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UDD leader Jatuporn sentenced to 2 years in jail for defaming former PM Abhisit

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And the Red Shirts are going down right and left. Keep knocking 'em down newly NON-elected government and you will never have a reconciliation.

"...finding him guilty of defaming former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva..."

Defamation laws are one of the most unjust laws in this country in that they send people to jail for "words". In Western countries this just amounts to a civil lawsuit involving money.

I agree with your view on the defamation laws, but this animal Jatuporn is a special case and for the good of the country should be locked up, for good.

If reconciliation means allowing people like Jatuporn to get away with crimes that any "ordinary" Thai would be imprisoned for, then it is not worth it.

Same goes for any of the redshirts, UDD members, the entire Shin regime and any other person on any political persuasion who thinks they are above the law. And yes, you rabid red fans, that does include the yellow fellows. thumbsup.gif

It is refreshing that you don't defend terrorism if yellows committed it. Like you I hope all terrorists are in jail. Not just the red shirts.

I will never downplay terrorist killings by stating that vehicle accidents killed more people. That would show me as heartless and uncaring. I would never state that people should move to a new province if they don't like living next to terrorists. That is a PTP fanboy trait.

You are correct. ALL terrorists should be in jail. Unfortunately that does not leave many UDD members nor PTP ministers on the streets.


My mate Jatuporn?

I'd better start baking a cake (with a file in it) for him then....

My wife didn't speak to me for a week after taking this pic....

You should have said your name was "accountability"

It is one way to see a UDD leader beat Usain Bolts 100 meter record.


And the Red Shirts are going down right and left. Keep knocking 'em down newly NON-elected government and you will never have a reconciliation.

"...finding him guilty of defaming former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva..."

Defamation laws are one of the most unjust laws in this country in that they send people to jail for "words". In Western countries this just amounts to a civil lawsuit involving money.

I agree with your view on the defamation laws, but this animal Jatuporn is a special case and for the good of the country should be locked up, for good.

If reconciliation means allowing people like Jatuporn to get away with crimes that any "ordinary" Thai would be imprisoned for, then it is not worth it.

Same goes for any of the redshirts, UDD members, the entire Shin regime and any other person on any political persuasion who thinks they are above the law. And yes, you rabid red fans, that does include the yellow fellows. thumbsup.gif

It is refreshing that you don't defend terrorism if yellows committed it. Like you I hope all terrorists are in jail. Not just the red shirts.

I will never downplay terrorist killings by stating that vehicle accidents killed more people. That would show me as heartless and uncaring. I would never state that people should move to a new province if they don't like living next to terrorists. That is a PTP fanboy trait.

You are correct. ALL terrorists should be in jail. Unfortunately that does not leave many UDD members nor PTP ministers on the streets.

pathetic as usual - go get an education jamie you need it

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so let's be clear about the court bias :

  • it's OK to call Thaksin a republican if you're yellow
  • it's not OK to point out the true about a PM if you're red

So, let's be clear about your truth distortion.

. it OK to call Thaksin a republican independent of your shirt color, as long as Thaksin's lawyer do not file a defamation charge against you.

. It's not OK to point out the truth if you are unable to prove that that is the truth. Even then it's a bit tricky because of THai defamation laws.

Keep in mind that Thaksin, Abhisit, Sondhi, Jatuporn, Suthep have won and got rejected defamation suits.

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If re-education doesn't work, send the opposition leaders to jail.

In this case, you can't fix stupid. His mouth runs while his brain sleeps.

Jatuporn truly seems to have a neurological problem where he speaks before the brain is engaged. A frontal lobotomy may cure this problem. We could then say "two flew over the cuckoo's nest".


so let's be clear about the court bias :

  • it's OK to call Thaksin a republican if you're yellow
  • it's not OK to point out the true about a PM if you're red

Wrong. Some reds have had defamation cases against them dismissed recently.

