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Study: Germans have skeptical view of Israel

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I am afraid its the old shopping trolly syndrome again, The differance between a shopping trolly and a German is,,,,,

A shopping Trolly has a mind of its own


What happened in Nazi-germany and Europe some 70-80 years ago, resulted in a lot of sympathy for the jewish people. Yet, what's happening now in Israel en Palestine, rapidly takes away that sympathy. Seems like the israelian authorities did not learn from the atrocities done unto them, and treat the palestinians just as bad. Most europeans feel that way, certainly not only the majority of germans.

What a load of twaddle


If the Palestinians don't want to be "persecuted" they can stop the terrorism and sign a peace treaty. They are the ones who decided to make Israel their enemy.

Israel's nukes don't cause problems. They solve them.


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Germans have skeptical view of Israel

I'm not surprised. If my country, in whatever form, had tried to completely annihilate a given people, I would be wary that they might come back and bite me on the arse one day, especially one equipped with nukes. rolleyes.gif

So what do you suggest ? That israel will nuke Germany first?!?

Look at what you wrote...it's Germany that in another form tried to annihilate the Jews, and it's Germany who have nukes...

israel didn't try to annihilate anyone, they were and still are fighting for their survival from aggressive ruthless Muslim coalition

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israel didn't try to annihilate anyone, they were and still are fighting for their survival from aggressive ruthless Muslim coalition

Don't leave out hateful anti-Semites. There are still plenty around and most are not honest about their true agenda. Largely, they could care less about the Palestinians, other than as pawns to use against Jews. .


The perennial argument. Israel was created after WW2 as a way for western governments to show sorrow and sympathy for the apallingly treated jews of Europe during that war. Unfortunately, their offering was largely lived in and occupied by other people, who had been there for 2000 years or so. Needless to say, they were a bit miffed. Obviously there are no Laws of Adverse Possession in the Torah or whatever book guides Israeli people. Then in 1967, additional land was seized and has been kept; the locals are even more miffed. Extremists on both sides keep the fires white hot. Big power rivalries have played out. I have no idea of how it might be solved. Maybe the Tim Minchin song could be a guide - "You don't eat pork, we don't eat pork, why don't we try not eating pork together".

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It's definitely not an expression of anti-semitism, it's an expression of observation and of irony.

Why pick on Germany. Most of the world feels the same way.

They are all wrong of course. There's no similarity between Nazi and Israel behaviour at all....


That picture shows exactly what's wrong with your side of the argument:

one thing that I'll give you guys credit for is the effectiveness of your propaganda and disinformation, which the guilty stricken post ww2 Europeans gladly swallow as a mean of cleansing ones conscience...

there is a good reason why nothing shows on the south side of Gaza and it's not lack of space; it should show Egyptian tanks and destruction of more than a thousand of terror tunnels...guess why a fellow Muslim state does it?

further more, that's the SMALL PICTURE. The BIG PICTURE shows whole of Israel landlocked by hate coalition of hostile Islamic states: syria, Lebanon, west bank, Jordan, Egypt,and Gazastan...beyond that you got Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Sudan and other dark members of that hate coalition!

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The perennial argument. Israel was created after WW2 as a way for western governments to show sorrow and sympathy for the apallingly treated jews of Europe during that war.

Your history is terrible, although your intentions might be good.

1948 was the official date that Israel was established, but it had been in the pipeline long before WW II. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 endorsed the establishment in Palestine of a "national home for the Jewish people." Both Jews and Arabs from other areas had started flocking to the area long before that and Jews had a continual presence for over 3,000 years. Most of the Arabs living there did not own any land at all and rented from absentee landlords in other Arab countries.

The "Palestinians" started calling themselves that in about 1967 after losing their 3rd major war to Israel. The land that Israel took over for defensive reasons was already occupied by other Arab countries and had nothing to do with the mythical nation of "Palestine" that never existed. .


I am glad that at least ONE country is waking up to the Israeli issues. Kudos to the Germans. Another 212 other countries to go. coffee1.gif

If I lived in a refugee camp for 60 odd years, I too would be angry. If someone built a house in MY garden, I too would be angry. The only way to win against the Zionists is to fight back. coffee1.gif

Allow me to explain the situation:

I'm guessing that you are a foriegner living in thailand. I don't know if you have any property here, but let's just suppose some poor thai people built tin shacks over your company's land and now you ask them to dismantle it. They argue that they are thai people and you are not,so it's actually YOU who is the invader,and you should leave! Further more they start throwing stones on your buildings and workers,demanding that YOU will leave the land. You go around to your neighbors for support but they all say the same thing, since they naturally support their Thai brothers, not some foreigner's rights. seeing that so many Thais support the poor Thai people, also some of your foreign friends start to buy their story...

that's exactly the story of Israel but add some endless wars and terror victims...


