, warnings taken care of she said and still 700 billion Baht loss.


PTP is an individual party not a National Assembly can't you see the difference??

Yes I can. At the time the PTP government was ruling the country and attempting to do just about anything it wanted.

The NLA isn't.

Sorry, the NLA isn't ruling the country and doing anything it wants?

Rubl is constantly telling us it represents the house and senate - so ruling the country, and todays performance seems to indicate that it is doing exactly what it wants!

You would have a hard time to objectively defend Ms. Yingluck from the charge of 'negligence'. Too many of her statements on record to even believe 'negligence'. The NLA seems to have been mild in their condemnation.


Not surprising that Thailand's rubber stamp parliament, installed by the NCPO voted yes on impeachment for Yingluck.

It has nothing to do with accountability let alone justice. These people never learn, amazing.

Ignoring the political rhetoric can you explain why you believe she was not negligent?

No let's not ignore it, as it clearly shows how illegitimate this whole charade really is. As to negligent, the rice scheme might not have been the best idea, one cannot forget that she was entitled to introduce it due to her government holding 300 out of 500 seats in parliament. Likewise her decision to continue it, despite alleged corruption isn't negligence.

So a scheme positioned and defended as 'self-financing', with statements of 'warnings listened to and taken into account', 'financing arranged' and a debt left of 700 billion Baht is not negligence?

I totally agree with you. It's more like 'defrauding the State' and I only leave out 'criminal' because 'defrauding' already implies that.

Just imagine how Dutch politics and people would react if a PM would even try such shenanigans.

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Now she is being punished not the amount she deserves but enough to keep peace in the nation and send a message to future politicians that they will never be free from prosecution if they are involved in corruption. Thailand is free of the Shinawatra corrupt clan at last.

Look for more charges against other PTP members.

Justice and we still get the TV negative type room to complain. They still have a purpose in life.thumbsup.gif

Now we just have to worry about the megalomaniac with absolute power who has taken her place.

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Most intenational media reported this as political persecution. Only happen after a coup with a kangaroo court. They even gagged her from having a news briefing. Surely now the junta have the balls to call for an early election or do they have any.

The bloody cheek of the NLA, a mizerly 700 billion Baht somehow mislaid and she as PM made responsible. What's the world coming to.

"Thailand's former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said Friday that democracy in her country was dead, after the military-appointed legislature voted to ban her from politics for five years and the prosecutor announced plans to indict her on criminal charges in connection with a money-losing rice subsidy program.


On her Facebook page, Yingluck said she still wants to see reconciliation and democracy in Thailand strengthened, "even though today Thai democracy has died, along with the rule of law." She cancelled a scheduled news conference after her lawyers said the military authorities advised she risked violating martial law."




Now she is being punished not the amount she deserves but enough to keep peace in the nation and send a message to future politicians that they will never be free from prosecution if they are involved in corruption. Thailand is free of the Shinawatra corrupt clan at last.

Look for more charges against other PTP members.

Justice and we still get the TV negative type room to complain. They still have a purpose in life.thumbsup.gif

Now we just have to worry about the megalomaniac with absolute power who has taken her place.

No need to worry.

"A mass political protest by the Red Shirts remains unlikely for now, said London-based analyst Ambika Ahuja of the Eurasia Group consultancy.

"Thaksin will likely continue to hold off on any active political movement, maintaining a long-term strategy rather than pushing for an immediate end game. However, there will be a rise in anti-military rhetoric and more opponents will openly question the army's legitimacy," she said."



Voted to remove her ?

Remove her from what exactly !

Exactly! How can you impeach someone who has already been kicked out by a coup?

She wasn't kicked out be a coup. Posting lies and disinformation is against forum rules.

Of course she was. Or have you forgotten?

"Thailand's new military junta detained ousted Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and two of her family members on Friday, one day after the army seized control of the volatile nation in a bloodless coup."


Ms. Yingluck was kicked out a few weeks before, by a court ruling.

"The Constitutional Court ruled Wednesday that caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra committed a conflict of interest by making the post of national police chief vacant for her relative.

In the ruling, which was still being read, the court called Pol Gen Priewphan Damapong Yingluck's relative although the prime minister argued that her brother, Thaksin Shinawatra, had divorced Priewphan's sister, Potjaman Na Pombejr."


"Thailand’s Constitutional Court has found caretaker prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra guilty in the illegal transfer of National Security Council secretary Thawil Pliensri and has ordered her to step down."


BTW interesting quoted with that 'detained'. As usual all the others detained seem forgotten, Pheu Thai MPs, UDD leaders, PDRC leaders, opposition resigned MPs, etc., etc.


