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Rare anti-coup protest in Thailand

Lite Beer

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The students are gradually ramping up the dissent. The parade last week, now this.

The junta will be having sleepless nights over what's coming next and how to deal with it!

You obviously don't remember General Suchinda.1992.

I remember ! I was there! So what's your point ?

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A brave bunch of kids practicing freedom.

The lady said she wants democracy back, Being elected doesn't mean the government is going to rule democratically. PTP were elected but were NOT democratic hence the ousting of Yingluck.

I applaud opposing sides airing their views, But the reasons because the army intervened took topple their darling.

We had a government who governed undemocratically, We have an army controlling that is not democratically voted in, BACK TO BASICS IS REQUIRED HERE, and a chance the PM can eventually make SOME inroads.

Talking nonsense. Do you know the meaning of democracy?

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Does anyone here remember when the. Beloved thai loves thai party came to power?? Were you really here??? Or just dreaming of your asian retirement to the. Land of Smiles..... .how the media was almost shut down. And the thai free press was downgraded in the eyes of the world...who in there right mind would ever think for one moment.......Thaksin had anyrhing ro do with democracy

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I just posted that I "Like" ddjamie's post. He had some very thoughtful comments in support of Phrayut that I agree with. In the situation that was confronting Thailand last May, a coup might actually have been the only reasonable option.

I truly hope the good General succeeds in his efforts to revamp the Thai political scene, but I also hope that he understands that big things spawn from small beginnings.

The army let the situation occur, they supported the Yellow crims behind the scenes, they armed Sutheps thugs, they funded the illegal rioting, they undermined the police and they where derelict in their self appointed duty of protecting the Thai people from internal threats. He cannot succeed, he can only delay the inevitable, enjoy your 5 minutes of nationalistic, right wing semi-fascism, democracy always triumphs.

No it was Thaksin that started it all, the PTP would still be in power if he had not let them add his name to the amnesty list (after they send the opposition home to vote on it an other pearl of democratic example). It was this that channeled the opposition and led to the downfall of the PTP and the rule of the junta. When will the redshirts get their facts straight. Probably never as it im embarrassing to them to see how selfish their leader is and how he breaks it all down.

Even the redshirt leaders acknowledge that it was this action that led to the demise of the government.

Exactly. A heinous bunch was ousted but what has replaced it has not exactly filled me with confidence for the future. Unfortunately many of the posters don't seem to realize that two wrongs doesn't make a right.

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I wonder what the reaction would have been had Prayuth said "I warn the protesters not to come, otherwise they will all be arrested. There will be no space reserved for the protest but only jails awaiting them. There will be no talk whatsoever, only arrests. And the Chiang Mai people should not let these people, who are like garbage, mess around."

That is a typical narrative of a ruthless Junta right? Imagine the uproar had Prayuth said that. The UDD supporters would be up in arms. TVF would have a melt down from the apologists coming out denouncing him and stating "See, they are bad" or "This is no surprise from the Junta" or "The Junta have really shown their true colors here"

Unfortunately it wasn't a quote from Prayuth. It was a quote from the last government's deputy PM.

Let that sink in. This is from a government that purported to be democratic. The CM people he is referring to is the ruthless terrorist group called RCM51. An organization of which had no issues with violently attacking gays, killing DJ's fathers or attacking anyone else that disagreed with the terrorist aka UDD ethos in CM.

Seems the Junta are showing more signs of democratic tendencies than the PTP did. AND the Junta have never ever purported to be democratic unlike the PTP.

Now when the deputy PM stated the above there was silence front the yingluck camp. There was even justification of it simply because the deputy PM was a PTP member. Statements were witnessed like "Plodprasop has a point" or "They don't need protestors ruining the imagine of Thailand" or "The protestors are yellows in disguise so should all be arrested anyway" or "They should protest away from the water summit so as not to be seen by inter nation press" Not one red denounced this. Democracy when it suits them. Justification for a lack there of when it doesn't.

No hint of that cancerous UDD narrative here. A few arrests and the journey towards democracy continues. The democracy that will ensure that democratically elected deputy PM's cannot get away with being undemocratic 1 second after the ballot box results are finalized and that protestors are NOT threatened by terrorist organizations if they dare try to have their voice heard. It is because of Plodprasops ilk and underlying, violent streak that Marshal law is in place and is why reform is needed.

