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Farang neighbour almost sets house on fire out of crowing rage

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I had a friend who rented a place in Cambodia years and years ago. He didnt understand why the rent was so low. He paid what he needed to to move in.....he was very happy. .....Until night time when the set up a slaughterhouse for pigs...they screamed all night......He left three days later.

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I feel for the farang. Getting woken up every morning is not my first choice. It is obvious though, that the thai lady doesn't care at all about disturbing her neighbor. Maybe she doesn't have to be concerned, but in many countries, certain parts of certain cities have zoning ordnances, and most have noise ordnances that limit noise levels before 7 or 8 am.


Thai lady 1....(most) TV posters 0

Smart lady that one in the OP! I have to wonder why so many posters on this thread put themselves through the hell of living in Thailand (bravado on an anonymous forum aside). It must be so hard for them. Why choose to stay where there are all the terrible things people list...monks chanting (it's a Buddist country, duh!) ... hens, roosters, dogs..... strange no one's whining about traffic and ambulances rushing around.....but that wouldn't be fun, would it?

I went to Mrs R's village a while back, with a former TV member in tow. He couldn't hack "the noise" for more than one night and returned to the "peace" of city life near the moat in CM..... The "noise" in the village? ...birds in the trees, geckos and the poo yai's morning exhaltations. Generally it was so quiet you could have heard a flea fart. Mind you, the poor beggar did come from Glasgow, so must have been pining for constant traffic and incessant sirens.

Yup, some people put themselves through hell.


Never ceased to be amazed by the sense of entitlement certain foreigners have on these forums. Hate dogs, hate chickens, are happy when my Thai neighbours don't talk to me anymore, don't want to speak Thai, can't stand my wife's family blah blah blah and on and on it goes. Must make it a nightmare to live here... in fact if you don't like it so much why not do what most sensible people would do and just move on

Do you think its nice when your neighbor starts a chicken farm 4 meter from your bedroom window inside a housing estate or when a karaoke keeps you awake all night long? Have nothing against Thais but sometimes when it comes to "noise pollution" we are different.

yes 'WE" are.... but WE also chose to live in Thailand not the other way around. I find the people that whinge the most never shut up about the place when they first arrive then in a short period of time never shut up with the Thai bashing and constant moaning. I actually think this women showed incredible restraint. If my missus came to me and said some juvenile clown next door was throwing fireworks on my property and had nearly started a fire said clown would be waking up with a crowd around him before he knew what hit him end of story.


Thai lady 1....(most) TV posters 0

Smart lady that one in the OP! I have to wonder why so many posters on this thread put themselves through the hell of living in Thailand (bravado on an anonymous forum aside). It must be so hard for them. Why choose to stay where there are all the terrible things people list...monks chanting (it's a Buddist country, duh!) ... hens, roosters, dogs..... strange no one's whining about traffic and ambulances rushing around.....but that wouldn't be fun, would it?

I went to Mrs R's village a while back, with a former TV member in tow. He couldn't hack "the noise" for more than one night and returned to the "peace" of city life near the moat in CM..... The "noise" in the village? ...birds in the trees, geckos and the poo yai's morning exhaltations. Generally it was so quiet you could have heard a flea fart. Mind you, the poor beggar did come from Glasgow, so must have been pining for constant traffic and incessant sirens.

Yup, some people put themselves through hell.

+1 well said clap2.gif


selfish thai everywhere

and there is like no planning here

if a neighbour deceides to start an illegal karaoke one day or a garage, in a residential area , good luck in getting it shut down

special thanks to the police for doing nothing


Most Thais don't give a care about the noise they cause to the community..dogs barking at all hours etc. I think there should be some kind of regulation regarding this kind of situation. If this woman wants a farm-like setting move-out more to the outskirts...if you have direct neighbors, you have to be considerate, regardless of culture.


I used to like chickens before I came to Thailand.

I have gotten used to the noise now though. We have half a dozen roosters and their many concubines wandering around the yard and crowing at the edge of my bedroom window at all hours.

But I would have em all in the freezer if I could. They belong to my mother in law and apparently she loves em. That is until she crushes their heads with a sling shot. and chops them up.

A regular cull happens at out place as well. Normally through me saying nicely to my wife and MIL: 'don't you think we have too many roosters now?' :)


The problem is, we are not deaf. Like our hosts!

no the problem is Thais have been trained to not complain and if they do they have been trained to avoid any answer or solution at all costs. Im pretty sure many Thais would love to complain but dont for fear of violence or petty repercussions.

I have heard the most horrendous noises by some neighbours but all the Thais are too afraid to go down bash the door and tell em shut the eff up.

Very true indeed! In our moo baan there was a neighbor who constantly was using a metal grinder to make whatever he was making. Day in, day out. After weeks of this I finally gave up and went over to tell him to either do it inside or find another place to do it as he was terrorizing the whole street. He gave me a dirty look but has stopped doing it ever since. Since then many of the Thai neighbors have thanked and said to my wife that I was very courageous for stopping this guy as nobody else had the guts to complain to him. My wife told me that city Thais also hate the noise that the rural Thais bring to the city with them but most Thais will just accept it out of fear of fights or worse. All the comments here about farangs being only paying guests here and that we should stop complaining are from farangs that have accepted their fate and believe that they should be seen and not heard. What a way to live guys. It means you will never stand up to any injustice ever because you have made yourselves believe that this is the way Thais live, just to save your own face, literally that is. Noise pollution(dogs, roosters, trucks selling cra-p, elections, etc, etc), dumping your plastic bag full of waste by the roadside, burning plastic at 5am right beside your bedroom window, not caring about anyone but yourself can hardly be part of any culture and if it is, it needs changing. Very simple. I'm pretty sure most urban Thais/farangs agree with me and probably many village dwellers too


Just remembered why I like condo living so much.....

