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Prayut brushes aside reconciliation talk with Thaksin


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"He made clear that he could not compromise with any person who has been convicted under the laws"

​And this is why reform is needed… Under the deformed ideals of democracy by the previous regime it is convicted criminal fugitives that run countries and the sisters of them try to pass amnesties so those convicted criminals can return home.

Under the new refreshing ideals, unelected convicted criminals have no place in a law abiding county.

Kinda like Australia.

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"If I viewed it about winning and losing, which I dont, then you would have to say that the criminal has won"

If you view we have to say?

I accept what your saying, unfortunately I did not express myself very well, however you did succinctly point out that he lives a life of luxury, and in my opinion the winning losing philosophy just exacerbates the situation

It is clear to me that unless something changes, and I do not know what changes are required, then he is not going to return to Thailand and will not be extradited.

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-snip- For all you revolutionaries on the forum, attempting to change the form of government is treason.

Oh really. So just what would the current "government" be doing daily? coffee1.gif

Maintaining the Constitutional Monarchy form of government and rooting out the revolutionaries; much to many of the revolutionaries' displeasure. Remember the oath the military takes is to the Monarch first. Prayut honors his oath and will not overthrow the form but the ones who would change or harm the form of government. I thought you were intelligent enough and educated about Thailand enough to know that. Maybe you wanted the Rice Support Scheme to continue unaudited and unmitigated or maybe you were enjoying seeing the people of Bangkok, who came out to block a government giving itself 'blanket' amnesty, being attacked by agents of Thaksin. Maybe you thought a Thai government run from Dubai was more democratic, and therefore better, than the Junta led government that is currently cleaning some/much of the corruption out of the system. I fail to see any honest motives in the anti Prayut posters.

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Thaksin was/is as corrupt as can be- by his own admission billions of baht was hidden in his servants' names for years.

For what I ask you? Manipulation of stock is the only answer that makes sense

His sister was the PM and is now charged with negligence regarding the rice scheme. She was warned repeatedly about corruption and massive losses within the scheme. She ignored them.

If there are no serious losses or fake G to G she has nothing to lose in defending herself from unfair charges.

I don't think he hid stock in his maid/gardners names to allow him to manipulate the stock price to his advantage through policy corruption. I think it was a far more simple reason for him to do it. Quite simply because he is Thaksin Shinawatra, rising star, and he'll jolly well do as he pleases, when it pleases him, and if anyone don't like it there'll be some balaclava clad gunmen arriving on scooters to take care of the issue. Another traffic accident, solly.

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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

What terms are acceptable?

That would be interesting to know.

Is "Junta" allowed?

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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

What terms are acceptable?

That would be interesting to know.

Is "Junta" allowed?

The term "junta" has been widely used by the English language press in Thailand, therefore deemed acceptable.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

the Junta strives to sort out the mish mash the legacy of Thaksin and his political parties,

I`m sorry but it just beggars belief the ignorance of some on here who think Thaksin is the start and end of all corruption and evil in Thailand. In reality he is just a small piece of the story in a decades long tradition of a military backed elite subverting democracy in the Kingdom.

There were a staggering TEN military/elite led coups in Thailland in the period of 1932 to 2001 (when first Thaksin came to power.) There was no Thaksin then, what legacy where they striving to sort out then?

For the love of god would all you coup mongering ignoramuses do us all a favour and read some Thai history. It didn`t begin in 2001 and what we are seeing today is part of a much bigger picture.

I never said Thaksin was the major cause for corruption , I said divided a nation , you needn't lecture me about the history of Thailand if that was your intention as after 35 yrs associated with the place, I can tell you some stories about the last Junta to rule and the reporter who got crucified for investigating the goings on within the ruling Elite that would make your skin crawl.

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the Junta strives to sort out the mish mash the legacy of Thaksin and his political parties,

I`m sorry but it just beggars belief the ignorance of some on here who think Thaksin is the start and end of all corruption and evil in Thailand. In reality he is just a small piece of the story in a decades long tradition of a military backed elite subverting democracy in the Kingdom.

There were a staggering TEN military/elite led coups in Thailland in the period of 1932 to 2001 (when first Thaksin came to power.) There was no Thaksin then, what legacy where they striving to sort out then?

For the love of god would all you coup mongering ignoramuses do us all a favour and read some Thai history. It didn`t begin in 2001 and what we are seeing today is part of a much bigger picture.

Of course it was going on well before Thaksin came to power, and unfortunately will likely continue long after he's gone.

The last thing the rich elite families that control Thailand want is real democracy, an educated politically savvy population who want a fair society, and real meaningful social change. That would spell the end of their very comfortable way of life.

