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Massage parlour operator arrested for pimping

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Bangkok: – Thong Lo police have arrested a pimp suspect in a sting operation at S 22 massage parlour located on Sukhumvit 22 Road.

SukritKittipadung, 32, faces multiple vice charges, including sexual solicitation, procuring minors under the age of 18 but older than 15 and human trafficking related to child prostitution.

Thong Lo superintendent Colonel KachornpongChitpakpoom said police received a tip-off that S 22 was a brothel under the front of providing massage service.

He then authorised the sting led by Master Sergeant PraphunWisutseriphun.

Acting undercover, Praphun made a call from telephone no. 084-535-3332 to Sukrit’s 081-931-5222, requesting to have sex with two young girls.

Sukrit agreed to arrange for the sexual service, charging 3,000 baht per hour per girl.

At the appointed time, Praphun showed up and paid 6,000 baht in cash at the parlour. Sukrit took him to Room 6-7 on the second floor.

After the two girls were brought into the room and the completion of sexual solicitation, Praphun identified himself as the policeman working undercover and made the arrest.

The 6,000 baht cash, condoms, massage oil, a timer clock to keep tab of service hours were seized as evidence.

In his statement given to police, Sukrit admitted that he was in charge of running the massage parlour for about a year.

He said he used the Internet to lure young girls willing to work as prostitutes.

The girls would get paid 1,000 baht per customer. The massage parlour would take 500 baht fee. And he would earn about 500 baht to 1,000 baht.

There were nine girls aged below 18 under his charge. About eight to nine customers paid for the sexual services per day.

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Sexual exploitation at any age is just wrong, no matter how you look at it. But there is a part of me that has to ask the question, "were these girls actually exploited"?

Not going to flame u. While they may not of been exploited In reality of what did occur they were as per the law exploited. Think of it similar to statutory rape in that no rape has occurred but the law concerning concent wasn't met meaning one party couldn't give it therefore it's rape..

I agree with the underlying premise of your post I don't think your suggesting kiddy fiddling to anyone.

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"They don't really understand what they are doing!" Can't buy that argument either. They know EXACTLY what they are doing, and did it willingly.

Ok, flame away. lol


You need a better understanding of why we have the phrase "age of consent."

The legal "age of consent" in Thailand is 15 years old, however there are instances in law that mention it as 18 which is the safer age of consent to work to, so what better understanding is there to have?

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Do the Maths- There is a strange element here

'3,000 baht per hour per girl'. - 'Paid 6,000 baht in cash.

'The girls would get paid 1,000 baht per customer'

'The massage parlour would take 500 baht fee'.

'And he (Sukrit) would earn about 500 baht to 1,000 baht'.

Where is the other 500-1000bht per hour/ per girl going?

Sukrit is suggesting that potentially 2000bht (30%) of that transaction was unaccounted for.sad.png

I am suggesting that it is usually split between the BiB and the head guy running the operation.thumbsup.gif

This looks like a bone that was thrown to appease the heads of the junta, and S22 will be open for business as usual tonight.

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"They don't really understand what they are doing!" Can't buy that argument either. They know EXACTLY what they are doing, and did it willingly.

Ok, flame away. lol


You need a better understanding of why we have the phrase "age of consent."

I think he is saying that the law regarding "Age of Consent" is arbitrary, and not necessarily based on actual maturity of the individual.

Otherwise of course, so called "civilised" countries would have identical "Age of Consent" laws eg every country in the EU, or every State in the US.would have reached the same laws by now. In fact , something which is legal in Germany is illegal in the UK, as one example.

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"They don't really understand what they are doing!" Can't buy that argument either. They know EXACTLY what they are doing, and did it willingly.

Ok, flame away. lol


You need a better understanding of why we have the phrase "age of consent."

I think he is saying that the law regarding "Age of Consent" is arbitrary, and not necessarily based on actual maturity of the individual.

Otherwise of course, so called "civilised" countries would have identical "Age of Consent" laws eg every country in the EU, or every State in the US.would have reached the same laws by now. In fact , something which is legal in Germany is illegal in the UK, as one example.