Same thing convinced me to return to a condo. 10 months living next to 3 dogs in Maejo which barked at passing motor bikes 24/7. Closing the windows hardly helped at all.

Back in the city now, but still a good few untrained Thais and their dogs outside. As there's a law against poultry in the city, a pity there's not one about dogs and the number any one house can have.


I also hate all the noise from neighbours pets.

But chickens at least give eggs, those roosters they pet in a cage are totally useless and kept for fightings only, which i wouldn't expect from a buddhist.

The rooster is needed to fertilize the eggs so they can have more chickens... :)



I also hate all the noise from neighbours pets.

But chickens at least give eggs, those roosters they pet in a cage are totally useless and kept for fightings only, which i wouldn't expect from a buddhist.

Why is it you never hear complaints about European countries not holding to the teachings of Christ, yet, Thais are expected to tow the line and live lives according to the teachings of Buddha?

Double standards?


Never ceased to be amazed by the sense of entitlement certain foreigners have on these forums. Hate dogs, hate chickens, are happy when my Thai neighbours don't talk to me anymore, don't want to speak Thai, can't stand my wife's family blah blah blah and on and on it goes. Must make it a nightmare to live here... in fact if you don't like it so much why not do what most sensible people would do and just move on

I often wonder the exact same thing about some of the people who post messages here...



Why should you move from your home because someone else (like most Thais, just look how most of them drive) only cares about themselves?

The thing is the chickens have rights farangs don´t, they are Thai


OK the guy's reaction is crazy but I just want to point out that noise (just like cigarette smoke) is a one-way disturbance, ie when you don't smoke or don't make noise, you don't annoy anybody.

People are supposed to be civilized and mindful of their neighbours, but are they ? And when they are not, what exactly can the disturbed party do to make the problem stop ?

When the disturbed person ends up resorting to violence, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are crazy fools, perhaps it also indicates the a society where no one gives a sh*t about causing serious and repetitive trouble to their neighbours is, to say the least, disfunctional ?

Before he started losing his screws and throwing fireworks, I'm pretty sure the enraged neighbour tried to find out if there was any kind of local law that might protect his right to peace and quiet. And he found out that there is no such thing. The lady with the hens probably laughed in his face repeatedly. When there is no 'customary law' because people have lost their sense of social respect, what happens then ?

Violence, that's what.

So true. Welcome to Thailand..... BEWARE.

Civility? In a land w/ out Rule of Law? lol I think not.


"he might not be used to chicken crowing like Thais."

cheesy.gif clap2.gifcheesy.gif clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Yes, one my neighbors does 'crow' louder than a bantam giggle.gif

Thankfully she doesn't wake me at 4 am ...facepalm.gif


I wonder if it is time to start a Thai version of the reality TV show Neighbours From Hell . Sounds like there are ample specimens just in the thai/farang neighbour context. I'd watch!


Just remembered why I like condo living so much.....

you can say that again. No speakers blasting all hours no xxxxing roosters no smoke from burning crap no neihbours calling in for donations and the best i like..no xxxxing rabid soi dogs


I lived in a 13th floor condo in Pattaya. Outside at night, noise from the karaoke restaurant until 02.30, followed by stray dogs howling until 04.00, followed by cocks crowing until 06.00. Then the G/F woke up...


Never ceased to be amazed by the sense of entitlement certain foreigners have on these forums. Hate dogs, hate chickens, are happy when my Thai neighbours don't talk to me anymore, don't want to speak Thai, can't stand my wife's family blah blah blah and on and on it goes. Must make it a nightmare to live here... in fact if you don't like it so much why not do what most sensible people would do and just move on

Do you think its nice when your neighbor starts a chicken farm 4 meter from your bedroom window inside a housing estate or when a karaoke keeps you awake all night long? Have nothing against Thais but sometimes when it comes to "noise pollution" we are different.

yes 'WE" are.... but WE also chose to live in Thailand not the other way around. I find the people that whinge the most never shut up about the place when they first arrive then in a short period of time never shut up with the Thai bashing and constant moaning. I actually think this women showed incredible restraint. If my missus came to me and said some juvenile clown next door was throwing fireworks on my property and had nearly started a fire said clown would be waking up with a crowd around him before he knew what hit him end of story.

If my missus came to me and said some juvenile clown next door had set up a rooster pen (in a residential area) that caused continuous noise pollution, said clown would be waking up with a crowd around him before he knew what hit him end of story.


I live in a condo but condo's are not safe from noise just ask the boys near Soi 5 in Jomtein that are listening to some sick ass singing every night now. just some simple enforcement of ordinances could solve many problems here.


The chickens don't crow. The roosters crow.

Don't know why the Thais like to have so many roosters around, they're dangerous little fellas, specially with young kids.

And they eat food for little benefit. Screw their necks!

Save the feed for the chickens = more eggs!


I grew up in country Australia and love being woken up by the sound of a rooster crowing, reminds me of home. The little things that people take for granted and the pleasures that those who grew up in cities will never understand. What I hate is city noises and can never sleep, trams, trains,sirens and traffic etc. Give me the peaceful tranquil songs of rural life anytime.

at 4 a.m. ? whistling.gif

or all night, if there are lights on outdoors? (as is often the case) blink.png


Very amusing if not for the potential disastrous consequences of a fire.

A wonderful example of Thai tolerance and Farang intolerance.

I must admit that before I came to Thailand I believed cocks started crowing at dawn. But now I know that they actually start at 3am and finish at dawn! Easy solution: Boots washable foam earplugs; essential piece of kit for Thailand especially with all the construction going on everywhere. Dont buy the longer tapered orange ones as they just push the wax further into your ears and impact it (but u can cut the ends off them).

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