Thaksin was smart enough, to realize that as a Northern rich elite he could challenge the Bangkok clique by harnessing the rural poor vote. A few nice words, a few crumbs (and many lies) thrown their way and hey presto. He then put a good PR and enforcement team together to protect his position. He then set about doing exactly what he wanted to for his and his family's benefit. He is no different from the others except he's not in their clique, wants things his way not theirs and neither wants to share with the other. Compare the growth of his family's wealth during the period of his various party government, including PTP to that of the increase in wealth for the majority of Thais.

Maybe you need to read some Thai history, and not the Thaksin approved version. They are the new kids on the block and rely on a private militia rather than the military to do their dirty work. They are certainly not interested in real democracy, are proven liars and convicted criminals. What other country would tolerate a convicted criminal fugitive openly running the government, paying a salary to its MP's, picking and instructing cabinet ministers and packing key positions with unqualified relatives and in-laws?

If elections are held next year what will the parties be? The Dems representing the old rich elite and pretending to represent the poor, the Shins latest political party representing their own interests and pretending to represent the poor, various provincial political parties led by regional power broker party owners pretending to represent the poor whilst seeking the best deal for themselves from either the Dems or the Shins.

Non of the previous coups broke the cycle. This one won't without the emergence of some real political leaders who want genuine reform for the good of the country and not their own pocket. Do you see any emerging?

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the Junta strives to sort out the mish mash the legacy of Thaksin and his political parties,

I`m sorry but it just beggars belief the ignorance of some on here who think Thaksin is the start and end of all corruption and evil in Thailand. In reality he is just a small piece of the story in a decades long tradition of a military backed elite subverting democracy in the Kingdom.

There were a staggering TEN military/elite led coups in Thailland in the period of 1932 to 2001 (when first Thaksin came to power.) There was no Thaksin then, what legacy where they striving to sort out then?

For the love of god would all you coup mongering ignoramuses do us all a favour and read some Thai history. It didn`t begin in 2001 and what we are seeing today is part of a much bigger picture.

I`m sorry but it just beggars belief the ignorance of some on here who think Thaksin is the start and end of all corruption and evil in Thailand.

"Thaksin is the start and end of all corruption and evil in Thailand", said no one ever.

Too bad you can't use real logic in your argument and have to resort to the logical fallacy of the Straw Man.

The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of "reasoning" has the following pattern:

Person A (chainarong) has position X.

Person B (tullynagardy) presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X).

Person B (tullynagardy) attacks position Y.

Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.

I`m sorry but it just beggars belief the ignorance of some on here

Argument from (personal) incredulity (divine fallacy, appeal to common sense) – I cannot imagine how this could be true, therefore it must be false

There are many forms of Logical Fallacy, both formal and informal, and for those readers who would like to be able spot these dishonest and deceptive arguing techniques, please go to any of these site or to Wikipedia for a listing and description so you can know when someone is trying to trick you. In my experience, posters who use these methods are usually dishonest and deceptive elsewhere in their lives.




Edited by rametindallas
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Why should a PM hold talks with a fugitive on the run?

Yes, indeed, why should the junta hold talks with Islamic insurgents who have killed over 5000 in ten years?

What the heck, let the killing and violence continue, it does wonders for ones budget eh?

Uuhhh ok. You are comparing Thaksin with terrorists from the south. Fair enough. Yes then maybe Prayuth should have a coffee with him....
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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

What terms are acceptable?

That would be interesting to know.

Is "Junta" allowed?

You clearly never read any news.
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"If I viewed it about winning and losing, which I dont, then you would have to say that the criminal has won"

If you view we have to say?

I accept what your saying, unfortunately I did not express myself very well, however you did succinctly point out that he lives a life of luxury, and in my opinion the winning losing philosophy just exacerbates the situation

It is clear to me that unless something changes, and I do not know what changes are required, then he is not going to return to Thailand and will not be extradited.

Poor old Thaksin and that's why you wrote

"However we are where we are and in order to move forward somethings just have to be let go no matter how painful , to keep past resentment just holds you back"

Of course it might mean you just suggested Thaksin let go and remain comfortably off with his ill gotten wealth.

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Just imagine what would happen if Taksin decided to come back. He won't because he has proven to be a coward. But if he did, how would a trial against two Shinawatra's be digested by the now hybernated reds?

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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

What terms are acceptable?

That would be interesting to know.

Is "Junta" allowed?

You clearly never read any news.

I read Thai newspapers but never watch TV.

The English news I get from here sometimes.

I find it interesting that "Junta" is acceptable, as we all know that "junta" means a military dictatorship, yet we are not allowed to say so when talking about the government.

