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I want some sleep!


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During the elections a VERY LOUD loud speaker van was stood in front of our house, glasses were vibrating across the table. What do I do, my Thai is insufficient. I went to the van carrying a garden shear and sort of humorously indicated towards the loud speaker, performing a zany clicking motion, grinning inanely, the while. He moved. Same thing with a neighbour last year.

However, 4am? We get up with the rest of the village, just after the cockerels, get an hour's sleep at midday and go to bed. This is one of the few times that I would say, if you can't manage the situation, you are in the wrong place.

my Thai is insufficient.

The phrase you are looking for is, ngiap SEE, with the emphasis on the see.

If you want to speak like a local, arai wa, tam arai ai meung, ngiap see, ork bai.

Yes, thanks for that. I learnt to say shut up soon after getting married thank you very much. The garden shears made things very clear.

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It is illegal unless they have a licence. Regardless of if they are connected to the temple. I must say that it does appear that briggsy was right to be confused. Your first post seemed to suggest the music was an ongoing problem. If is connected to the temple then it will likely last only a couple of weeks. Instead of resisting the culture why not change your routine a little so you are up and awake at that time. It is the best part of the day after all.

6am maybe, but 4am? What do you do stumbling about in the dark that makes it so wonderful puchooay?

Note the slightly confrontational tone. Thought I'd continue in the same vein that this thread kicked off with - unusual traces of the Pattaya or Phuket variant for an Isaan thread is it not? tongue.png

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Your phrase carries the right meaning but is devoid of good grace and might be what would be heard from a scolding wife to her henpecked husband or equally from an annoyed teacher to naughty schoolchildren.

It fails to carry the balance of humour, mock insanity and displeasure with the volume that cooked's display achieved with good result.

How about the more easily pronouncable, "Bao bao noi" (Turn it down, please).


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It is illegal unless they have a licence. Regardless of if they are connected to the temple. I must say that it does appear that briggsy was right to be confused. Your first post seemed to suggest the music was an ongoing problem. If is connected to the temple then it will likely last only a couple of weeks. Instead of resisting the culture why not change your routine a little so you are up and awake at that time. It is the best part of the day after all.

6am maybe, but 4am? What do you do stumbling about in the dark that makes it so wonderful puchooay?

Note the slightly confrontational tone. Thought I'd continue in the same vein that this thread kicked off with - unusual traces of the Pattaya or Phuket variant for an Isaan thread is it not? tongue.png

I have electricity in my house, Santi .I have some switches on my wall. When I push them a big bright light comes out of the ceiling. Edited by puchooay
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Sleep disturbance is torture. I do not use that word lightly. I sympathise with you.

You need to tell the village headman. It is better if you can go as a group with some Thais.

It is not clear if this is 2 issues or one issue. eg 1. Loud music and 2. Noise from the temple or simply noisy music from the temple. If it is only one issue and that is from the temple, your chances of success are reduced. Failing that, try earplugs.

Buy a size LARGE shotgun and start blasting away at the house! clap2.gif

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You are in the wrong town, province and country.

Time to consider your options.

Have a nice flight!


Your lack of compassion, empathy, and concern for your fellow human, is shameful.

Feel free to explain, in as much detail as you like, what the OP has done or said that justified such a response ….

Unfortunately, this is the usual repugnant response from many of these "creatures" that lurk under stones on TV!

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It is illegal unless they have a licence. Regardless of if they are connected to the temple. I must say that it does appear that briggsy was right to be confused. Your first post seemed to suggest the music was an ongoing problem. If is connected to the temple then it will likely last only a couple of weeks. Instead of resisting the culture why not change your routine a little so you are up and awake at that time.o you are up and awake at that time. It is the best part of the day after all.

It is the best part of the day after all. OP is talking about 4 AM so I guess you meant the best part of the night! biggrin.png

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I don't want to get into a who's-right/wrong match. I sympathise with anyone who is sleep-deprived by the selfishness/thoughtlessness of others. I moved from Pattaya/Jomtien area for peace and quiet. The moo-baan in Bang Saray was all I hoped it would be; clean, well-run and quiet until just over a year ago.

Two arrogant dog-owners moved in. Their great dane's booming bark shudders my windows at all hours. Worse, it sets off two neurotic hysterical other dogs also in close proximity to my house.

No complaints however politely put were heeded. I am not alone: there have been rows; missiles; even fisticuffs from other affected owners. All to no avail; the problem still persists; I do not see why I should have to sell up and move through no fault of my own. Short of taking the law into my own hands I do not know what to do.

