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My deepest sincerest utmostish apologies if I gatecrashed your private thread.

maybe if you need a private thread you shouldn't use a public forum -just sayin'

PS I've not bashed any of you 'mericuns, in fact some of my best friends are 'murcians.. no really..

I like this thread.. Its been emotional reading your comments..

  • Like 2

robblok: You are welcome to have last word with your typical personal attack mode. NOT interesting.

Get a loom you 2.

  • Like 1

robblok: You are welcome to have last word with your typical personal attack mode. NOT interesting.

Get a loom you 2.

My worst nightmare!bah.gif

Stacey Dooley would be your worst nightmare. Heard she investigating POTY

  • Like 1

Hello..this is the OP.

I should have know better on TV.

If you can read my post or even the short title, it is obvious that I am addressing Americans and asking Americans how they fell about an issue.

Yet. probably over 80% of the replies are from non Americans bashing America or Americans!

What part of " this thread is for Americans" do you not understand?

Those of you claiming that Americans are rude, loud and overreacting need to step away from the computer and think about what you have posted here and how rude you are being!

You are over reacting to something that does not involve you at all..

You participation in this thread is unsolicited and unwanted.

You have every right to bash America.

Many Americans, myself included bash our country..it is healthy.

Just stop being rude, uninvited participants in this thread.

It is not about bashing anyone.

Open your own d*mn thread and bash away on that thread.

This thread is asking for the opinions of Americans about soething that involves Americans and no one else.

Not you! Understand?

Again, I would like the opinions of my fellow Americans on the current and possible future situation for Americans in Thailand.

Thanks to those Americans who have replied.

There has been some good input from you.

this just sums it up,,,

this is an open forum,,,


ok, now pm all your america brothers and talk about those nasty british people,, and the dutch as rob as upset a yank

  • Like 2

robblok: You are welcome to have last word with your typical personal attack mode. NOT interesting.

Get a loom you 2.

My worst nightmare!bah.gif

something we agree on 100%

  • Like 2

robblok: You are welcome to have last word with your typical personal attack mode. NOT interesting.

Get a loom you 2.

My worst nightmare!bah.gif

Stacey Dooley would be your worst nightmare. Heard she investigating POTY

oh Stacy, she'd do me.. well without all the chatter.


Hello..this is the OP.

I should have know better on TV.

If you can read my post or even the short title, it is obvious that I am addressing Americans and asking Americans how they fell about an issue.

Yet. probably over 80% of the replies are from non Americans bashing America or Americans!

What part of " this thread is for Americans" do you not understand?

Those of you claiming that Americans are rude, loud and overreacting need to step away from the computer and think about what you have posted here and how rude you are being!

You are over reacting to something that does not involve you at all..

You participation in this thread is unsolicited and unwanted.

You have every right to bash America.

Many Americans, myself included bash our country..it is healthy.

Just stop being rude, uninvited participants in this thread.

It is not about bashing anyone.

Open your own d*mn thread and bash away on that thread.

This thread is asking for the opinions of Americans about soething that involves Americans and no one else.

Not you! Understand?

Again, I would like the opinions of my fellow Americans on the current and possible future situation for Americans in Thailand.

Thanks to those Americans who have replied.

There has been some good input from you.

this just sums it up,,,

this is an open forum,,,


ok, now pm all your america brothers and talk about those nasty british people,, and the dutch as rob as upset a yank

Burn the Dutch burn them all.. Damm we should never have sold that Island to the Brits. We should have kept it and New York would be Nieuw Amsterdam and filled with nice tolerant people. Not descendants of those bad Brits (parodie / joke)

  • Like 2

I have had the feeling that we were maybe treated a little better in some situations than expats from other counties.

Another from the nanny state with a sense of entitlement complex.

Please tell me why you should recieve preferential treatment, does your $$$ buy more baht than mine.

Head back to Obama land and gives us an update after a few months, I hear Ferguson is a nice place to be these days, especially with an attitide like yours.

First, as a matter of fact, not opinion, my $ is buying a few more Bhat that most other currencies, probably including yours.