The whole defamation laws and practices are ludicrous. Thaksin and Tarit in particular initiated them like confetti or used them as threats every time someone said anything they didn't like. Even non Thais use them - ask Andrew Drummond or Andy Hall.

PTP have and their supporters whine court bias every time a ruling goes against their agenda. They must never ever be wrong or do anything wrong and absolutely work perfectly within the law and all procedures to achieve the innocence they proclaim - if only.

Right. There may be cases against one side or the other which are dismissed, but roll up the numbers and the court bias is obvious.

Or are you saying that there isn't one?

In this case, how is it defamation to state that Abhisit ordered a crack down on protesters?

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He's not my cup of tea (another faux champion of the poor), but this conviction amounts to jailing political opponents. What about the stuff said by Suthep and co re: their political opponents during their rallies? Oh, that's different isn't it?

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Who was it then that ordered the suppression of the protestors?

BTW - Care to rebut my facts about the court cases or is that an inconvenient truth?

Maybe say I don't live in Thailand or accuse me of being 98 or maybe say I don't have any kids or family in Thailand…

Others seem to use that to bypass the facts I present...

What is your problem? Why would I want to accuse you of being 98? Are you trying to start some sort of confrontation. Personally I don't give a damn if your 98 or 8 yrs old and I don't give a damn if your gay and childless.

If others have accused you of this and your feeling insecure and alone don't take your hissy fits out on me as I have not made a comment or accused you of anything.

  • Like 1

Who was it then that ordered the suppression of the protestors?

BTW - Care to rebut my facts about the court cases or is that an inconvenient truth?

Maybe say I don't live in Thailand or accuse me of being 98 or maybe say I don't have any kids or family in Thailand…

Others seem to use that to bypass the facts I present...

What is your problem? Why would I want to accuse you of being 98? Are you trying to start some sort of confrontation. Personally I don't give a damn if your 98 or 8 yrs old and I don't give a damn if your gay and childless.

If others have accused you of this and your feeling insecure and alone don't take your hissy fits out on me as I have not made a comment or accused you of anything.

Nice post.

At least i can take you off the list of people that use "other excuses" to avoid answering truths...

BTW - Care to rebut my facts about the court cases or is that an inconvenient truth?

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Who was it then that ordered the suppression of the protestors?

Jatuporn never said ahbisit was suppressing the protestors.

He accused Abhisit of "ordering the killings of protesters and preventing Thaksin from seeking a royal pardon"

You ability to throw facts aside and make up a story so you can facilitate a response is admirable yet misguided.

BUT when the red shirts threatened to blow up LPG truck, grenade attacks at Thai banks, attacked Thai charity with grenades, stormed parliament, attacked NPP and TPI buildings with M16 and grenades, (this was around the time tear gas and bullets were fired by the soldiers), stormed police hospital, stormed TV station (people even questioned Ahbisits control of the soldiers after the lack of resistance they offered the red shirts on this occasion), bomb attacked on electricity pylons, 2 police taken hostage, destroyed CCTV cameras, dumped tyres on sky train track you feel that an accused terrorist in the form of Jatuporn should be defended?

​You fabricated a response to defend an accused terrorist so I think this conversation is closed. Or do you have some more"make believe" stories to present to me?

"Jatuporn never said ahbisit was suppressing the protestors"

From the story

he accused the former premier of ordering the suppression of protesters while addressing a gathering of anti-government protest on October 11, 2009 at the Democracy Monument.

I didn't make this up nor was I throwing facts aside. Take it up with the author of the story and the courts if the facts are wrong.

I simply asked a question and I didn't state a fact, read my post again is it a question or a fact?

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Who was it then that ordered the suppression of the protestors?

Jatuporn never said ahbisit was suppressing the protestors.

He accused Abhisit of "ordering the killings of protesters and preventing Thaksin from seeking a royal pardon"

You ability to throw facts aside and make up a story so you can facilitate a response is admirable yet misguided.