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I've posted this many times, but the solution is simple. Get earplugs, the wax ones in Boots are the best. When I was younger my roommates were in a rock band and use to practice at night, and they worked like a charm. They are uncomfortable at first but you will get used to them, sure beats sitting around all day exhausted and sleepless grousing about the situation.

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I am faced with a similar situation, loud speakers blaring out horrible singing voices (loud noise) and fire works firecrackers and explosions on a daily basis (not just holidays) this really upsets my 2 dogs. I have not complained, nor do I intend to do so. The only alternative, as I see it is to move. I am looking for a new place to live!

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Sorry it appears some have taken offence. After 10 days of it I am frazzd. The headman is actually a friend of mine. The music isn't at a temple it's in a house 3 doors up. Everyone is complaining about it but know one wants to say anything, a common occurrence here. The local pump broke a few weeks ago, no water for a week. No one said a word. It's the culture here I know. Don't like it leave ...I know.

I reckon you have a perfectly legitimate complaint. Sleep is a precious commodity which should not be disturbed in the early hours of the morning. Once woken,

I never get back to sleep. You have my sympathy.

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I used to live directly under the flight path to san diego airport. every 2 and a half minutes, a large jetliner would fly exactly over my place, perhaps 200 to 300 feet above me. It was terrible, but I was able to get some sleep by:

1: earplugs, the wax ones which mold to your ear are the best.

2: a cheap fan, the kind that is about 2x2 feet, with 3 speeds. i would turn it on, to the loudest setting. after a while i got used to it, and was able to sleep with it going full blast.

3. even with those 2 techniques, the airplane noise would still come faintly through, but I seemed to get accustomed to it after a while.

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Can you turn the guys power off? As in get out of bed and cut his amp connection, but try other options first, speak to your friend the village headman, speak to police, tape /film the activity for proof, if nothing happens then cut his power.

Have you actually made the effort,t to get up out of bed and speak to the 'musician'? take your village headman with you for translation purposes. If unsuccessful just cut the power and let down his tyres for good measure!

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You are in the wrong town, province and country.

Time to consider your options.

Have a nice flight!

clap2.gif Well done. The first `go home crew` to crawl from under their stone in this thread, congrats!

Amazingly, this comment comes from a man that started a thread whinge last week about Thai`s attitudes towards Americans recently due to the US` criticisms of the Thai junta when in all reality, most Thais have no idea about their government`s policy or that of any nation! Suppose you know this already, right? wink.png Off thread there but needs to be said.

Man starts a thread, probably frustrated as hell and in need of advice, yet only your concerns or posts are there to be worried about it would seem.

And looking at your likes for this comment, no surprise there at all.

Grumpy man.

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Your phrase carries the right meaning but is devoid of good grace and might be what would be heard from a scolding wife to her henpecked husband or equally from an annoyed teacher to naughty schoolchildren.

It fails to carry the balance of humour, mock insanity and displeasure with the volume that cooked's display achieved with good result.

How about the more easily pronouncable, "Bao bao noi" (Turn it down, please).


Briggsy, you are of course correct.

Thats the beauty of the language, it has differing levels of politeness to be used depending on the circumstances.

Had I been in refined componay somewhere in Bkk I would of course chosen my language a little more carefully.

In my experience this is the language used by these ban norks types, and probably more suitable than a polite request..

However its a moot point, its the desired result that matters.

Cheers, thanks for the laugh.

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You are in the wrong town, province and country.

Time to consider your options.

Have a nice flight!

clap2.gif Well done. The first `go home crew` to crawl from under their stone in this thread, congrats!

Amazingly, this comment comes from a man that started a thread whinge last week about Thai`s attitudes towards Americans recently due to the US` criticisms of the Thai junta when in all reality, most Thais have no idea about their government`s policy or that of any nation! Suppose you know this already, right? wink.png Off thread there but needs to be said.

Man starts a thread, probably frustrated as hell and in need of advice, yet only your concerns or posts are there to be worried about it would seem.

And looking at your likes for this comment, no surprise there at all.

Grumpy man.

Please excuse me for my thoughtless reply.

On second thought, after reading the other posts here, I should have said,

Go to the village headman ( the guy with the pretty flags at his house) and tell him ( in English, since you have been here long enough now that all in they village should have learned your language by now)

"I have come here to live in your country and in your village, with your people and I do not like the way you live.

Since I am from ( fill in the blank with your home country ) you know I am more important, smarter, and better than you and your people.