The most interesting thing going on right now politics-wise is how bloody similar American politics are to that of Thailand. Every time I turn around, the right wing wack-o-birds in the U.S. are trying to take the country back to an 18th century feudal oligarchy: restrictions on who has the right to vote; vote only if you own property; money elites are smarter, therefor have a divine right to rule; it is a waste of time to educate the poor or even middle class, besides it just gives them ideas. I could go on, but I am probably talking to a wall.


The USA needs to stop pushing other countries to the their way of "thinking" if you can even call it thinking. If that does not change Americans will become less welcome than they are now.

I think your getting the USA mixed up with Muslims. I don't think I need to explain.

  • Like 1

a lot of it on here is banter, humer,

but i truely think some of you americans dont even have funny bone in your elbows,,,lol

chill out,,

  • Like 2

Hello..this is the OP.

I should have know better on TV.

If you can read my post or even the short title, it is obvious that I am addressing Americans and asking Americans how they fell about an issue.

Yet. probably over 80% of the replies are from non Americans bashing America or Americans!

What part of " this thread is for Americans" do you not understand?

Those of you claiming that Americans are rude, loud and overreacting need to step away from the computer and think about what you have posted here and how rude you are being!

You are over reacting to something that does not involve you at all..

You participation in this thread is unsolicited and unwanted.

You have every right to bash America.

Many Americans, myself included bash our country..it is healthy.

Just stop being rude, uninvited participants in this thread.

It is not about bashing anyone.

Open your own d*mn thread and bash away on that thread.

This thread is asking for the opinions of Americans about soething that involves Americans and no one else.

Not you! Understand?

Again, I would like the opinions of my fellow Americans on the current and possible future situation for Americans in Thailand.

Thanks to those Americans who have replied.

There has been some good input from you.

this just sums it up,,,

this is an open forum,,,


ok, now pm all your america brothers and talk about those nasty british people,, and the dutch as rob as upset a yank

Burn the Dutch burn them all.. Damm we should never have sold that Island to the Brits. We should have kept it and New York would be Nieuw Amsterdam and filled with nice tolerant people. Not descendants of those bad Brits (parodie / joke)

and all the police men could walk around holding hands.. oh joy :D

  • Like 2

I am an American well entrenched in Thailand with wife and house, etc. I do not want to leave, and if I can just not pee off some important person, very unlikely, I will be here for my cremation. I "feel" huge love for me as an American by all Thai who are quick to say, "America number one." I do not worry about being forced to leave, or even feeling uncomfortable, because Thai know Americans tip in excess, to be very polite to an extreme, and to want to buy the best at a fair price.clap2.gif

Thai know Brits/Aussies as meager or non-tippers, as surly and grumpy and disrespectful and dismissive of Thai and Thai ways, and want to buy cheap things below the sellers' wholesale prices. By contrast, Americans look very positive. bah.gif

Thai respect America because it does what they wish they could do---bomb the crap out of anyone it wants, call that restoration of democracy, and get away with it; and, because Americans here having never learned the language nor the real value of Thai money, Americans are easy to fool and easy to overcharge. Once Americans get it through their thick skulls that, IN THAILAND, you can not go to court and sue at drop of a hat, can not disrespect young Thai drunks without a huge whipping, and can not have any Thai take anything you say seriously.... then Americans get along well here. thumbsup.gif

And oh, I do smile so much I have smile wrinkles. laugh.png


Hello..this is the OP.

I should have know better on TV.

If you can read my post or even the short title, it is obvious that I am addressing Americans and asking Americans how they fell about an issue.

Yet. probably over 80% of the replies are from non Americans bashing America or Americans!

What part of " this thread is for Americans" do you not understand?

Those of you claiming that Americans are rude, loud and overreacting need to step away from the computer and think about what you have posted here and how rude you are being!

You are over reacting to something that does not involve you at all..

You participation in this thread is unsolicited and unwanted.

You have every right to bash America.

Many Americans, myself included bash our country..it is healthy.

Just stop being rude, uninvited participants in this thread.

It is not about bashing anyone.