The perennial argument. Israel was created after WW2 as a way for western governments to show sorrow and sympathy for the apallingly treated jews of Europe during that war.

Your history is terrible, although your intentions might be good.

1948 was the official date that Israel was established, but it had been in the pipeline long before WW II. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 endorsed the establishment in Palestine of a "national home for the Jewish people." Both Jews and Arabs from other areas had started flocking to the area long before that and Jews had a continual presence for over 3,000 years. Most of the Arabs living there did not own any land at all and rented from absentee landlords in other Arab countries.

The "Palestinians" started calling themselves that in about 1967 after losing their 3rd major war to Israel. The land that Israel took over for defensive reasons was already occupied by other Arab countries and had nothing to do with the mythical nation of "Palestine" that never existed. .

My history is O.K. - Palestine was promised to both parties, sort of, during the course of WW1. Lawrence of Arabia had the word from London and the UK thought it might help with fund raising if they intimated that a jewish state was possible(The jewish state was evenb mooted for the Kimberley in WA and MAdagascar (empire madness)). It was all part of the Ottoman empire prior to that (for many centuries). The arbitrary lines drawn by Sykes & Picot saw the creation of Palestine and Jordan as well as Lebanon, Syria et al. Jewish immigration to Palestine was a hot topic. Unfortunately, the good people in both camps were overwhelmed by the extremists. Stern gang and Irgun people who were murdering British soldiers during WW2 for instance (now translates as Likud). Some of the Arab states flirting with Hitler. I feel terribly sorry for long term Palestinians (former Ottoman Empire residents), most of whom were displaced. I feel sorry for some of the early kibbutzniks, who were better natured than those later arrivals who have politically overwhelmed them.

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70 years on and they still pull the holocaust card for sympathy.

Rest of the world has moved on and I suggest they do also.

Not saying to forget but it's time to heal old wounds.

Most Jews lived in Europe at that time and something like 2/3rds of them were murdered in cold blood. Many Germans from that time are still living. I am pretty sure that they deserve sympathy for the Holocaust a lot longer than just one generation of Europeans.whistling.gif

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Unfortunately, the good people in both camps were overwhelmed by the extremists.

Can't agree with that, although it sounds very PC. The Stern Gang and Irgun were not big organizations and were looked down on and eventually outlawed by the vast majority of Zionists. They were a response to Arab terrorism of the decade proceeding their existence and the Arabs attacked the British as well, for stabbing both sides in the back.


I should imagine that a significant number of Israelis maintain a healthy scepticism with regard to Germany!

If you consider 24% of Israelis a significant number, then your claim would make sense. But it is significant that in this (presumable representative) sample, only 24% had a negative view of Germany.

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Some 35 percent of Germans equate Israeli policies toward the Palestinians with Nazi policies toward the Jews, an increase from 30 percent in 2007, when the foundation conducted a similar study.

That's totally messed up and totally wrong. Yes, it is their "opinion" but objectively it is still totally wrong. Nazi policy towards Jews was mass extermination in industrialized death camps. Do Germans not learn this in their schools?


What is so wrong with it? I remember that last year 2 palestinians killed 3 young Israelis. The israeli Military listen it at the phone and found the bloody car. And after this they reacted like the nazis!!! They killed over 2.000 palestinians!!! Mostly womans and kids? Damaged thousands of houses, companies, some hospitals and Schools.

Yes, they doný do it like the nazis with gas. They use the modern way and sent bombs.

But the result is the same: "If you Kill 1 Israeli, we kill thousands of YOU!!!" Like the Nazis done!!!