BUT when the red shirts threatened to blow up LPG truck, grenade attacks at Thai banks, attacked Thai charity with grenades, stormed parliament, attacked NPP and TPI buildings with M16 and grenades, (this was around the time tear gas and bullets were fired by the soldiers), stormed police hospital, stormed TV station (people even questioned Ahbisits control of the soldiers after the lack of resistance they offered the red shirts on this occasion), bomb attacked on electricity pylons, 2 police taken hostage, destroyed CCTV cameras, dumped tyres on sky train track you feel that an accused terrorist in the form of Jatuporn should be defended?

​You fabricated a response to defend an accused terrorist so I think this conversation is closed. Or do you have some more"make believe" stories to present to me?

"Jatuporn never said ahbisit was suppressing the protestors"

From the story

he accused the former premier of ordering the suppression of protesters while addressing a gathering of anti-government protest on October 11, 2009 at the Democracy Monument.

I didn't make this up nor was I throwing facts aside. Take it up with the author of the story and the courts if the facts are wrong.

I simply asked a question and I didn't state a fact, read my post again is it a question or a fact?


You didn't make it up. You simply relied on PTP facts or agenda driven facts…(same thing)

I have 100 other articles that show I am correct.

Not your fault…and no problems..

Good night my friend...

EDIT - Thanks for not denouncing me or attacking me like so many others do.


Does any body have an accurate account of how many suspended sentences and bailed charges the fool has accumulated?

I await the time when the suspensions are revoked, all charges are decided, and the sentences made consecutive.


so let's be clear about the court bias :

  • it's OK to call Thaksin a republican if you're yellow
  • it's not OK to point out the true about a PM if you're red

Wrong. Some reds have had defamation cases against them dismissed recently.

The whole defamation laws and practices are ludicrous. Thaksin and Tarit in particular initiated them like confetti or used them as threats every time someone said anything they didn't like. Even non Thais use them - ask Andrew Drummond or Andy Hall.

PTP have and their supporters whine court bias every time a ruling goes against their agenda. They must never ever be wrong or do anything wrong and absolutely work perfectly within the law and all procedures to achieve the innocence they proclaim - if only.

Right. There may be cases against one side or the other which are dismissed, but roll up the numbers and the court bias is obvious.

Or are you saying that there isn't one?

In this case, how is it defamation to state that Abhisit ordered a crack down on protesters?

January alone;

12th of January - The Election Commissioner (EC) on Wednesday decided to throw out several complaints made against alleged election misconducts by former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra during the most recent general election in February, 2014.

13th of January - The Administrative Court on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit filed by 28 Bangkok and Nakhon Pathom residents against former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra in which they demanded compensation for damages from alleged mismanagement of floodwaters by her government in 2011.

21st of January - Former Pheu Thai MP Karoon Hosakul was granted bail after he was found guilty of defaming former Democrat MP Taenkhun Chit-isara

22nd of January - The Criminal Court on Thursday acquitted two former ministers and a member of the Pheu Thai party of defamation charges lodged against them by former finance minister Korn Chatikavanich

27th of January - The Criminal Court has dismissed a defamation charge lodged against former chief of Department of Special Investigation Tarit Pengdit by former deputy prime minister Suthep Thuagsuban.

I remember in December when the yellow leader was sentenced to 20 years jail and the red leaders where free on bail you still said the courts were biased. That has as much logical drive as a PTP supporter stating they support 15 principles of democracy…while only defending elections.

Yes, yes it is a conspiracy just like the World bank, Moody's, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, the Environmentalists, the corn farmer, rubber farmers, rice farmers, medical association, rural teachers, academics, Supa, global economists, IMF, private banks, GSB, the EC, AoT, the courts, military, bangkok middle class, business owner, state enterprise staff, Buddhist monks, civil servants, labor unions, Green Politics group, Thai Constitution Protection Association, The Thai press, NIDA poll, Bangkok Poll were a conspiracy when it did not suit the PTP agenda.