Age of consent laws are completely different if it's prostitution. The minimum age for prostitution is unambiguously 18.

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"They don't really understand what they are doing!" Can't buy that argument either. They know EXACTLY what they are doing, and did it willingly.

Ok, flame away. lol


You need a better understanding of why we have the phrase "age of consent."

Girls know what they are doing from the age of 12. The average age of first sexual experience in Europe has gone down from 14, but i can't remember to what age. In a small town where i lived in Germany two girls 13 and 14 years old were taken by the social services for ''consultation'' for giving blow jobs to men of various ages all over the town, 100 Euro's a time,they didn't need an invitation via internet, the little beasts were entrepreneurs from the word go. I knew the mother of one of the girls, a decent woman, who was totally shocked and in denial that her daughter would do such a thing.

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I'm having a problem with this :

"After the two girls were brought into the room and the completion of sexual solicitation, Praphun identified himself as the policeman working undercover and made the arrest."

Why? Pretty standard sting operation. As soon as sex has been solicited, the offence has been committed.

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I'm having a problem with this :

"After the two girls were brought into the room and the completion of sexual solicitation, Praphun identified himself as the policeman working undercover and made the arrest."

Why? Pretty standard sting operation. As soon as sex has been solicited, the offence has been committed.

well, I wondered how far the "completion" actually went..

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Just1Voice you have made your point eloquently and clearly but (to me anyway) your logic is flawed, yes these children knew what they were doing and were not forced into this industry, but does that justify them being exploited by an adult?

I would not "flame" you as you state, but to me you have consciously omitted to actually define what age should be legally acceptable for children to "decide" when they provide sexual favors for money, would you like to put a number on it?

You quote the actions of your parents and grand parents as a tenuous justification for your opinion, with all due respect what happened 50-80 years ago is irrelevant and has no bearing on what happens today. The young of every country need to be protected, even if only from themselves that is the moral (and as far as I know) the legal duty of all, without exception! To me here in Asia it is even more important to protect the young, where there is poverty there is no shortage of people without conscience to exploit them.

I remember many years ago in the UK the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was formed, they made the very same points that you have, their agenda was to lobby for the lowering of the age of consent. Quite rightly they were closed down by a society that would not accept or tolerate that kind of attitude.

While I respect your right to voice your opinion, I find it sad that there are people among us who cannot appreciate the difference between a minor being sexually active, and a minor providing sexual favors to adults for money!

If it was your own child or grandchild who was involved, would you be so tolerant and understanding?

Two separate discussions.

One is what the age of consent should be. Different countries have different ideas on this.

The other is at what age should an individual be able to decide to become a sex worker.

The answer does not have to be, and probably should not be, the same.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Just1Voice you have made your point eloquently and clearly but (to me anyway) your logic is flawed, yes these children knew what they were doing and were not forced into this industry, but does that justify them being exploited by an adult?

I would not "flame" you as you state, but to me you have consciously omitted to actually define what age should be legally acceptable for children to "decide" when they provide sexual favors for money, would you like to put a number on it?

You quote the actions of your parents and grand parents as a tenuous justification for your opinion, with all due respect what happened 50-80 years ago is irrelevant and has no bearing on what happens today. The young of every country need to be protected, even if only from themselves that is the moral (and as far as I know) the legal duty of all, without exception! To me here in Asia it is even more important to protect the young, where there is poverty there is no shortage of people without conscience to exploit them.

I remember many years ago in the UK the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was formed, they made the very same points that you have, their agenda was to lobby for the lowering of the age of consent. Quite rightly they were closed down by a society that would not accept or tolerate that kind of attitude.

While I respect your right to voice your opinion, I find it sad that there are people among us who cannot appreciate the difference between a minor being sexually active, and a minor providing sexual favors to adults for money!

If it was your own child or grandchild who was involved, would you be so tolerant and understanding?

Two separate discussions.

One is what the age of consent should be. Different countries have different ideas on this.

The other is at what age should an individual be able to decide to become a sex worker.

The answer does not have to be, and probably should not be, the same.

I disagree with you about it being two separate discussions, any lowering of the age of consent would naturally lead to a lowering of the age for employment as a sex worker, to me the two are inexorably linked.