Open your own d*mn thread and bash away on that thread.

This thread is asking for the opinions of Americans about soething that involves Americans and no one else.

Not you! Understand?

Again, I would like the opinions of my fellow Americans on the current and possible future situation for Americans in Thailand.

Thanks to those Americans who have replied.

There has been some good input from you.



  • Like 1

I'm American and I don't feel any different than before.

Most Thai's in all honesty cant tell what you are, American, Russian, English to them it's all the same..farang

As for the over-hyped anti-american mood. That exists in the rarified Bangkok uber nationalistic elite. Once again for the average Thai, 'if' they are even aware of the diplomatic spat, they don't really care what a US diplomat says, and even less about the hissy fit's of the various Juntanista's who are Oh So vocal


Hello..this is the OP.

I should have know better on TV.

If you can read my post or even the short title, it is obvious that I am addressing Americans and asking Americans how they fell about an issue.

Yet. probably over 80% of the replies are from non Americans bashing America or Americans!

What part of " this thread is for Americans" do you not understand?

Those of you claiming that Americans are rude, loud and overreacting need to step away from the computer and think about what you have posted here and how rude you are being!

You are over reacting to something that does not involve you at all..

You participation in this thread is unsolicited and unwanted.

You have every right to bash America.

Many Americans, myself included bash our country..it is healthy.

Just stop being rude, uninvited participants in this thread.

It is not about bashing anyone.

Open your own d*mn thread and bash away on that thread.

This thread is asking for the opinions of Americans about soething that involves Americans and no one else.

Not you! Understand?

Again, I would like the opinions of my fellow Americans on the current and possible future situation for Americans in Thailand.

Thanks to those Americans who have replied.

There has been some good input from you.



im sorry too,,

lets all get on our knees and say we wont do it again,,,,



Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

There is another thread where a non-American mentioned how many expats were losers in their own countries.

The UK and Aus. are tiny with combined populations about 1/4 of the US. Yet they are vastly overrepresented as expats in Thailand. That's because they hate themselves and their countries. As bitter old men they are jealous and have to be bitter toward others.

In 30 years their countries will be muslim due to immigration and breeding rates. They know it. They are powerless to do anything about it because their governments disarmed them.

They actually hate their countries and it shows in a multitude of posts. They have nowhere to go home to. They don't recognize their countries due to immigration and PC governments.

They've given up their sovereign borders to an international group and they no longer can claim patriotic pride. All they can do is criticise those who have an independent country with patriotism and who do have the power to change things. They criticize America AND their own countries. They are lost and broken.

They no longer understand being patriotic and think that those who are have lost the plot when in truth they have lost the plot and have lost their way. They are people without a country. They drink their days away in Thailand realizing that the old saying is true: "Wherever you go, there you are."

It's well known that only a small percentage of the US population travel abroad. Thanks to the UK and European settlers, you're welcome, they don't need to leave their borders in search of sun or snow. If someone wants to retire to the sun they simply head south. If you're from the UK you don't have that option which is why so many of us travel and end up in places like Thailand. I'm not old, bitter and don't hate my country. I just choose not to live there because of the weather, and the better cost of living and easy life I get here. You have a very narrow point of view and are generalising.

In 30 years all religions, including Muslim, will be even more diminished than they are now.

You're right that the UK have let too many aliens in but that doesn't make UK people any less patriotic than the US. We just don't shout about it so much.

The US created an over the top patriotic pride out of necessity. It's a country of immigrants that has an identity crisis and needs something to bring everyone together.

Don't countries like North Korea demand unwaivering patriotism.


Hello..this is the OP.

I should have know better on TV.

If you can read my post or even the short title, it is obvious that I am addressing Americans and asking Americans how they fell about an issue.

Yet. probably over 80% of the replies are from non Americans bashing America or Americans!

What part of " this thread is for Americans" do you not understand?

Those of you claiming that Americans are rude, loud and overreacting need to step away from the computer and think about what you have posted here and how rude you are being!

You are over reacting to something that does not involve you at all..

You participation in this thread is unsolicited and unwanted.