​Another example opt the PTP denouncing anyone (in this case the courts) when it does not suit your agenda.

Get over it. realize your being played and move on.

nonsense. make a list of one side and then claim 'no problem'.


2 years for defamation, but nothing for the slaughter of civilians by the military, which has been proven by Thai courts.

And no issues for the months of vitriol and lies from the PRDC stage.

Oh, the justice! Oh, the reconciliation!

Do you have a link about the slaughter by the military which is proved by the Thai courts?

AFAIR they military were absolved and none were charged by the PTP government under Yingluck, unless you know better and can point it out to me.

Of course if you were talking about Abhisit and Suthep they are still in Thailand waiting for their time in court to be proved guilty of murder which they were accused of.

Yes,and unlike Hero sick.gif Thaksin, Abhisit and Suthep, didn't due do a runner out of the Country!


2 years for defamation, but nothing for the slaughter of civilians by the military, which has been proven by Thai courts.

And no issues for the months of vitriol and lies from the PRDC stage.

Oh, the justice! Oh, the reconciliation!

Do you have a link about the slaughter by the military which is proved by the Thai courts?

AFAIR they military were absolved and none were charged by the PTP government under Yingluck, unless you know better and can point it out to me.

Of course if you were talking about Abhisit and Suthep they are still in Thailand waiting for their time in court to be proved guilty of murder which they were accused of.

They have already had their day in court Bill and the charges have been dismissed :


BANGKOK, 28 August 2014 (NNT) – The Criminal Court has dismissed charges of murder and abuse of power against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his ex-deputy in connection with the military crackdown on protesters in 2010.

As they should have been for any right thinking person knows the charges were politically motivated in an attempt to get Abhisit and Suthep to cave in and go along with Thaksin.

They proved they have more courage and principals then the coward in Dubai for they told him to go get stuffed they would never go along with his attempted take over of the country.

Thank you for the reminder.

I must have missed that or more probably I had forgotten.


Speaking out in Thai politics could cause one to be arrested, jailed, kangaroo court, sentenced to years of imprisonment...or worse (found dead after committing suicide)...very dangerous business...

We are not talking about how ugly the guy is...how loud or foul mouthed he was...we are talking about political revenge for calling another politician out...that is part a partial of being a democracy...which they still were at the time of this incident...

This country continues it's military march down the sewer...

Actually we are speaking about things that he said a few years ago and was out on bail for. It is not political revenge but applying the rules of law.

If Jatuporn had spent a little time thinking and instead of shouting he had kept his peace he may still have been free.

It was his choice and I would assume that he still thinks that he can do or say what he likes without punishment.

I doubt that he will learn anything from it. If you compare Jatuporn and Nattawut together you can see that Nattawut is smarter by far as he got the rewards from Thaksin and Jatuporn got pushed aside.

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Speaking out in Thai politics could cause one to be arrested, jailed, kangaroo court, sentenced to years of imprisonment...or worse (found dead after committing suicide)...very dangerous business...

We are not talking about how ugly the guy is...how loud or foul mouthed he was...we are talking about political revenge for calling another politician out...that is part a partial of being a democracy...which they still were at the time of this incident...

This country continues it's military march down the sewer...

Actually we are speaking about things that he said a few years ago and was out on bail for. It is not political revenge but applying the rules of law.

If Jatuporn had spent a little time thinking and instead of shouting he had kept his peace he may still have been free.

It was his choice and I would assume that he still thinks that he can do or say what he likes without punishment.

I doubt that he will learn anything from it. If you compare Jatuporn and Nattawut together you can see that Nattawut is smarter by far as he got the rewards from Thaksin and Jatuporn got pushed aside.

Nattawat's time will come he is also on bail for serious charges and Nattawat transport is implicated in problems with rice being moved around.

That his transport Co was involved while he was a minister points to conflict of interest at the very least.

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