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BBC makes unlikely star of Bangkok airport immigration officer 'Capt. Jack'

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I like Capt Jack and hope he is there when I am......

but this is a TV show, take 100 hours of video and cut it down to 50 minutes that someone will not change the channel on.......

so you need idiots , hopeless people and "interesting" people like Capt Jack......

I wonder if we will see him again in the next 5 shows.....

and to Capt Jack, get an agent , change your Youtube so you can make a few $$$ of the ads.....

and get a twitter account so you can tell us which desk you are on :)


I've never had anything but very friendly welcomes from Thai immigration. Some of the men may seem effeminate to farangs because they are so polite. Not a "Thai-o-Phile", just stating my experience. The immigration and TSA officials at American airports need to be flogged for their bad attitudes.


I was kind of surprised he was married.

Just goes to show, shouldn't judge a person on initial impressions.

Or trailers for tv shows.

Yes I wouldn't be dropping the soap in the shower with Captain Jack around !


Hey, how come that free hug girl hasn't been there when I've been checking in? Is that a new thing or just for the VDO?

Good point. I've never had a problem with Swampy immigration and always an uneventful affair. Just how I like it. But Bangkok Airport is just contrived BS.

And why never mention the airport's name, Suvarnabhumi. Strange.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It should be ban in Thailand.

I am sure the prime Minister Prayuth will agree with me too.

Nooooo.......I've never laughed so much at the characters, both foreign and Thai laugh.png

Should be required viewing for all expats complaining about life here in LOS. The Massive English guy with tank top and tattoos with his diminutive Thai wife goes to Swampy to meet his two daughters who look older than his wife. Some of the Brits in that video are plain embarrassing. No wonder the Thais think farangs are weird, as we sometimes think them the same.

Not sure his wife was that young, but his daughter was one of the dumbest people I've seen on tv.

She couldn't add up 8 plus 8.

Literally could not do it.

Embarrassing, damn right she was.

Indeed it was, and the amazing thing is these characters can breed, vote and are welcomed as tourists.

Bravo the Thais that had to deal with these morons.

I like Paul, proper piss can!!!biggrin.png

She couldn't add up 8 plus 8.

Don't be so scathing, as she is a product of the ( non ) education system as it exists today. They just teach them how to use computers and not their brains.

Plenty of Thai shop assistants that use a calculator to do simple arithmetic that I can do in my head.


All I can remember is those dreadful foul mouthed fat Brit birds. Ugh.

and the fat Father seemed quite proud of them.

I am glad I no longer live there.

Capt. Jack? Yes he needs some kind of award for putting up with these idiots.

Western women seem so aggressive nowadays. Perhaps that is why western men prefer Asians ones. I wonder if it's because of Germaine Greer and her ilk?


Was really disappointed that the Rig worker was not allowed to exit departures, so that he could surprise his Thai wife by returning to his house in Bangkok unannounced.

Reckon that might have been the highlight of the serieswhistling.gif

Another mysterious ' falling ' off the balcony incident ?


Hey, how come that free hug girl hasn't been there when I've been checking in? Is that a new thing or just for the VDO?

Good point. I've never had a problem with Swampy immigration and always an uneventful affair. Just how I like it. But Bangkok Airport is just contrived BS.

And why never mention the airport's name, Suvarnabhumi. Strange.

Probably because, rather like many of us, they have to think hard and long before pronouncing it !

I think this topic shows up the divide in Brit Thai relations.

If this was a programme about Thais arriving at Heathrow all the So called Brit wanna be Thai's on here would be saying how embarrassing the airport staff were and how miss understood the poor Thai travelers were.

I have seen such a program on Heathrow with a Thai woman, hi si looking. She was stopped and found to have nearly 20k pounds cash hidden in her luggage and every time they found some lied that she had no more. They were about to confiscate it when she came up with her Thai bank books indicating she had withdrawn money not long before.


I've never had anything but very friendly welcomes from Thai immigration. Some of the men may seem effeminate to farangs because they are so polite. Not a "Thai-o-Phile", just stating my experience. The immigration and TSA officials at American airports need to be flogged for their bad attitudes.

Never had a friendly word from any of them in over 20 years, they are surely and never have a welcoming word, go to somewhere like Auckland and see the opposite.