You have every right to bash America.

Many Americans, myself included bash our country..it is healthy.

Just stop being rude, uninvited participants in this thread.

It is not about bashing anyone.

Open your own d*mn thread and bash away on that thread.

This thread is asking for the opinions of Americans about soething that involves Americans and no one else.

Not you! Understand?

Again, I would like the opinions of my fellow Americans on the current and possible future situation for Americans in Thailand.

Thanks to those Americans who have replied.

There has been some good input from you.



im sorry too,,

lets all get on our knees and say we wont do it again,,,,


I was genuinely interested as I have generally found most Americans in Thailand friendly and haven't heard anything about a fallout happening.

However I can fully understand the OP being annoyed that his thread was hijacked....

Never mind. I will mind my own business.


I am an American well entrenched in Thailand with wife and house, etc. I do not want to leave, and if I can just not pee off some important person, very unlikely, I will be here for my cremation. I "feel" huge love for me as an American by all Thai who are quick to say, "America number one." I do not worry about being forced to leave, or even feeling uncomfortable, because Thai know Americans tip in excess, to be very polite to an extreme, and to want to buy the best at a fair price.clap2.gif

Thai know Brits/Aussies as meager or non-tippers, as surly and grumpy and disrespectful and dismissive of Thai and Thai ways, and want to buy cheap things below the sellers' wholesale prices. By contrast, Americans look very positive. bah.gif

Thai respect America because it does what they wish they could do---bomb the crap out of anyone it wants, call that restoration of democracy, and get away with it; and, because Americans here having never learned the language nor the real value of Thai money, Americans are easy to fool and easy to overcharge. Once Americans get it through their thick skulls that, IN THAILAND, you can not go to court and sue at drop of a hat, can not disrespect young Thai drunks without a huge whipping, and can not have any Thai take anything you say seriously.... then Americans get along well here. thumbsup.gif

And oh, I do smile so much I have smile wrinkles. laugh.png

I hate to burst your bubble but Thai's say your country's No1 to whoever they're talking to. Funny my country is number 1 also.


I am an American well entrenched in Thailand with wife and house, etc. I do not want to leave, and if I can just not pee off some important person, very unlikely, I will be here for my cremation. I "feel" huge love for me as an American by all Thai who are quick to say, "America number one." I do not worry about being forced to leave, or even feeling uncomfortable, because Thai know Americans tip in excess, to be very polite to an extreme, and to want to buy the best at a fair price.clap2.gif

Thai know Brits/Aussies as meager or non-tippers, as surly and grumpy and disrespectful and dismissive of Thai and Thai ways, and want to buy cheap things below the sellers' wholesale prices. By contrast, Americans look very positive. bah.gif

Thai respect America because it does what they wish they could do---bomb the crap out of anyone it wants, call that restoration of democracy, and get away with it; and, because Americans here having never learned the language nor the real value of Thai money, Americans are easy to fool and easy to overcharge. Once Americans get it through their thick skulls that, IN THAILAND, you can not go to court and sue at drop of a hat, can not disrespect young Thai drunks without a huge whipping, and can not have any Thai take anything you say seriously.... then Americans get along well here. thumbsup.gif

And oh, I do smile so much I have smile wrinkles. laugh.png

I hate to burst your bubble but Thai's say your country's No1 to whoever they're talking to. Funny my country is number 1 also.


youve missed the point,,,

they believe it,,,,lol

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To qualify, "it's been my experience" that Thais really don't see nationality when coming into contact with a white foreigner. They see farang. I don't think most Thais give a hoot what some U.S. government official says. Some might, but even those are not going to hold it against he average American they meet on the street or perhaps work with.

The real problem is those damn Englishman!

haha...come on man...don't serious and I mean don't serious.

It`s the Welsh I can`t tolerate. The people that sing; there be a welcome in the hillside, because they don`t like inviting people into their houses.


Thais like Americans partly because we are the only English speaking people who they can understand.

Just saying smile.png

I think they like you because you're easily fooled into thinking you've been understood. Just puttin' it out there. wink.png

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