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White House struggles with Obama comment on Paris attack


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If I say that Goldman-Sachs is responsible for much of the trouble in the world right now, I'm probably also labeled an ant-semitic?

You might be labeled that way because of the general content of your posts, but I doubt if anyone would point to your remarks on Goldman-Sachs specifically. Straw man much?

So now you accuse me already of being anti Semitic, because I don't agree with your point of view?

Should I also accuse you of being anti- European or anti- Catholic because you don't agree with my view?

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Once a commy - always a commy.

Once a Muslim - always a Muslim.

A Good Muslim, a Bad Muslim - still a Muslim.

As to the Psaki - she has become a symbol unto herself. A symbol of stupidity, ignorance and blurts.

One cannot change one's nature by changing the colour of the House.

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I did not accuse you of anything. Brush up on your reading accuracy skills.

What is wrong with my reading skills ?

I said.

If I say that Goldman-Sachs is responsible for much of the trouble in the world right now, I'm probably also labeled an ant-semitic?

Ulysses G., on 11 Feb 2015 - 09:07, said:

You might be labeled that way because of the general content of your posts

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Islamic terrorists "randomly" shot a bunch of folks in a kosher Jewish deli. Typical Obama denial of the obvious. . rolleyes.gif

This one is more extreme than usual for him.

You're blind to the truth. You're spinning it as the other outraged critics in the OP are.

I assume (as do we all as we will never know for sure) that the deli was targeted because it would have Jews in it. But that's an assumption.

But lets make it a reasonable assumption and take it for granted, ok? The choice of a kosher deli was antisemitic.

What is a less reasonable assumption is that he (the gunman) shot the victims specifically. What is a reasonable assumption is that he shot whoever he came to first or whoever happened in his sights first...ie randomly chosen from amongst all the customers. That is what Obama meant by saying "random".

No. That's not what Obama meant. That's what you assume he meant.

And it doesn't make much sense either.

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how absolutely ridiculous!!! The people inside the deli just happened to be there when this terrorist attack took place. Each of them a=was not specifically targeted. To say they were randomly shot is correct. Just because he didn't add that it was also likely an anti-Semitic attack means nothing!!! It astounds me how the anti-Obama camp will do anything to turn what he says into a big deal.

Get over it already!!!

Do you clowns even remember when Bush would try to talk? OMG!!!

And the deli was chosen at random?

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"it does not want to give legitimacy to the notion that the attackers were acting on behalf of their religious beliefs".

​What religion were they then, or were they atheist terrorists?

The sooner this guy leaves The White House the better.

Edited by uptheos
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how absolutely ridiculous!!! The people inside the deli just happened to be there when this terrorist attack took place. Each of them a=was not specifically targeted. To say they were randomly shot is correct. Just because he didn't add that it was also likely an anti-Semitic attack means nothing!!! It astounds me how the anti-Obama camp will do anything to turn what he says into a big deal.

Get over it already!!!

Do you clowns even remember when Bush would try to talk? OMG!!!

And the deli was chosen at random?

It is known it was chosen because it was a JEWISH store and also the timing was specific as it was known to be busy before JEWISH sabbath shopping ... better chance of a higher percentage of actual Jews there as there actually were and all four the customers murdered there by the Islamic Jihadist antisemitic terrorist were indeed as targeted -- JEWS. Of course anyone is free to shop at any store in Paris ... but this was without a doubt targeted as a Jewish target. Maps with locations of JEWISH schools were found in the grocery terrorists car ... coincidence ... would you like to buy the Brooklyn bridge if you believe that?

Of course antisemites and much of the Muslim world, which face it is riddled with antisemitism (hatred against Jews) is pushing the big lie that the entire terror incident in Paris (Hebdo and the grocery) was indeed masterminded by Jews themselves, false flag garbage and all that.

How the world is to combat this kind of murderous irrational hatred, well I don't have a clue, but dancing around who is the enemy and DENIAL as Obama seems to be doing can't possibly be the answer.

In case not clear ... the enemy is Islamic Jihadism. Not Islam. Not all Muslims. That specific thing which sadly has quite a bit of support in the Muslim world.

Edited by Jingthing
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how absolutely ridiculous!!! The people inside the deli just happened to be there when this terrorist attack took place. Each of them a=was not specifically targeted. To say they were randomly shot is correct. Just because he didn't add that it was also likely an anti-Semitic attack means nothing!!! It astounds me how the anti-Obama camp will do anything to turn what he says into a big deal.

Get over it already!!!

