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Thai ex-PM impeachment could appear 'politically driven': US envoy

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For once we agree about the same. May be not for the same reason though, as I would remind you of the Thaksin thinks Pheu Thai acts slogan.

I am no fan of Thaksin and, this may surprise you, nor the PTP but of freedom, democracy and fairness to all citizens whether they be rich, poor, from North or South, female or male.

Tis but a dream here but the way the elite use the military all through Thailand's recent history is reproachable and wrong just because they think the electorate 'got it wrong' far better convince, debate and show they have a BETTER WAY

sorry but guns and force, anywhere to take over a democracy, are abhorrent to me

Liar. You praise a proven liar and stand up for a regime that was openly run by a crooked fugitive who wasn't elected and refused accountability whilst allowing violence and murder of opponents.

Not once have I read a post by you that condemns Thaksin, Yingluck, Chalerm, Tarit or PTP; or anything they've said or done.

But of course you are no fan.............. they all just happen to be totally innocent champions of democracy, freedom and justice for all.

Yeah, sure, if you say so,

No lies from me just pure, unadulterated ignorance from YOU. You have demonstrated you have no clue about Thai politics or about the REAL reasons for all this. Just another uneducated bigot who has to stoop to calling other TVF posters liars.

Actually, Baerboxer is not the only one who thinks you "handle the truth carelessly"...........................clap2.gif

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We have a quack-quack here and a quack-quack there, from the junta.

We have a denial-denial here and a denial-denial there, from their TVF supporters.

We have the rest of the world that sees an 'impeachment' that walks like a (politically motivated) duck, quacks like a (politically motivated) duck and ...

... and seems based on undeniable corruption and lack of proper answers from the former PM how she manages to lose 700 billion Baht on a self-financing scheme.

Where’s the beef (money)?

Observers believe it was an ill-conceived populist program. It was undermined by India, Vietnam, and other countries who swooped in with lower prices.

Bad leadership, yes. A criminal plot to steal money, no.

If you exclude the typical corruption that has plagued every government, including the non-Shinawatra governments. There wasn’t a lot of money left over to steal. Just a lot of stale rice.


For once we agree about the same. May be not for the same reason though, as I would remind you of the Thaksin thinks Pheu Thai acts slogan.

I am no fan of Thaksin and, this may surprise you, nor the PTP but of freedom, democracy and fairness to all citizens whether they be rich, poor, from North or South, female or male.

Tis but a dream here but the way the elite use the military all through Thailand's recent history is reproachable and wrong just because they think the electorate 'got it wrong' far better convince, debate and show they have a BETTER WAY

sorry but guns and force, anywhere to take over a democracy, are abhorrent to me

Liar. You praise a proven liar and stand up for a regime that was openly run by a crooked fugitive who wasn't elected and refused accountability whilst allowing violence and murder of opponents.

Not once have I read a post by you that condemns Thaksin, Yingluck, Chalerm, Tarit or PTP; or anything they've said or done.

But of course you are no fan.............. they all just happen to be totally innocent champions of democracy, freedom and justice for all.

Yeah, sure, if you say so,

No lies from me just pure, unadulterated ignorance from YOU. You have demonstrated you have no clue about Thai politics or about the REAL reasons for all this. Just another uneducated bigot who has to stoop to calling other TVF posters liars.

Actually, Baerboxer is not the only one who thinks you "handle the truth carelessly"...........................clap2.gif

I don't think you and BB have carte blanche on the truth too.


We have a quack-quack here and a quack-quack there, from the junta.

We have a denial-denial here and a denial-denial there, from their TVF supporters.

We have the rest of the world that sees an 'impeachment' that walks like a (politically motivated) duck, quacks like a (politically motivated) duck and ...

... and seems based on undeniable corruption and lack of proper answers from the former PM how she manages to lose 700 billion Baht on a self-financing scheme.

Where’s the beef (money)?

Observers believe it was an ill-conceived populist program. It was undermined by India, Vietnam, and other countries who swooped in with lower prices.

Bad leadership, yes. A criminal plot to steal money, no.

If you exclude the typical corruption that has plagued every government, including the non-Shinawatra governments. There wasn’t a lot of money left over to steal. Just a lot of stale rice.

Well, the BBC had

""That there was corruption is undeniable; there is plenty of evidence. The generous subsidy was also financially unsustainable."

Mind you, with the combination of 'self-financing' scheme, 700 billion Baht loss and the poor farmers still poor it doesn't really matter for the "negligence" case. There wasn't even a need for political influence to come to the conclusion of 'negligence'.

BTW it seems the NYT upped the ant by writing "criminal negligence".

"The perception of fairness is important," he said. "I'll be blunt here: When an elected leader is deposed, impeached by the authorities that implemented the coup, and then targeted with criminal charges while basic democratic processes and institutions are interrupted, the international community is left with the impression that these steps could be politically driven".

Elected? When did that happen then? She was then 'targeted' because she did wrong and, along with her scheming brother, is as bent as a nine-bob note. The US doesn't seem to have the full gist of this and should probably keep their nose out.

