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Is Australia network switched off now?


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Steven100, where did you get the information "now been cut and decommisioned" as there is nothing on their website or facebook page to indicate this ?? the info I received 2nd hand is that they need to re-set the settings to receive via streaming ??

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That's very bad!

Last year austrialia network was a while fta on 68 east

Tv logo looks now diffrent could also

Receive it in Europe with a 2,5 m dish in cband!

Bought a telcom box last year In Bali holiday, but now subscribtion runing out,someone here that can reactivate it?

Not have a true cable connection here..

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What I enjoy the documentary and the clear slowly good understandible Aussie English!

The weather show , and animation of the forecast map was little old school style like 20 year ago same on nhk but in total was always something interesting on the Aussie network!

Espasaly for those who got tiered of the daily national geographic and discovery soap opera , with there endless same series how it's made true the warm whole with Morgan freeman and the 10000th snake show,Aus network was defently the right channel to see something in a diffrent perspective !

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Steven100, where did you get the information "now been cut and decommisioned" as there is nothing on their website or facebook page to indicate this ?? the info I received 2nd hand is that they need to re-set the settings to receive via streaming ??

Thanks gkroo, let me check it out further maybe still working and the provider gave me bad info.


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It went from Australia Network to Australia Plus late last year. It has now been cut and decommissioned.

Just another act to forcibly cut my ties with Australia ......coffee1.gif

I really enjoyed watching Landline ... very good stories ...

Australia Plus is still ongoing.


This is what I keep trying to tell the people at WETV in Chiang Mai ...BUT they won't listen, let alone take advice as to where they can download it.

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The whole thing was a con job by Mark Scott of the ABC. The Australia Network has ended in name only. It had a corporate makeover and rebranding and is now called Australia Plus.

Budget cuts? what a load of crap. It was a damned lie. Their online web presence, now, is huge, dual language, subtitles, multi layered, and more, and must have cost a motza. It was always part of the ABCs Strategy to increase web presence and it was all put in place long before the so-called cuts. But of course the Left Wing, soy latte sipping socialists believe it.

Australia's ABC closed down their SAT Service via Intelsat (PAS) 8 at 166E and are now broadcasting on the C Band at 180E (although I haven't had my large dish re pointed yet) so I can't advise on reception from Intelsat 18 at 180E This I suspect was to provide a better footprint into China. Where they are making huge inroads into TV media there.

I have True Cable, it is on there. It used to be on CTH but for some reason they removed it, about the same time the Military Government at last lifted the broadcast restriction of it. Due to the ABCs Pro Taksin stance. I have both services. I haven't checked CTH for a few weeks but last time I looked it was still absent.

You can also get yourself a VPN and watch ABC Iview, Ten Play, 9 Catchup etc. over the net. VPNs are made easy these days, self installing, no hassle. IPTV - the future of Television.

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