Yes they do not necessarily have to be the same but there is a correlation between the two, if it is socially acceptable for a minor to be sexually active with someone their own age, that in itself would open the door to the pedophiles argument.

While I appreciate minors have, and probably always will, be sexually active, I don't believe society can tolerate lowering any age limit. Children are not emotionally equipped to raise children we all know that, and no matter how often it happens it will never be acceptable.

I also believe it is disingenuous for western men who live in Asia to quote local laws and traditions, we all know the law's in our home countries and we understand why they are so. To relocate to another "less developed" country, and partake in activities you would not risk at home is immoral. You are taking advantage of minors and that is the end of it, because they live in poverty without the benefits of a social safety net does not make it acceptable.

As I posted previously, if it was our child or grandchild would we be so tolerant and understanding when lowering the age of consent?

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I'm having a problem with this :

"After the two girls were brought into the room and the completion of sexual solicitation, Praphun identified himself as the policeman working undercover and made the arrest."

Why? Pretty standard sting operation. As soon as sex has been solicited, the offence has been committed.

well, I wondered how far the "completion" actually went..

I think that it is generally accepted that "completion of sexual solicitation" means the discussion of what the girls would do for the fee that was requested.

There was no completion of "sexual activity", as it never reached the stage of disrobing.

The only one caught "with his pants down" was the manager of the S22 Massage shop / brothel.

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I'm having a problem with this :

"After the two girls were brought into the room and the completion of sexual solicitation, Praphun identified himself as the policeman working undercover and made the arrest."

Why? Pretty standard sting operation. As soon as sex has been solicited, the offence has been committed.

well, I wondered how far the "completion" actually went..

I think that it is generally accepted that "completion of sexual solicitation" means the discussion of what the girls would do for the fee that was requested.

There was no completion of "sexual activity", as it never reached the stage of disrobing.

The only one caught "with his pants down" was the manager of the S22 Massage shop / brothel.

you just ruined my fantasy.. thanks fella

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Sexual exploitation at any age is just wrong, no matter how you look at it. But there is a part of me that has to ask the question, "were these girls actually exploited"? Sukrit said he used the internet to "lure" girls to work, but let's look at the reality of things. In reality, they weren't "tricked" into working and, more than likely, weren't virgins either. Once they found out what the "job" was, then didn't run away, they didn't alert the authorities, or their parents. They willingly went along with it. Before everyone starts flaming me, let me remind you that in the early days of the United States, the overwhelming majority of "men" who helped explore and settle the United States were 17 - 18 years old, and the average age for the "women" was 15.

"Ohhh, different times, different circumstances!" some will shout, to which I agree with, to a point. But only to a point, as those who shout this the loudest are clearly stating that the young men and woman of today are less mature, and less informed than the men & woman of those days were. Really? Sorry, I can't buy that argument. The world was built and shaped by "young people", and they will continue to do so in many ways.

"They don't really understand what they are doing!" Can't buy that argument either. They know EXACTLY what they are doing, and did it willingly. They made a conscious decision to enter into the sex industry based on the money they could earn, and what it could buy them. Which means intelligence enough to make a judgment on their own.

Some will say that I'm condoning "kiddie sex", and that is not the case at all. All I'm saying is that at 15, 16, 17 years old, young people are totally capable of making their own decisions on matters. True, it may not always be the right decision, and could have dire consequences, but they have the intelligence to make those decisions.

I'm 66, and my grandparents married when they were 15 & 16, and stayed together their entire lives, built and raised families. My parents were 16 & 17 when they married. Does turning 18 suddenly "enlighten" and "educate" in ways that weren't possible before that age? Various countries have various ages for sexual consent and marriage, and not all of them agree. It is "society" as a whole who have placed "morality" and "right" on the younger generations, but who can say it is truly for the best?

Ok, flame away. lol

I have said for years, a girl of 16 who wants to go on the game as she sees a way of easy money friends and not breaking her back in a rice field is fine with me. But an 18 yo who has been sold by her parents , is exploited and gets trafficked is very very sad.and the perps need locking up or worse. So there !!!

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