So, it is time for you all to change your life style and culture and make this the kind of place that I want to live!

And be careful, I have talked to other foreigners on Thai visa, a web site for uninvited guests in your country, and they have given me good advice on how to get rid of you as village chief if you do not do as I demand.

You have been warned!"

Yeah! That should work!

Choke dee!cheesy.gif

( that's good luck in English )

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Jesus? How do people assume so much from so little? This is nothing of the sort re trying to change the world or cultural issues. 4 local people have approached him including my missus and he says not up to him. Monk order him do. I have no intention of trying to dislodge the head man or bothering him with the issue for that matter. I'm sure he's aware of the situation which I think has now run its course.

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Play him at his own game.

Get up an hour before him and blast out some Ted Nugent.

Do that for a week then work on a compromise.

Just pray he's not a heavy metal fan tongue.png .

Sorry, but it doesn't work like that up in the 'sticks'. You are the farang, and you won't win. From personal experience four years ago up in Khon Kaen province. A pre-wedding celebration cranking up in the village on a Saturday morning at 2 a.m. (I kid you not) 50 metres from my little flat, the full earth rumbling sound system. Impossible to sleep, I had to get up at 5 a.m. bleary eyed to get a local bus to KK city to seek refuge in a hotel for the day. Then six days later on a Friday evening, stones thrown on the shutters of my flat at 7 p.m. , and two hours later , bang, bang, bang on my door. A complaint from the apartment manager about MY farang music, on a 1000 baht mini stereo mind you. A few choice words to the manager, a waste of time, I was told to leave a few days later.

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How does one change village headman? can they be fired? what offense must occur inorder for a village headman to be removed from his position?

They are elected by the villagers. I suspect you are not a Thai citizen (not many called Derek). No vote for you I am afraid.

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How does one change village headman? can they be fired? what offense must occur inorder for a village headman to be removed from his position?

They are elected by the villagers. I suspect you are not a Thai citizen (not many called Derek). No vote for you I am afraid.

He could 'canvass' (cough, cough).

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You are in the wrong town, province and country.

Time to consider your options.

Have a nice flight!

clap2.gif Well done. The first `go home crew` to crawl from under their stone in this thread, congrats!

Amazingly, this comment comes from a man that started a thread whinge last week about Thai`s attitudes towards Americans recently due to the US` criticisms of the Thai junta when in all reality, most Thais have no idea about their government`s policy or that of any nation! Suppose you know this already, right? wink.png Off thread there but needs to be said.

Man starts a thread, probably frustrated as hell and in need of advice, yet only your concerns or posts are there to be worried about it would seem.

And looking at your likes for this comment, no surprise there at all.

Grumpy man.

Please excuse me for my thoughtless reply.

On second thought, after reading the other posts here, I should have said,

Go to the village headman ( the guy with the pretty flags at his house) and tell him ( in English, since you have been here long enough now that all in they village should have learned your language by now)

"I have come here to live in your country and in your village, with your people and I do not like the way you live.

Since I am from ( fill in the blank with your home country ) you know I am more important, smarter, and better than you and your people.

So, it is time for you all to change your life style and culture and make this the kind of place that I want to live!

And be careful, I have talked to other foreigners on Thai visa, a web site for uninvited guests in your country, and they have given me good advice on how to get rid of you as village chief if you do not do as I demand.

You have been warned!"

Yeah! That should work!

Choke dee!cheesy.gif

( that's good luck in English )

Actually Willi, you may have stumbled upon something there.

If we ALL did that maybe the rural Thais would 'develop' rather than being left behind by their ASEAN counterparts.

Still, learning manners, respect, consideration for others may be too much to expect.

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How does one change village headman? can they be fired? what offense must occur inorder for a village headman to be removed from his position?

They are elected by the villagers. I suspect you are not a Thai citizen (not many called Derek). No vote for you I am afraid.

He could 'canvass' (cough, cough).

lol! I did not ask how they become poo yai baan or village headman! I know they are elected, often via means of vote buying. I am merely intrested in if one is not up to the job, how do they become removed from their position of village headman?

Oh..and there is no need for me to walk around the village and look for the house with the pretty flags, unless I go outside walk forward a little bit then look back! (I live in the same house as the village headman!)

As I mentioned my question comes from curiosity, more than anything! Surely they dont all wait until headman is 60 and retired from the position (can they continue beyond age of 60?) or kick the bucket before the village elects a new headman. Surely one who is not up to the task or job in question can be removed or dismissed from being village headman?

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