Well done to the Junta for showing such restraint. The next government could learn a few things from this Junta.

I'm sensing a pattern in your logic... 'junta for democracy' ... 'bombing for peace' ... ' screwing for virginity'

I'm seeing a pattern in the replies by UDD supporters.

Unintellectual rebuttals with an inability to articulate anything more than a string of words that denounce, belittle or condescend me.

Have you seriously nothing to say regarding my comment? Nothing at all except a smart ass comment that my 4 year old son could have expressed better?

Nothing on the deputy PM? Nothing on their threats towards protestors?

A simple smart ass comment toward me that makes you feel better heay….

Have a great day my friend and I hope you feel better tomorrow.

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I wonder what the reaction would have been had Prayuth said "I warn the protesters not to come, otherwise they will all be arrested. There will be no space reserved for the protest but only jails awaiting them. There will be no talk whatsoever, only arrests. And the Chiang Mai people should not let these people, who are like garbage, mess around."

That is a typical narrative of a ruthless Junta right? Imagine the uproar had Prayuth said that. The UDD supporters would be up in arms. TVF would have a melt down from the apologists coming out denouncing him and stating "See, they are bad" or "This is no surprise from the Junta" or "The Junta have really shown their true colors here"

Unfortunately it wasn't a quote from Prayuth. It was a quote from the last government's deputy PM.

Let that sink in. This is from a government that purported to be democratic. The CM people he is referring to is the ruthless terrorist group called RCM51. An organization of which had no issues with violently attacking gays, killing DJ's fathers or attacking anyone else that disagreed with the terrorist aka UDD ethos in CM.

Seems the Junta are showing more signs of democratic tendencies than the PTP did. AND the Junta have never ever purported to be democratic unlike the PTP.

Now when the deputy PM stated the above there was silence front the yingluck camp. There was even justification of it simply because the deputy PM was a PTP member. Statements were witnessed like "Plodprasop has a point" or "They don't need protestors ruining the imagine of Thailand" or "The protestors are yellows in disguise so should all be arrested anyway" or "They should protest away from the water summit so as not to be seen by inter nation press" Not one red denounced this. Democracy when it suits them. Justification for a lack there of when it doesn't.

No hint of that cancerous UDD narrative here. A few arrests and the journey towards democracy continues. The democracy that will ensure that democratically elected deputy PM's cannot get away with being undemocratic 1 second after the ballot box results are finalized and that protestors are NOT threatened by terrorist organizations if they dare try to have their voice heard. It is because of Plodprasops ilk and underlying, violent streak that Marshal law is in place and is why reform is needed.

Well done to the Junta for showing such restraint. The next government could learn a few things from this Junta.

Obviously you couldn't find any examples of Yingluck's government banning peaceful protests or detaining protesters without charge, so you tried to make some foolish words spoken by the Deputy PM seem important. It didn't work.

"A few arrests and the journey towards democracy continues."

I don't think any informed person ever believed the junta was interested in democracy, and as more is learned about their plans to neuter democracy the number of misinformed optimists is declining. I don't think you believe the junta will bring about a better democracy, I think you prefer the secure predictability of authoritarian government to the messy uncertainty of elected government.

You ended by congratulating the junta for restraint because they only hauled off some of the peaceful protesters. Clear evidence of your fondness for authoritarian government.

So no comment on the Junta NOT threatening protestors while the PTP did then..No comments on the Junta NOT calling protestors garbage while the PTP did then?

Your justification its some foolish words by the Deputy PM..If Prayuth said them would they be some foolish words that can be dismissed? No. You would hold them as gospel and never let Prayuth forget it. Your comments highlight why reform is needed.

Thank you… Your silence and diversion of the subject warms my cockles.

It shows I am right and you are unable to accept the FACTS.

Facts are the deputy PM said this…Facts are the Junta didn't.

\Gon on…Just like the UDD justifying cheering of terrorist attacks I am sure you can justify this as well.

Before you know it you are justifying innocent victims of terrorism and convicted criminal fugitives that are unelected and running the country…..Oh…..hang on…you already are supporting those people...