Was really disappointed that the Rig worker was not allowed to exit departures, so that he could surprise his Thai wife by returning to his house in Bangkok unannounced.

Reckon that might have been the highlight of the serieswhistling.gif

That whole thing came across as contrived BS to me. Am I supposed to believe that a man with a wife that good looking that he professes to be infatuated with is going to leave her in Bkk and spend 14 hours waiting in swampy for his plane cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

Then the whole wanting to go to surprise her when he knows that he can't go back through immigration, and then someone that REGULARLY flies back and forth can't find their gate, and then he goes to sleep behind a screen so almost loses his flight. I'd have to be daft to believe all that.


All I can remember is those dreadful foul mouthed fat Brit birds. Ugh.

and the fat Father seemed quite proud of them.

I am glad I no longer live there.

Capt. Jack? Yes he needs some kind of award for putting up with these idiots.

I reckon they must have either found the worst two girls going to Bkk that they could find, or they coached them to be revolting. I looked for a scriptwriter in the credits- wasn't one, but they had people involved in "casting", so that's sus right there. I know they have to try and make it interesting enough that people will watch, but this was over the top bad.

Then that guy that had his wallet stolen, and the whole can't use a credit card, when a debit card is OK to buy a ticket incident just rings bells for me.


I've never had anything but very friendly welcomes from Thai immigration. Some of the men may seem effeminate to farangs because they are so polite. Not a "Thai-o-Phile", just stating my experience. The immigration and TSA officials at American airports need to be flogged for their bad attitudes.

Do you have an Elite Card, by any chance? The rest of us find Thai Immigration to exist in a weird enclave called the Land of No Smiles.


When you stop and think about the stereo type cast.... the drunk scotsman they let fly when clearly out of his head .. or the fat mahus of a guy with a petite wife with the two thickest girl pie eaters Viz type slags they could find, the other characters the classic northern ironic dispair or the essex blonde fake tan london gal ..... brilliant casting or people following ive ever seen in one show.


I can't believe that they let the drunk Brit who had passed out at the departure gate on to the plane. Nor can I believe that the BBC commentator made the comment "never mind he can always get a drink on the plane!".


When you stop and think about the stereo type cast.... the drunk scotsman they let fly when clearly out of his head .. or the fat mahus of a guy with a petite wife with the two thickest girl pie eaters Viz type slags they could find, the other characters the classic northern ironic dispair or the essex blonde fake tan london gal ..... brilliant casting or people following ive ever seen in one show.

Yeah, that fake tan was pretty bad, LOL.


Would make a nice soap series back home which could run for 50 or 60 years and outlive Coronation Street. Filled with a lot of Actors that can't get a job anywhere else but the BBC !


Watched it yesterday on Youtube..

Foul mouthed disgusting behaviour English pigs !

'strine" atchully

This dumb sheyeler and pretty well ALL the FARANG doofuses in this wonderful doco make me feel like a 1%-re ;-))$

Loved Matt . . . . . He was the "no money. No passport. No "brines". mother-calling idiot demanding service from Thai staff.

The foul-mouthed imbecile " faghies"

It was hard to choose, though weren't igh.


[quote name="Lannig" post="8990243" timestamp="1422278388".

We have to remmeber, this like many Documentries is orchestrated by the BBC and Thai officials to make sure only a positive outlook is potrade you would never get a Thai helping in the case of the Scottish guy who lost his money, he would be told to B..g.r off and sort it out and then properly told to make sure you don,t overstay. "Helpfull" ? Not a chance. I do though remember there are a few genuine good Thais.

Disclaimer: I've only seen episode 1.

Well, the general tonality certainly is nice. It tends to show the Thais as nice people doing their best trying to help tourists who might now all be worth the effort, but I have felt somewhat uncomfortable watching this.

First, it really reveals how helpless many people whose jobs are to help can be in Thailand, due to their poor language skills and lack of tools do do their jobs (can you imagine their office in Suwa without a fax?).

Second, nice and easy-going doesn't have to mean showing them as childish, up to plain laughable. At some point I really wondered if the point of this documentary was not to ridicule them. A female security officer whose claimed main purpose is to find a farang husband? and of course, Jack sharing the incredibly lame pictures and videos with so much insistence...

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