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What terms are acceptable?

That would be interesting to know.

Is "Junta" allowed?

You clearly never read any news.
I read Thai newspapers but never watch TV.

The English news I get from here sometimes.

I find it interesting that "Junta" is acceptable, as we all know that "junta" means a military dictatorship, yet we are not allowed to say so when talking about the government.

Junta doesn't necessary mean military dictatorship. You can have a civilian dictatorship too. Thaksin's PT party?


Edited by Jai Dee
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from my point of view there will be no peace if the ruling party will not have talks to the opponent. Is it again about "not losing one's face" ??

All parties are invited to talk but we all know that some see reconciliation as amnesty for their crimes. If they can't white-wash their crimes they don't believe in reconciliation it seems.

Edited by Nickymaster
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How many Farang here can cast a vote on the next election?


Sweatalot? Did you all vote last February ?

IF Thaksin is as powerful as you all claim and is such a driving force of the reds, then whether you like it or not someone has to talk about reconciliation, the fact that it's not happening and didn't happen right away is staggering, and you had clowns on here using the word reconciliation on he juntas part when it's clearly evident by this thread alone that no such process wa ever undertaken!!

To reserve differences you have to have dialogue it's that simple, it's the same thing that will have to happen with the civil war down south. It's never going to end unless dialogue takes place.

That is the comparison Nickymaster, in that for two warring factions to reconcile, you have to sit down and discuss terms and concessions, but you're so full of yourself that you honestly think and believe you've got the rights to say who does and who doesn't sit down and reconcile differences, a lot of farangs are acting like they're big shot influential Thais but you're not, unless you've got PR status and a Thai passport, youre a guest, it puts you on the same status a a tourist!!!

Leave the dialogue for those Thais that need to do the talking, keep your beliefs that you all feel so important better still, drive down to Bangkok and ask for an audience with the Junta seeing a so many of you have got it all figured out!! ?

I know my place in Thai society, I might well be married to one, but I have zero influence over family affairs, village affairs, or government affairs, for the Farang here that do best of luck !!!

Thaksin will not reconcile if he can't white-wash his and his Clan's crimes. Simple as that. Haven't you watched the last 6 years?? And the military knows that and they won't fall into that trap. Now they are doing the right thing, getting rid of all the Shins and their corrupt buddies.

Thaksin is feeling the heat. His propaganda machine couldn't stop the Junta. He knows they are doing a big clean up and that his sister and former ministers might end up being convicted.

After 35 years I might also now my place in Thai society. smile.png

Edited by Nickymaster
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Thanks Nicky good post in response to mine, and I agree with you mostly too, however I also don't like it that the Military can give themselves blanket amnesties either whitewashing their wrongdoings if this is all about the rule I law.

I wouldn't want an amnesty for Thaksin or any wrongdoer but I'm not the one in a position to say nay or yeah that's for the Thais.

It's simple but even you with your 35 years here know full well that the law is an ass and it's manipulated by those who can and do so frequently.

Corruption is a Thai way of life, it's never going to change, Thaksin exploited it as have those in power before him did too, it a just that today's technology and media Makes it easier to see on a grander scale.

I apologise to you for my rant! ? but do you have a vote that can make a difference ? 55555

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The penny hasn't dropped with Khun Thaksin, not a good look trying to get something back that he was instrumental in causing, a divided nation , it still is divided, although under the radar as the Junta strives to sort out the mish mash the legacy of Thaksin and his political parties, PM Prayuth is correct , come home Thaksin and face your peers or will you wait another 3 years till statute of limitations expires. coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 width=32 alt=coffee1.gif>

What is the satute of limitations for a military coup? The answer has been NONE because juntas always give themselves amensty.

How about juntas also face their peers, the Thai People, in THEIR court of justice. Some people seem only to want one-sided justice and not justice for ALL. wai2.gif

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The penny hasn't dropped with Khun Thaksin, not a good look trying to get something back that he was instrumental in causing, a divided nation , it still is divided, although under the radar as the Junta strives to sort out the mish mash the legacy of Thaksin and his political parties, PM Prayuth is correct , come home Thaksin and face your peers or will you wait another 3 years till statute of limitations expires. coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 width=32 alt=coffee1.gif>

What is the satute of limitations for a military coup? The answer has been NONE because juntas always give themselves amensty.

How about juntas also face their peers, the Thai People, in THEIR court of justice. Some people seem only to want one-sided justice and not justice for ALL. wai2.gif

That's why 2006 coup leader Gen. Sonthi after turning MP and joining the Pheu Thai led coalition government voted for the blanket amnesty bill. Just to be double sure.

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