Edited by djjamie
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Have any of you really really researched anything in regards to this Kingdom? Are do you just try and paste upon it what you think is right??? My Father.....used to say that 85%of the world cant find his own ass.

most of you are Fools that. Would never have found your way here if not for the intenet.....most likley ever have left your home born city.......my Mother was born here in 1933.....i moved here in 1992.... ..I really wish most of you would just leave.

despite not being one rooted to the kingdom like yourself, I agree with your sentitments entirely.

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I just posted that I "Like" ddjamie's post. He had some very thoughtful comments in support of Phrayut that I agree with. In the situation that was confronting Thailand last May, a coup might actually have been the only reasonable option.

I truly hope the good General succeeds in his efforts to revamp the Thai political scene, but I also hope that he understands that big things spawn from small beginnings.

The army let the situation occur, they supported the Yellow crims behind the scenes, they armed Sutheps thugs, they funded the illegal rioting, they undermined the police and they where derelict in their self appointed duty of protecting the Thai people from internal threats. He cannot succeed, he can only delay the inevitable, enjoy your 5 minutes of nationalistic, right wing semi-fascism, democracy always triumphs.

No it was Thaksin that started it all, the PTP would still be in power if he had not let them add his name to the amnesty list (after they send the opposition home to vote on it an other pearl of democratic example). It was this that channeled the opposition and led to the downfall of the PTP and the rule of the junta. When will the redshirts get their facts straight. Probably never as it im embarrassing to them to see how selfish their leader is and how he breaks it all down.

Even the redshirt leaders acknowledge that it was this action that led to the demise of the government.

no, the plan for the uprising was ready springtime 2013, I was informed by "yellow" friends about the conspiracy in july 2013, months before the amnesty bill voting.

Tinfoil had alert.. without that enormous overreach on Thaksin his side the PTP would still be firm in place. All this can be brought back to Thaksin.. just like most of the problems in this country. It must really hurt the reds that it is their leader that helped the coupmakers gain support.

And I heard from the postman that Thaksin is truly an alien.. (i always like those conspiracy nuts they really make my day)

Edited by robblok
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I just posted that I "Like" ddjamie's post. He had some very thoughtful comments in support of Phrayut that I agree with. In the situation that was confronting Thailand last May, a coup might actually have been the only reasonable option.

I truly hope the good General succeeds in his efforts to revamp the Thai political scene, but I also hope that he understands that big things spawn from small beginnings.

The army let the situation occur, they supported the Yellow crims behind the scenes, they armed Sutheps thugs, they funded the illegal rioting, they undermined the police and they where derelict in their self appointed duty of protecting the Thai people from internal threats. He cannot succeed, he can only delay the inevitable, enjoy your 5 minutes of nationalistic, right wing semi-fascism, democracy always triumphs.

No it was Thaksin that started it all, the PTP would still be in power if he had not let them add his name to the amnesty list (after they send the opposition home to vote on it an other pearl of democratic example). It was this that channeled the opposition and led to the downfall of the PTP and the rule of the junta. When will the redshirts get their facts straight. Probably never as it im embarrassing to them to see how selfish their leader is and how he breaks it all down.

Even the redshirt leaders acknowledge that it was this action that led to the demise of the government.

The amnesty vote gave the plotters an opening and they took it. The people have had the right to protest in the streets against the government and they did so. Yinglucks' response? She did the right thing, she dissolved parliament and called for fresh elections - returning power to the people to decide who they want to lead the country. What happened next is the reason Thailand is a basket case. The street mob crossed the line into illegality, they blockaded and sabotaged elections, they targeted individual businesses and citizens, they set loose an unaccountable armed militia in the city streets, they illegally occupied government offices and public spaces, they kidnapped, assaulted and even murdered innocents, they threw grenades at police officers.... the list goes on and on and on.........and what did the heroes in green do-----------NOTHING. They sat on their fat green asses and let the whole show implode because they were the puppet masters all along. A coup wasn't the only reasonable action, it was the desired outcome right from the start and the heroes in green did all they could to ensure it succeeded, duty be damned.