I cannot disagree but I would say that maybe he's trying to stir the possum, hoping something can be started that the others are incapable of. Notice how arrogant they are, no meeting with the PM, why, because he will not cop their attempts to interfere in internal politics. Also, they would be well aware of the prior corruption being carried out and like many things they do, they condone such actions. as they are often able to manipulate those type of people.

Just look at the puppets they put into power in numerous countries throughout the world, many of who are still there and are holding onto power through murder and voting fraud, whilst their people face 3000% inflation and are starving and dropping off the perch daily. Nothing done in many of those countries, as there is nothing to gain. And they now want to take the moral high ground.


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If he was trying to get a balanced view, why didn't he meet with PM Prayut?

Why you think PM who???????

What??? I said why didn't the US Envoy meet with PM Prayut..understand???


These US G-men seem willfully ignorant of the complexity of what goes on here. They can't be bothered, US still rules, and it is almost as though to show any more than a vague awareness of the issues would be beneath them. They are probably also too busy with their own internal politics and political motivations such as the one behind this statement by the envoy to care. They literally seem to want to come off like they don' have to even know whats going on, they'll just bulldoze the situation here if they feel like it. Unfortunately for them, the termite that is China is slowly but surely gnawing huge holes in US hegemony in Asia and maybe then the envoy will have to take an interest in the specifics.

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This shows clearly that the US have not the wellbeing of the Thai people in mind.

I wonder if there is a hidden agenda - may be fueled by money?

Smells fishy


yes, lets just ignore all the documented evidence that everyone else in the world is aware of and just go with what a not very intellectual, whinging woman said because she did not do her job as was required(he probably also wants to get into her pants like all the other ptp/red lovers in here). Its amazing how all these morons simply ignore the facts that have been shown to be true that actually back up the impeachment as well as charging her with dereliction of duty yet claim to be honest and truthful, what a laugh but typical red/ptp crap.

Seajae, where would one be able to get a look at some of this documented evidence?

You do know newspaper editorials and reporting are not evidence.

well if you bothered you can always check the results of the audit recently finished showing where all the financial losses are, the g to g deals that were faked by the ptp yet claimed to be true and now being prepared for the courts, the rice that is no longer in the storage sheds but replaced with false scaffolding, the ones that burnt down just before they were to be checked/audited, do you need more............thats right, reds/ptp/thaksin lovers dont believe the truth do they, they much prefer innuendo and make believe

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These are the same dogs licking the &lt;deleted&gt; of Saudi Arabia who are the same breed of Islam doing the same horrific injustices to people that IS does.

Who cares what bloody Washington dicks say ... One bunch of nit wit crooks to another


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If he was trying to get a balanced view, why didn't he meet with PM Prayut?

Why you think PM who???????

What??? I said why didn't the US Envoy meet with PM Prayut..understand???

LOL..everybody with a brain understands except you it seems !


If he was trying to get a balanced view, why didn't he meet with PM Prayut?

Because there is no need to talk to anyone who is self appointed .


I am sick of hearing sanctimonious American Politicians and their President trying to order Thailand around.

The Yanks have made an abject mess of every country where they've "gone to help." For starters, they need to get their own country in order before they even think of lecturing the Thai Government.

The famous "Golfer" who currently resides in the White House, has taken it upon himself to sign various so-called, "Executive Orders" that in all probability are simply not legal.

He couldn't find time to attend an Anti Terrorism March in Paris but cuts short his state visit to India to run off to Saudi Arabia to bow and scrape before a Dead Despot King, who allowed beheadings in the streets and refused to even allow women to drive.

No...we don't need any lectures from "Osama" Obama.

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If he was trying to get a balanced view, why didn't he meet with PM Prayut?

Because there is no need to talk to anyone who is self appointed .

But it's necessary to talk to someone who was appointed by her brother, who happens to be criminal fugitive, and who herself is now facing criminal charges.

Still the US gave him a visa so the rules for multi-billionaire convicted crooks must be different.

Are these acts out of stupidity, ignorance, arrogance or just plain old self interest (perceived)?

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Another topic where third world foreigners can bash America. But if they were still in their early youth would have gone to work in America if afforded the opportunity just as countless millions have. Noone pays attention to those who had or have nothing. I find these members of tvf who love to bash America the same who had nothing in their country, bash their own country and ran away to Thailand thinking they would be accepted but Thailand doesn't love you too as you thought. Poetic justice.


I am no fan of Thaksin and, this may surprise you, nor the PTP but of freedom, democracy and fairness to all citizens whether they be rich, poor, from North or South, female or male.

Tis but a dream here but the way the elite use the military all through Thailand's recent history is reproachable and wrong just because they think the electorate 'got it wrong' far better convince, debate and show they have a BETTER WAY

sorry but guns and force, anywhere to take over a democracy, are abhorrent to me

I'm not a Shin fan but....................................................................whistling.gif

......................."sorry but guns and force, anywhere to take over a democracy, are abhorrent to me"..............................

You do not seem to have been paying attention to what has been going on in Thailand in recent months. All the "guns and force" have done is saved innocent peoples' lives, the redshirts have not been able to carry out their killings unhindered and have crawled back into their holes like the rats they really are.

The families of the people killed by the redshirts probably find Thaksin "abhorrent" right now.

Please stop your uneducated trolling and face the truth.

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