Do you clowns even remember when Bush would try to talk? OMG!!!

And the deli was chosen at random?

It is known it was chosen because it was a JEWISH store and also the timing was specific as it was known to be busy before JEWISH sabbath shopping ... better chance of a higher percentage of actual Jews there as there actually were and all four the customers murdered there by the Islamic Jihadist antisemitic terrorist were indeed as targeted -- JEWS. Of course anyone is free to shop at any store in Paris ... but this was without a doubt targeted as a Jewish target. Maps with locations of JEWISH schools were found in the grocery terrorists car ... coincidence ... would you like to buy the Brooklyn bridge if you believe that?

Of course antisemites and much of the Muslim world, which face it is riddled with antisemitism (hatred against Jews) is pushing the big lie that the entire terror incident in Paris (Hebdo and the grocery) was indeed masterminded by Jews themselves, false flag garbage and all that.

How the world is to combat this kind of murderous irrational hatred, well I don't have a clue, but dancing around who is the enemy and DENIAL as Obama seems to be doing can't possibly be the answer.

In case not clear ... the enemy is Islamic Jihadism. Not Islam. Not all Muslims. That specific thing which sadly has quite a bit of support in the Muslim world.

By way of a follow on from your remarks here is an Egyptian TV host spelling out the link between Islamic state terrorism and Islamic scripture. Some of the Egyptians get it, shame Obama appears to have sided with those who don't.


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ISIS are cross cultural haters.

They hate Jews.

They hate Americans

They hate those that make fun of their prophet.

In fact, they hate nearly everybody that does not adhere to their Islamic radicalism.

Many posters on this forum would seem to be safe from their wrath.

Can you point to a single post on this forum that is in support of what ISIS is doing?

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ISIS is a subset of a wider movement ... Islamic Jihad. They also fight between themselves. I don't recall any posts explicitly supporting ISIS but I have read many many posts here in recent years rationalizing the typical Islamic Jihadist view of seeing Jews anywhere as valid proxies for Israel ... that Jews themselves are to blame for being attacked globally because of actions of Israel.

To add, the rhetoric in the videos of the Jewish grocery store terrorist include the same kind of rhetoric, knowing he was about to murder Jewish innocents he made the case they were not innocents and that his planned act of murdering Jews was actually retribution.

There is speculation that his primary target was in fact a Jewish school and obviously specifically Jewish children, but that plans were changed for some reason perhaps related to the murder of the cop.

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The Hebdo murders were motivated by the mocking Islamic Prophet cartoons at Hebdo. That wasn't based on antisemitism (hatred against Jews).

Besides being off topic, has anyone said the Hebdo murders were motivated by antisemitism (hatred against Jews)? I think not.

The Kosher grocery murders were motivated by antisemitism (hatred against Jews) and seeing any Jews anywhere in the world as proxies for the state of Israel.

Radical Islamic Jihadists have multiple targets.

The wording by Obama which many (including me) object to was explicitly about the KOSHER grocery store murders, which again, was clearly motivated by antisemitism (hatred against Jews).

So ISIS hates Jews, Christians, maybe Buddhists and a lot of other entity's also, but in fact hates everything that doesn't support their ideas.

The attacks at Hebdo were performed at the same time, by the same group of terrorists, with the same motivations.

So shall we in the future scrutinize every attack of ISIS and put it in it's PC correct drawer as if this one was anti - Christian, anti - Buddhist, anti - American, anti - English or anti -Semitic, or can be said this was a random attack at one of the many targets.

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You can say what you like, but rational people are well aware of the specific radical Islamic obsession about Jews and Israel.

Specifically to France, in recent times there has been a murderous Islamic Jihadist attack on a Jewish school. Not any other religion of school. Hardly random. Specifically antisemitic (hatred against Jews).

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The Hebdo murders were motivated by the mocking Islamic Prophet cartoons at Hebdo. That wasn't based on antisemitism (hatred against Jews).

Besides being off topic, has anyone said the Hebdo murders were motivated by antisemitism (hatred against Jews)? I think not.

The Kosher grocery murders were motivated by antisemitism (hatred against Jews) and seeing any Jews anywhere in the world as proxies for the state of Israel.

Radical Islamic Jihadists have multiple targets.

The wording by Obama which many (including me) object to was explicitly about the KOSHER grocery store murders, which again, was clearly motivated by antisemitism (hatred against Jews).

So ISIS hates Jews, Christians, maybe Buddhists and a lot of other entity's also, but in fact hates everything that doesn't support their ideas.