The way you distort the facts to suit your own agenda is just amazing!

the whole story started with the Hamas (the terror organization who control Gaza) having difficulties with paying salaries to their so many so called "government workers". They knew that an operation against israel could bring back the Iranian support,which they lost due to their support of the rebels(AL quaida) who fight the Syrian regime(supported by Iran). They plotted this scheme to kidnap jewish kids in PLO controlled west bank territories, and did it just 1 day after they signed a unity agreement with PLO, which eased their cell operation in the area. This operation went wrong,and the cell killed the kids, resulting in a hunt for the cell members, and arrests of terror activists who were released in the prisoner swap agreement for Israeli captive Gilad Shall, and ACCORDING TO THE CEASE FIRE AGREEMENT,where it is specifically states that any provocation will result in the recapture of those prisoners! That is when HAMAS STARTED SHOOTING BARRAGE OF MISSILES ON ISRAEL, and only then israel retaliated!


green job

Posted 17 minutes ago

I am afraid its the old shopping trolly syndrome again, The differance between a shopping trolly and a German is,,,,,

A shopping Trolly has a mind of its own

Where are you from Bergen ? or Hannover ?

What a stupid reaction!!! To much sun and Whisky?

Can it be that: "If YOU eat a fly, you have more brain in your stomach than in your head?"

Your comments listen like this!!!

Got you,Caught in the act,,,,, Truth hurts does it? Nothing but blood thirsty murderers And you mean Sound like this,,,,,, not listen like this ?


What happened in Nazi-germany and Europe some 70-80 years ago, resulted in a lot of sympathy for the jewish people. Yet, what's happening now in Israel en Palestine, rapidly takes away that sympathy. Seems like the israelian authorities did not learn from the atrocities done unto them, and treat the palestinians just as bad. Most europeans feel that way, certainly not only the majority of germans.

It is more amazing that the so called "world" of yours support the Palestinians who repeatedly announced that their agenda is the destruction of the Jewish state (hamas) or a creation of areas which are "clean of jews" (PLO), and that would make hitler so proud...

also more amazing is that everyone has the nerve to call the jews Nazis, when in ww2 the leader of the Palestinians Haj Amin AL Hussaini was an ally and supporter of hitler and helped him to establish the croatian Muslim Nazi brigades, and rally the Arab world to support Nazi Germany.

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Sounds like there are a lot of brain-washed, far left loons in Germany, but better than brain-washed, far right Nazis like not so long ago.

They've still got some Nazis there too ...

There is a lot to admire in modern Germany, from Israelis and everyone.

Their leader Merkel seems to be very impressive and fighting hard there against both antisemitism and discrimination solely based on Muslim identity.

Some Israelis are even migrating to Germany ... while the motivation may be that there are great opportunities there (yes even such things as affordable housing compared to Israel), it's surely a good thing for some Jews to move to Germany after so many were exterminated by the Nazis as if they were cockroaches.

The geopolitical situations of Israel and Germany are very different. Israel still faces existential threats. Germany is on top of Europe. It's ironic of course as Germany lost two great wars ... but that's another story.

You ignore, that Israel is also doing crimes that wouldn't be accepted by any other country.

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70 years on and they still pull the holocaust card for sympathy.

Rest of the world has moved on and I suggest they do also.

Not saying to forget but it's time to heal old wounds.

NEVER ever forget .It may suit you to foget, sure,that figures


70 years on and they still pull the holocaust card for sympathy.

Rest of the world has moved on and I suggest they do also.

Not saying to forget but it's time to heal old wounds.

NEVER ever forget .It may suit you to foget, sure,that figures

I never said forget.

I just said Israel and Jews should stop pulling the holocaust out when it's suits their agendas.

Look what they are doing today, it's not that much different what was done to them 70 years ago.

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A lot of the threats Israel faces are because of their far right leaders and persecution of the Palestinians.

Not to mention their nuclear weapons

I could believe this if one could then provide an explanation for the past 1400 years of islamic aggression and scriptural mandate to find the jew and slaughter them, enslave them, or make them pay the tax and feel subjugated just to remain alive. If one cannot explain this, then clearly they are limited to such observations that contemporary history alone explains their findings- thus, their faulty premise. One superimposes a current worldview over an entirely vacant history, without context, depth, or any meaningful cause and effect- just convenient observation.

The present is contiguous with the past, regardless of one's knowledge of history and facts. The fact is, mulsims (for the most part) hate jews because... they are jews! Period. It is stated to hate them. It is demanded to hate them. Muslims are authorized to injure, kill or cause harm to jews.