That has to be the funnest dam post I've read in a loooooong time !! Just to Dam Funny I'm glad someone has a sense of humor. Lmao

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No it was Thaksin that started it all, the PTP would still be in power if he had not let them add his name to the amnesty list (after they send the opposition home to vote on it an other pearl of democratic example). It was this that channeled the opposition and led to the downfall of the PTP and the rule of the junta. When will the redshirts get their facts straight. Probably never as it im embarrassing to them to see how selfish their leader is and how he breaks it all down.

Even the redshirt leaders acknowledge that it was this action that led to the demise of the government.

The amnesty vote gave the plotters an opening and they took it. The people have had the right to protest in the streets against the government and they did so. Yinglucks' response? She did the right thing, she dissolved parliament and called for fresh elections - returning power to the people to decide who they want to lead the country. What happened next is the reason Thailand is a basket case. The street mob crossed the line into illegality, they blockaded and sabotaged elections, they targeted individual businesses and citizens, they set loose an unaccountable armed militia in the city streets, they illegally occupied government offices and public spaces, they kidnapped, assaulted and even murdered innocents, they threw grenades at police officers.... the list goes on and on and on.........and what did the heroes in green do-----------NOTHING. They sat on their fat green asses and let the whole show implode because they were the puppet masters all along. A coup wasn't the only reasonable action, it was the desired outcome right from the start and the heroes in green did all they could to ensure it succeeded, duty be damned.

That has to be the funnest dam post I've read in a loooooong time !! Just to Dam Funny I'm glad someone has a sense of humor. Lmao

Warped sense of what was happening.. it was the PTP that bombed people. That killed children and celebrated the deaths at their party meeting. Anyone supporting those terrorists cheesy.gif .

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Warped sense of what was happening.. it was the PTP that bombed people. That killed children and celebrated the deaths at their party meeting. Anyone supporting those terrorists cheesy.gif .

Warped sense of what was happening.. it was the PTP that bombed people.


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I wonder how long before we see a thread with as title " Rare civil war in Thailand" ?

We were quite close before the coup with the red throwing grenades.. shooting and killing children. They even cheered about the attack on Trad (by redshirts who were lopping grenades and shooting up the place killing 2 kids) on one of their meeting. High ranking PTP members were there and only Tida was smart enough to shut it down realizing the public relations damage.

Unfortunately for them but good for those who of us who know how bad the red terrorist are the damage was done. Now for always they are linked to cheering about the deaths of kids on a rival political rally attacked by their terrorists.

I hope we don't have to get that close anymore. The police was told not to catch any of them and then the army stepped in catching the red terrorist and destroying their weapons caches.

Edited by robblok
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Warped sense of what was happening.. it was the PTP that bombed people. That killed children and celebrated the deaths at their party meeting. Anyone supporting those terrorists cheesy.gif .

Warped sense of what was happening.. it was the PTP that bombed people.



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....still signs of cancer....as indicated by the color of the roses....

...giving everything a dirty name....except for their lying, cheating, thieving selves....

...and the money they ditribute to do their dirty work....is the money they have been judged to have to return....

...love of country.....hardly.......

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Activists arrested for political gathering freed on bail


BANGKOK: -- Four activists who were arrested by police on Saturday for staging political activity to demand the return of democratic rule in front of Bangkok Art & Culture Centre have been released on bail early Sunday morning.

The four activists, identified as Siravich Serithivat, Pansak Srithep, Anont Nampa and Wannakiat Chusuwan, were arrested by Pathumwan police and detained at the district’s police station for violating Order 7/2557 of the National Council for Peace and Order which bans political gathering in public of more than five people.

Violation of the order is liable to one year imprisonment and/or a fine of 20,000 baht.

The arrest of the four students prompted their peers to show up at Pathumwan police station to give them moral support.

At about 3 am on Sunday, police set free the four students at 20,000 baht bail each with a condition that they must not stage political gathering again or their bails will be forfeited and they will be rebooked immediately and tried by the military court.

One of the released students, Anont insisted that they merely exercised their right to freedom within the scope of the law The group, he said, will carry on with their activity but in other forms.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/activists-arrested-political-gathering-freed-bail

-- Thai PBS 2015-02-15

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