The attacks at Hebdo were performed at the same time, by the same group of terrorists, with the same motivations.

So shall we in the future scrutinize every attack of ISIS and put it in it's PC correct drawer as if this one was anti - Christian, anti - Buddhist, anti - American, anti - English or anti -Semitic, or can be said this was a random attack at one of the many targets.

Or you can call the attacks Islamic jihad and be done with it.

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Islamic Jihad is a reasonable label but I don't see the problem with being more specific when more detail about the motivation of specific attacks is known.

For example, we know the motivation for Hebdo was the prophet cartoons.

We know the motivation for the Jewish grocery attacks was the flavor of antisemitism that equates all global Jews with Israeli government actions. To this terrorist, in his head, they weren't innocents, but proxies of Israel.

That does bring up an interesting question ... if the Jihadists ever manage to kill or make flee all the Jews in Israel would they still have an antisemitic (hatred against Jews) ideology against global Jews? I think so but hope we never have to find out.

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Another reason it is useful to call out the enemy (Islamic Jihad and also the specific groups of that if known) and also the motivation if known is for purposes of political debate about values. In the case of the Hebdo attack there has been a lot of serious discussion about whether the media should censor itself to avoid such attacks, as it is known that the Prophet mocking cartoons are indeed provocative. In the case of attacks against Jews just for being visibly Jews, of course Jews are Jews and can't not be Jews but not drawing a cartoon ... but for the sake of safety additional security can be put in place at Jewish gathering places and also individual Jews can assess the risks and decide how important it is for them to be visible in such ways as wear a kippah in public, or not.

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He is afraid to call those terrorists (Hebdo and the grocery) Islamic Jihadists and it was stupid and offensive of him not to explicitly tell the truth about the Paris grocery: they were antisemitic (hatred towards Jews) murders perpetuated by an Islamic Jihadist terrorist.

The way Obama worded this which was wrong and/or a mistake and I hope not intentional implies that the terrorist didn't seek out Jews to murder and could have just as well gone to a place where no Jews were expected. He should correct this ASAP (at the very least to clarify the antisemitic part, he seems committed to not saying Islamic Jihadist) especially after his absurd absence at the Paris march.

What is the difference if it is anti-semitic murder, or just normal murder? Or anti-muslim, anti-christ, anti-something murder?

Murder is as bad as it can be no matter what the reason.

France surely has a large problem with immigrants and Obama doesn't want to tell it when he invites immigrants himself. (But I doubt there are islamists at the Mexican immigrants).

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Maybe because you expect to find JEWS in a kosher Jewish deli? Are far as the Islamic terrorists are concerned, a few Christians are just icing on the cake.

Thanks for cutting out part of my post to make your boat float.

How about the Muslim worker who was on site every day?

How about the Charly Hebdo attacks, that were related to the one on the grocery? Where were the Jews there?

Dude if you ever had a boat it was sunk a long time ago......people like you that offer sympathy for evil really chap my Ass. As the current leader in Thailand likes to say...You really need a "Attitude Adjustment".

Where do I offer sympathy for the attacks? Any reading issues, or you just want to sound interesting?

My point is that the jews on this forum should stop playing cry baby and stop blaming everything on anti antisemitism.

How about non-Jewish members who think this was an attack directed at a Jewish establishment because it was a Jewish establishment which allowed greater likelihood of hitting Jews?

Glad to see you got your Jew-Radar up an running.....

Who needs a Jew radar when the trees tell the followers of Allah where they are hiding, according to Islamic doomsday prophecy. Or is my own radar playing up? ;)

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Hey, Wabo. I do not really care whether you are Thai or non-Thai.

I also understand you are itching to kick up your hoofs and sharpen them on Israel.

Even in the discussion so remote as the black Muslim in a White house.

Hold on, baby, just contain your itch till a more opportune time.

Meanwhile you can wabo your itchy thai somewhere else and leave Israelis be just this once.

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Why is this a major headline story in the Thai press?

Good question - but it's not in the Thai press - it's an international newswire available everywhere. It's just that the ThaiVisa news reports are selected on the basis of what will illicit the greatest number of posts because this boosts ThaiVisa's Google ranking and so it's revenue from advertising.

Just look at what gets posted in the news sections - from the millions of news releases each day we get the ones that will get the posters posting. The more inflammatory the better. The typical TV poster profile is generally conservative to right wing - so we are fed news reports that will make our blood boil. It's like Fox News or the UK's Daily Mail and it's just a cynical attempt to drive the post count.

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