Every single day, throughout the day, all over the world, for 1,400 years, Muslims say "The Seven Oft Repeated Verses" (5x times a day= 35x) that includes the condemnation of jews (also an insult for christians), "the ones who earned your wrath" and "the ones who went astray." If a seeker of truth in understanding such things finds this point not worthy of merit, he defines his character. If one does note this truth but somehow cannot fit it in with their current affairs conclusions, I just dont get it. It is so consistent. Muslims are instructed to hate jews. It is clear as day. I have read the numerous injunctions, it is not suggestive or even interpretative. (I have read the attached link trying to debunk what I say above and I include to you only the rebuttal of my post. It is simply a lie! http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/islamophobes-claim-that-muslims-curse-christians-and-jews/0019172)

This is where I disagree with the poster but this is where I find it relevant to Germany- an undeniable historical symbol of hatred and aggression. What is it that such commentary above has with Germany's past? Supremacy! The islamic ideology is at its core profoundly supremacist. The end result of inculcating over and over and over and over and over every day, every year throughout the world how great you are and how the jews have earned your Master's ire and the Christians rebuffed Al Lah leads to the supremacy pathology and jihad and denial we see everywhere today. Look to Germany's love affair with multiculturalism and their sorry assimilation efforts and one begins to note why, increasingly, Germany again has a skeptical view of [jews.] It is certainly worthy of critique that a past german leader particularly applauded the muslims for the rabid antisemitism and in fact, entered into an alliance with islam to actually help destroy jews (and everyone else too- the christian world).

Study: "Germans have a skeptical view of Israel." I wonder how many jews in Israel find it ridiculous that a study needed to be conducted to observe the obvious.


If the Palestinians don't want to be "persecuted" they can stop the terrorism and sign a peace treaty. They are the ones who decided to make Israel their enemy.

Israel's nukes don't cause problems. They solve them.

Shlomo Sand, professor of History at Tel Aviv University wrote books "The invention of the Jewish People" and "The Invention of the land of Israel"

Basically he brings academic evidence to illustrate that the people claiming to be Jewish to-day are not at all the same people who lived in Palestine 2000 years ago.

It is obvious he considers that the modern Jews (Zionists) started to occupy modern Israel and that they are the real aggressors...

Finally Israel Finkelstein, Professor of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University backs up all what Prof Shlomo Sand writes, with his own stunning book : "The Bible Unearthed"

According to Finkelstein the whole story of the ancient people of Israel (and Judea) is mythology

Those who can't import those books can find conferences given by both professors on Youtube.

Don't argue with me : both authors are really not hot headed Arabs writing blogs from a PC in their kitchen : just read their books and the many academic sources they refer to.

In fact if King David, King Solomon, Moses etc...are mythological figures the same way as King Arthur and his Caste of Camelot ..it is not only a problem for the people of Jewish faith but also for those of Christian and Muslim faith.

I will take up your challange and find these books.

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70 years on and they still pull the holocaust card for sympathy.

Rest of the world has moved on and I suggest they do also.

Not saying to forget but it's time to heal old wounds.

NEVER ever forget .It may suit you to foget, sure,that figures

I never said forget.

I just said Israel and Jews should stop pulling the holocaust out when it's suits their agendas.

Look what they are doing today, it's not that much different what was done to them 70 years ago.

Not wanting to be rude,but,is seems you know very very little about the holocaust and what the Germans did and how they did it!! It is very very different to what is happening today.


70 years on and they still pull the holocaust card for sympathy.

Rest of the world has moved on and I suggest they do also.

Not saying to forget but it's time to heal old wounds.

NEVER ever forget .It may suit you to foget, sure,that figures

I never said forget.

I just said Israel and Jews should stop pulling the holocaust out when it's suits their agendas.

Look what they are doing today, it's not that much different what was done to them 70 years ago.

Not wanting to be rude,but,is seems you know very very little about the holocaust and what the Germans did and how they did it!! It is very very different to what is happening today.

Persecution is persecution.

Regardless of the methods.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's definitely not an expression of anti-semitism, it's an expression of observation and of irony.

Why pick on Germany. Most of the world feels the same way.

They are all wrong of course. There's no similarity between Nazi and Israel behaviour at all....


The whole world knows that Gaza is a prison.

The holocaust is trotted out with regularity but let us not forget one thing.

The victims of the Nazis included non Jewish mentally and physically disabled,gypsies,gays and lesbians and others. These victims are never mentioned in pro Israeli propaganda.

yep, 11 million people died in the holocaust, yet for some reason we only hear about the 6 million jews, what about the other 5 million are they chopped liver?

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