PTP is an individual party not a National Assembly can't you see the difference??

Yes I can. At the time the PTP government was ruling the country and attempting to do just about anything it wanted.

The NLA isn't.

Sorry, the NLA isn't ruling the country and doing anything it wants?

Rubl is constantly telling us it represents the house and senate - so ruling the country, and todays performance seems to indicate that it is doing exactly what it wants!

You would have a hard time to objectively defend Ms. Yingluck from the charge of 'negligence'. Too many of her statements on record to even believe 'negligence'. The NLA seems to have been mild in their condemnation.

Early candidate for award for pot and kettle there Rubie.

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This is not really "news," is it? Every move made by the junta thus far has been textbook. They erroneously believe that getting rid or her will allow them to win power in an election. All they have done is create a martyr and strengthen the resolve of the opposition. It is sad that so many can't read the writing on the wall.

Thailand, thanks to the past elected governments, has advanced too far into the future to return to its past. If you are observant' and were around for comparison, Thailand is in the late 1960s to early 1970s, in terms of its social evolution. The youth are challenging convention, wearing hippie-style hair and clothing, concerned about civil rights, and embracing technology. They will make Thailand's future and efforts to re-program their minds will have the opposite effect from the one intended.

It is looking more and more like civil war is on the horizon. Believe me, I hope I am wrong because of the suffering the people will have to endure. I am most concerned for my family members. I have young grandchildren, whom I hope will benefit from a bright future. Grandma now has a US passport, so we can get everyone to the embassy and seek asylum, if it really hits the fan. I hope all of the bombastic expats on here also have an exit plan. If you've invested your life savings there, I'd be keen to liquidate some or all of those assets and repatriate them out of Thailand for safe keeping before the bottom falls out of the market.

Just my two baht's worth.

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Sorry, the NLA isn't ruling the country and doing anything it wants?

Rubl is constantly telling us it represents the house and senate - so ruling the country, and todays performance seems to indicate that it is doing exactly what it wants!

You would have a hard time to objectively defend Ms. Yingluck from the charge of 'negligence'. Too many of her statements on record to even believe 'negligence'. The NLA seems to have been mild in their condemnation.

Early candidate for award for pot and kettle there Rubie.

Although I'm of course honored by such nomination in itself, I am wondering a bit about the justification which should accompany the nomination unsure.png

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This is not really "news," is it? Every move made by the junta thus far has been textbook. They erroneously believe that getting rid or her will allow them to win power in an election. All they have done is create a martyr and strengthen the resolve of the opposition. It is sad that so many can't read the writing on the wall.

Thailand, thanks to the past elected governments, has advanced too far into the future to return to its past. If you are observant' and were around for comparison, Thailand is in the late 1960s to early 1970s, in terms of its social evolution. The youth are challenging convention, wearing hippie-style hair and clothing, concerned about civil rights, and embracing technology. They will make Thailand's future and efforts to re-program their minds will have the opposite effect from the one intended.

It is looking more and more like civil war is on the horizon. Believe me, I hope I am wrong because of the suffering the people will have to endure. I am most concerned for my family members. I have young grandchildren, whom I hope will benefit from a bright future. Grandma now has a US passport, so we can get everyone to the embassy and seek asylum, if it really hits the fan. I hope all of the bombastic expats on here also have an exit plan. If you've invested your life savings there, I'd be keen to liquidate some or all of those assets and repatriate them out of Thailand for safe keeping before the bottom falls out of the market.

Just my two baht's worth.

You're right this is not really news. With all information available the NLA could hardly have voted differently.


How can Yingluck be impeached when she isn't in office and no one has been tried never mind convicted yet?

not even moderate "yellows" think this is good news. it just shows that after months of trying General Prayuth gave in to hardliners and went ahead.

Decades more of color coded politics is what awaits, but the TV yellow crazies won't mind they'll cheer like it's a football game.

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Voted to remove her ?

Remove her from what exactly !

Please go learn what impeachment means. Also where does it say anything about removal?


How can Yingluck be impeached when she isn't in office and no one has been tried never mind convicted yet?

not even moderate "yellows" think this is good news. it just shows that after months of trying General Prayuth gave in to hardliners and went ahead.

Decades more of color coded politics is what awaits, but the TV yellow crazies won't mind they'll cheer like it's a football game.

How can she be impeached? Didn't you watch the news?

'rule of law', holding a former PM to her responsibilities and accountability. Only crazies seem to have a problem with that.

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Shortly after her impeachment, Ms Yingluck was due to hold a news conference at a Bangkok hotel.

But troops arrived and prevented her from speaking.


that says it all

You're surprised?

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